Browse by Keywords

Churcher, T, Stopard, I, Hamlet, A, Dee, D, Sanou, A, Rowland, M, Guelbeogo, M, Emidi, B, Mosha, J, Challenger, J, Denz, A, Charles, G, Russell, E, Fitzjohn, R, Winskill, P, Fornadel, C, Mclean, T, Digre, P, Wagman, J, Mosha, F, Cook, J, Akogbéto, M, Djogbenou, L, Ranson, H, Manjurano, A, N'fale, S, Protopopoff, N, Accrombessi, M, Ngufor, C, Foster, G and Sherrard-Smith, E (2023). MINT-data-v20230208. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Okumu, F (2012). Combining insecticide treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying for malaria vector control in Africa. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.