Items where Data Creator is Lewin, Alex"

Banterle, M, Zhao, Z, Bottolo, L, Richardson, S, Leoncio, W, Lewin, A, Zucknick, M and Zhao, Z (2021). BayesSUR: Bayesian Seemingly Unrelated Regression. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Kessy, A, Lewin, A and Strimmer, K (2017). Optimal Whitening and Decorrelation. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Lewin, A, Hamilton, S, Witkover, A, Langford, P, Nicholas, R, Chataway, J and Bangham, CR (2016). Raw data for RBC, Hb and haematocrit from article: Free serum haemoglobin is associated with brain atrophy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Lewin, A, Hamilton, S, Witkover, A, Langford, P, Nicholas, R, Chataway, J and Bangham, CR (2016). Nano LC MS-MS peptide matches from article: Free serum haemoglobin is associated with brain atrophy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Lewin, A, Hamilton, S, Witkover, A, Langford, P, Nicholas, R, Chataway, J and Bangham, CR (2016). Raw data for SELDI-TOF high range from article: Free serum haemoglobin is associated with brain atrophy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Lewin, A, Hamilton, S, Witkover, A, Langford, P, Nicholas, R, Chataway, J and Bangham, CR (2016). Raw data for SELDI-TOF low range from article: Free serum haemoglobin is associated with brain atrophy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.