Visit for details.
variable | definition (if phrased as a question, 0=no 1=yes) | comments |
childid | child ID | |
district_id | district id | |
subc | numerical subcounty code | |
idate_month | month/year of interview | |
hh_id | household ID | |
totchild | total children under 5 in this household | |
cagegrp | child age group | |
crelate | relationship of respondent to child | |
crelato | other relationship of respondent to child type not mentioned in category in crelate | |
mother | tags 1 row per household for households where there are more than one child (for analyses of household-level variables) | |
allfever | did child have fever? | (only filled if child is age 4m+) |
malaria | child had fever+positive test? | (only filled if child is age 4m+) |
hadrdt | child with fever had rdt? | (only filled if child is age 4m+) |
fever | did child have fever (only filled if child is age 4m+), excl those with neg blood test | (only filled if child is age 4m+) |
hadtest | child with fever had blood taken | (only filled if child is age 4m+) |
anydiarr | did child have diarrhoea? | |
anysevdia | child had severe diarrhoea (8+stls)? | |
diarrhoea | did child have watery diarrhoea? | |
sevdiarrh | child had 8+ watery stools? | |
pneum | did child have pneumonia symptoms? | |
epil | did child have convulsions? | |
notcons | was child unconscious? | |
ill | sick with fever/diarr/pneum? (aka MDP) | |
allill | sick with allfever/diarr/pneum? | |
multi_ill | comorbid children with 2 or more of fever/diarrhoea/pneumonia | |
maldrug | given ACT or rect_artesunate | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
malqdrug | given malaria drugs incl quinine | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
malwrong_drug | given non-recomm malaria drugs inc quinine | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
diardrug | given diarrhoea drugs | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
diardrug2 | given diarrhoea drugs(incl zinc) | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
pneudrug | given pneumonia drugs | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
amoxdrug | given amoxicillin | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
prompt | sought advice OR treatment <2days from symptoms | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
anydiadrug | given any diarrhoes drug | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
anymaldrug | given any malaria drug | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
anypnedrug | given any pneu drug | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
anydrug | child given any drug | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
malapprop_q | appropriate treatment for fever received (including qunine as appropriate treatment) | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
mal2pprop_q | appropriate treatment for confirmed malaria received (including qunine as appropriate treatment) | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
malapprop | appropriate treatment for fever received | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
mal2pprop | appropriate treatment for confirmed malaria received | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
diapprop | appropriate treatment for darrhoea received | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
dia2pprop | appropriate treatment for darrhoea received (including zinc) | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
dia3pprop | appropriate treatment for severe darrhoea received | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
dia4pprop | appropriate treatment for severe darrhoea received (including zinc) | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
pnapprop | appropriate treatment for pneumonia received | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
pnapprop_a | appropriate treatment for pneumonia received (amoxicillin only) | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
provfirst | 1st location care sought | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
aprovfirst | 1st location care sought - Includes children with malaria-negative fever | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
vht_novht | =1 if first location visited was the Village Health Team member (VHT aka community health worker or CHW), otherwise 0 | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
avht_novht | =1 if first location visited was the Village Health Team member (VHT aka community health worker or CHW), otherwise 0. Includes children with malaria-negative fever | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
provsec | second location sought care | skipped if child does not fulfill all criteria required in denominator (e.g. child must have symptoms of illness(es) in question) |
agegrp | age group of respondent (primary carer) | |
ethnic | ethnicity of respondent (primary carer) | |
edu2 | primary/secondary education | |
farmer | respondent is a farmer? | |
relig | religion recoded: christian/muslim/other | |
missds | =1 if child has missing socio-economic status vars, otherwise 0 | |
relhoh | relationship of respondent to Head of household (HoH) | |
gender | re-coded gender of child (1=male, 0=female) | |
vhtcom | does community have a vht? | |
visitm | did vht visit in past month? | |
vhtvacc | did vht ask about vaccinations? | can be skipped |
vhtrec | did vht keep a health record? | can be skipped |
advht | did vht advise on health habits? | can be skipped |
vhtask | vht asked about hygiene/health? | can be skipped |
misvht1 | Child has responses missing for either VHTCOM or VISITM | |
misvht2 | Child has responses missing for any of VHTVACC VHTREC ADVHT VHTASK | |
novhtreas | reasons for not visiting vht 1st or 2nd | can be skipped |
totcareseekcost | cost of care seeking (Uganda Shillings) | |
logtotcost | log cost of care seeking (Uganda Shillings) | |
ses | updated wealth index Aug2015 - lowest=household is in lowest wealth quintile, second=second lowest, etc |