Items where Data Creator is Odufuwa, Olukayode G."

Data Collection
Mseti, JJ, Maasayi, MS, Lugenge, AG, Mpelepele, AB, Kibondo, UA, Tenywa, FC, Odufuwa, OG, Tambwe, MM and Moore, SJ (2024). Additional file 2 of Temperature, mosquito feeding status and mosquito density influence the measured bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets in cone assays. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Odufuwa, OG, Bradley, J, Ngonyani, S, Mpelepele, AB, Matanila, I, Muganga, JB, Bosselmann, R, Skovmand, O, Mboma, ZM and Moore, SJ (2024). Additional file 4 of Time of exposure and assessment influence the mortality induced by insecticides against metabolic resistant mosquitoes. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Lugenge, AG, Odufuwa, OG, Mseti, JJ, Swai, JK, Skovmand, O and Moore, SJ (2024). Complete series method (CSM): a convenient method to reduce daily heterogeneity when evaluating the regeneration time (RT) of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Kibondo, UA, Odufuwa, OG, Ngonyani, SH, Mpelepele, AB, Matanilla, I, Ngonyani, H, Makungwa, NO, Mseka, AP, Swai, K, Ntabaliba, W, Stutz, S, Austin, JW and Moore, SJ (2022). Additional file 3 of Influence of testing modality on bioefficacy for the evaluation of Interceptor® G2 mosquito nets to combat malaria mosquitoes in Tanzania. [Data Collection]. Figshare.