Search methodology for “Systematic review of public food procurement policies in Europe to address climate, food and health outcomes” Methods A draft search strategy was compiled in the Ovid Medline ALL database by an experienced information professional. The search strategy included strings of terms, synonyms and subject headings to reflect the following concepts: public food procurement, climate and Europe. No filters were added to the search. The search strategy was refined with the project team until the retrieved results reflected the scope of the project. Once agreed, the draft searches were adapted for each database to incorporate database-specific syntax and controlled vocabularies. A list of the databases searched is included in the table below. Supplier Database name Dates of database coverage EBSCOhost Business Source Premier Complete database to search date EBSCOhost CINAHL Complete Complete database to search date Ovid Econlit 1886 to October 31, 2024 Ovid Embase Classic+Embase 1947 to 2024 November 08 Ovid Global Health 1910 to 2024 Week 45 EBSCOhost GreenFILE Complete database to search date Ovid Medline ALL 1946 to November 08, 2024 Elsevier Scopus Complete database to search date Ovid Social Policy & Practice 202410 Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Content. This is a series of databases which are searched simultaneously. The databases included in the search were: • Science Citation Index Expanded • Social Sciences Citation Index • Arts & Humanities Citation Index • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities • Emerging Sources Citation Index SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present SSCI 1970-present AHCI 1975-present CPCI-S 1990-present CPCI-SSH 1990-present ESCI 2019-present Data updated 2024-11-10 Search strategies were run during November 2024. All results from the database searches were exported and uploaded to EndNote 21 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using the method described on the LAORS blog (1) and deduplicated search results were exported from EndNote 21 in .ris format. Full details of the search strings used for each database are reproduced below. Search strategies Search strategies for all databases are listed below. The database search strategies include date of database update, date the search was run, number of results, number of results retrieved, results remaining after duplicates removed and the number of the database in the duplication order. Search strategies are listed with search number, search term and number of results for each line, where this is available from each database. Business Source Premier Database name: Business Source Premier Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-11-12 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 517 EndNote import number: 8 Number of results after deduplication: 383 # Query Results S1 (AB((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces") n4 (catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway))) or (TI((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces") n4 (catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway))) 15,292 S2 (AB(((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) N4 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*" or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces")) or (TI(((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) N4 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*" or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces")) 916,238 S3 (AB(catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway)) OR (TI(catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway)) 360,261 S4 S2 AND S3 18,773 S5 S1 OR S4 30,111 S6 (AB (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)) OR (TI (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)) 2,582,980 S7 S5 AND S6 3,538 S8 (AB((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces" or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or "correctional facilit*") N4 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*))) OR (TI((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces" or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or "correctional facilit*") N4 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*))) 213,431 S9 S3 AND S8 1,850 S10 (AB(food# or drink# or beverage# or fruit# or vegetable# or portion# or dairy or meat or "plant-based" or grocer* or provision#)) OR (TI(food# or drink# or beverage# or fruit# or vegetable# or portion# or dairy or meat or "plant-based" or grocer* or provision#)) 917,306 S11 (AB(diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie# or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*)) OR (TI(diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie# or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*)) 322,886 S12 (TI(nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin#)) OR (AB(nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin#)) 70,122 S13 (AB(malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI)) OR (TI(malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI)) 44,968 S14 S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 1,222,814 S15 S8 AND S14 15,923 S16 S7 OR S9 OR S15 19,393 S17 (AB(climat* N4 (change# or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*))) OR (TI(climat* N4 (change# or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*))) 71,994 S18 (AB((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N3 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or "nitrous oxide"))) OR (TI((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N3 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or "nitrous oxide"))) 5,588 S19 (AB((greenhouse or green-house) N3 (gas* or effect*))) OR (TI((greenhouse or green-house) N3 (gas* or effect*))) 33,315 S20 (AB(("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or NMVOC* or "sulphur dioxide*" or ozone or O3 or "fluorinated gase*" or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or "air pollut*" or aerosol* or (("short-lived" or shortlived) N4 pollutant*) or SLCP*) N4 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*))) OR (TI(("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or NMVOC* or "sulphur dioxide*" or ozone or O3 or "fluorinated gase*" or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or "air pollut*" or aerosol* or (("short-lived" or shortlived) N4 pollutant*) or SLCP*) N4 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*))) 89,590 S21 (AB(emission* N6 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*))) OR (TI(emission* N6 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*))) 54,896 S22 (TI "tipping point#") or (AB "tipping point'") 2,585 S23 (TI (carbon N4 footprint#)) or (AB (carbon N4 footprint#)) 8,863 S24 (AB(de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*)) OR (TI(de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*)) 8,312 S25 (AB((energy* or fuel*) N4 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*))) OR (TI((energy* or fuel*) N4 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*))) 174,376 S26 (AB(("fossil fuel*" or coal or oil or gas or carbon) N4 ("phas* out" or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or "shut* down" or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*))) OR (TI(("fossil fuel*" or coal or oil or gas or carbon) N4 ("phas* out" or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or "shut* down" or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*))) 55,898 S27 (TI (net-zero or netzero)) OR (AB (net-zero or netzero)) 8,108 S28 (TI "just transition*") OR (AB "just transition*") 305 S29 (AB((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) N3 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*))) OR (TI((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) N3 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*))) 40,278 S30 (TI((climat* N4 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*)) OR (AB((climat* N4 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*)) 315,253 S31 (AB(food N3 (local* or mile#))) or (TI(food N3 (local* or mile#))) 4,730 S32 S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 656,524 S33 (AB(Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or "Czech Republic" or Denmark or (England not "New England") or Estonia or "Faeroe Islands" or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or "Great Britain" or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or "Northern Ireland" or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or "United Kingdom" or Vatican or (Wales not "New South Wales"))) OR (TI(Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or "Czech Republic" or Denmark or (England not "New England") or Estonia or "Faeroe Islands" or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or "Great Britain" or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or "Northern