Search strategies for “Addressing Child Labor: Are Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Child Labor Working?” 1 Search methodology A draft search strategy was compiled in the Ovid Medline ALL database by an experienced information professional. The search strategy included strings of terms, synonyms and subject headings to reflect the following concepts: * child labor; * intervention studies. No filters were added to the search. The search strategy was refined with the project team until the retrieved results reflected the scope of the project. Once agreed, the draft searches were adapted for each database to incorporate database-specific syntax and controlled vocabularies. Final search strategies were run during October 2024. A grey literature search was also conducted in November 2024. Relevant websites were identified by the project team and browsed for suitable literature. An internet search using the DuckDuckGo search engine in an incognito Google Chrome browser was also run. This used terms pulled from the database search. A list of the browsed websites is included below. This document contains full details of the search strings used for each database and the grey literature search. 2 Sources Search strategies for were run on the following bibliographic databases on 31 October 2024: *Wiley Cochrane Library, Issue 10 of 12, October 2024. All sections were searched simultaneously and results from CDSR and CENTRAl were downloaded for screening. * Ovid Econlit, 1886 to October 24, 2024. * Ovid Embase Classic+Embase, 1947 to 2024 October 30. * Ovid Global Health, 1910 to 2024 Week 44. * ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Complete database to search date. * Ovid Medline ALL, 1946 to October 29, 2024. * Ovid APA PsycInfo, 1806 to October 2024 Week 4. * Elsevier Scopus, Complete database to search date. * Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, data updated 2024-10-29 The following databases which were searched simultaneously: o Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), 1970-present; o Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), 1970-present; o Arts & Humanities Citation Index (SSCI), 1975-present; o Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (CPCI-S), 1990-present; o Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH), 1990-present; o Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), 2018-present. The following websites were browsed for information in November 2024: Organisation URL Date searched 3IE 2024-11-18 Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab 2024-11-28 Clarissa Child Labour 2024-11-27 Freedom Fund 2024-11-27 ILO 2024-11-20 International Organization for Migration 2024-11-27 NBER 2024-11-28 Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) No webpage with network documents found. 2024-11-28 Save the Children 2024-11-26 Terre des Hommes 2024-11-27 UNICEF 2024-11-19 UNICEF Innocenti 2024-11-19 World Bank: documents and reports 2024-11-18 3 Information management All results from the database searches were exported and uploaded to EndNote 21 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using the method described on the LAORS blog.(a) The order the database results were uploaded is included below. 4 Search strategies This section provides full details of all search strings used for bibliographic databases, with dates and number of references returned and notes explaining any unusual search techniques or syntax. Wiley Cochrane Library Database name: Cochrane Library Database platform: Wiley Dates of database coverage: Issue 10 of 12, October 2024 Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 277 EndNote deduplication order: 9 Results after duplications removed: 142 Search strategy notes Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract KW: author keywords NEAR/n searches for words within n words of each other. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). #1 MeSH descriptor: [Child Labor] this term only 2 #2 MeSH descriptor: [Child] this term only 73385 #3 MeSH descriptor: [Adolescent] this term only 138798 #4 MeSH descriptor: [Minors] this term only 15 #5 MeSH descriptor: [Employment] this term only 1007 #6 MeSH descriptor: [Household Work] this term only 64 #7 MeSH descriptor: [Enslavement] this term only 0 #8 MeSH descriptor: [Human Trafficking] this term only 3 #9 (#2 OR #3 OR #4) AND (#5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8) 262 #10 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) near/1 work*):ti,ab,kw 267 #11 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) near/2 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)):ti,ab,kw 240 #12 #1 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 744 #13 MeSH descriptor: [Evaluation Study] this term only 1 #14 MeSH descriptor: [Validation Study] this term only 0 #15 MeSH descriptor: [Feasibility Studies] this term only 11206 #16 MeSH descriptor: [Case Reports] this term only 0 #17 MeSH descriptor: [Observational Study] this term only 0 #18 (evaluat* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 273919 #19 (estimat* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 18998 #20 (quanti* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 14260 #21 (qualitat* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 9898 #22 (observ* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 70427 #23 (analyz* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 23995 #24 (analys* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 150598 #25 (implement* NEAR/4 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)):ti,ab,kw 27742 #26 #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 508170 #27 #12 AND #26 277 Ovid Econlit Database name: Econlit Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1886 to October 24, 2024 Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 439 EndNote deduplication order: 4 Results after duplications removed: 355 Search strategy notes Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). 1 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj1 work*).ti,ab. 416 2 (((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj3 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)) not pregnan*).ti,ab. 2826 3 or/1-2 3014 4 (evaluat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 25387 5 (estimat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 29613 6 (quanti* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 12159 7 (observ* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 7819 8 (analyz* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 22922 9 (analys* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 50642 10 (implement* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 22590 11 or/4-10 151038 12 3 and 11 439 Ovid Embase Classic+Embase Database name: Embase Classic+Embase Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1947 to 2024 October 30 Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 6260 EndNote deduplication order: 2 Results after duplications removed: 4771 Search strategy notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). 