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Data Collection
Lee, SA (2022). sophie-a-lee/spatial_smooth_framework: Data and R code to accompany 'A Bayesian modelling framework to quantify multiple sources of spatial variation for disease mapping'. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Pigott, DM, Golding, N, Mylne, A, Huang, Z, Henry, AJ, Weiss, DJ, Brady, OJ, Kraemer, MU, Smith, DL, Moyes, CL, Bhatt, S, Gething, PW, Horby, PW, Bogoch, II, Brownstein, JS, Mekaru, SR, Tatem, AJ, Khan, K and Hay, SI (2014). Source code for analysis of the zoonotic niche of Ebolavirus. [Data Collection]. GitHub, Inc..