Items where Data Creator is Williams, Thomas"

Data Collection
Nyundo, C, Doyle, AM, Walumbe, D, Otiende, M, Kinuthia, M, Amadi, D, Jibendi, B, Mochamah, G, Kihuha, N, Williams, T, Ross, DA and Bauni, E (2020). Supplementary files 2 and 3 for "Linking health facility data from young adults aged 18-24 years to longitudinal demographic data: Experience from The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Band, G, Si Le, Q, Clarke, GM, Kivinen, K, Hubbart, C, Jeffreys, AE, Rowlands, K, Leffler, EM, Jallow, M, Conway, D, Sisay-Joof, F, Sirugo, G, d’Alessandro, U, Toure, OB, Thera, MA, Konate, S, Sissoko, S, Mangano, VD, Bougouma, EC, Sirima, SB, Amenga-Etego, LN, Ghansah, AK, Hodgson, AVO, Wilson, MD, Enimil, A, Ansong, D, Evans, J, Ademola, SA, Apinjoh, TO, Ndila, CM, Manjurano, A, Drakeley, C, Reyburn, H, Hoan Phu, N, Quyen, NTN, Quang Thai, C, Tinh Hien, T, Teo, YY, Manning, L, Laman, M, Michon, P, Karunajeewa, H, Siba, P, Allen, S, Allen, A, Bahlo, M, Davis, TME, Simpson, V, Shelton, J, Spencer, CCA, Busby, GBJ, Kerasidou, A, Drury, E, Stalker, J, Dilthey, A, Mentzer, AJ, McVean, G, Bojang, KA, Doumbo, O, Modiano, D, Koram, KA, Agbenyega, T, Amodu, OK, Achidi, E, Williams, T, Marsh, K, Riley, E, Molyneux, M, Taylor, T, Dunstan, SJ, Farrar, J, Mueller, I, Rockett, KA and Kwiatkowski, DP (2019). Insights into malaria susceptibility using genome-wide data on 17,000 individuals from Africa, Asia and Oceania. [Data Collection]. Nature Communications.