Ireland" or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or "United Kingdom" or Vatican or (Wales not "New South Wales"))) 2,452,466 S34 S16 AND S32 AND S33 517 CINAHL Complete Database name: CINAHL Complete Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete data to search date Date searched: 2024-11-13 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 209 EndNote import number: 6 Number of results after deduplication: 99 # Query Results S1 (AB((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces") n4 (catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway))) or (TI((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces") n4 (catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway))) 757 S2 (MH "Schools") OR (MH "Schools, Elementary") OR (MH "Schools, Middle") OR (MH "Schools, Nursery") OR (MH "Schools, Secondary") OR (MH "Schools, Special") OR (MH "Hospitals, Public+") OR (MH "Correctional Facilities") OR (MH "Sports Facilities") 60,010 S3 ((MH "Public Sector") OR (MH "Government+")) AND (MH "Work Environment") 483 S4 (AB(((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) N4 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*" or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces")) or (TI(((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) N4 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*" or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces")) 709,350 S5 S2 OR S3 OR S4 728,476 S6 (MH "Food Dispensers, Automatic") OR (MH "Meal Preparation+") OR (MH "Food Services+") OR (MH "Food Supply") OR (MH "Food Service Department") 35,663 S7 (AB(catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway)) OR (TI(catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway)) 36,911 S8 S6 OR S7 63,702 S9 S5 AND S8 8,563 S10 S1 OR S9 8,991 S11 (MH "Purchasing Department") OR (MH "Value-Based Purchasing") OR (MH "Product Acquisition") OR (MH "Contracts") OR (MH "Public Policy") OR (AB (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)) OR (TI (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)) 909,181 S12 S10 AND S11 2,805 S13 (MH "Public Expenditures") OR (MH "Public Policy") OR (MH "School Policies") OR (MH "Hospital Policies") OR (AB((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces" or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*") N4 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*))) OR (TI((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces" or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*") N4 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*))) 89,196 S14 S8 AND S13 1,851 S15 (MH "Hunger") OR (MH "Nutritive Value+") OR (MH "Nutrition+") OR (MH "Nutrition Disorders+") OR (MH "Eating") OR (MH "Eating Behavior+") OR (MH "Food Supply+") 354,734 S16 (AB(food# or drink# or beverage# or fruit# or vegetable# or portion# or dairy or meat or "plant-based" or grocer* or provision#)) OR (TI(food# or drink# or beverage# or fruit# or vegetable# or portion# or dairy or meat or "plant-based" or grocer* or provision#)) 251,675 S17 (AB(diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie# or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*)) OR (TI(diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie# or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*)) 345,190 S18 (TI(nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin#)) OR (AB(nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin#)) 193,767 S19 (AB(malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or "body-mass-index" or BMI)) OR (TI(malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or "body-mass-index" or BMI)) 260,068 S20 S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 859,154 S21 S13 AND S20 13,097 S22 (MH "nutrition policy") AND 11 128 S23 S12 OR S14 OR S21 OR S22 15,239 S24 (MH "Climate Change+") OR (MH "Greenhouse Effect") 5,183 S25 (MH "Greenhouse Gases") 378 S26 (MH "Carbon Footprint") OR (MH "Conservation of Natural Resources+") OR (MH "Environmental Sustainability") 6,322 S27 (AB(climat* N4 (change# or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*))) OR (TI(climat* N4 (change# or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*))) 7,685 S28 (AB "extreme weather") OR (TI "extreme weather") 415 S29 (AB(((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N2 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome)) OR (TI(((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N2 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome)) 1,203 S30 (AB((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N3 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or "nitrous oxide"))) OR (TI((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N3 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or "nitrous oxide"))) 139 S31 (AB((greenhouse or green-house) N3 (gas* or effect*))) OR (TI((greenhouse or green-house) N3 (gas* or effect*))) 783 S32 (AB(("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or NMVOC* or "sulphur dioxide*" or ozone or O3 or "fluorinated gase*" or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or "air pollut*" or aerosol* or (("short-lived" or shortlived) N4 pollutant*) or SLCP*) N4 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*))) OR (TI(("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or NMVOC* or "sulphur dioxide*" or ozone or O3 or "fluorinated gase*" or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or "air pollut*" or aerosol* or (("short-lived" or shortlived) N4 pollutant*) or SLCP*) N4 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*))) 8,043 S33 (AB(emission* N6 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*))) OR (TI(emission* N6 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*))) 1,538 S34 (TI "tipping point#") or (AB "tipping point#") 577 S35 (TI (carbon N4 footprint#)) or (AB (carbon N4 footprint#)) 446 S36 (AB(de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*)) OR (TI(de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*)) 82 S37 (AB((energy* or fuel*) N4 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean* or transition*))) OR (TI((energy* or fuel*) N4 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean* or transition*))) 4,796 S38 (AB(("fossil fuel*" or coal or oil or gas or carbon) N4 ("phas* out" or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or "shut* down" or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*))) OR (TI(("fossil fuel*" or coal or oil or gas or carbon) N4 ("phas* out" or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or "shut* down" or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*))) 2,379 S39 (TI (net-zero or netzero)) OR (AB (net-zero or netzero)) 126 S40 (TI "just transition*") OR (AB "just transition*") 19 S41 (AB((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) N3 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*))) OR (TI((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) N3 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*))) 6,479 S42 (TI((climat* N4 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*)) OR (AB((climat* N4 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*)) 102,759 S43 (AB(food N3 (local* or mile#))) or (TI(food N3 (local* or mile#))) 1,252 S44 S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 136,149 S45 (MH "Europe+") 675,533 S46 (AB(Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or "Balearic Islands" or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or "Czech Republic" or Denmark or (England not "New England") or Estonia or "Faeroe Islands" or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or "Great Britain" or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or "Northern Ireland" or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or "United Kingdom" or Vatican or (Wales not "New South Wales"))) OR (TI(Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or "Balearic Islands" or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or "Czech Republic" or Denmark or (England not "New England") or Estonia or "Faeroe Islands" or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or "Great Britain" or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or "Northern Ireland" or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or "United Kingdom" or Vatican or (Wales not "New South Wales"))) 344,193 S47 S45 OR S46 805,200 S48 S23 AND S44 AND S47 209 Econlit Database name: Econlit Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1886 to October 31, 2024 Date searched: 2024-11-11 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 156 EndNote import number: 4 Number of results after deduplication: 143 1 ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces) adj3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway)).ti,ab. 97 2 (((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) adj3 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces).ti,ab. 76616 3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway).ti,ab. 5279 4 2 and 3 554 5 1 or 4 616 6 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*).ti,ab. 483015 7 5 and 6 288 8 ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit*) adj3 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)).ti,ab. 40419 9 3 and 8 199 10 (food? or drink? or beverage? or fruit? or vegetable? or portion? or dairy or meat or plant-based or grocer* or provision?).ti,ab. 70793 11 (diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie? or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*).ti,ab. 67693 12 (nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin?).ti,ab. 6920 13 (malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI).ti,ab. 6070 14 or/10-13 134746 15 8 and 14 4974 16 7 or 9 or 15 5264 17 (climat* adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*)).ti,ab. 17912 18 extreme weather.ti,ab. 548 19 (((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj1 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome).ti,ab. 2816 20 ((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj2 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or nitrous oxide)).ti,ab. 798 21 ((greenhouse or green-house) adj2 (gas* or effect*)).ti,ab. 6243 22 (("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or nitro* oxide* or non-methane volatile organic compound* or NMVOC* or sulphur dioxide* or ozone or O3 or fluorinated gase* or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or sulfur hexafluoride* or sulphur hexafluoride* or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or air pollut* or aerosol* or ((short-lived or shortlived) adj3 pollutant*) or SLCP*) adj3 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*)).ti,ab. 15824 23 (emission* adj5 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*)).ti,ab. 11528 24 tipping point?.ti,ab. 416 25 (carbon adj3 footprint?).ti,ab. 565 26 (de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*).ti,ab. 1777 27 ((energy* or fuel*) adj3 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*)).ti,ab. 16287 28 ((fossil fuel* or coal or oil or gas or carbon) adj3 (phas* out or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or shut* down or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 6107 29 (net-zero or netzero).ti,ab. 499 30 just transition*.ti,ab. 214 31 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*)).ti,ab. 6703 32 ((climat* adj3 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*).ti,ab. 66452 33 (food adj2 (local* or mile?)).ti,ab. 624 34 or/17-33 108582 35 (Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or Canary Islands or Channel Islands or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or Czech Republic or Denmark or (England not New England) or Estonia or Faeroe Islands or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or Great Britain or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or Northern Ireland or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or Russian Federation or San Marino or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or Slovak Republic or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or United Kingdom or Vatican or (Wales not New South Wales)).ti,ab. 205482 36 16 and 34 and 35 157 37 remove duplicates from 36 156 Embase Classic+Embase Database name: Embase Classic+Embase Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1947 to 2024 November 08 Date searched: 2024-11-11 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 503 EndNote import number: 2 Number of results after deduplication: 275 1 hospital food service/ or ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces) adj3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway)).ti,ab. 5466 2 school/ or high school/ or middle school/ or primary school/ or hospital/ or exp field hospital/ or exp military hospital/ or public hospital/ or exp detention center/ or sport facility/ or swimming pool/ or military phenomena/ or exp recreational park/ 651372 3 (public sector/ or government/) and workplace/ 1690 4 (((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) adj3 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces).ti,ab. 3048185 5 or/2-4 3209336 6 catering service/ or restaurant/ or soup kitchen/ or "takeaway (food)"/ or kitchen/ or food dispenser/ or vending machine/ 29887 7 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway).ti,ab. 187812 8 or/6-7 204311 9 5 and 8 26270 10 1 or 9 30284 11 contract/ or purchasing/ or (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*).ti,ab. 3700515 12 10 and 11 7462 13 public expenditure/ or hospital purchasing/ or public policy/ or ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit*) adj3 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)).ti,ab. 120856 14 8 and 13 2384 15 exp nutrition/ or exp nutritional disorder/ or hunger/ 4013876 16 (food? or drink? or beverage? or fruit? or vegetable? or portion? or dairy or meat or plant-based or grocer* or provision?).ti,ab. 1534868 17 (diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie? or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*).ti,ab. 2003624 18 (nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin?).ti,ab. 1045542 19 (malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI).ti,ab. 1466187 20 or/15-19 6329628 21 13 and 20 23722 22 nutrition policy/ and 11 1794 23 12 or 14 or 21 or 22 31400 24 exp climate change/ or exp environmental impact/ or exp environmental footprint/ or greenhouse gas/ or exp greenhouse gas emission/ 191275 25 (exp weather/ or exp climate/) and exp disaster/ 4453 26 (climat* adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*)).ti,ab. 82851 27 extreme weather.ti,ab. 2663 28 (((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj1 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome).ti,ab. 21258 29 ((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj2 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or nitrous oxide)).ti,ab. 4898 30 ((greenhouse or green-house) adj2 (gas* or effect*)).ti,ab. 18717 31 (("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or nitro* oxide* or non-methane volatile organic compound* or NMVOC* or sulphur dioxide* or ozone or O3 or fluorinated gase* or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or sulfur hexafluoride* or sulphur hexafluoride* or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or air pollut* or aerosol* or ((short-lived or shortlived) adj3 pollutant*) or SLCP*) adj3 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*)).ti,ab. 153781 32 (emission* adj5 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*)).ti,ab. 39646 33 tipping point?.ti,ab. 2091 34 (carbon adj3 footprint?).ti,ab. 3835 35 (de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*).ti,ab. 1225 36 ((energy* or fuel*) adj3 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*)).ti,ab. 71024 37 ((fossil fuel* or coal or oil or gas or carbon) adj3 (phas* out or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or shut* down or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 32964 38 (net-zero or netzero).ti,ab. 995 39 just transition*.ti,ab. 53 40 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers*)).ti,ab. 65814 41 exp environmental protection/ 118975 42 environmental policy/ 6442 43 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*)).ti,ab. 76472 44 ((climat* adj3 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*).ti,ab. 685458 45 (food adj2 (local* or mile?)).ti,ab. 2593 46 or/24-45 1228184 47 exp Europe/ or Albania/ or Andorra/ or Armenia/ or Austria/ or exp Azerbaijan/ or exp Baltic States/ or Belarus/ or exp Belgium/ or exp "Bosnia and Herzegovina"/ or Bulgaria/ or Croatia/ or Cyprus/ or Czech Republic/ or exp France/ or exp "Georgia (republic)"/ or exp Germany/ or Gibraltar/ or Greece/ or Hungary/ or Ireland/ or exp Italy/ or Liechtenstein/ or Luxembourg/ or Malta/ or Moldova/ or Monaco/ or "Montenegro (republic)"/ or Netherlands/ or "republic of north macedonia"/ or Poland/ or exp Portugal/ or Romania/ or exp Russian Federation/ or San Marino/ or exp Scandinavia/ or exp Serbia/ or Slovakia/ or Slovenia/ or exp Spain/ or Switzerland/ or "Turkey (republic)"/ or exp Ukraine/ or exp United Kingdom/ or Vatican City State/ 2051681 48 (Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or Canary Islands or Channel Islands or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or Czech Republic or Denmark or (England not New England) or Estonia or Faeroe Islands or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or Great Britain or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or Northern Ireland or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or Russian Federation or San Marino or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or Slovak Republic or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or UK or Ukraine or United Kingdom or Vatican or (Wales not New South Wales)).ti,ab. or (Turkey.ti,ab. not animal/) 1844581 49 47 or 48 2807673 50 23 and 46 and 49 509 51 remove duplicates from 50 503 Global Health Database name: Global Health Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1910 to 2024 Week 45 Date searched: 2024-11-11 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 577 EndNote import number: 3 Number of results after deduplication: 437 1 hospital catering/ or school food service/ or school meals/ or military rations/ or ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces) adj3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway)).ti,ab. 3989 2 schools/ or elementary schools/ or high schools/ or nursery schools/ or public schools/ or hospitals/ or correctional institutions/ or sports facilities/ or swimming pools/ or recreational facilities/ or "amenity and recreation areas"/ or educational policy/ 102980 3 (public sector/ or exp government/) and work places/ 186 4 (((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) adj3 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces).ti,ab. 528989 5 or/2-4 541555 6 catering/ or institutional catering/ or vending machines/ or exp kitchens/ or exp catering industry/ or cooking/ or cooks/ 22242 7 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway).ti,ab. 125515 8 or/6-7 127352 9 5 and 8 15186 10 1 or 9 16503 11 purchasing/ or food purchasing/ or procurement planning/ or purchasing habits/ or contracts/ or collective agreements/ or tendering/ or policy/ or economic policy/ or fiscal policy/ or monetary policy/ or price policy/ or regional policy/ or social policy/ or trade policy/ or (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*).ti,ab. 682956 12 10 and 11 5276 13 government policy/ or ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit*) adj3 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)).ti,ab. 34476 14 8 and 13 1530 15 exp diet/ or exp diets/ or exp nutrition/ or exp nutritional disorders/ or exp food/ or food consumption/ or eating patterns/ or eating rates/ or food intake/ or exp food preferences/ or hunger/ or nutrient requirements/ or recommended dietary allowances/ or exp nutritional state/ or exp nutritive value/ or calories/ or nutrient availability/ or exp food supply/ or food access/ 807399 16 (food? or drink? or beverage? or fruit? or vegetable? or portion? or dairy or meat or plant-based or grocer* or provision?).ti,ab. 810433 17 (diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie? or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*).ti,ab. 847596 18 (nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin?).ti,ab. 496211 19 (malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI).ti,ab. 386223 20 or/15-19 1804839 21 13 and 20 12312 22 (food policy/ or nutrition policy/) and 11 5729 23 12 or 14 or 21 or 22 21139 24 exp climate change/ 15999 25 greenhouse gases/ or carbon dioxide/ or greenhouse effect/ or methane/ or nitrogen oxides/ 19677 26 exp environmental impact/ 15209 27 (exp weather/ or exp climate/) and exp disasters/ 647 28 (climat* adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*)).ti,ab. 21687 29 extreme weather.ti,ab. 1061 30 (((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj1 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome).ti,ab. 3973 31 ((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj2 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or nitrous oxide)).ti,ab. 310 32 ((greenhouse or green-house) adj2 (gas* or effect*)).ti,ab. 4496 33 (("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or nitro* oxide* or non-methane volatile organic compound* or NMVOC* or sulphur dioxide* or ozone or O3 or fluorinated gase* or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or sulfur hexafluoride* or sulphur hexafluoride* or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or air pollut* or aerosol* or ((short-lived or shortlived) adj3 pollutant*) or SLCP*) adj3 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*)).ti,ab. 22577 34 (emission* adj5 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*)).ti,ab. 6425 35 tipping point?.ti,ab. 182 36 (carbon adj3 footprint?).ti,ab. 1025 37 (de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*).ti,ab. 172 38 ((energy* or fuel*) adj3 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*)).ti,ab. 12674 39 ((fossil fuel* or coal or oil or gas or carbon) adj3 (phas* out or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or shut* down or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 6622 40 sustainability/ or "sustainable land use"/ 19279 41 (net-zero or netzero).ti,ab. 112 42 just transition*.ti,ab. 17 43 environmental policy/ or environmental protection/ 5238 44 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*)).ti,ab. 16152 45 ((climat* adj3 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*).ti,ab. 113030 46 (food adj2 (local* or mile?)).ti,ab. 3223 47 or/24-46 205437 48 (Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or Canary Islands or Channel Islands or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or Czech Republic or Denmark or (England not New England) or Estonia or Faeroe Islands or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or Great Britain or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or Northern Ireland or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or Russian Federation or San Marino or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or Slovak Republic or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or UK or Ukraine or United Kingdom or Vatican or (Wales not New South Wales)).ti,ab. or (Turkey.ti,ab. not animals/) 429285 49 exp Europe/ 625661 50 48 or 49 692970 51 23 and 47 and 50 577 52 remove duplicates from 51 577 GreenFILE Database name: GreenFILE Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-11-13 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 273 EndNote import number: 7 Number of results after deduplication: 206 # Query Results S1 (AB((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces") n4 (catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway))) or (TI((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces") n4 (catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway))) 322 S2 (MH "Schools") OR (MH "Schools, Elementary") OR (MH "Schools, Middle") OR (MH "Schools, Nursery") OR (MH "Schools, Secondary") OR (MH "Schools, Special") OR (MH "Hospitals, Public+") OR (MH "Correctional Facilities") OR (MH "Sports Facilities") 1,912 S3 ((MH "Public Sector") OR (MH "Government+")) AND (MH "Work Environment") 2 S4 (AB(((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) N4 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*" or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces")) or (TI(((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) N4 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*" or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces")) 30,434 S5 S2 OR S3 OR S4 30,732 S6 (MH "Food Dispensers, Automatic") OR (MH "Meal Preparation+") OR (MH "Food Services+") OR (MH "Food Supply") OR (MH "Food Service Department") 1,198 S7 (AB(catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway)) OR (TI(catering or dining or meal# or vending or canteen# or cafeteria# or cafe# or restaurant# or "food servic*" or refectory or "coffee shop#" or kitchen# or cook# or cooking or chef or "hot food" or takeaway)) 10,736 S8 S6 OR S7 11,901 S9 S5 AND S8 702 S10 S1 OR S9 891 S11 (MH "Purchasing Department") OR (MH "Value-Based Purchasing") OR (MH "Product Acquisition") OR (MH "Contracts") OR (MH "Public Policy") OR (AB (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)) OR (TI (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)) 239,263 S12 S10 AND S11 272 S13 (MH "Public Expenditures") OR (MH "Public Policy") OR (MH "School Policies") OR (MH "Hospital Policies") OR (AB((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces" or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*") N4 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*))) OR (TI((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or "air force" or "armed forces" or school# or hospital# or prison# or jail# or "correctional facilit*") N4 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*))) 15,579 S14 S8 AND S13 175 S15 (MH "Hunger") OR (MH "Nutritive Value+") OR (MH "Nutrition+") OR (MH "Nutrition Disorders+") OR (MH "Eating") OR (MH "Eating Behavior+") OR (MH "Food Supply+") 433 S16 (AB(food# or drink# or beverage# or fruit# or vegetable# or portion# or dairy or meat or "plant-based" or grocer* or provision#)) OR (TI(food# or drink# or beverage# or fruit# or vegetable# or portion# or dairy or meat or "plant-based" or grocer* or provision#)) 96,427 S17 (AB(diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie# or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*)) OR (TI(diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie# or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*)) 82,716 S18 (TI(nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin#)) OR (AB(nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin#)) 43,005 S19 (AB(malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or "body-mass-index" or BMI)) OR (TI(malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or "body-mass-index" or BMI)) 8,377 S20 S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 194,880 S21 S13 AND S20 2,558 S22 (MH "nutrition policy") AND 11 1 S23 S12 OR S14 OR S21 OR S22 2,857 S24 (MH "Climate Change+") OR (MH "Greenhouse Effect") 1,956 S25 (MH "Greenhouse Gases") 12,551 S26 (MH "Carbon Footprint") OR (MH "Conservation of Natural Resources+") OR (MH "Environmental Sustainability") 1,414 S27 (AB(climat* N4 (change# or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*))) OR (TI(climat* N4 (change# or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*))) 75,212 S28 (AB "extreme weather") OR (TI "extreme weather") 1,486 S29 (AB(((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N2 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome)) OR (TI(((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N2 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome)) 21,719 S30 (AB((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N3 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or "nitrous oxide"))) OR (TI((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) N3 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or "nitrous oxide"))) 5,663 S31 (AB((greenhouse or green-house) N3 (gas* or effect*))) OR (TI((greenhouse or green-house) N3 (gas* or effect*))) 25,952 S32 (AB(("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or NMVOC* or "sulphur dioxide*" or ozone or O3 or "fluorinated gase*" or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or "air pollut*" or aerosol* or (("short-lived" or shortlived) N4 pollutant*) or SLCP*) N4 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*))) OR (TI(("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or NMVOC* or "sulphur dioxide*" or ozone or O3 or "fluorinated gase*" or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or "air pollut*" or aerosol* or (("short-lived" or shortlived) N4 pollutant*) or SLCP*) N4 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*))) 78,512 S33 (AB(emission* N6 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*))) OR (TI(emission* N6 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*))) 36,555 S34 (TI "tipping point#") or (AB "tipping point#") 510 S35 (TI (carbon N4 footprint#)) or (AB (carbon N4 footprint#)) 2,770 S36 (AB(de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*)) OR (TI(de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*)) 2,654 S37 (AB((energy* or fuel*) N4 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean* or transition*))) OR (TI((energy* or fuel*) N4 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean* or transition*))) 62,050 S38 (AB(("fossil fuel*" or coal or oil or gas or carbon) N4 ("phas* out" or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or "shut* down" or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*))) OR (TI(("fossil fuel*" or coal or oil or gas or carbon) N4 ("phas* out" or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or "shut* down" or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*))) 19,187 S39 (TI (net-zero or netzero)) OR (AB (net-zero or netzero)) 1,119 S40 (TI "just transition*") OR (AB "just transition*") 183 S41 (AB((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) N3 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*))) OR (TI((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) N3 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*))) 62,811 S42 (TI((climat* N4 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*)) OR (AB((climat* N4 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*)) 102,474 S43 (AB(food N3 (local* or mile#))) or (TI(food N3 (local* or mile#))) 1,282 S44 S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 323,508 S45 (MH "Europe+") 0 S46 (AB(Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or "Balearic Islands" or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or "Czech Republic" or Denmark or (England not "New England") or Estonia or "Faeroe Islands" or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or "Great Britain" or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or "Northern Ireland" or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or "United Kingdom" or Vatican or (Wales not "New South Wales"))) OR (TI(Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or "Balearic Islands" or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or "Czech Republic" or Denmark or (England not "New England") or Estonia or "Faeroe Islands" or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or "Great Britain" or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or "Northern Ireland" or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or "United Kingdom" or Vatican or (Wales not "New South Wales"))) 148,517 S47 S45 OR S46 148,517 S48 S23 AND S44 AND S47 273 Medline ALL Database name: Medline ALL Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1946 to November 08, 2024 Date searched: 2024-11-11 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 368 EndNote import number: 1 Number of results after deduplication: 360 1 Food service, hospital/ or ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces) adj3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway)).ti,ab. [public food places] 5769 2 public facilities/ or schools/ or schools, nursery/ or hospitals, public/ or exp correctional facilities/ or "sports and recreational facilities"/ or parks, recreational/ or swimming pools/ or military facilities/ 92684 3 (Public sector/ or local government/ or government/) and workplace/ 228 4 (((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) adj3 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces).ti,ab. 1993689 5 or/2-4 [public places, not specifically food] 2017878 6 food dispensers, automatic/ or food services/ or restaurants/ or cooking/ 25758 7 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway).ti,ab. 137414 8 or/6-7 [food places, not specifically publicly run] 148761 9 5 and 8 [food places in public facilities] 15699 10 1 or 9 [all food places in facilities run by public bodies] 20230 11 group purchasing/ or contracts/ or (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*).ti,ab. 2823592 12 10 and 11 [procurement in food places run by public bodies] 4879 13 public procurement/ or purchasing, hospital/ or ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit*) adj3 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)).ti,ab. 92470 14 13 and 8 [public procurement in food places] 1658 15 exp "diet, food, and nutrition"/ or exp Nutrition Disorders/ or exp eating/ or dietary patterns/ or food preferences/ or exp hunger/ or exp nutritional requirements/ or nutritional status/ or exp nutritive value/ or exp food supply/ 2347872 16 (food? or drink? or beverage? or fruit? or vegetable? or portion? or dairy or meat or plant-based or grocer* or provision?).ti,ab. 1232983 17 (diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie? or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*).ti,ab. 1504460 18 (nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin?).ti,ab. 785470 19 (malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI).ti,ab. 937076 20 or/15-19 4553233 21 13 and 20 [public procurement and diet, food, nutrition] 16399 22 nutrition policy/ and 11 4270 23 12 or 14 or 21 or 22 23603 24 climate change/ or global warming/ 35108 25 Greenhouse Gases/ or Greenhouse Effect/ 8835 26 Carbon footprint/ 1420 27 (exp Weather/ or exp Climate/) and exp Disasters/ 18345 28 (climat* adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*)).ti,ab. 86238 29 extreme weather.ti,ab. 2710 30 (((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj1 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome).ti,ab. 21286 31 ((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj2 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or nitrous oxide)).ti,ab. 4924 32 ((greenhouse or green-house) adj2 (gas* or effect*)).ti,ab. 18062 33 (("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or nitro* oxide* or non-methane volatile organic compound* or NMVOC* or sulphur dioxide* or ozone or O3 or fluorinated gase* or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or sulfur hexafluoride* or sulphur hexafluoride* or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or air pollut* or aerosol* or ((short-lived or shortlived) adj3 pollutant*) or SLCP*) adj3 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*)).ti,ab. 136949 34 (emission* adj5 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*)).ti,ab. 36017 35 tipping point?.ti,ab. 1887 36 (carbon adj3 footprint?).ti,ab. 3298 37 (de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*).ti,ab. 1442 38 ((energy* or fuel*) adj3 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*)).ti,ab. 71841 39 ((fossil fuel* or coal or oil or gas or carbon) adj3 (phas* out or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or shut* down or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 32170 40 (net-zero or netzero).ti,ab. 1017 41 just transition*.ti,ab. 57 42 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers*)).ti,ab. 65767 43 exp "Conservation of Natural Resources"/ or environmental policy/ 124205 44 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*)).ti,ab. 76798 45 ((climat* adj3 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*).ti,ab. 536688 46 (food adj2 (local* or mile?)).ti,ab. 2094 47 or/24-46 999770 48 exp Europe/ or Mediterranean Region/ or Mediterranean Islands/ or Albania/ or Andorra/ or Armenia/ or Austria/ or Azerbaijan/ or exp Baltic States/ or "Republic of Belarus"/ or Belgium/ or Bosnia-Herzegovina/ or Bulgaria/ or Croatia/ or Cyprus/ or Czech Republic/ or Denmark/ or Finland/ or exp France/ or "Georgia (Republic)"/ or exp Germany/ or Gibraltar/ or exp Great Britain/ or Greece/ or Hungary/ or Iceland/ or Ireland/ or exp Italy/ or Liechtenstein/ or Luxembourg/ or "Macedonia (Republic)"/ or Malta/ or Moldova/ or Monaco/ or Montenegro/ or Netherlands/ or exp Norway/ or Poland/ or Portugal/ or Romania/ or exp Russia/ or San Marino/ or Scandinavia/ or Serbia/ or Slovakia/ or Slovenia/ or Spain/ or Sweden/ or Switzerland/ or Turkey/ or Ukraine/ or Vatican City/ 1641164 49 (Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or Canary Islands or Channel Islands or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or Czech Republic or Denmark or (England not New England) or Estonia or Faeroe Islands or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or Great Britain or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or Northern Ireland or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or Russian Federation or San Marino or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or Slovak Republic or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or United Kingdom or Vatican or (Wales not New South Wales)).ti,ab. or (Turkey.ti,ab. not animal/) 1147569 50 or/48-49 2172391 51 23 and 47 and 50 369 52 remove duplicates from 51 368 Scopus Database name: Scopus Database platform: Elsevier Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-11-13 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 2195 EndNote import number: 10 Number of results after deduplication: 882 (( (TITLE-ABS(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces") W/4 ("catering" or "dining" or "meal*" or "vending" or "canteen*" or "cafeteria*" or "cafe*" or "restaurant*" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop*" or "kitchen*" or "cook*" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway")) OR (TITLE-ABS((("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*") W/4 ("facilit*" or "work-place*" or "workplace*" or "office*" or "building*" or "owned" or "run" or "maintain*" or "servic*")) or "school*" or "hospital*" or "prison*" or "jail*" or "correctional facilit*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces") AND TITLE-ABS("catering" or "dining" or "meal*" or "vending" or "canteen*" or "cafeteria*" or "cafe*" or "restaurant*" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop*" or "kitchen*" or "cook*" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway"))) AND TITLE-ABS("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*") ) or (TITLE-ABS("catering" or "dining" or "meal*" or "vending" or "canteen*" or "cafeteria*" or "cafe*" or "restaurant*" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop*" or "kitchen*" or "cook*" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway") AND TITLE-ABS(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces" or "school*" or "hospital*" or "prison*" or "jail*" or "correctional facilit*") W/4 ("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*"))) or (TITLE-ABS(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces" or "school*" or "hospital*" or "prison*" or "jail*" or "correctional facilit*") W/4 ("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*")) AND TITLE-ABS("food*" or "drink*" or "beverage*" or "fruit*" or "vegetable*" or "portion*" or "dairy" or "meat" or "plant-based" or "grocer*" or "provision*" or "diet*" or "vegetarian" or "pescatarian" or "vegan" or "low-salt" or "low-fat" or "calorie*" or "intake" or "cuisine" or "feeding" or "eat" or "eating" or "hungry" or "overeat*" or "satiety" or "satiat*" or "consume" or "consumed" or "consumes" or "consumpt*" or "nutri*" or "micronutri*" or "vitamin*" or "malnutri*" or "obes*" or "overweight" or "over-weight" or "underweight" or "under-weight" or "hunger" or "stunting" or "wasting" or "undernourish*" or "undernutrit*" or "malnour*" or "body-weight" or "body-mass-index" or "BMI"))) and TITLE-ABS(("climat*" W/4 ("change*" or "changing" or "variab*" or "disrupt*" or "hazard*" or "impact*" or "vulnerab*" or "function*" or "extreme" or "catastroph*" or "emergenc*" or "shift*" or "dynamic*" or "sensitiv*")) or (("global" or "planet*" or "world" or "earth" or "worldwide" or "world-wide") W/3 ("co2" or "carbon" or "methane" or "ozone" or "nitrous oxide")) or (("greenhouse" or "green-house") W/3 ("gas*" or "effect*")) OR (("co2" or "carbon" or "GHG" or "CH4" or "methane" or "N2O" or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or "NMVOC*" or "sulphur dioxide*" or "ozone" or "O3" or "fluorinated gase*" or "F-Gas*" or "hydrofluorocarbon*" or "HFCs" or "perfluorocarbon*" or "PFCs" or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or "SF6" or "chlorofluorocarbon*" or "CFCs" or "hydrochlorofluorocarbon*" or "HCFCs" or "halos" or "air pollut*" or "aerosol*" or (("short-lived" or "shortlived") W/4 "pollutant*") or "SLCP*") W/4 ("mitigat*" or "reduc*" or "save*" or "saving" or "tackl*" or "address*" or "halt*" or "stop*" or "abat*" or "remission*" or "moderat*" or "modif*" or "control*" or "zero" or "diminish*" or "decreas*" or "eliminat*" or "elevat*" or "emission*" or "rise*" or "increas*" or "declin*" or "sink*" or "sequester*" or "neutral" or "offset" or "storage" or "store" or "storing" or "captur*" or "perform*" or "efficien*" or "conservation" or "remov*")) or ("emission*" W/6 ("elevat*" or "rise" or "increas*" or "decreas*" or "reduc*" or "offset*")) or "tipping point$" or ("carbon" W/4 "footprint$") or ("de-carbon" or "de-carboni*" or "decarbon" or "decarboni*") or (("energy*" or "fuel*") W/4 ("green" or "efficien*" or "reduc*" or "renewable*" or "save*" or "saving" or "clean*" or "transition*")) or (("fossil fuel*" or "coal" or "oil" or "gas" or "carbon") W/4 ("phas* out" or "exit*" or "transition*" or "transform*" or "clos*" or "shift*" or "decommission*" or "shut* down" or "displac*" or "low*" or "neutral*" or "sustainab*")) or ("net-zero" or "netzero") or "just transition*" or (("environment*" or "ecolog*" or "habitat" or "species" or "biome") W/3 ("loss" or "fragment*" or "disturb*" or "alter" or "altered" or "destruct*" or "degradat*" or "conservat*" or "declin*" or "decreas*" or "divers*" or "sustain*")) or (("climat*" W/4 ("solution*" or "mitigat*" or "adapt*")) or "sustain*") or ("food" W/3 ("local*" or "mile$"))) and TITLE-ABS("Europe" or "Albania" or "Andorra" or "Armenia" or "Austria" or "Azerbaijan" or "Balkan*" or "Balearic Islands" or "Belarus" or "Belgium" or "Byelarus" or "Belorussia" or "Bosnia" or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or "Croatia" or "Cyprus" or "Czechoslovakia" or "Czech Republic" or "Denmark" or ("England" and not "New England") or "Estonia" or "Faeroe Islands" or "Finland" or "France" or "GBR" or "Germany" or "Gibraltar" or "Great Britain" or "Greece" or "Herzegovina" or "Holland" or "Hungary" or "Iceland" or "Ireland" or "Isle of Man" or "Italy" or "Kosovo" or "Latvia" or "Liechtenstein" or "Lithuania" or "Luxembourg" or "Macedonia" or "Malta" or "Mediterranean" or "Moldova" or "Monaco" or "Montenegro" or "Netherlands" or "Northern Ireland" or "Norway" or "Poland" or "Portugal" or "Romania" or "Russia" or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or "Scandinavia" or "Scotland" or "Serbia" or "Slovakia" or "Slovak Republic" or "Slovenia" or "Spain" or "Sweden" or "Switzerland" or "Turkei" or "Turkiye" or "Turkey" or "UK" or "Ukraine" or "United Kingdom" or "Vatican" or ("Wales" and not "New South Wales")) Social Policy & Practice Database name: Social Policy & Practice Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 202410 Date searched: 2024-11-11 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 100 EndNote import number: 5 Number of results after deduplication: 76 1 ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces) adj3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway)).ti,ab. 65 2 (((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol*) adj3 (facilit* or work-place* or workplace* or office* or building* or owned or run or maintain* or servic*)) or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces).ti,ab. 64795 3 (catering or dining or meal? or vending or canteen? or cafeteria? or cafe? or restaurant? or food servic* or refectory or coffee shop? or kitchen? or cook? or cooking or chef or hot food or takeaway).ti,ab. 3523 4 2 and 3 1420 5 1 or 4 1448 6 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*).ti,ab. 145238 7 5 and 6 453 8 ((public or state or government* or municipal* or council* or metropol* or military or army or navy or air force or armed forces or school? or hospital? or prison? or jail? or correctional facilit*) adj3 (procure* or purchase* or tender* or contract* or buy or source* or policy or policies or practice*)).ti,ab. 13068 9 3 and 8 157 10 (food? or drink? or beverage? or fruit? or vegetable? or portion? or dairy or meat or plant-based or grocer* or provision?).ti,ab. 38578 11 (diet* or vegetarian or pescatarian or vegan or low-salt or low-fat or calorie? or intake or cuisine or feeding or eat or eating or hungry or overeat* or satiety or satiat* or consume or consumed or consumes or consumpt*).ti,ab. 6798 12 (nutri* or micronutri* or vitamin?).ti,ab. 2207 13 (malnutri* or obes* or overweight or over-weight or underweight or under-weight or hunger or stunting or wasting or undernourish* or undernutrit* or malnour* or body-weight or body-mass-index or BMI).ti,ab. 2773 14 or/10-13 45789 15 8 and 14 1885 16 7 or 9 or 15 2278 17 (climat* adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv*)).ti,ab. 1773 18 extreme weather.ti,ab. 52 19 (((global or planet* or world or climat* or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj1 (heating or warming or temperature*)) or heat-dome).ti,ab. 123 20 ((global or planet* or world or earth or worldwide or world-wide) adj2 ("co2" or carbon or methane or ozone or nitrous oxide)).ti,ab. 4 21 ((greenhouse or green-house) adj2 (gas* or effect*)).ti,ab. 264 22 (("co2" or carbon or GHG or CH4 or methane or N2O or nitro* oxide* or non-methane volatile organic compound* or NMVOC* or sulphur dioxide* or ozone or O3 or fluorinated gase* or F-Gas* or hydrofluorocarbon* or HFCs or perfluorocarbon* or PFCs or sulfur hexafluoride* or sulphur hexafluoride* or SF6 or chlorofluorocarbon* or CFCs or hydrochlorofluorocarbon* or HCFCs or halos or air pollut* or aerosol* or ((short-lived or shortlived) adj3 pollutant*) or SLCP*) adj3 (mitigat* or reduc* or save* or saving or tackl* or address* or halt* or stop* or abat* or remission* or moderat* or modif* or control* or zero or diminish* or decreas* or eliminat* or elevat* or emission* or rise* or increas* or declin* or sink* or sequester* or neutral or offset or storage or store or storing or captur* or perform* or efficien* or conservation or remov*)).ti,ab. 1681 23 (emission* adj5 (elevat* or rise or increas* or decreas* or reduc* or offset*)).ti,ab. 707 24 tipping point?.ti,ab. 67 25 (carbon adj3 footprint?).ti,ab. 120 26 (de-carbon or de-carboni* or decarbon or decarboni*).ti,ab. 138 27 ((energy* or fuel*) adj3 (green or efficien* or reduc* or renewable* or save* or saving or clean*)).ti,ab. 2753 28 ((fossil fuel* or coal or oil or gas or carbon) adj3 (phas* out or exit* or transition* or transform* or clos* or shift* or decommission* or shut* down or displac* or low* or neutral* or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 687 29 (net-zero or netzero).ti,ab. 194 30 just transition*.ti,ab. 20 31 ((environment* or ecolog* or habitat or species or biome) adj2 (loss or fragment* or disturb* or alter or altered or destruct* or degradat* or conservat* or declin* or decreas* or divers* or sustain*)).ti,ab. 897 32 ((climat* adj3 (solution* or mitigat* or adapt*)) or sustain*).ti,ab. 16190 33 (food adj2 (local* or mile?)).ti,ab. 147 34 or/17-33 20278 35 (Europe or Albania or Andorra or Armenia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Balkan* or Balearic Islands or Belarus or Belgium or Byelarus or Belorussia or Bosnia or Canary Islands or Channel Islands or Croatia or Cyprus or Czechoslovakia or Czech Republic or Denmark or (England not New England) or Estonia or Faeroe Islands or Finland or France or GBR or Germany or Gibraltar or Great Britain or Greece or Herzegovina or Holland or Hungary or Iceland or Ireland or "Isle of Man" or Italy or Kosovo or Latvia or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macedonia or Malta or Mediterranean or Moldova or Monaco or Montenegro or Netherlands or Northern Ireland or Norway or Poland or Portugal or Romania or Russia or Russian Federation or San Marino or Scandinavia or Scotland or Serbia or Slovakia or Slovak Republic or Slovenia or Spain or Sweden or Switzerland or Turkei or Turkiye or Turkey or UK or Ukraine or United Kingdom or Vatican or (Wales not New South Wales)).ti,ab. 113999 36 16 and 34 and 35 101 37 remove duplicates from 36 100 Web of Science Core Collection Database name: Web of Science Core Collection consisting of the following databases which are all searched simultaneously: • Science Citation Index Expanded • Social Sciences Citation Index • Arts & Humanities Citation Index • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities • Emerging Sources Citation Index Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Dates of database coverage: • SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present • SSCI 1970-present • AHCI 1975-present • CPCI-S 1990-present • CPCI-SSH 1990-present • ESCI 2019-present Data updated 2024-11-10 Date searched: 2024-11-13 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 1368 EndNote import number: 9 Number of results after deduplication: 774 # Searches: 1: TI=(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces") NEAR/4 ("catering" or "dining" or "meal$" or "vending" or "canteen$" or "cafeteria$" or "café$" or "restaurant$" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop$" or "kitchen$" or "cook$" or "cooking" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway")) or AB=(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces") NEAR/4 ("catering" or "dining" or "meal$" or "vending" or "canteen$" or "cafeteria$" or "café$" or "restaurant$" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop$" or "kitchen$" or "cook$" or "cooking" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway")) Results: 3427 2: TI=((("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*") NEAR/4 ("facilit*" or "work-place*" or "workplace*" or "office*" or "building*" or "owned" or "run" or "maintain*" or "servic*")) or "school$" or "hospital$" or "prison$" or "jail$" or "correctional facilit*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces") OR AB=((("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*") NEAR/4 ("facilit*" or "work-place*" or "workplace*" or "office*" or "building*" or "owned" or "run" or "maintain*" or "servic*")) or "school$" or "hospital$" or "prison$" or "jail$" or "correctional facilit*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces") Results: 2411455 3: TI=("catering" or "dining" or "meal$" or "vending" or "canteen$" or "cafeteria$" or "café$" or "restaurant$" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop$" or "kitchen$" or "cook$" or "cooking" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway") or AB=("catering" or "dining" or "meal$" or "vending" or "canteen$" or "cafeteria$" or "café$" or "restaurant$" or "food servic*" or "refectory" or "coffee shop$" or "kitchen$" or "cook$" or "cooking" or "chef" or "hot food" or "takeaway") Results: 254085 4: #3 AND #2 Results: 16078 5: #1 OR #4 Results: 18496 6: TI=("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*") or AB=("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*") Results: 6390250 7: #6 AND #5 Results: 5638 8: TI=(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces" or "school$" or "hospital$" or "prison$" or "jail$" or "correctional facilit*") NEAR/4 ("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*")) or AB=(("public" or "state" or "government*" or "municipal*" or "council*" or "metropol*" or "military" or "army" or "navy" or "air force" or "armed forces" or "school$" or "hospital$" or "prison$" or "jail$" or "correctional facilit*") NEAR/4 ("procure*" or "purchase*" or "tender*" or "contract*" or "buy" or "source*" or "policy" or "policies" or "practice*")) Results: 293128 9: #3 AND #8 Results: 2884 10: TI=("food$" or "drink$" or "beverage$" or "fruit$" or "vegetable$" or "portion$" or "dairy" or "meat" or "plant-based" or "grocer*" or "provision$") or AB=("food$" or "drink$" or "beverage$" or "fruit$" or "vegetable$" or "portion$" or "dairy" or "meat" or "plant-based" or "grocer*" or "provision$") Results: 2231051 11: TI=("diet*" or "vegetarian" or "pescatarian" or "vegan" or "low-salt" or "low-fat" or "calorie$" or "intake" or "cuisine" or "feeding" or "eat" or "eating" or "hungry" or "overeat*" or "satiety" or "satiat*" or "consume" or "consumed" or "consumes" or "consumpt*") or AB=("diet*" or "vegetarian" or "pescatarian" or "vegan" or "low-salt" or "low-fat" or "calorie$" or "intake" or "cuisine" or "feeding" or "eat" or "eating" or "hungry" or "overeat*" or "satiety" or "satiat*" or "consume" or "consumed" or "consumes" or "consumpt*") Results: 2624286 12: TI=("nutri*" or "micronutri*" or "vitamin$") or AB=("nutri*" or "micronutri*" or "vitamin$") Results: 1137547 13: TI=("malnutri*" or "obes*" or "overweight" or "over-weight" or "underweight" or "under-weight" or "hunger" or "stunting" or "wasting" or "undernourish*" or "undernutrit*" or "malnour*" or "body-weight" or "body-mass-index" or "BMI") or AB=("malnutri*" or "obes*" or "overweight" or "over-weight" or "underweight" or "under-weight" or "hunger" or "stunting" or "wasting" or "undernourish*" or "undernutrit*" or "malnour*" or "body-weight" or "body-mass-index" or "BMI") Results: 1015652 14: #13 OR #12 OR #11 OR #10 Results: 5662108 15: #8 AND #14 Results: 37416 16: #15 OR #9 OR #7 Results: 42285 17: TI=("climat*" NEAR/4 ("change$" or "changing" or "variab*" or "disrupt*" or "hazard*" or "impact*" or "vulnerab*" or "function*" or "extreme" or "catastroph*" or "emergenc*" or "shift*" or "dynamic*" or "sensitiv*")) OR AB=("climat*" NEAR/4 ("change$" or "changing" or "variab*" or "disrupt*" or "hazard*" or "impact*" or "vulnerab*" or "function*" or "extreme" or "catastroph*" or "emergenc*" or "shift*" or "dynamic*" or "sensitiv*")) Results: 421032 18: TI=(("global" or "planet*" or "world" or "earth" or "worldwide" or "world-wide") NEAR/3 ("co2" or "carbon" or "methane" or "ozone" or "nitrous oxide")) OR AB=(("global" or "planet*" or "world" or "earth" or "worldwide" or "world-wide") NEAR/3 ("co2" or "carbon" or "methane" or "ozone" or "nitrous oxide")) Results: 37734 19: TI=(("greenhouse" or "green-house") NEAR/3 ("gas*" or "effect*")) OR AB=(("greenhouse" or "green-house") NEAR/3 ("gas*" or "effect*")) Results: 102235 20: TI=(("co2" or "carbon" or "GHG" or "CH4" or "methane" or "N2O" or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or "NMVOC*" or "sulphur dioxide*" or "ozone" or "O3" or "fluorinated gase*" or "F-Gas*" or "hydrofluorocarbon*" or "HFCs" or "perfluorocarbon*" or "PFCs" or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or "SF6" or "chlorofluorocarbon*" or "CFCs" or "hydrochlorofluorocarbon*" or "HCFCs" or "halos" or "air pollut*" or "aerosol*" or (("short-lived" or "shortlived") NEAR/4 "pollutant*") or "SLCP*") NEAR/4 ("mitigat*" or "reduc*" or "save*" or "saving" or "tackl*" or "address*" or "halt*" or "stop*" or "abat*" or "remission*" or "moderat*" or "modif*" or "control*" or "zero" or "diminish*" or "decreas*" or "eliminat*" or "elevat*" or "emission*" or "rise*" or "increas*" or "declin*" or "sink*" or "sequester*" or "neutral" or "offset" or "storage" or "store" or "storing" or "captur*" or "perform*" or "efficien*" or "conservation" or "remov*")) OR AB=(("co2" or "carbon" or "GHG" or "CH4" or "methane" or "N2O" or "nitro* oxide*" or "non-methane volatile organic compound*" or "NMVOC*" or "sulphur dioxide*" or "ozone" or "O3" or "fluorinated gase*" or "F-Gas*" or "hydrofluorocarbon*" or "HFCs" or "perfluorocarbon*" or "PFCs" or "sulfur hexafluoride*" or "sulphur hexafluoride*" or "SF6" or "chlorofluorocarbon*" or "CFCs" or "hydrochlorofluorocarbon*" or "HCFCs" or "halos" or "air pollut*" or "aerosol*" or (("short-lived" or "shortlived") NEAR/4 "pollutant*") or "SLCP*") NEAR/4 ("mitigat*" or "reduc*" or "save*" or "saving" or "tackl*" or "address*" or "halt*" or "stop*" or "abat*" or "remission*" or "moderat*" or "modif*" or "control*" or "zero" or "diminish*" or "decreas*" or "eliminat*" or "elevat*" or "emission*" or "rise*" or "increas*" or "declin*" or "sink*" or "sequester*" or "neutral" or "offset" or "storage" or "store" or "storing" or "captur*" or "perform*" or "efficien*" or "conservation" or "remov*")) Results: 705490 21: TI=("emission*" NEAR/6 ("elevat*" or "rise" or "increas*" or "decreas*" or "reduc*" or "offset*")) OR AB=("emission*" NEAR/6 ("elevat*" or "rise" or "increas*" or "decreas*" or "reduc*" or "offset*")) Results: 221182 22: TI="tipping point$" or AB="tipping point$" Results: 4554 23: TI=("carbon" NEAR/4 "footprint$") OR AB=("carbon" NEAR/4 "footprint$") Results: 18037 24: TI=("de-carbon" or "de-carboni*" or "decarbon" or "decarboni*") or AB=("de-carbon" or "de-carboni*" or "decarbon" or "decarboni*") Results: 16818 25: TI=(("energy*" or "fuel*") NEAR/4 ("green" or "efficien*" or "reduc*" or "renewable*" or "save*" or "saving" or "clean*" or "transition*")) or AB=(("energy*" or "fuel*") NEAR/4 ("green" or "efficien*" or "reduc*" or "renewable*" or "save*" or "saving" or "clean*" or "transition*")) Results: 714057 26: TI=(("fossil fuel*" or "coal" or "oil" or "gas" or "carbon") NEAR/4 ("phas* out" or "exit*" or "transition*" or "transform*" or "clos*" or "shift*" or "decommission*" or "shut* down" or "displac*" or "low*" or "neutral*" or "sustainab*")) or AB=(("fossil fuel*" or "coal" or "oil" or "gas" or "carbon") NEAR/4 ("phas* out" or "exit*" or "transition*" or "transform*" or "clos*" or "shift*" or "decommission*" or "shut* down" or "displac*" or "low*" or "neutral*" or "sustainab*")) Results: 282686 27: TI=("net-zero" or "netzero") or AB=("net-zero" or "netzero") Results: 7842 28: TI="just transition*" or AB="just transition*" Results: 914 29: TI=(("environment*" or "ecolog*" or "habitat" or "species" or "biome") NEAR/3 ("loss" or "fragment*" or "disturb*" or "alter" or "altered" or "destruct*" or "degradat*" or "conservat*" or "declin*" or "decreas*" or "divers*" or "sustain*")) or AB=(("environment*" or "ecolog*" or "habitat" or "species" or "biome") NEAR/3 ("loss" or "fragment*" or "disturb*" or "alter" or "altered" or "destruct*" or "degradat*" or "conservat*" or "declin*" or "decreas*" or "divers*" or "sustain*")) Results: 409708 30: TI=(("climat*" NEAR/4 ("solution*" or "mitigat*" or "adapt*")) or "sustain*") or AB=(("climat*" NEAR/4 ("solution*" or "mitigat*" or "adapt*")) or "sustain*") Results: 1290346 31: TI=("food" NEAR/3 ("local*" or "mile$")) or AB=("food" NEAR/3 ("local*" or "mile$")) Results: 9538 32: #31 OR #30 OR #29 OR #28 OR #27 OR #26 OR #25 OR #24 OR #23 OR #22 OR #21 OR #20 OR #19 OR #18 OR #17 Results: 3337112 33: TI=("Europe" or "Albania" or "Andorra" or "Armenia" or "Austria" or "Azerbaijan" or "Balkan*" or "Balearic Islands" or "Belarus" or "Belgium" or "Byelarus" or "Belorussia" or "Bosnia" or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or "Croatia" or "Cyprus" or "Czechoslovakia" or "Czech Republic" or "Denmark" or ("England" not "New England") or "Estonia" or "Faeroe Islands" or "Finland" or "France" or "GBR" or "Germany" or "Gibraltar" or "Great Britain" or "Greece" or "Herzegovina" or "Holland" or "Hungary" or "Iceland" or "Ireland" or "Isle of Man" or "Italy" or "Kosovo" or "Latvia" or "Liechtenstein" or "Lithuania" or "Luxembourg" or "Macedonia" or "Malta" or "Mediterranean" or "Moldova" or "Monaco" or "Montenegro" or "Netherlands" or "Northern Ireland" or "Norway" or "Poland" or "Portugal" or "Romania" or "Russia" or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or "Scandinavia" or "Scotland" or "Serbia" or "Slovakia" or "Slovak Republic" or "Slovenia" or "Spain" or "Sweden" or "Switzerland" or "Turkei" or "Turkiye" or "Turkey" or "UK" or "Ukraine" or "United Kingdom" or "Vatican" or ("Wales" not "New South Wales")) or AB=("Europe" or "Albania" or "Andorra" or "Armenia" or "Austria" or "Azerbaijan" or "Balkan*" or "Balearic Islands" or "Belarus" or "Belgium" or "Byelarus" or "Belorussia" or "Bosnia" or "Canary Islands" or "Channel Islands" or "Croatia" or "Cyprus" or "Czechoslovakia" or "Czech Republic" or "Denmark" or ("England" not "New England") or "Estonia" or "Faeroe Islands" or "Finland" or "France" or "GBR" or "Germany" or "Gibraltar" or "Great Britain" or "Greece" or "Herzegovina" or "Holland" or "Hungary" or "Iceland" or "Ireland" or "Isle of Man" or "Italy" or "Kosovo" or "Latvia" or "Liechtenstein" or "Lithuania" or "Luxembourg" or "Macedonia" or "Malta" or "Mediterranean" or "Moldova" or "Monaco" or "Montenegro" or "Netherlands" or "Northern Ireland" or "Norway" or "Poland" or "Portugal" or "Romania" or "Russia" or "Russian Federation" or "San Marino" or "Scandinavia" or "Scotland" or "Serbia" or "Slovakia" or "Slovak Republic" or "Slovenia" or "Spain" or "Sweden" or "Switzerland" or "Turkei" or "Turkiye" or "Turkey" or "UK" or "Ukraine" or "United Kingdom" or "Vatican" or ("Wales" not "New South Wales")) Results: 3137185 34: #33 AND #32 AND #16 Results: 1368 References Falconer, J., 2018. Removing duplicates from an EndNote Library. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 10 2024].