library(data.table) if ([["user"]] == "seb") { data_dir <- path.expand("~/Data/Yaws/") # Seb } else { data_dir <- path.expand("~/Documents/Modelling Data/") # Michael } for (months in c(6, 12)) { data_dir_months <- paste0(data_dir, "/", months, "MonthFreq") ## get list of files in data directory files <- list.files(data_dir_months, pattern = ".*\\.rds", full.names = TRUE) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(files), style = 3) system.time(for (file_idx in seq_along(files)) { l <- readRDS(paste(path, files[file_idx], sep = "/")) runs <- data.table(t(sapply(l, function(x) { x[["params"]] } ))) runs[, extinct := sapply(l, function(x) { last.state <- tail(x[["trajectory"]], 1) return(ifelse(last.state[, I1 + I2 + L] == 0, 1, 0)) })] integer <- sapply(files[file_idx], function(x) as.integer(substr(x, 10, 11))) nb_events1 <- integer %/% 6 + 1 ## divide index by 6, keep integer part, add 1 nb_events2 <- integer %% 6 ## divide index by 6, keep modulus mdatimes <- data.table(cbind(nb_events1, nb_events2)) setnames(mdatimes, c("Rounds of TCT","Rounds of TTT")) runs <- cbind(runs, mdatimes) if (is.null(dt)) { dt <- copy(runs) } else { dt <- rbind(dt, runs) } setTxtProgressBar(pb, file_idx) }) close(pb) saveRDS(dt, paste0("yaws_res_", months, ".rds")) }