library(adaptivetau) library (data.table) # package for latin hypercube sampling library (lhs) # enable compiling of model code -- should speed up the simulations library(compiler) enableJIT(1) # read command line parameter(s) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) filename <- "yaws_runs" ## number of parameter slices slices <- 5 if (length(args) > 0) { sim_nb <- as.integer(args[1]) } else { sim_nb <- 1 } # number of months to use for burn-in burnin <- 50 # number of months to run the model for maxtime <- 150 # number of runs per parameter combination nb_runs <- 1000 ## treatment frequency (in months) treat_freq <- 12 #function to run a Stochastic Simulation stoSI1I2L <- function(y, parms, times, events) { # define transitions SI1I2L_transitions <- list( c(S=-1,I1=1),# infection c(I1=-1,I2=1),# Progression from Primary Disease to Secondary Disease c(I1=-1,L=1),# Progression from Primary disease to Latent Disease c(I2=-1,L=1),# Progression from Secondary Disease to Latent Disease c(L=-1,I2=1),# Relapse from Latent Disease to Secondary Disease c(I1=-1,S=1),#Treatment of Primary Disease c(I2=-1,S=1),#Treatment of Secondary Disease c(L=-1,S=1)#Treatment of latent disease ) # define rates SI1I2L_rateFunc <- function(x, params, t) { return(c(x["S"] * (params["Beta"]*x["I1"]+params["Beta"]*x["I2"]), # infection rate is complex of S, Population with primary and secondary disease and rate of infection - BETA + params["second"]*x["I1"],#Rate of progression from Prim to Second + params["latent"]*x["I1"], # Rate of progression from Prim to latent + params["latent"]*x["I2"],#Rate of progression from Second to latent + params["relapse"]*x["L"], # Rate of relapse from latent to Second + params["treat"]*x["I1"], # Rate of treatment of primary disease + params["treat"]*x["I2"], # Rate of treatment of secondary disease + params["latenttreat"]*x["L"])) # Rate of treatment of latent disease } # we only want events that are before the specified end time events$time <- events$time[events$time < max(times)] # initialise variable to hold full trajectory full.trajectory <- NULL # initialise variable to hold current simulation starting time current.time <- times[1] # convert y to integer storage.mode(y) <- "integer" # simulate up to event times for (event in events[["time"]]) { trajectory <- ssa.adaptivetau(init.values = y, transitions = SI1I2L_transitions, rateFunc = SI1I2L_rateFunc, params = parms, tf = event - current.time) # convert to data frame trajectory <- # set time to correct value (ssa.adaptivetau automatically starts time at 0) trajectory$time <- trajectory$time + current.time # apply event to last row of trajectory (except first column, # which holds time event.y <-[["func"]], list(t = unlist(trajectory[nrow(trajectory), 1]), y = unlist(trajectory[nrow(trajectory), -1]), parms = parms)) # assign eventy to y and convert to integer, preserving names y[1:length(y)] <- event.y storage.mode(y) <- "integer" # remove last row (will be first row of next iteration trajectory <- trajectory[-nrow(trajectory), ] # add to full trajectory, if there is already something in there if (is.null(full.trajectory)) { full.trajectory <- trajectory } else { full.trajectory <- rbind(full.trajectory, trajectory) } current.time <- event } # simulate from last event to final time trajectory <- ssa.adaptivetau(init.values = y, transitions = SI1I2L_transitions, rateFunc = SI1I2L_rateFunc, params = parms, tf = max(times) - current.time) # convert to data frame trajectory <- # set time to correct value (ssa.adaptivetau automatically starts time at 0) trajectory$time <- trajectory$time + current.time # add to full trajectory, if there is already something in there if (is.null(full.trajectory)) { full.trajectory <- trajectory } else { full.trajectory <- rbind(full.trajectory, trajectory) } # keep only times that were originally asked for this loops over # all columns of "full.trajectory" (via apply), and for each colum # interpolates between the times in "full.trajectory" to get the # state of the system at the times given to the function as # "times" parameter result <- cbind(time = times, apply(full.trajectory[, -1], 2, function(col) { approx(x = full.trajectory[, 1], y = col, xout = times, method = "constant")$y})) return(result) } #define the transmission model #define MDA Parameters #Total Community Treatment eventtct <- function(t, y, parms){ with(as.list(c(parms,y)),{ S <- S + tct1*L + tct1*I1 + tct1*I2 I1 <- I1*(1-tct1) I2 <- I2*(1-tct1) L <- L*(1-tct1) return(c(S,I1,I2,L)) }) } #Total Targeted Treatment #Effect is TTT of I1 and I2 and number of latent cases per clinical cases*efficacy eventttt <- function(t, y, parms){ with(as.list(c(parms,y)),{ S <- S + ttt1*I1 + ttt1*I2 + ttt2*L I1 <- I1*(1-ttt1) I2 <- I2*(1-ttt1) L <- L*(1-ttt2) return(c(S,I1,I2,L)) }) } #generate an empty list for the data to be put into simulationlist_sto <- list() #MDA Timings run_nb <- (sim_nb - 1) %% 18 slice_nb <- (sim_nb - 1) %/% 18 + 1 nb_events1 <- run_nb %/% 6 + 1 nb_events2 <- run_nb %% 6 etimes1 <- seq(from = 12, by = treat_freq, length.out = nb_events1) etimes2 <- seq(from = max(etimes1) + 6, by = treat_freq, length.out = nb_events2) allevents <- sort(unique(c(etimes1,etimes2))) #Combine TCT and TTT into a single modelled event dispatch <- function(t,y,parms){ ret <- y if (t %in% etimes1) ret <- eventtct(t,y,parms) if (t %in% etimes2) ret <- eventttt(t,y,parms) return (ret) } #Set the time frame for the model dt <- seq(-burnin, maxtime, 1) ## plist <- cbind(tct1 = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.75, max = 0.95), ## ttt1 = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.75, max = 0.95), ## ttt2 = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.09, max = 0.95), ## Beta = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.00002762, max = 0.00004603)) # grid search on relevant parameters param_grid <- expand.grid(tct1 = seq(from = 0.65, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), ttt1 = seq(from = 0.65, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), ttt2 = seq(from = 0.65, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), Beta = seq(from = 0.00002762, to = 0.00005, by = 0.00001)) ## plist <- cbind(second = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.0278,max = 0.0556), ## latent = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.139, max = 0.278), ## treat = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.12, max = 0.30), ## latenttreat = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.008, max = 0.042), ## relapse = runif(nb_runs, min = 0.012, max = 0.028)) # randomly sample other parameters (latin hypercube sampling) random_params <- list(second = c(min = 0.0278, max = 0.0556), latent = c(min = 0.139, max = 0.278), treat = c(min = 0.12, max = 0.30), latenttreat = c(min = 0.008, max = 0.042), relapse = c(min = 0.012, max = 0.028)) #Define the spectrum of inital values for population size ## initlist <- cbind(S = runif(nb_runs, min = 10736, max = 10736), ## I1 = runif(nb_runs, min = 180, max=180), ## I2 = runif(nb_runs, min = 180, max = 180), ## L = runif(nb_runs, min = 4996, max = 4996)) #fix the inital values for population size init <- c(S = 10736, I1 = 180, I2 = 180, L = 4996) start <- nrow(param_grid) %/% slices * (slice_nb - 1) + 1 if (slice_nb == slices) { end <- nrow(param_grid) } else { end <- nrow(param_grid) %/% slices * slice_nb } cat("Starting to explore parameter sets", start, "to", end, "\n") for (i in start:end) { filename <- paste0("sims_", sprintf("%02d", treat_freq), "m_", sprintf("%02d", run_nb), "_", sprintf("%04d", i), ".rds") if (file.exists(filename)) { cat("Skipping parameter set", i, "at", format(Sys.time()), "\n") } else { cat("Exploring parameter set", i, "at", format(Sys.time()), "\n") random_plist <- maximinLHS(n = nb_runs, k = 5) colnames(random_plist) <- names(random_params) plist <- sapply(names(random_params), function(name) { random_params[[name]][["min"]] + random_plist[, name] * (random_params[[name]][["max"]] - random_params[[name]][["min"]]) }) colnames(plist) <- names(random_params) simulationlist_sto <- list() for (j in 1:nrow(plist)) { #run multiple simulations simulationlist_sto[[j]] <- list() simulationlist_sto[[j]][["params"]] <- c(unlist(param_grid[i, ]), plist[j,]) simulationlist_sto[[j]][["trajectory"]] <- data.table(stoSI1I2L(y = init, parms = simulationlist_sto[[j]][["params"]], times = dt, events = list(func = dispatch, time = allevents))) #discard burn-in simulationlist_sto[[j]][["trajectory"]] <- simulationlist_sto[[j]][["trajectory"]][time >= 0] } saveRDS(simulationlist_sto, filename) } }) cat("done")