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Messina, D, Paoletti, O, Belitser, S, Gini, RM, Limoncella, G and Schultze, A (2024). VAC4EU/CVM: WP4 SCCS sensitivity code for publication/Zenodo. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Nab, L, Davy, S, Parker, E and Hulme, W (2023). opensafely/covid_mortality_over_time. [Data Collection]. Github.
Pung, R, Clapham, HE, Russell, TW, Lee, VJ and Kucharski, AJ (2023). Relative role of border restrictions, case finding and contact tracing in controlling SARS-CoV-2 in the presence of undetected transmission: a mathematical modelling study. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.