Items where Data Creator is Barnard, Rosanna C."

18 February 2021
Davies, NG, Abbott, S, Barnard, RC, Jarvis, CI, Kucharski, AJ, Munday, J, Pearson, CAB, Russell, TW, Tully, DC, Washburne, AD, Wenseleers, T, Gimma, A, Waites, W, Wong, KL, van Zandvoort, K, Silverman, JD, Diaz-Ordaz, K, Keogh, R, Eggo, RM, Funk, S, Jit, M, Atkins, KE and Edmunds, WJ (2021). Analysis data and code for "Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern 202012/01 in England". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
21 February 2021
Liu, Y, Sandmann, F, Barnard, RC, Pearson, CAB, LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Davies, NG and Jit, M (2021). Country Level COVID-19 Vaccination Prioritisation Decision Support Tool for WHO EUR. [Data Collection].
25 February 2021
Davies, NG, Abbott, S, Barnard, RC, Jarvis, CI, Kucharski, AJ, Munday, J, Pearson, CAB, Russell, TW, Tully, DC, Washburne, AD, Wenseleers, T, Gimma, A, Waites, W, Wong, KL, van Zandvoort, K, Silverman, JD, Diaz-Ordaz, K, Keogh, R, Eggo, RM, Funk, S, Jit, M, Atkins, KE and Edmunds, WJ (2021). Analysis data and code for "Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
21 June 2021
Liu, Y, Sandmann, FG, Barnard, RC, Pearson, CA, CMMID Working-19 Working Group, Pastore, R, Pebody, R, Flasche, S and Jit, M (2021). Optimising health and economic impacts of COVID-19 vaccine rollout strategies in the WHO European Region. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
17 November 2021
Rosello, A, Abbott, S and Barnard, RC (2021). rmjlros/COVID19_care_home_NPIs. [Data Collection]. Github.
10 December 2021
Chapman, LAC, Barnard, RC, Russell, TW, Abbott, S, Van Zandvoort, K, Davies, NG and Kucharski, AJ (2021). Unexposed populations and potential COVID-19 burden in European countries as of 21st November 2021. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
7 July 2022
Barnard, RC (2022). rosannaclairebarnard/covidm-mtd-Omi. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.