Items where Data Creator is Post, Rory"

19 June 2017
Hendy, A, Sluydts, V, Tushar, T, De Witte, J, Odonga, P, Loum, D, Nyaraga, M, Lakwo, T, Dujardin, J, Post, R, Kalinga, A and Echodu, R (2017). Esperanza Window Traps for the collection of anthropophilic blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Uganda and Tanzania. S1 Table. Trap data. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
31 May 2018
Nikièma, AS, Koala, L, Post, RJ, Paré, AB, Kafando, CM, Drabo, F, Belem, AM, Dabiré, RK and Traoré, S (2018). Data for: Onchocerciasis prevalence, human migration and risks for onchocerciasis elimination in the Upper Mouhoun, Nakambé and Nazinon river basins in Burkina Faso. [Data Collection]. Mendeley Data.