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Petridis, C, Brook, MN, Shah, V, Kohut, K, Gorman, P, Caneppele, M, Levi, D, Papouli, E, Orr, N, Cox, A, Cross, SS, Dos santos silva, I, Peto, J, Swerdlow, A, Schoemaker, MJ, Bolla, MK, Wang, Q, Dennis, J, Michailidou, K, Benitez, J, González-Neira, A, Tessier, DC, Vincent, D, Li, J, Figueroa, J, Kristensen, V, Borresen-Dale, A, Soucy, P, Simard, J, Milne, RL, Giles, GG, Margolin, S, Lindblom, A, Brüning, T, Brauch, H, Southey, MC, Hopper, JL, Dörk, T, Bogdanova, NV, Kabisch, M, Hamann, U, Schmutzler, RK, Meindl, A, Brenner, H, Arndt, V, Winqvist, R, Pylkäs, K, Fasching, PA, Beckmann, MW, Lubinski, J, Jakubowska, A, Mulligan, AM, Andrulis, IL, Tollenaar, Rob A. E. M., Devilee, P, Le Marchand, L, Haiman, CA, Mannermaa, A, Kosma, V, Radice, P, Peterlongo, P, Marme, F, Burwinkel, B, van Deurzen, CHM, Hollestelle, A, Miller, N, Kerin, MJ, Lambrechts, D, Floris, G, Wesseling, J, Flyger, H, Bojesen, SE, Yao, S, Ambrosone, CB, Chenevix-Trench, G, Truong, T, Guénel, P, Rudolph, A, Chang-Claude, J, Nevanlinna, H, Blomqvist, C, Czene, K, Brand, JS, Olson, JE, Couch, FJ, Dunning, AM, Hall, P, Easton, DF, Pharoah, PDP, Pinder, SE, Schmidt, MK, Tomlinson, I, Roylance, R, García-Closas, M and Sawyer, EJ (2016). Genetic predisposition to ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. [Data Collection]. Breast Cancer Research.