ICD code description I46.1 "sudden cardiac death, so described" O95 obstetric death of unspecified cause O96 death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery O96.0 death from direct obstetric cause O96.1 death from indirect obstetric cause O96.9 death from unspecified obstetric cause O97 death from sequelae of obstetric causes O97.0 death from sequelae of direct obstetric cause O97.1 death from sequelae of indirect obstetric cause O97.9 "death from sequelae of obstetric cause, unspecified" R96 "other sudden death, cause unknown" R96.0 instantaneous death R96.1 "death occurring less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise explained" R98 unattended death R99 other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality