
Variable Name Variable Label Answer Label Answer Code Variable Type
idnum Study ID Open ended - Numeric
ptypcat Participant category - - Numeric
- - Pre-ART 1 -
- - On ART 2 -
- - HTC 3 -
visit XPHACTOR study visit at which enrolled to substudy - - Numeric
- - Enrolment 0 -
- - 1-month 1 -
- - 2-month 2 -
- - 3-month 3 -
age Age, years Age, years - Numeric
sex Sex - - Numeric
- - Male 1 -
- - Female 2 -
eth_gp Ethnic group - - Numeric
- - Black 1 -
- - Other 2 -
prevtb Previous TB - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
inhgp Ever had isoniazid preventive therapy - - Numeric
- - No or don't know 0 -
- - yes 1 -
ctxgp Ever had cotrimoxazole preventive therapy - - Numeric
- - No or don't know 0 -
- - yes 1 -
TB TB diagnosed over 6 months of follow up - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
CaseDef TB Case Definition Bacteriologically confirmed vs. Started TB Rx - - Numeric
- - NotTB 0 -
- - ConfirmedTB 1 -
- - ClinicalTB 2 -
TBsite Site of TB - - Numeric
- - Pulmonary only 1 -
- - Extrapulmonary only 2 -
- - Both 3 -
- - Not Recorded 9 -
whotool WHO-tool status when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - WHO-tool negative 0 -
- - WHO-tool positive 1 -
coua Reported Cough when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
feva Reported Fever when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
nsa Reported Night sweats when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
uwla Reported weight loss when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
bmi Body mass index when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected Body mass index (kg/m2) - double
wlcat Weight loss category when sputum sample for initial Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - >=10% weight loss- 1 -
- - <10% weight loss 2 -
- - No weight loss 3 -
- - Not Known 9 -
who_gxpv WHO-tool status when sputum sample for repeat Xpert collected - - Numeric
- - WHO-tool negative 0 -
- - WHO-tool positive 1 -
cd4_gxpvis CD4 when- sputum sample for repeat Xpert collected CD4 (cells/mm3) - Integer
repeatGXP Result of repeat Xpert- Negative- N String
- - Positive P -
- - Indeterminate I -
repeatGXPrif Repeat GXP RIF result Resistant R String
- - Sensitive S -
- - Not applicable 7 -
Algstatus_2w Number of components- of Xpert-negative pathway taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert (any of sputum for mycobacterial culture, chest radiograph, or antibiotic trial) - - Numeric
- - No component 0 -
- - >=1 component 1 -
CXRin2wks CXR taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
norm CXR taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert normal? - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
cxres Radiological features of TB on CXR taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert? - - Numeric
- - Not TB 0 -
- - Possible TB 1 -
- - Probable TB 2 -
- - No CXR 7 -
Spculin2wks Sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert? - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
afb_2w AFB result for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Scant 1 -
- - 1+ 2 -
- - 2+ 3 -
- - 3+ 4 -
- - Not done 7 -
lpa_2w LPA result- for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - MTB 1 -
- - Not Done 7 -
lpainh_2w LPA INH Resistance- for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - Sensitive 1 -
- - Resistant 2 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - Indeterminate 4 -
- - Error 5 -
- - Not Done 7 -
lparif_2w LPA RIF Resistance- for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - Sensitive 1 -
- - Resistant 2 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - Indeterminate 4 -
- - Error 5 -
- - Not Done 7 -
cul_2w Culture result- for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Positive 1 -
- - Pending 2 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - Not Done 7 -
mpt64_2w MPT64- for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Positive 1 -
- - Pending 2 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - Not Done 7 -
id1_2w -ID result- for sputum culture taken within 2 weeks of sputum sample for repeat Xpert - - Numeric
- - MSpecies 10 -
- - MTB 11 -
- - avium 12 -
- - abscessus 13 -
- - chelonae 14 -
- - fortuitum 15 -
- - gordonae 16 -
- - interjectum 17 -
- - intracellulare 18 -
- - kansasii 19 -
- - marinum 20 -
- - peregrinum 21 -
- - scrofulaceum 22 -
- - xenopi 23 -
- - Unspeciated 28 -
- - Pending 29 -
- - Other 96 -
- - Not Done 97 -
- - Dont know 99 -
ABtrial >=5 days of antibiotics taken- (antibotic trial) - - Numeric
- - No or don't know 0 -
- - >=5days 1 -
resolved Symptoms resolved after antibiotic trial? - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Partial resolution 1 -
- - Full resolution 2 -
- - Dont know 9 -
cxr_fup Any further CXR taken during follow-up? Yes 1 Numeric
norm_fup Was this further CXR normal yes/no? - - Numeric
- - No 0 -
- - Yes 1 -
- - Not applicable 7 -
- - Dont Know 9 -
cxres_fup Radiological features of TB on this further CXR? - - Numeric
- - Not TB 0 -
- - Possible TB 1 -
- - Probable TB 2 -
- - No CXR 7 -
tim2CXR_fup Time between sputum collection for repeat Xpert and further CXR, days Days - Numeric
Spcul_fup Any further sputum for culture taken during follow-up? (This does not include mycobacterial culture performed routinely at 3-month visit) Yes- 1 Numeric
SPafb_fup AFB result for further sputum culture - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Scant 1 -
- - 1+ 2 -
- - 2+ 3 -
- - 3+ 4 -
- - Not done 7 -
SPlpa_fup LPA result for further sputum culture - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - MTB 1 -
- - Not done 7 -
SPculRes_fup Culture result for further sputum-- - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Positive 1 -
- - Pending 2 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - Not Done 7 -
tim2SPcul_fup Time between sputum collection for repeat Xpert and further culture, days Days - Numeric
xpert_fup Result of any further sputum collected for Xpert during follow-up- Negative- N String
- - Positive P -
- - Indeterminate I -
xprif_fup GXP RIF result for further Xpert Resistant R String
- - Sensitive S -
- - Not applicable 7 -
tim2GXP_fup Time between sputum collection for repeat Xpert and collection of further sputum for Xpert, days days - Numeric
Lgrd2 Urine LF-LAM positive using grade 2 cut-off (pre January 2014 reference card) - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Positive 1 -
m3sputumcul 3-month sputum culture - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - MTB 1 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - NTM 4 -
m3bloodcul 3-month blood culture - - Numeric
- - Negative 0 -
- - Positive 1 -
- - Pending 2 -
- - Contaminated 3 -
- - Not Done 7 -