Data and R code to support Rosello et al., (2021). Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in English care homes: a modelling study. BMC Infectious Diseases (submitted).
This study simulates SARS-CoV-2 transmission in an English care home and evaluates the probability of an outbreak over time for a care home with non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) already in place. The model includes resident hospitalisation, testing of residents and staff, isolation of residents, absence and replacement of staff, and resident death. The authors evaluate the relative importance of the different routes of importation to the care home: from hospital through the hospitalisation of residents, from the community through visitors, and from the community through staff. They also address the impact of additional control measures, namely: increasing staff and resident testing frequency, using lateral flow antigen testing tests instead of PCR, enhancing infection prevention and control, increasing the proportion of residents isolated, shortening the delay to isolation, improving the effectiveness of isolation, restricting visitors and limiting staff to working in one care home.