HALT-IT - tranexamic acid for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Roberts, I, Coats, T, Edwards, P, Gilmore, I, Jairath, V, Ker, K, Manno, D, Shakur, H, Stanworth, S and Veitch, A. 2014. HALT-IT - tranexamic acid for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from: https://doi.org/10.17037/DATA.89.

Roberts, I, Coats, T, Edwards, P, Gilmore, I, Jairath, V, Ker, K, Manno, D, Shakur, H, Stanworth, S and Veitch, A. HALT-IT - tranexamic acid for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2014. Available from: https://doi.org/10.17037/DATA.89.

Roberts, I, Coats, T, Edwards, P, Gilmore, I, Jairath, V, Ker, K, Manno, D, Shakur, H, Stanworth, S and Veitch, A (2014). HALT-IT - tranexamic acid for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.17037/DATA.89.


Data capture method Lab observation
Date (Completed) November 2014
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Roberts, I, Coats, T, Edwards, P, Gilmore, I, Jairath, V, Ker, K, Manno, D, Shakur, H, Stanworth, S and Veitch, A
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Population Health (2012- )
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases > Dept of Clinical Research
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of Leicester, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital, New Cross Hospital
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
HALT-ITNHS National Institute for Health ResearchUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 02 Mar 2016 12:05
Last Modified 18 Aug 2022 14:46
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine




Filename: UserGuide.pdf

Description: User guide for data collection


Content type: Textual content

File size: 420kB

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Study Instrument

Filename: File1-StudyEntryForm.pdf

Description: Entry form used to assess eligibility and collect baseline information for the study


Content type: Textual content

File size: 490kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: File2-OutcomeForm.pdf

Description: Short Outcome form to be completed from medical records within 28 days after randomisation, on discharge from randomising hospital, or on death (whichever occurs first)


Content type: Textual content

File size: 677kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: File3-SummarySheet.pdf

Description: Short information leaflet on the trial provided to the patient and, if present, their relatives, prior to enrolment


Content type: Textual content

File size: 274kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: File4-InformationSheet.pdf

Description: Trial information sheet to be provided to the patient


Content type: Textual content

File size: 299kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: File5-ConsentForm.pdf

Description: Consent sheet. If the patient cannot read or write, the information sheet may be read to them and they may mark the form with a cross or thumbprint. Witnesses not associated with the trial must provide a full signature confirming the mark


Content type: Textual content

File size: 517kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf




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