intcode |
QX |
001 |
interviewer name and code number |
idate |
QX |
002 |
date of interview |
itime |
QX |
003 |
time of interview |
eage |
QX |
004 |
Age of student in completed years |
assent |
QX |
005 |
Assent obtained from students aged 11-17? |
1"yes" 2"no" 8"not applicable" |
pcons |
QX |
006 |
Parent/guardian consent obtained for students aged 11-17? |
1"yes" 2"no" 8"not applicable" |
cons |
QX |
007 |
Consent obtained from students aged 18+? |
1"yes" 2"no" 8"not applicable" |
soccert |
QA |
10 |
What is your favourite soccer team? |
idate1 |
QA |
01 |
What is today's date? |
schcode |
QA |
02 |
Name of school |
nam |
QA |
04 |
Student initials |
form1 |
QA |
05 |
What class are you attending? |
idno |
QA |
06 |
What is your student unique study number |
schtype |
QA |
07 |
Are you boarding or day scholar? |
age |
QA |
08 |
How old are you now? (completed years) |
dob |
QA |
09 |
Date of birth |
religion |
QB |
011 |
What is your religion? |
1"Roman Catholic" 2"Church of Uganda/Anglican" 3"Seventh Day Adventist" 4"Born again churches" 5"Muslim" 6"African religion" 7"no religion" 9"other religion" |
oreligion |
QB |
011 |
If other religion, specify |
tribe |
QB |
012 |
What is your tribe? |
1"Muganda" 2"Munyankole" 3"Ugandan Rwandese" 4"Musoga" 5"Mugisu" 6"Mukiga" 7"Munyoro" 8"Atesot" 9"Acholi" 10"Alur" 11"Mutooro" 12"Mufumbira" 13"Southern Sudanese" 14"Rwanda Rwandese" 15"Burundian" 16"Tanzanian" 17 "Kenyan" 18"Other" |
otribe |
QB |
012 |
If other tribe, specify |
durmin |
QB |
013 |
How long does it take you to walk to school each day? (in minutes) |
hholdt |
QB |
015 |
How many people (adults & children) living in your household (including yourself)? |
householdtotal |
QB |
016 |
total number of people in the household |
hholda |
QB |
016 |
Of all people living in household, how many are adults? |
hholc |
QB |
016 |
Of all people living in household, how many are children? |
QB |
017 |
Does your household own or have the following: |
electricity |
QB |
017 |
Electricity |
1"yes" 2"no" |
hwater |
QB |
017 |
Running water inside house |
1"yes" 2"no" |
fridge |
QB |
017 |
Fridge |
1"yes" 2"no" |
tv |
QB |
017 |
TV |
1"yes" 2"no" |
poultry |
QB |
017 |
Poultry (more than 10 birds) |
1"yes" 2"no" |
lstock |
QB |
017 |
Livestock (cows, goats,pigs) |
1"yes" 2"no" |
cycle |
QB |
017 |
Moving motorcycle |
1"yes" 2"no" |
car |
QB |
017 |
Moving car |
1"yes" 2"no" |
land |
QB |
017 |
Land for farming |
1"yes" 2"no" |
watsource |
QB |
018 |
Water source, if no running water in house |
1"tap/piped water" 2"protected well/spring" 3"borehole" 4"unprotected well/spring" 5"lake" 6"river" 9"other" |
owatsourc |
QB |
018 |
Other water source |
watmins |
QB |
019 |
Minutes to & from nearest water source |
0 "water on premises" 888"I don't know" |
anytoi |
QB |
020 |
Any toilet/latrine inside house? |
toilet |
QB |
021 |
Flushing/pour toilet inside house? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
latrine |
QB |
022 |
If no flushing/pour toilet, what sort of toilet/latrine do you use? |
1 "flush/pour toilet outside" 2"VIP latrine" 3"covered pit latrine" 4"uncovered pit latrine" 5"composting toilet" 6"neighbour's toilet/latrine" 7"no toilet/latrine" 9"other" |
olatrine |
QB |
022 |
Other type of toilet/latrine, specify |
malive |
QB |
023 |
Is your mother alive? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
mlive |
QB |
024 |
Do you live with your mother? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
falive |
QB |
025 |
Is your father alive? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
flive |
QB |
026 |
Do you live with your father? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
moccup |
QB |
027 |
What is/was your mother's occupation? |
1"does not work" 2"subsistence farmer" 3"artisan with irregular income" 4"consultant with irregular income" 5"non-professional with regular income" 6"professional with regular income" 7"manager with regular income" 8"high earner with irregular income" 9"other" |
othoccm |
QB |
027 |
Other occupation, specify |
foccup |
QB |
028 |
What is/was your father's occupation? |
1"does not work" 2"subsistence farmer" 3"artisan with irregular income" 4"consultant with irregular income" 5"non-professional with regular income" 6"professional with regular income" 7"manager with regular income" 8"high earner with irregular income" 9"other" |
othoccf |
QB |
028 |
