Primary and secondary measurements collected when trialling use of insecticide-treated scarves to protect against Musca sorbens

Robinson, A, Reis de Oliveira Gomes, L, Abdurahman, OS, Alemayehu, W, Shuka, G, Melese, E, Guye, M, Legesse, D, Elias, E, Temam, K, Korso, HK, Muluadam, AA, Virginia, S, Lambert, S, Walker, SL, Habtamu, E, Solomon, AS, Last, AR, Macleod, D, Burton, MJ and Logan, JG. 2021. Primary and secondary measurements collected when trialling use of insecticide-treated scarves to protect against Musca sorbens. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:

Robinson, A, Reis de Oliveira Gomes, L, Abdurahman, OS, Alemayehu, W, Shuka, G, Melese, E, Guye, M, Legesse, D, Elias, E, Temam, K, Korso, HK, Muluadam, AA, Virginia, S, Lambert, S, Walker, SL, Habtamu, E, Solomon, AS, Last, AR, Macleod, D, Burton, MJ and Logan, JG. Primary and secondary measurements collected when trialling use of insecticide-treated scarves to protect against Musca sorbens [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2021. Available from:

Robinson, A, Reis de Oliveira Gomes, L, Abdurahman, OS, Alemayehu, W, Shuka, G, Melese, E, Guye, M, Legesse, D, Elias, E, Temam, K, Korso, HK, Muluadam, AA, Virginia, S, Lambert, S, Walker, SL, Habtamu, E, Solomon, AS, Last, AR, Macleod, D, Burton, MJ and Logan, JG (2021). Primary and secondary measurements collected when trialling use of insecticide-treated scarves to protect against Musca sorbens. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Data capture method Field observation: Participant
Data Collection Period
11 November 201923 December 2019
Date (Completed) 10 November 2021
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Data Creators Robinson, A, Reis de Oliveira Gomes, L, Abdurahman, OS, Alemayehu, W, Shuka, G, Melese, E, Guye, M, Legesse, D, Elias, E, Temam, K, Korso, HK, Muluadam, AA, Virginia, S, Lambert, S, Walker, SL, Habtamu, E, Solomon, AS, Last, AR, Macleod, D, Burton, MJ and Logan, JG
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (-2023)
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases > Dept of Clinical Research
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases > Dept of Disease Control
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Sydney, Australia, The Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, Division of Universal Health Coverage/Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases, World Health Organization
Date Deposited 30 Nov 2021 12:33
Last Modified 13 Oct 2022 16:14
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine



Data / Code

Filename: Musca_Sorbens_trial_data.csv

Description: Dataset containing primary (fly-eye, -nose and -mouth contact) and secondary (person and environmental variables) measurements when trialling use of insecticide-treated scarves to protect against Musca sorbens


Content type: Dataset

File size: 29kB

Mime-Type: text/plain




Filename: Musca_Sorbens_trial_data_codebook.html

Description: Codebook for dataset containing primary and secondary measurements from insecticide-treated scarves


Content type: Textual content

File size: 18kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Filename: Stronger_SAFE_Phase2_Repellency_trials_v2.4.pdf

Description: Stronger-SAFE Phase II – Clinical Trial Protocol – Repellent testing (v2.4, May 2019)


Content type: Textual content

File size: 9MB

Mime-Type: application/pdf




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