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Data Collection
Brotons, P, Bassat, Q, Lanaspa, M, Henares, D, Perez-Arguello, A, Madrid, L, Balcells, R, Acacio, S, Andres-Franch, M, Marcos, MA, Valero-Rello, A and Muñoz-Almagro, C (2017). Nasopharyngeal bacterial load as a marker for rapid and easy diagnosis of invasive pneumococcal disease in children from Mozambique: Supporting data for the manuscript results. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
Flaherty, KE, Grembi, JA, Ramachandran, VV, Haque, F, Khatun, S, Rahman, M, Maples, S, Becker, TK, Spormann, AM, Schoolnik, GK, Hryckowian, AJ and Nelson, EJ (2021). High-throughput low-cost nl-qPCR for enteropathogen detection: A proof-of-concept among hospitalized patients in Bangladesh. S1 Dataset. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
Horton, KC, Dueger, EL, Kandeel, A, Abdallat, M, El-Kholy, A, Al-Awaidy, S, Kohlani, AH, Amer, H, El-Khal, AL, Said, M, House, B, Pimentel, G and Talaat, M (2017). S1 Dataset for "Viral etiology, seasonality and severity of hospitalized patients with severe acute respiratory infections in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2007–2014". [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
Nair, M, Kumar, P, Pandey, S, Kazmi, S, Moreto-Planas, L, Ranjan, A and Burza, S (2020). Quality of life perceptions amongst patients co-infected with Visceral Leishmaniasis and HIV: A qualitative study from Bihar, India. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
Waterlow, N (2022). NaomiWaterlow/NhaTrang_flu_rsv_interaction. [Data Collection]. Github.