Other occupation, specify |
meduc |
QB |
029 |
Highest formal education level completed by mother |
0"none or less that primary" 1"primary completed" 2"secondary completed" 3"post-secondary" 4"secondary not completed" |
feduc |
QB |
030 |
Highest formal education level completed by father |
0"none or less that primary" 1"primary completed" 2"secondary completed" 3"post-secondary" 4"secondary not completed" |
daysmiss |
QC |
041 |
Number of school days missed in the past 30 days |
QC |
042 |
Number of days missed for each reason |
missreasc |
QC |
042 |
Sick in clinic/hospital |
missreal |
QC |
042 |
Lost a relative |
missreaf |
QC |
042 |
Not paying school fees |
missrear |
QC |
042 |
Not having school requirements |
missreab |
QC |
042 |
Sent home from school, discipline |
missreach |
QC |
042 |
Care-taking at home |
missreacc |
QC |
042 |
Care-taking in hospital |
missreao |
QC |
042 |
Other reasons |
missreads |
QC |
042 |
Total days missed |
misreamn |
QC |
043 |
Main reason you missed school |
1"sick in clinic/hospital" 2"lost a relative" 3"not paying school fees" 4"not having school requirements" 5 "sent home from school, discipline" 6"care-taking at home" 7"care-taking in hospital" 8"other reason" |
circum |
QD |
051 |
Are you circumcised? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
circdate |
QD |
052 |
When were you circumcised? |
circplace |
QD |
053 |
Where were you circumcised? |
1"clinic/hospital" 2"home" 3"mosque" 4"traditional gathering place" 5"other place" |
circplacespec~y |
QD |
053 |
specify other place circumcised |
circfa |
QD |
054 |
Is/was your father circumcised? |
1"yes" 2"no" 3"don't know" |
circfr |
QD |
055 |
Are any of your male friends circumcised? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
frcircno |
QD |
056 |
How many of your friends are circumcised? |
circmredy |
QD |
057 |
By approximately how much does male circumcision reduce HIV risk for a man? |
circwaitdays |
QD |
058 |
How long should someone wait to have sex after getting circumcised (days)? |
circwaitweeks |
QD |
058 |
How long should someone wait to have sex after getting circumcised (weeks)? |
condred |
QD |
059 |
Using condoms during sex reduces your risk of getting HIV |
1"true" 2"false" |
circmred |
QD |
060 |
Male circumcision reduces a man's risk of getting HIV |
1"true" 2"false" |
circond |
QD |
061 |
Circumcised men don't need to use condoms |
1"true" 2"false" |
circfred |
QD |
062 |
Male circumcision reduces a man's risk of HIV infection for female partners |
1"true" 2"false" |
circfcanc |
QD |
063 |
Male circumcision reduces a man's risk of cervical cancer for female partners |
1"true" 2"false" |
circwhere |
QD |
064 |
I know where I can go to get circumcised |
1"true" 2"false" |
circget1 |
QD |
065 |
Where can you go to get circumcised - (1)? |
circget2 |
QD |
065 |
Where can you go to get circumcised - (2)? |
hivaids |
QD |
066 |
HIV is the same as AIDS |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivappear |
QD |
067 |
You can tell from someone's appearance whether they have HIV or not |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivknow |
QD |
068 |
People can have HIV without knowing it |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivtest |
QD |
069 |
There is a medical test that can show whether you have HIV |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivcure |
QD |
070 |
There is not cure for HIV once someone has it |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivart |
QD |
071 |
There are HIV medicines that can help people with HIV to stay healthy |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivartill |
QD |
072 |
Hiv medicines work better if people with HIV take them before they become ill |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivhands |
QD |
073 |
HIV can be passed on through shaking hands or touching people |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivsex |
QD |
074 |
A person with HIV can pass it on through sexual intercourse |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivquito |
QD |
075 |
People can get HIV from mosquito bites |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivmeal |
QD |
076 |
People can get HIV from sharing a meal with someone that has HIV |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivfaithful |
QD |
077 |
