library('data.table') if ([["user"]] == "seb") { data_dir <- path.expand("~/Data/Yaws/12MonthFreq") # Seb } else { data_dir <- path.expand("~/Documents/Modelling Data/") # Michael } res <- readRDS(paste(data_dir, "yaws_res.rds", sep = "/")) ##Cut the data based on MDA parameters but not estimates of Beta## extinctions <- res[, list(proportion.extinct = round(sum(extinct) / .N * 100)), by = c("tct1", "ttt1", "ttt2", "Rounds of TCT", "Rounds of TTT")] extinctions[, extinct.groups := cut(proportion.extinct, seq(0, 100, 25), include.lowest = TRUE)] setnames(extinctions,c("Rounds of TTT","Rounds of TCT"),c("ttt_rounds","tct_rounds")) ##Cut the data based on MDA parameters AND estimates of Beta## extinctions2 <- res[, list(proportion.extinct = round(sum(extinct) / .N * 100)), by = c("tct1", "ttt1", "ttt2", "Rounds of TCT", "Rounds of TTT", "Beta")] extinctions2[, extinct.groups := cut(proportion.extinct, seq(0, 100, 25), include.lowest = TRUE)] setnames(extinctions2,c("Rounds of TTT","Rounds of TCT"),c("ttt_rounds","tct_rounds")) ## calculate R0 N <-sum(c(S = 10736, I1 = 180, I2 = 180, L = 4996)) dt <- data.table(res) dt[, R0 := Beta * N * (relapse + latenttreat) / ((latent + treat) * latenttreat + relapse * treat)] dt[, mean(R0)] ## [1] 1.954078 dt[, quantile(R0, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))] ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## 1.078005 1.879248 3.324015 ## define transmission scenarios in terms of Beta ## Beta_values <- unique(dt[, Beta]) ## dt[Beta == Beta_values[1], transmission_scenario := "low"] ## dt[Beta == Beta_values[2], transmission_scenario := "medium"] ## dt[Beta == Beta_values[3], transmission_scenario := "high"] ## dt[, list(mean = mean(R0), ## min.95 = quantile(R0, 0.025), ## max.95 = quantile(R0, 0.975)), by = transmission_scenario] ## transmission_scenario mean min.95 max.95 ## 1: low 1.434656 1.010635 2.137247 ## 2: medium 1.954074 1.376659 2.911574 ## 3: high 2.473504 1.742236 3.685420 ######### define transmission scenarios in terms of R0 ## exclude R0 values <= 1 (123226 in total) dt <- dt[R0 > 1] ## determine low, mid, high third of R0 values R0_quantiles <- quantile(dt[, R0], seq(0, 1, 1/3)) ## 0% 33.33333% 66.66667% 100% ## 1.000001 1.635413 2.148715 5.026966 ## split data into low, mid, high according to these quantiles dt[, R0_quantile := cut(R0, R0_quantiles, include.lowest = TRUE)] dt[, transmission_scenario := factor(R0_quantile, labels = c("low", "medium", "high"))] ##Cut the data based on MDA parameters and defined transmission scenarios extinctions3 <- dt[, list(proportion.extinct = round(sum(extinct) / .N * 100)), by = c("tct1", "ttt1", "ttt2", "Rounds of TCT", "Rounds of TTT", "transmission_scenario")] extinctions3[, extinct.groups := cut(proportion.extinct, seq(0, 100, 25), include.lowest = TRUE)] setnames(extinctions3,c("Rounds of TTT","Rounds of TCT"),c("ttt_rounds","tct_rounds")) library('ppcor') ## reorder columns res <- res[, list(Beta, second, latent, relapse, treat, latenttreat, tct1, ttt1, ttt2, `Rounds of TCT`, `Rounds of TTT`, extinct)] ## calculate PRCC corr <- pcor(res, method = "spearman") ## create data frame for easier plotting prcc <- data.table(parameter = colnames(corr$estimate), PRCC = corr$estimate[, "extinct"]) ## remove self-correlation prcc <- prcc[parameter != "extinct"] prcc[, parameter := factor(parameter, levels = prcc$parameter)] library('ggplot2') library('cowplot') p <- ggplot(prcc[parameter %in% c("Beta", "second", "latent", "relapse", "treat", "latenttreat")], aes(x = parameter, y = PRCC)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_x_discrete("", labels = c('Beta' = expression(beta), 'latent' = expression(eta), 'latenttreat' = expression(tau[L]), 'relapse' = expression(rho), 'second' = expression(alpha), 'treat' = expression(tau[I]), 'tct1' = "TCT coverage", 'ttt1' = "TTT coverage of active cases", 'ttt2' = "TTT coverage of latent cases")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) ggsave("prcc_disease_parameters.pdf", p) p <- ggplot(prcc, aes(x = parameter, y = PRCC)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_x_discrete("", labels = c('Beta' = expression(beta), 'latent' = expression(eta), 'latenttreat' = expression(tau[L]), 'relapse' = expression(rho), 'second' = expression(alpha), 'treat' = expression(tau[I]), 'tct1' = "TCT coverage", 'ttt1' = "TTT coverage of active cases", 'ttt2' = "TTT coverage of latent cases")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) ggsave("prcc_all_parameters.pdf", p)