1 child labor/ 392 2 (adolescent/ or child/ or "minor (person)"/) and (exp employment/ or housekeeping/ or slavery/ or exp human trafficking/ or worker/ or exp sexual exploitation/) 22981 3 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj1 work*).ti,ab. 1939 4 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj3 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)).ti,ab. not exp pregnancy/ 5863 5 or/1-4 29305 6 exp evaluation study/ or experimental study/ or observational study/ or validation study/ or case control study/ or population based case control study/ or intervention study/ 971517 7 (evaluat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 1851855 8 (estimat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 214840 9 (quanti* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 229661 10 (qualitat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 163943 11 (observ* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 821892 12 (analyz* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 448908 13 (analys* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 973393 14 (implement* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 282224 15 or/6-14 4879400 16 5 and 15 6260 Ovid Global Health Database name: Global Health Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1910 to 2024 Week 44 Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 1491 EndNote deduplication order: 3 Results after duplications removed: 1173 Search strategy notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). 1 child labour/ 438 2 (adolescents/ or children/ or boys/ or girls/ or school children/ or youth/) and (work/ or housework/ or workers/ or employment/ or part time employment/ or labour market/ or exp forced labour/) 7329 3 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj1 work*).ti,ab. 634 4 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj3 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)).ti,ab. not exp pregnancy/ 1773 5 or/1-4 9283 6 feasibility studies/ or case studies/ or "implementation of research"/ or pilot projects/ or project appraisal/ or observational studies/ 49281 7 (evaluat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 260712 8 (estimat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 48266 9 (quanti* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 34311 10 (qualitat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 33742 11 (observ* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 115798 12 (analyz* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 58205 13 (analys* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 141961 14 (implement* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 68429 15 or/6-14 680247 16 5 and 15 1496 17 remove duplicates from 16 1491 ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Database name: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-30 Number of results: 1263 EndNote deduplication order: 8 Results after duplications removed: 411 Search strategy notes W/n searches for words within n words of each other. * is used for truncation of words. SUMMARY(((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) N/3 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or work* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)) not (pregnan* or "child-birth")) AND (SUMMARY((evaluat* or estimat* or quanti* or qualitat* or observ* or analyz* or analys*) N/4 (intervention* or impact* or outcome* or project* or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or SUMMARY(implement* W/4 (intervention* or impact* or outcome* or project* or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*))) Ovid Medline ALL Database name: Medline ALL Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1946 to October 29, 2024 Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 2534 EndNote deduplication order: 1 Results after duplications removed: 2483 Search strategy notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). 1 Child Labor/ 89 2 (child/ or adolescent/ or minors/) and (employment/ or Household Work/ or enslavement/ or human trafficking/) 9148 3 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj1 work*).ti,ab. 1568 4 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj3 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)).ti,ab. not exp pregnancy/ 4847 5 or/1-4 14429 6 evaluation study/ or validation study/ or Feasibility Studies/ or case reports/ or observational study/ 3041548 7 (evaluat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 1259778 8 (estimat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 154016 9 (quanti* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 174641 10 (qualitat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 138689 11 (observ* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 541944 12 (analyz* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 305705 13 (analys* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 664591 14 (implement* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 211924 15 or/6-14 5817194 16 5 and 15 2535 17 remove duplicates from 16 2534 Ovid APA PsycInfo Database name: APA PsycInfo Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1806 to October 2024 Week 4 Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 1166 EndNote deduplication order: 5 Results after duplications removed: 802 Search strategy notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). 1 child labor/ 398 2 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj1 work*).ti,ab. 1984 3 ((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) adj3 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)).ti,ab. not exp pregnancy/ 6254 4 or/1-3 8116 5 exp program evaluation/ or case report/ or action research/ 51417 6 (evaluat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 191381 7 (estimat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 25296 8 (quanti* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 51172 9 (qualitat* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 114823 10 (observ* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 69690 11 (analyz* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 56119 12 (analys* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 158195 13 (implement* adj5 (intervention? or impact? or outcome? or project? or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)).ti,ab. 87449 14 or/5-13 675706 15 4 and 14 1166 16 remove duplicates from 15 1166 Elsevier Scopus Database name: Scopus Database platform: Elsevier Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 6061 EndNote deduplication order: 7 Results after duplications removed: 1903 Search strategy notes Codes at the start of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TITLE-ABS: title, abstract W/n searches for words within n words of each other. * is used for truncation of words. ( TITLE-ABS ( ( child OR children OR childs OR boy* OR girl* OR schoolage* OR school-age* OR schoolchild* OR youngster* OR minor OR minors OR prepubescen* OR adolescen* OR puberty OR pubescent* OR juvenil* OR underage* OR preteen* OR pre-teen* OR teen OR teens OR teenage* ) W/1 ( work* ) ) OR TITLE-ABS ( ( ( child OR children OR childs OR boy* OR girl* OR schoolage* OR school-age* OR schoolchild* OR youngster* OR minor OR minors OR prepubescen* OR adolescen* OR puberty OR pubescent* OR juvenil* OR underage* OR preteen* OR pre-teen* OR teen OR teens OR teenage* ) W/3 ( labor OR laborer* OR labored OR laboring OR labour* OR job OR jobs OR employ* OR exploit* OR bonded OR coerc* OR enslav* OR slave OR slavery OR trafficking OR trafficked ) ) AND NOT ( pregnan* OR "child-birth" ) ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS ( ( evaluat* OR estimat* OR quanti* OR qualitat* OR observ* OR analyz* OR analys* ) W/4 ( intervention* OR impact* OR outcome* OR project* OR policy OR policies OR pilot* OR program* OR treatm* OR implement* OR prevent* OR study OR studies OR evidenc* ) ) OR TITLE-ABS ( implement* W/4 ( intervention* OR impact* OR outcome* OR project* OR policy OR policies OR pilot* OR program* OR treatm* OR prevent* OR study OR studies OR evidenc* ) ) ) Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Content Database name: Web of Science Core Content which consists of: • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Dates of database coverage: Data last updated 2024-10-29 • SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present • SSCI 1970-present • AHCI 1975-present • CPCI-S 1990-present • CPCI-SSH 1990-present • ESCI 2019-present Date searched: 2024-10-31 Number of results: 6027 EndNote deduplication order: 6 Results after duplications removed: 4646 Search strategy notes Two-letter codes at the start of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract NEAR/n searches for words within n words of each other. * is used for truncation of words. $ finds 0 or 1 characters in that place (optional wildcard) 1: TI=((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) NEAR/1 work*) or AB=((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) NEAR/1 work*) Results: 15180 2: TI=(((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) NEAR/4 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)) not (pregnan* or "child-birth")) or AB=(((child or children or childs or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or school-age* or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor or minors or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teenage*) NEAR/4 (labor or laborer* or labored or laboring or labour* or job or jobs or employ* or exploit* or bonded or coerc* or enslav* or slave or slavery or trafficking or trafficked)) not (pregnan* or "child-birth")) Results: 20648 3: #2 OR #1 Results: 34597 4: AB=(evaluat* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(evaluat* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 1876200 5: AB=(estimat* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(estimat* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 399789 6: AB=(quanti* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(quanti* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 422492 7: AB=(qualitat* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(qualitat* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 254356 8: AB=(observ* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(observ* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 908895 9: AB=(analyz* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(analyz* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 641005 10: AB=(analys* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(analys* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or implement* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 1690908 11: AB=(implement* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) or TI=(implement* NEAR/6 (intervention$ or impact$ or outcome$ or project$ or policy or policies or pilot* or program* or treatm* or prevent* or study or studies or evidenc*)) Results: 487264 12: #11 OR #10 OR #9 OR #8 OR #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #4 Results: 5758236 13: #12 AND #3 Results: 6027 Grey Literature search The following websites were browsed or searched. The table below gives the institution's name, the URL , date searched, and how the website was searched. All potentially relevant items were added to an EndNote database and forwarded to the team for screening. Institution name URL Date searched Search details World Bank Documents & Reports 2024-11-18 indexed under Child Labor or Child Labor Law Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab 2024-11-18 Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) 2024-11-18 No separate webpage 3IE 2024-11-18 Searched for "child labor" and also in DuckDuckGo using site: UNICEF Innocenti 2024-11-19 Searched for all projects and reports on the topic 'Child Labour' UNICEF 2024-11-19 Searched for all items indexed under the topic 'Child Labour' ILO 2024-11-20 Searched for publications under the topic 'child labour' Save the Children 2024-11-26 Searched for publications in their Resource Centre under the topic 'child labour' Freedom Fund 2024-11-27 Searched their resource library for anything tagged under the topic 'child labour'. Publication type 'reports', 'other', 'guidelines' International Organization for Migration 2024-11-27 Searched their publications for anything indexed under the topic 'children and youth'. Terre des Hommes 2024-11-27 No publications on their website Clarissa Child Labour 2024-11-27 All publications browsed. NBER 2024-11-28 All publications found with the search term 'child labor'. An internet search was also undertaken. This was done on 2024-11-15 in London UK using the DuckDuckGo search engine on an incognito Google Chrome browser. The following search terms were entered and potentially relevant items were added to the grey literature EndNote database. This was forwarded to the team for further screening. "child labor" AND evaluate "child labor" AND estimate "child labor" AND quantitative "child labor" AND qualitative "child labor" AND observation "child labor" AND analyze "child labor" AND analysis "child labor" AND implement References a. Falconer, Jane, Removing duplicates from an EndNote library. Library & Archives Service Blog: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 2018. [online blog]