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Dixon, J and Mundoga, FT (2024). Multimorbidity and Knowledge Architectures: An Interdisciplinary Global Health Collaboration (KnowM): Qualitative Dataset, Zimbabwe (2021-2024). [Data Collection]. UK Data Service.
Liverani, M, Nguon, C, Sok, R, Kim, D, Nou, P, Nguon, S and Yeung, S (2017). Improving access to health care amongst vulnerable populations: a qualitative study of village malaria workers in Kampot, Cambodia. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Marchant, T and Schellenberg, J (2014). Coverage and Content of Health Contacts for Mothers and Newborns in Uttar Pradesh, Ethiopia and Nigeria, 2012. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.