The FABLE Calculator (FABLE-C) is an open tool created in 2018 for the FABLE initiative ( Since its launch, it has been developed, regularly updated and improved through the release of update packages by the FABLE Secretariat in collaboration with members of the FABLE Consortium (see documentation on Github). This version of the FABLE Calculator for The Gambia builds on a version created by the FABLE Secretariat in 2019 including all update packages until 30 and pre-filled with data for The Gambia from available global databases. This version includes improvements made by the authors regarding scenarios for climate change impacts on crop yields under adaptation strategies (optimised planting dates, climate-resilient cultivars, high-yielding cultivars, increased fertilizer use) based on a systematic review (Carr et al 2022 Environ. Res. Lett. 17 053001). All the update packages which have been released by the FABLE Secretariat until update package 30 have been implemented by the authors. The uploaded version of the calculator has been used in the following publication: Addressing future food demand in The Gambia: can increased crop productivity and climate change adaptation close the supply-demand gap?