Data for: “Menstrual health and school absenteeism among adolescent girls in Uganda (MENISCUS): A feasibility study”

Data Description

The MENISCUS study investigated menstrual health and reasons for school absenteeism among adolescent girls in Uganda. The quantitative dataset contains questionnaire responses provided by 352 female students (one record per row), aged 12-20 (median age 16 years) recruited from four secondary schools in Entebbe sub-district, Uganda, in October and November 2015.  Variables cover knowledge and perceptions about menstrual hygiene management and reasons for school absenteeism, as well as socio-demographic characteristics of each respondent. Qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews with selected girls are not included in the data collection.

Data Collection Methods

The questionnaire was self-completed by participants with clarifications provided by Research Assistants present in the room as needed. Data was subsequently entered into a Microsoft Access database by Research Assistants and the Data Management Assistant.

Data Analysis and Preparation

The day-to-day statistical and data management of the project was overseen by Jessica Nakiyingi-Miiro, a statistical epidemiologist in MRC-UVRI.

Data checks were performed in three stages.

First, each questionnaire was manually checked for completeness by the Research Assistants and the Data Management Assistant following collection. If data was found to be missing, follow-up was performed with the relevant student.

Second, data was entered into a Microsoft Access database by Research Assistants and the Data Management Assistant. Initial range and consistency checks were performed by the Data Management Assistant and Data Manager. Queries identified were resolved promptly by consulting the students, and the database updated.

Third and finally, checks were performed by the Data Manager and Statistician who also generated/transformed variables for analysis using a ‘do file’ in STATA. Statistical analyses were conducted using Stata 14 (StataCorp, TX, USA).

Geographic regions

Entebbe Sub-District and Wakiso District, Uganda

Key dates

Quality Controls

Range and consistency checks were performed. Queries identified were resolved promptly by the study team, and the database updated.


Human research participants aged between 12 and 20 years.


All data containing personal identifiers of participants have been delinked. In instances where it is necessary to keep these identifiers linked to the participant’s data, we have kept these securely locked in cabinets (if paper data), or password protected (if electronic data) at the Uganda Virus Research Institute.


Trial approval was provided by the Institutional Review Boards of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Ref 9682), the Ethics Committees of the Uganda Virus Research Institute (GC/127 /15/04/508), and the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (HS/1810).


Pilot study, Menstrual hygiene management, Adolescent health, Menstruation, School attendance.

Language of written material


Project title

Menstrual Hygiene and Safe Male Circumcision Promotion in Ugandan Schools (MENISCUS): Feasibility and preparatory study for a cluster randomized trial.


Funder: The Medical Research Council, London, UK

Sponsor: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.

Grant Number


Data Creators

Forename Surname Faculty / Dept Institution Role
Helen Weiss Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health / Dept of Infectious Disease Epidemiology London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom Contact Person
Jessica Nakinyingi-Miiro   MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS, Entebbe, Uganda Statistician
Wilber Sembajjwe   MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS, Entebbe, Uganda Data Manager

File Description

Filename Description Format Access status Licence
meniscus_mhm_dataset This ‘wide’ format data set contains the variables collected. STATA DTA CSV Request access Data Sharing Agreement
meniscus_mhm_codebook data codebook organised under: variable name, variable description, value label for each variable, and remarks HTML MS Excel Open CC-BY
meniscus_mhm_Stata_Do_file Stata program which reads in the dataset and conducts analyses outlined in the paper STATA DO file Open CC-BY
CRF1-MHM_KII_policy_makers_stakeholders Questions for key informant views with policy makers on school attendance and menstrual hygiene management (29 April 2015) MS Word 2007 Open CC-BY
CRF5-IDI_MHM_girls_interviewguide In-depth Interview Protocol Guide for Female Students on MHM (28 Oct 2015) MS Word 2007 Open CC-BY
CRF13-MHM_self-completed_questionnaire Questionnaire on menstrual hygiene management for female students (14 Oct 2015) MS Word 2007 Open CC-BY