The search includes terms covering three concepts: children and adolescents ages from 0 to 18; sexually transmitted infections, not including HIV; and sexual abuse and child maltreatment. The search strategy for children and adolescents drew on that published by the Cochrane Collaboration Child Health Field (Denise Thomson, Coordinator , Cochrane Child Health Field. Cochrane Child Health Field. About The Cochrane Collaboration (Fields) 2012, Issue 8. Art. No.: CE000136). The other search strategies were constructed by JF. The search was limited to papers published since 1995, no other limits were applied. A search was constructed on the Ovid Medline database and reviewed by PM and HK. This strategy was then run across all other databases, amending the terms and syntax where necessary. The following databases were searched: * Ovid MEDLINE, 1946 to August Week 3 2016 * Ovid Embase, 1974 to 2016 August 29 * Ovid PsycINFO, 1806 to July Week 4 2016 * Ovid PsycEXTRA, 1908 to August 22, 2016 * Ovid Global Health, 1910 to 2016 week 33 * EBSCO CINAHL Plus with Full Text, search run on 30 August 2016 * EBSCO Africa-Wide Information, search run on 30 August 2016 * EBSCO Violence & Abuse Abstracts, search run on 30 August 2016 * EBSCO Pascal, search run on 30 August 2016 * EBSCO Criminal Justice Abstracts, search run on 1 September 2016 * Web of Science Core Collection, search run on 22 September 2016 * Web of Science Korean Journal Database, search run on 22 September 2016 * Web of Science Russian Science Citation Index, search run on 22 September 2016. As this database only contains information from 2005 to present, results from this database do not cover the entire time period under review. * Web of Science SciELO Citation Index, search run on 22 September. As this database only contains information from 1997 to present, results from this database do not cover the entire time period under review. * SCOPUS, search run on 30 August 2016 * Cochrane Library, search run on 31 August 2016 * ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), search run on 31 August 2016 * ProQuest Disserations & Theses Global, search run on 31 August 2016 * ProQuest ASSIA, search run on 1 September 2016 * ProQuest Social Services Abstracts, search run on 1 September 2016 * ProQuest Sociological Abstracts, search run on 1 September 2016 * ProQuest ERIC, search run on 1 September 2016 * LILACS, search run on 1 September 2016 * IMSEAR, search run on 1 September 2016 * WPRIM, search run on 1 September 2016 * IndMed, search run on 1 September 2016 * 3ie, search run on 1 September 2016 * Campbell Library, search run on 1 September 2016 Results were imported into EndNote software and manually deduplicated.