People can protect themselves from HIV by having one uninfected faithful partner |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivpmtct |
QD |
078 |
A pregnant woman with HIV can infect her unborn child |
1"true" 2"false" |
hivbreast |
QD |
079 |
A woman with HVI can infect her newborn baby while breast feeding |
1"true" 2"false" |
condbub |
QD |
080 |
Condoms can break if the tip is not pinched to remove air bubbles |
1"true" 2"false" |
condwash |
QD |
081 |
If washed carefully, a condom can be used safely over and over |
1"true" 2"false" |
conexpire |
QD |
082 |
Condoms have expiration dates |
1"true" 2"false" |
condhiv |
QD |
083 |
People can protect themselves from getting HIV by using condoms correctly every time they have sexual intercourse |
1"true" 2"false" |
conwallet |
QD |
084 |
To be prepared, it is always a good idea to have a condom in your wallet |
1"true" 2"false" |
QD |
085 |
If you wanted a condom, where would you most likely get it? |
condvendor |
QD |
085 |
shop or street vendor |
1"yes" 2"no" |
condclinic |
QD |
085 |
pharmacy, clinic or hospital |
1"yes" 2"no" |
condsomone |
QD |
085 |
I would give someone else money to buy it for me |
1"yes" 2"no" |
condoth |
QD |
085 |
Another place |
1"yes" 2"no" |
condothsp |
QD |
085 |
Specify another place |
condknow |
QD |
085 |
I do not know |
1"yes" 2"no" |
circdanger |
QD |
091 |
Getting circumcised is dangerous |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circgdidea |
QD |
092 |
It is a good idea to get circumcised |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circfprefer |
QD |
093 |
Women prefer a circumcised man |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circplan |
QD |
094 |
I am planning to get circumcised |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circpain |
QD |
095 |
The circumcision procedure is very painful |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circhealpain |
QD |
096 |
The circumcision healing process is very painful |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circgetfriend |
QD |
097 |
I would get circumcised, even if none of my friends did |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circcomftalk |
QD |
098 |
I am comfortable talking about circumcision with my friends |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circrealmen |
QD |
099 |
Real men do not get circumcised |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circredsex |
QD |
100 |
Circumcision reduces a man's sexual pleasure |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circincsex |
QD |
101 |
Circumcision increases a man's sexual pleasure |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circuncomftalk |
QD |
102 |
I feel uncomfortable talking about circumcision |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circredrive |
QD |
103 |
Getting circumcised reduces a man's sex drive |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circdecide |
QD |
104 |
I have decided to get circumcised |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circtalkcirc |
QD |
105 |
I have talked about circumcision with someone who has been circumcised |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
circqn |
QD |
106 |
I have asked someone a question about circumcision in the past two months |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
hivtestlike |
QD |
107 |
I would like to test for HIV infection |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
hivtestfear |
QD |
108 |
I fear testing for HIV infection |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
esex |
QE |
111 |
Have you ever had sexual intercourse? |
1"yes" 2"no" 3"no response" |
agesex |
QE |
112 |
How old were you when your first had vaginal sexual intercourse? |
econd |
QE |
113 |
Have you ever used a condom? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
cond1stsex |
QE |
114 |
Did you use a condom the first time you had sex? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
condlastsex |
QE |
115 |
Did you use a condom the last time you had sex? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
sexlifepartner |
QE |
116 |
How many sexual partners have you had in your lifetime? |
sex3mth |
QE |
117 |
Have you had sex in the last three months? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
sex3mthpartner |
QE |
118 |
With how many different people have you had sex in the past three months? |
sexcurpart |
QE |
119 |
