Search strategies for “Guidance on the economic evaluation of the health impacts of climate change” 1. Search concepts A draft search strategy was compiled in the Web of Science Core Content databases by an experienced information professional. The search strategy included strings of terms, synonyms and subject headings to reflect the following concepts: climate change; economic assessment; health. No limits were added to the search. The search strategy was refined with the project team until the retrieved results reflected the scope of the project, and retrieved previously identified papers which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Initial search drafts contained extensive terms for each concept, however these produced an overly sensitive search. Close examination of the vocabulary of previously identified relevant papers allowed the search terms to be made more specific while remaining sufficiently sensitive. Once agreed, the draft search was adapted for each database to incorporate database-specific syntax and controlled vocabularies. 2. Sources Search strategies were run on the databases listed below on 27 January 2025. These databases were chosen to retrieve relevant information from the health, environment and economics literature. Supplier Database name Dates of database coverage EBSCOhost Africa-Wide Information Complete database to search date Ovid Econlit 1886 to January 16, 2025 Ovid Embase Classic+Embase 1947 to 2025 January 24 Ovid Global Health 1910 to 2025 Week 04 World Health Organization Global Index Medicus Complete database to search date EBSCOhost GreenFile Complete database to search date Ovid Medline ALL 1946 to January 24, 2025 Clarivate Analytics Web of Science SciELO Citation Index 2002 – data updated 2025-01-25 Elsevier Scopus Complete database to search date Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection. This consists of the following databases, searched simultaneously: • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) • SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present • SSCI 1970-present • AHCI 1975-present • CPCI-S 1990-present • CPCI-SSH 1990-present • ESCI 2019-present Data updated 2025-01-25 3. Information management All results from the database searches were exported and uploaded to EndNote 21 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using the method described on the LAORS blog.(1) 4. Search strategies All search strategies include the number of results retrieved by each line of search as well as the line number, where appropriate. 4.1. EBSCOhost Africa-Wide Information Database name: Africa-Wide Information Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 1271 Search strategy notes: • Two-letter codes at the start of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • Nn searches for words within n words of each other. • * is used for truncation of words. • # finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). # Query Results S1 (TI (("environment*" N1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" N1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" N1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") N1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or "net-zero" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") N1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") N1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly")) or (AB (("environment*" N1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" N1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" N1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") N1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or "net-zero" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") N1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") N1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly")) 83,660 S2 (TI (health or healthcare)) or (AB (health or healthcare)) 285,229 S3 (TI ("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" N1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" N1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" N3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*")) or (AB ("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" N1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" N1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" N3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*")) 52,622 S4 S1 AND S2 AND S3 1,271 4.2. Ovid Econlit Database name: Econlit Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1886 to January 16, 2025 Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 1186 Search strategy notes: • Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • adjn searches for words within n words of each other. • or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. • * is used for truncation of words. • ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). • words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 ((environment* adj2 (impact* or factor* or dimension* or spillover* or footprint* or information* or data or benefit* or consider* or externalit* or outcome* or harm* or focus* or domain)) or (climate adj2 (change or impact*)) or (ecolog* adj2 (crisis or crises or resor*)) or ecosystem* or ((greenhouse gas or GHG or carbon-dioxide or carbon or "co2" or reduct* or outcome*) adj2 emission*) or carbon footprint* or low-carbon or net-zero or ((carbon or carbon dioxide or "co2") adj2 equivalent*) or ((water or energy) adj2 consum*) or global warming or net-zero or sustainable or sustainabil* or eco-friendly).ti,ab. 97452 2 (health or healthcare).ti,ab. 69843 3 (environmental impact assessment* or environmental assessment* or (economic* adj2 (evaluat* or valuat* or health or analys* or benefit* or viabl* or welfare)) or emissions accounting or moneti#ed value or monetary valu* or valuation method* or co-benefit* or costs or costing or spending or budget-impact analys* or economically viable or adjusted-value transfer or benefit-value* or shadow price* or empirical analys* or return-on-investment or roi or (cost adj2 (saving or analys* or benefit or ratio* or based or utility or increase*)) or (climate change adj4 (economic* or econometric* or assessment*)) or climate-health impact* or heat-health assessment*).ti,ab. 176391 4 1 and 2 and 3 1186 4.3. Ovid Embase Classic+Embase Database name: Embase Classic+Embase Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1947 to 2025 January 24 Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 17,600 Search strategy notes: • Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. • Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. • Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • adjn searches for words within n words of each other. • or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. • * is used for truncation of words. • ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). • words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 environmental impact/ or "human impact (environment)"/ or environmental protection/ or environmental sustainability/ or water conservation/ or energy conservation/ or exp environmental footprint/ or exp climate change/ or greenhouse effect/ or exp greenhouse gas emission/ or ecosystem health/ 202137 2 ((environment* adj2 (impact* or factor* or dimension* or spillover* or footprint* or information* or data or benefit* or consider* or externalit* or outcome* or harm* or focus* or domain)) or (climate adj2 (change or impact*)) or (ecolog* adj2 (crisis or crises or resor*)) or ecosystem* or ((greenhouse gas or GHG or carbon-dioxide or carbon or "co2" or reduct* or outcome*) adj2 emission*) or carbon footprint* or low-carbon or net-zero or ((carbon or carbon dioxide or "co2") adj2 equivalent*) or ((water or energy) adj2 consum*) or global warming or net-zero or sustainable or sustainabil* or eco-friendly).ti,ab. 605643 3 1 or 2 700504 4 exp health/ or exp health care/ 7882219 5 (health or healthcare).ti,ab. 3955282 6 4 or 5 9952415 7 environmental impact assessment/ or exp economic evaluation/ 395752 8 (environmental impact assessment* or environmental assessment* or (economic* adj2 (evaluat* or valuat* or health or analys* or benefit* or viabl* or welfare)) or emissions accounting or moneti#ed value or monetary valu* or valuation method* or co-benefit* or costs or costing or spending or budget-impact analys* or economically viable or adjusted-value transfer or benefit-value* or shadow price* or empirical analys* or return-on-investment or roi or (cost adj2 (saving or analys* or benefit or ratio* or based or utility or increase*)) or (climate change adj4 (economic* or econometric* or assessment*)) or climate-health impact* or heat-health assessment*).ti,ab. 587376 9 7 or 8 821207 10 3 and 6 and 9 17600 4.4. Ovid Global Health Database name: Global Health Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1910 to 2025 Week 04 Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 7383 Search strategy notes: • Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. • Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. • Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • adjn searches for words within n words of each other. • or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. • * is used for truncation of words. • ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). • words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 environmental impact/ or carbon footprint/ or environmental impact reporting/ or climate change/ or global warming/ or greenhouse gases/ or greenhouse effect/ or emissions/ or energy consumption/ or water conservation/ or sustainability/ or ecosystems/ or ecosystem management/ 70264 2 ((environment* adj2 (impact* or factor* or dimension* or spillover* or footprint* or information* or data or benefit* or consider* or externalit* or outcome* or harm* or focus* or domain)) or (climate adj2 (change or impact*)) or (ecolog* adj2 (crisis or crises or resor*)) or ecosystem* or ((greenhouse gas or GHG or carbon-dioxide or carbon or "co2" or reduct* or outcome*) adj2 emission*) or carbon footprint* or low-carbon or net-zero or ((carbon or carbon dioxide or "co2") adj2 equivalent*) or ((water or energy) adj2 consum*) or global warming or net-zero or sustainable or sustainabil* or eco-friendly).ti,ab. 166341 3 1 or 2 184134 4 exp health/ or exp health care/ 639823 5 (health or healthcare).ti,ab. 1057477 6 4 or 5 1199608 7 economics/ or exp economic analysis/ or economic evaluation/ or shadow prices/ 40939 8 (environmental impact assessment* or environmental assessment* or (economic* adj2 (evaluat* or valuat* or health or analys* or benefit* or viabl* or welfare)) or emissions accounting or moneti#ed value or monetary valu* or valuation method* or co-benefit* or costs or costing or spending or budget-impact analys* or economically viable or adjusted-value transfer or benefit-value* or shadow price* or empirical analys* or return-on-investment or roi or (cost adj2 (saving or analys* or benefit or ratio* or based or utility or increase*)) or (climate change adj4 (economic* or econometric* or assessment*)) or climate-health impact* or heat-health assessment*).ti,ab. 91765 9 7 or 8 113187 10 3 and 6 and 9 7383 4.5. Global Index Medicus Database name: Global Index Medicus Database platform: World Health Organization Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 4018 Search strategy notes: • Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TW: textword • * is used for truncation of words. tw:(("environment*" AND ("impact*" OR "factor*" OR "dimension*" OR "spillover*" OR "footprint*" OR "information*" OR "data" OR "benefit*" OR "consider*" OR "externalit*" OR "outcome*" OR "harm*" OR "focus*" OR "domain")) OR ("climate" AND ("change" OR "impact*")) OR ("ecolog*" AND ("crisis" OR "crises" OR "resor*")) OR "ecosystem*" OR (("greenhouse gas" OR "GHG" OR "carbon-dioxide" OR "carbon" OR "co2" OR "reduct*" OR "outcome*") AND "emission*") OR "carbon footprint*" OR "low-carbon" OR "net-zero" OR (("carbon" OR "carbon dioxide" OR "co2") AND "equivalent*") OR (("water" OR "energy") AND "consum*") OR "global warming" OR sustainable OR "sustainabil*" OR "eco-friendly") AND tw:(health OR healthcare) AND tw:("environmental impact assessment*" OR "environmental assessment*" OR ("economic*" AND ("evaluat*" OR "valuat*" OR "health" OR "analys*" OR "benefit*" OR "viabl*" OR "welfare")) OR "emissions accounting" OR "monetized value" OR "monetised value" OR "monetary valu*" OR "valuation method*" OR "co-benefit*" OR costs OR costing OR spending OR "budget-impact analys*" OR "economically viable" OR "adjusted-value transfer" OR "benefit-value*" OR "shadow price*" OR "empirical analys*" OR "return-on-investment" OR roi OR ("cost" AND ("saving" OR "analys*" OR "benefit" OR "ratio*" OR "based" OR "utility" OR "increase*")) OR ("climate change" AND ("economic*" OR "econometric*" OR "assessment*")) OR "climate-health impact*" OR "heat-health assessment*") 4.6. GreenFILE Database name: GreenFILE Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 2163 Search strategy notes: • Two-letter codes at the start of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • Nn searches for words within n words of each other. • * is used for truncation of words. • # finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). # Query Results S1 (TI (("environment*" N1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" N1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" N1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") N1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or "net-zero" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") N1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") N1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly")) or (AB (("environment*" N1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" N1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" N1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") N1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or "net-zero" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") N1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") N1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly")) 280,050 S2 (TI (health or healthcare)) or (AB (health or healthcare)) 89,586 S3 (TI ("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" N1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" N1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" N3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*")) or (AB ("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" N1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" N1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" N3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*")) 55,691 S4 S1 AND S2 AND S3 2,163 4.7. Medline ALL Database name: Medline ALL Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1946 to January 24, 2025 Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 11,469 Search strategy notes: • Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. • Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. • Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • adjn searches for words within n words of each other. • or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. • * is used for truncation of words. • ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). • words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 climate change/ or global warming/ or greenhouse effect/ or "Conservation of Natural Resources"/ or Environment/ or ecosystem/ or Greenhouse Gases/ or Carbon Dioxide/ or Carbon/ or Carbon Footprint/ or "conservation of energy resources"/ or "conservation of water resources"/ 420210 2 ((environment* adj2 (impact* or factor* or dimension* or spillover* or footprint* or information* or data or benefit* or consider* or externalit* or outcome* or harm* or focus* or domain)) or (climate adj2 (change or impact*)) or (ecolog* adj2 (crisis or crises or resor*)) or ecosystem* or ((greenhouse gas or GHG or carbon-dioxide or carbon or "co2" or reduct* or outcome*) adj2 emission*) or carbon footprint* or low-carbon or net-zero or ((carbon or carbon dioxide or "co2") adj2 equivalent*) or ((water or energy) adj2 consum*) or global warming or net-zero or sustainable or sustainabil* or eco-friendly).ti,ab. 562267 3 1 or 2 848863 4 exp Health/ or "delivery of health care"/ or health care reform/ 603238 5 (health or healthcare).ti,ab. 3042727 6 4 or 5 3276971 7 "costs and cost analysis"/ or cost-benefit analysis/ or "cost control"/ or cost-effectiveness analysis/ or Health Expenditures/ or Economics/ 214082 8 (environmental impact assessment* or environmental assessment* or (economic* adj2 (evaluat* or valuat* or health or analys* or benefit* or viabl* or welfare)) or emissions accounting or moneti#ed value or monetary valu* or valuation method* or co-benefit* or costs or costing or spending or budget-impact analys* or economically viable or adjusted-value transfer or benefit-value* or shadow price* or empirical analys* or return-on-investment or roi or (cost adj2 (saving or analys* or benefit or ratio* or based or utility or increase*)) or (climate change adj4 (economic* or econometric* or assessment*)) or climate-health impact* or heat-health assessment*).ti,ab. 419648 9 7 or 8 542258 10 3 and 6 and 9 11469 4.8. SciELO Citation Index Database name: SciELO Citation Index Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 323 Search strategy notes: • Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • near/n searches for words within n words of each other. • * is used for truncation of words. 1: TI=(("environment*" near/1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" near/1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" NEAR/1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") near/1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") near/1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") near/1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "net-zero" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly") or AB=(("environment*" near/1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" near/1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" NEAR/1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") near/1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") near/1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") near/1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "net-zero" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly") Results: 38079 2: TI=("health" or "healthcare") or AB=("health" or "healthcare") Results: 125276 3: TI=("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" NEAR/1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" near/1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" near/3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*") or AB=("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" NEAR/1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" near/1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" near/3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*") Results: 19582 4: #3 AND #2 AND #1 Results: 323 4.9. Scopus Database name: Scopus Database platform: Elsevier Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 24,616 Search strategy notes: • Codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TITLE-ABS: title and abstract • w/n searches for words within n words of each other. • * is used for truncation of words. • { } round terms switches off lemmatization and stemming for that term ( TITLE-ABS ( ( "environment*" W/1 ( "impact*" OR "factor*" OR "dimension*" OR "spillover*" OR "footprint*" OR "information*" OR "data" OR "benefit*" OR "consider*" OR "externalit*" OR "outcome*" OR "harm*" OR "focus*" OR "domain" ) ) OR ( "climate" W/1 ( "change" OR "impact*" ) ) OR ( "ecolog*" W/1 ( "crisis" OR "crises" OR "resor*" ) ) OR "ecosystem*" OR ( ( "greenhouse gas" OR "GHG" OR "carbon-dioxide" OR "carbon" OR "co2" OR "reduct*" OR "outcome*" ) W/1 "emission*" ) OR "carbon footprint*" OR "low-carbon" OR "net-zero" OR ( ( "carbon" OR "carbon dioxide" OR "co2" ) W/1 "equivalent*" ) OR ( ( "water" OR "energy" ) W/1 "consum*" ) OR "global warming" OR {sustainable} OR "sustainabil*" OR "eco-friendly" ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS ( {health} OR {healthcare} ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS ( "environmental impact assessment*" OR "environmental assessment*" OR ( "economic*" W/1 ( "evaluat*" OR "valuat*" OR "health" OR "analys*" OR "benefit*" OR "viabl*" OR "welfare" ) ) OR "emissions accounting" OR "monetized value" OR "monetised value" OR "monetary valu*" OR "valuation method*" OR "co-benefit*" or {costs} OR {costing} OR {spending} OR "budget-impact analys*" OR "economically viable" OR "adjusted-value transfer" OR "benefit-value*" OR "shadow price*" OR "empirical analys*" OR "return-on-investment" OR {roi} OR ( "cost" W/1 ( "saving" OR "analys*" OR "benefit" OR "ratio*" OR "based" OR "utility" OR "increase*" ) ) OR ( "climate change" W/3 ( "economic*" OR "econometric*" OR "assessment*" ) ) OR "climate-health impact*" OR "heat-health assessment*" ) ) 4.10. Web of Science Core Collection Database name: Web of Science Core Collection. This contains the following databases which are searched simultaneously: • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Dates of database coverage: • SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present • SSCI 1970-present • AHCI 1975-present • CPCI-S 1990-present • CPCI-SSH 1990-present • ESCI 2019-present Data updated 2025-01-25 Date searched: 2025-01-27 Number of results: 16,790 Search strategy notes: • Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract • near/n searches for words within n words of each other. • * is used for truncation of words. 1: TI=(("environment*" near/1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" near/1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" NEAR/1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") near/1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") near/1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") near/1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "net-zero" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly") or AB=(("environment*" near/1 ("impact*" or "factor*" or "dimension*" or "spillover*" or "footprint*" or "information*" or "data" or "benefit*" or "consider*" or "externalit*" or "outcome*" or "harm*" or "focus*" or "domain")) or ("climate" near/1 ("change" or "impact*")) or ("ecolog*" NEAR/1 ("crisis" or "crises" or "resor*")) or "ecosystem*" or (("greenhouse gas" or "GHG" or "carbon-dioxide" or "carbon" or "co2" or "reduct*" or "outcome*") near/1 "emission*") or "carbon footprint*" or "low-carbon" or (("carbon" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2") near/1 "equivalent*") or (("water" or "energy") near/1 "consum*") or "global warming" or "net-zero" or "sustainable" or "sustainabil*" or "eco-friendly") Results: 2130938 2: TI=("health" or "healthcare") or AB=("health" or "healthcare") Results: 3349290 3: TI=("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" NEAR/1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" near/1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" near/3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*") or AB=("environmental impact assessment*" or "environmental assessment*" or ("economic*" NEAR/1 ("evaluat*" or "valuat*" or "health" or "analys*" or "benefit*" or "viabl*" or "welfare")) or "emissions accounting" or "moneti?ed value" or "monetary valu*" or "valuation method*" or "co-benefit*" or "costs" or "costing" or "spending" or "budget-impact analys*" or "economically viable" or "adjusted-value transfer" or "benefit-value*" or "shadow price*" or "empirical analys*" or "return-on-investment" or "roi" or ("cost" near/1 ("saving" or "analys*" or "benefit" or "ratio*" or "based" or "utility" or "increase*")) or ("climate change" near/3 ("economic*" or "econometric*" or "assessment*")) or "climate-health impact*" or "heat-health assessment*") Results: 1079472 4: #3 AND #2 AND #1 Results: 16790