medcode,readterm 1694,o/e - disorientated 1713,confused 1993,memory loss - amnesia 2908,memory disturbance 3325,[d] senile confusion 3486,toxic confusional state 3991,confusion 4033,acute confusional state 4874,o/e - mentally confused 4951,chronic confusional state 5188,[d]confusion 5367,o/e - delirious 5777,memory loss symptom 6061,organic memory impairment 6387,mild memory disturbance 7332,reactive confusion 7674,cognitive decline 7711,[d]memory deficit 7742,forgetful 9786,loss of memory for recent events 10123,memory loss 10514,memory impairment 10571,short-term memory loss 10822,impaired cognition 11410,poor short-term memory 11735,disorientated 11936,[x]mild cognitive disorder 12057,memory problem 12277,lom - loss of memory 12583,poor memory 12805,memory loss - amnesia 16968,o/e - confused 17021,subacute confusional state 19073,memory lapses 19297,loss of memory 19719,orientation confused 20683,"[d]disorientation, unspecified" 22332,confabulation 22466,delirium - acute organic 22802,referral to memory clinic 24035,"subacute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin" 24077,delirium - subacute organic 24952,forgetful 25051,"acute confusional state, post traumatic" 25114,"acute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin" 26104,[d]toxic confusional state 26434,bad memory 32367,impairment of working memory 32599,unable to remember own age 37191,poor memory for remote events 38671,"subacute confusional state, of metabolic origin" 39337,[x]acute / subacute brain syndrome 39507,poor visual sequential memory 39915,memory dysfunction 40091,forgets what has just done 41348,momentary confabulation 41366,forgets recent activities 41537,acute confusional state nos 41993,disorientated in time 41994,disorientated in place 41995,disorientated in person 44131,[x]men & beh dis due seds/hypns: withdrwl state wth delirium 46314,unable to remember motor skills 47581,long-term memory loss 47882,transient memory loss 47994,forgets what has just heard 48711,fantastical confabulation 50418,memory deficit 50683,"acute confusional state, of infective origin" 51379,memory disturbance (& amnesia (& symptom)) 51724,mild memory disturbance 51739,distortion of memory 52394,[x]other delirium 52800,memory: important event not kn 52801,memory: import.person not knwn 52805,memory: count down unsuccess. 52811,"[x]disorientation, unspecified" 52825,memory: present month not knwn 52939,[x]oth & unspec symptom/sign involv cognit funct/awareness 52947,memory: own age not known 52948,memory: present year not known 53014,memory: present place not knwn 53016,memory: address recall unsucc. 53125,memory: own dob not known 53146,memory: present time not known 53507,minor memory lapses 53924,"[x]delirium, unspecified" 53978,poor long-term memory 55460,spatial disorientation 55784,subacute confusional state nos 57750,unable to remember new motor skills 59515,forgets what was going to do 59830,memory aided by use of diary 60263,gds level 3 - mild cognitive decline 60600,forgets what was going to say 60726,gds level 4 - moderate cognitive decline 61238,"subacute confusional state, post traumatic" 62749,cannot remember wedding anniversary 63849,unable to remember day of the week 63942,unable to remember own date of birth 64524,confabulation 64892,invents experiences to compensate for loss of memory 65365,memory retraining 65696,impairment of primary memory 65856,gds level 2 - very mild cognitive decline 66001,dysmnesia 66012,disorientation for person 66271,disorientated in time 66684,unable to remember today's date 67163,disturbance of memory for order of events 67802,no memory for recent events 67838,memory loss symptom 67951,memory aided by use of lists 68230,memory gone 68703,patient forgets to take medication 69118,cannot remember own age 69359,"subacute confusional state, of infective origin" 70057,gds level 5 - moderately severe cognitive decline 70409,"acute confusional state, of metabolic origin" 70677,[x]other amnesia 70895,forgets what has just read 72520,gds level 7 - very severe cognitive decline 93319,forgets what has just said 93856,unable to remember name of current prime minister 94079,"acute confusional state, of endocrine origin" 94164,seen in memory clinic 94717,gds level 6 - severe cognitive decline 98287,memory aided by use of labels 98798,delayed verbal memory 102880,loss of memory 103375,memory loss - amnesia 103453,short-term memory loss 103479,forgets what has just seen 105538,memory disturbance 105793,cannot remember names of intimates 107282,mild cognitive impairment 107402,severe cognitive impairment 107482,moderate cognitive impairment 108266,cognitive impairment 108582,unable to remember current year 110307,memory impairment 112783,[x]delirium of mixed origin