Do you currently have a sexual partner? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
sexpostcirc |
QE |
120 |
Have you had sex since getting circumcised? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
sexpostcircd~ys |
QE |
121 |
When did you first have sex after getting circumcised (weeks)? |
sexpostcircd~ks |
QE |
121 |
When did you first have sex after getting circumcised (days)? |
condbefcirc |
QE |
122 |
Before getting circumcised, how often did you use condoms during sex? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
condaftcirc |
QE |
123 |
After being circumcised, how often did you use condoms during sex? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
impregnated |
QE |
124 |
Have you ever been told by a female partner that you made her pregnant? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
hadsti |
QE |
125 |
Have you ever had an STI? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
hivtested |
QE |
126 |
Have you ever been tested for HIV? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
hivtestlstyr |
QE |
127 |
Have you been tested for HIV in the last year? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
riskassess |
QE |
128 |
How would you assess your own personal risk of getting HIV? |
1"none" 2"little" 3"some" 4"high" 5"very high" |
ealcohol |
QE |
131 |
How often do you have a drink with alcohol? |
1"never" 2"<once per month" 3"at least once per month" 4"at least once per week" 5"almost daily" |
alcdrinks |
QE |
132 |
How many drinks with alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? |
alc6freq |
QE |
133 |
How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
alcstop |
QE |
134 |
How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
alcfailed |
QE |
135 |
How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
alcmorning |
QE |
136 |
Ho often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
alcguilt |
QE |
137 |
How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
alcforget |
QE |
138 |
How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking? |
1"never" 2"rarely" 3"often" 4"always" |
alcinjury |
QE |
139 |
Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
alconcern |
QE |
140 |
Has a relative or friend or health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you drink less? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
drugrcv |
QE |
141 |
Has anyone ever offered, sold or given you an illegal drug? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
druguse |
QE |
142 |
Have you ever used an illegal drug? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
Have you ever used any of the following drugs? |
marijuana |
QE |
143 |
marijuana |
1"yes" 2"no" |
mairungi |
QE |
143 |
mairungi |
1"yes" 2"no" |
kuba |
QE |
143 |
kuba |
1"yes" 2"no" |
shisha |
QE |
143 |
shisha |
1"yes" 2"no" |
viagra |
QE |
143 |
viagra |
1"yes" 2"no" |
solvents |
QE |
143 |
solvents or inhalants (glue, gasoline etc) |
1"yes" 2"no" |
sedatives |
QE |
143 |
tranquilisers or sedatives |
1"yes" 2"no" |
amphetamines |
QE |
143 |
amphetamines (such as speed) |
1"yes" 2"no" |
ecsatsy |
QE |
143 |
ecstasy |
1"yes" 2"no" |
crack |
QE |
143 |
crack |
1"yes" 2"no" |
heroine |
QE |
143 |
heroin |
1"yes" 2"no" |
cocaine |
QE |
143 |
cocaine |
1"yes" 2"no" |
druguseoth |
QE |
143 |
another drug? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
drugothsp |
QE |
143 |
specify other drug |
drugknow |
QE |
143 |
I do not know |
1"yes" 2"no" |
Next set of questions are for those who have ever used illegal drugs |
drugage |
QE |
144 |
How old were you the first time you used any illegal drug? |
drugtim |
QE |
145 |
During the past 12 months, how many times have you used drugs? |
needle |
QE |
146 |
Have you ever used a needle to inject any illegal drug into your body? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
needtim |
QE |
147 |
If you have ever used a needle, how many times in the last 12 months? |
ndshare |
QE |
148 |
Have you ever shared needles or syringes to inject any illegal drugs? |
ndshtim |
QE |
149 |
If you have ever shared needles/syringes, how many times have you done this in the last 12 months? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
ciga |
QE |
150 |
Have you ever smoked cigarettes? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
cigac |
QE |
151 |
Do you currently smoke cigarettes? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
ciganum |
QE |
152 |
During the last 30 days, how many cigarettes did you smoke? |
menaccidt |
QF |
161 |
Have you ever witnessed a gril with a menstrual blood accident, when blood leaked through her clothes? |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menstain |
QF |
162 |
What did you do (or what would you do) when a girl's clothes are stained with blood during school time? |
1"lend her a sweater to tie around" 2"tell her she has had an accident" 3"tell her girlfriends to talk to her" 4"talk to the teacher/nurse" 5"tell my friends about her" 6"laugh at her openly or secretly" 7"tease her about it" 8"do nothing" 9"other" |
menstainot |
QF |
162 |
Specify other action |
perceivea |
QF |
163 |
Period days are like any other day (girls should not feel or behave differently) |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceiveb |
QF |
163 |
Girls feel less self-confident during their periods than during other days |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceivec |
QF |
163 |
Girls avoid physical activity (eg walking, running) during their periods |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceived |
QF |
163 |
Girls should not be given corporal punishment during their periods |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceivee |
QF |
163 |
Boys tease girls about menstrual periods |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceivef |
QF |
163 |
I wish I would know more information about menstrual periods |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceiveg |
QF |
163 |
Girls should have special wash rooms to use so that they can have privacy during their menstrual periods |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
perceiveh |
QF |
163 |
The schol should provide spare uniforms and sanitary absorbents for girls to use during their periods |
1"strongly disagree" 2"somewhat disagree" 3"neither agree nor disagree" 4"somewhat agree" 5"strongly agree" |
QF |
164 |
Do you know that the following materials are used to take care of the menstrual blood? |
menusea |
QF |
164 |
newspapers |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menuseb |
QF |
164 |
leaves |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusec |
QF |
164 |
old clothes |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menused |
QF |
164 |
toilet paper |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusee |
QF |
164 |
cotton wool |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusef |
QF |
164 |
knickers only |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menuseg |
QF |
164 |
locally made disposable pads made of local materials eg banana fibres |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menuseh |
QF |
164 |
locally made re-usable pads, ie Afripads |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusei |
QF |
164 |
disposable manufactured pads eg Always |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusej |
QF |
164 |
manufactured tampons |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusek |
QF |
164 |
new clothes, ie fac towels, hankies, socks |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menusel |
QF |
164 |
other material |
1"yes" 2"no" |
menuselot |
QF |
164 |
specify other material |
QF |
165 |
If you were the head teacher of your school, which from the following, would you give priority to, in order to reduce school absenteeism due to menstrual periods, or for girls who miss school to catch up with school work? (Rank 1 to 9) |
mensuga |
QF |
165 |
stocking sanitary towels in the school |
mensugb |
QF |
165 |
allow girls to answer questions while seated to avoid embarassment in case of staining dress |
mensugc |
QF |
165 |
ensure plenty of water to allow girls to clean themselves |
mensugd |
QF |
165 |
ensure that the girls' toilets are far from the boys areas to allow for privacy |
mensuge |
QF |
165 |
ensure that there are disposal bins and incinerators for disposing used sanitary towels |
mensugf |
QF |
165 |
stocking painkillers in the school for reducing menstrual pains and discomfort |
mensugg |
QF |
165 |
ensure that there are remedial classes fo the girls who miss class because of menstruation |
mensugh |
QF |
165 |
ensure that girls who are menstruating do not receive corporal punishment |
mensugi |
QF |
165 |
other, specify |
com1 |
QX |
009 |
Other comments about study |