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2 April 2007
University of KwaZulu-Natal (2007). Kwazulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study 2004, Wave 3. [Data Collection]. DataFirst.
11 November 2011
Scholten, F and Seeley, J (2011). SAGE Well-Being of Older People Study-2009, Wave 1. [Data Collection]. WHO Multi-Country Studies Data Archive.
19 July 2016
Mtuya, C, Cleland, CR, Philippin, H, Paulo, K, Njau, B, Makupa, WU, Hall, C, Hall, A, Courtright, P and Mushi, D (2016). Reasons for poor follow-up of diabetic retinopathy patients after screening in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study. [Data Collection]. BMC Ophthalmology.
21 October 2016
Webb, E (2016). Data from a cluster randomized trial in Uganda concerning the management of fever cases in public health facilities. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.