Search strategies for: Systematic review on qualitative research with children and young people’s involvement in violence in the UK Methodology A draft search strategy was compiled in the Ovid Medline ALL database by an experienced information specialist (JF), with input from the project team. The search strategy included strings of terms and synonyms to reflect two concepts: violence, people aged 10 – 24 years. A filter limiting to qualitative research was expanded by the team to also include terms to capture papers which include young people’s experiences was included (Zeigler, 2018). The searches were limited to those published in 2000 or later, and a published filter was used to limit to studies set in the UK (Ayiku, et al., 2017). The search strategy was refined with the project team and the funder until the retrieved results reflected the scope of the project. Once agreed, the draft searches were adapted for each database to incorporate database-specific syntax and controlled vocabularies. Search strategies were run during September and October 2024. All results from the database searches were exported and uploaded to EndNote 21 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using the method described on the LAORS blog (2) and deduplicated search results were exported from EndNote 21 in .ris format. After screening had begun, it was agreed that additional terms should be added to expand the range of violent acts included in the study. Therefore the searches were re-run with additional terms added on 03 January 2025. Updated search results were deduplicated between databases and also against the original search results. This left a group of unique references only retrieved by the updated searches which were added to the list for screening. A grey literature search was also run, incorporating various terms used in the database search, as well as browsing the websites of known institutions active in the field. A list of the websites included in the grey literature search is provided below. The DuckDuckGo search engine was used in an incognito Google Chrome browser from a computer in London UK to search for grey literature from other organisations. Search terms from the databases search were used to construct the search strings, listed below. All citations identified by our searches were imported into EndNote 20 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using a published method (Falconer, 2018). Sources The following databases were searched. The dataes provided are for the final set of searches run in January 2025. Supplier Database name Dates of database coverage ProQuest Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) Complete database to search date EBSCOhost British Education Index Complete database to search date EBSCOhost Child Development & Adolescent Studies Complete database to search date ProQuest Criminal Justice Database Complete database to search date EBSCOhost Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson) Complete database to search date Ovid Embase Classic+Embase 1947 to 2025 January 02 EBSCOhost ERIC Complete database to search date Ovid Global Health 1910 to 2025 week 01 ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Complete database to search date Ovid Medline ALL 1946 to January 02, 2025 Ovid APA PsycInfo 1806 to December 2024 week 4 Ovid Social Policy & Practice 202412 ProQuest Social Science Database Complete database to search date ProQuest Sociological Abstracts Complete database to search date ProQuest Sociology Database Complete database to search date EBSCOhost Teacher Reference Center Complete database to search date Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Content. This is a series of databases which are searched simultaneously. The databases included in the search were: • Science Citation Index Expanded • Social Sciences Citation Index • Arts & Humanities Citation Index • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities • Emerging Sources Citation Index SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present SSCI 1970-present AHCI 1975-present CPCI-S 1990-present CPCI-SSH 1990-present ESCI 2019-present Data updated 2024-12-31 The following websites were searched. The search date, plus the URL are provided. Date Organisation URL 2024-09-25 Ben Kinsella Trust 2024-09-26 Catch-22 2024-09-30 Youth Endowment Fund 2024-10-01 Children In Wales 2024-10-01 Children in Scotland 2024-10-01 NSPCC 2024-10-01 National Youth Agency 2024-10-01 Personal Social Services Research Unit 2024-10-01 The Children's Society 2024-10-03 Barnardo's 2024-10-03 Leaders Unlocked 2024-10-03 St Giles Trust 2024-10-03 The Children's Commissioner 2024-10-03 UK Youth 2024-10-04 SaferLondon 2024-10-04 The Young Foundation 2024-10-11 Scottish Government 2024-10-11 Welsh Government 2025-01-07 Early Intervention Foundation 2025-01-07 Foundations 2025-01-07 CFEY: Centre for Education & Youth 2025-01-07 Russell Webster 2025-01-07 Crest Advisory 2025-01-07 London's Violence Reduction Unit 2025-01-07 Scottish Violence Reduction Unit 2025-01-07 West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership 2025-01-08 Violence Reduction Network: Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland 2025-01-08 Bedfordshire Violence & Exploitation Reduction Unit 2025-01-08 Humber Violence Prevention Partnership 2025-01-08 Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit 2025-01-08 Wales Violence Prevention Unit 2025-01-08 Kent and Medway Violence Reduction Unit 2025-01-08 Essex Violence & Vulnerability Unit 2025-01-08 Sussex Violence Reduction Partnership 2025-01-08 Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2025-01-08 Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence 2025-01-08 Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Violence Reduction Partnership 2025-01-08 Thames Valley Violence Reduction Partnership 2025-01-08 South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit 2025-01-08 Northumbria Violence Reduction Unit 2025-01-08 Avon & Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership 2025-01-08 Nacro Search strategies Search strategies for all databases and the grey literature search are listed below. The database search strategies include date of database update, date the search was run, number of results, number of results retrieved in the inital search, number of results retrieved in the second search, results remaining after duplicates removed and the number of the database in the duplication order. Search strategies run in January 2025 are listed with search number, search term and number of results for each line, where this is available from each database. Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) Database name: Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-02 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 305 then 324 EndNote import number: 12 Number of results after deduplication: 60 then 3 SUMMARY( (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or (sex N/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or kill or killed or killing or (bodily PRE/1 harm) or assault* or robbery or robbed or mugged or (force* N/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or non-consensual or grooming or (group PRE/1 conflict) or gang or (organised PRE/1 crime) or (criminal PRE/1 exploit*) or (county PRE/1 lines) or (modern PRE/1 slave*) or fight* or cyberbullying or cyberviolenc* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*) AND (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or teen or teenage* or youth or youths or (young PRE/1 (people or person* or woman or women or man or men or offender* or adult*)) or (transition N/3 adult*) or (emerging PRE/1 adult*) or (early PRE/1 adult*) or runaway or (taken N/1 care) or (care PRE/1 home*) or (foster PRE/1 home*) or (school* N/2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy) AND ((national PRE/1 health PRE/1 service) or nhs or gb or britain* or uk or (united PRE/1 kingdom) or england or (northern PRE/1 ireland) or scotland or wales) AND (((semi-structured or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or face-to-face or structured or guide*) N/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus PRE/1 group*) or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or (field PRE/1 work) or (key PRE/1 informant) or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) Limited to 2000 to 2025 British Education Index Database name: British Education Index Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete data to search date Date searched: 2024-09-19 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 115 then 117 EndNote import number: 6 Number of results after deduplication: 73 then 2 # Query Results S1 (TI ("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" N2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*)) 1,849 S2 (AB ("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) )) 2,190 S3 (AB ((("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" N2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*)) 1,480 S4 S1 OR S2 OR S3 4,451 S5 (TI (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") N1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy" )) 59,971 S6 (TI ((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 161 S7 (AB ((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 824 S8 (AB (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") N1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy")) 76,099 S9 S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 110,357 S10 (TI ("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) N5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* NOT "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* NOT "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") NOT "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" NOT alabama*) or ("birmingham's" NOT alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" NOT zealand*) or ("canterbury's" NOT zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" NOT nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" NOT nebraska*) or ("liverpool" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" NOT australia*) or ("perth's" NOT australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's")) 33,762 S11 (AB ("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) N5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* NOT "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* NOT "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") NOT "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" NOT alabama*) or ("birmingham's" NOT alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" NOT zealand*) or ("canterbury's" NOT zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" NOT nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" NOT nebraska*) or ("liverpool" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" NOT australia*) or ("perth's" NOT australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's")) 29,637 S12 S10 OR S11 56,658 S13 (TI ((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 7,747 S14 (AB ((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 33,852 S15 S13 OR S14 37,930 S16 S4 AND S9 AND S12 AND S15 118 S17 S16 117 Limiters - Publication Date: 20000101-20251231 Child Development & Adolescent Studies Database name: Child Development & Adolescent Studies Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete data to search date Date searched: 2024-09-26 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 2183 then 2162 EndNote import number: 7 Number of results after deduplication: 1849 then 54 # Query Results S1 (TI (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure*") or DHMP or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*)) or ((acid or corrosive) N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or threatening or threaten or (force N2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or gbh or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug or (sex N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or "non-consensual" or grooming or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or gang or gangs or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or cyberbullying or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*)) 22,425 S2 (AB (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure*") or DHMP or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*)) or ((acid or corrosive) N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or threatening or threaten or (force N2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or gbh or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug or (sex N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or "non-consensual" or grooming or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or gang or gangs or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or cyberbullying or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*)) 49,029 S3 S1 OR S2 52,934 S4 (TI(child or children or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage or youth or youths or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or (transition N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or ((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) N1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or gcse or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or btec or baccalaureate or runaway or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy)) 247,080 S5 (AB(child or children or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage or youth or youths or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or (transition N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or ((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) N1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or gcse or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or btec or baccalaureate or runaway or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy)) 428,775 S6 (TI((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 444 S7 (AB((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 10,234 S8 S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 472,768 S9 (TI ("national health service" or nhs or (english not (published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation) N5 english)) or gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* not "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh* or bath or (birmingham not alabama*) or bradford or brighton or bristol or carlisle* or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or chelmsford or chester or chichester or coventry to derby or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or exeter or gloucester or hereford or hull or lancaster or leeds or leicester or (lincoln not nebraska) or (liverpool not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or (london not (ontario* or ont or toronto)) or manchester or (newcastle not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or norwich or nottingham or oxford or peterborough or plymouth or ortsmouth or preston or ripon or salford or salisbury or sheffield or southampton or "st albans" or stoke or sunderland or truro or wakefield or wells or westminster or winchester or wolverhampton or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york" or ny or ontario or ont or toronto)) or bangor or cardiff or newport or "st asaph" or "st davids" or swansea or aberdeen or dundee or edinburgh or glasgow or inverness or (perth not australia) or stirling or armagh or belfast or lisburn or londonderry or derry or newry)) 603,507 S10 (AB ("national health service" or nhs or (english not (published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation) N5 english)) or gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* not "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh* or bath or (birmingham not alabama*) or bradford or brighton or bristol or carlisle* or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or chelmsford or chester or chichester or coventry to derby or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or exeter or gloucester or hereford or hull or lancaster or leeds or leicester or (lincoln not nebraska) or (liverpool not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or (london not (ontario* or ont or toronto)) or manchester or (newcastle not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or norwich or nottingham or oxford or peterborough or plymouth or ortsmouth or preston or ripon or salford or salisbury or sheffield or southampton or "st albans" or stoke or sunderland or truro or wakefield or wells or westminster or winchester or wolverhampton or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york" or ny or ontario or ont or toronto)) or bangor or cardiff or newport or "st asaph" or "st davids" or swansea or aberdeen or dundee or edinburgh or glasgow or inverness or (perth not australia) or stirling or armagh or belfast or lisburn or londonderry or derry or newry)) 241,633 S11 S9 OR S10 606,054 S12 (TI ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide*) N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group" or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or potovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 24,475 S13 (AB ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide*) N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group" or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or potovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 94,094 S14 S12 OR S13 102,865 S15 S3 AND S8 AND S11 AND S14 2,885 S16 S15 Limiters - Publication Date: 20000101-20251231 2,162 Criminal Justice Database Database name: Criminal Justice Database Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-02 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 229 then 246 EndNote import number: 13 Number of results after deduplication: 39 then 8 SUMMARY( (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or (sex N/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or kill or killed or killing or (bodily PRE/1 harm) or assault* or robbery or robbed or mugged or (force* N/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or non-consensual or grooming or (group PRE/1 conflict) or gang or (organised PRE/1 crime) or (criminal PRE/1 exploit*) or (county PRE/1 lines) or (modern PRE/1 slave*) or fight* or cyberbullying or cyberviolenc* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*) AND (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or teen or teenage* or youth or youths or (young PRE/1 (people or person* or woman or women or man or men or offender* or adult*)) or (transition N/3 adult*) or (emerging PRE/1 adult*) or (early PRE/1 adult*) or runaway or (taken N/1 care) or (care PRE/1 home*) or (foster PRE/1 home*) or (school* N/2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy) AND ((national PRE/1 health PRE/1 service) or nhs or gb or britain* or uk or (united PRE/1 kingdom) or england or (northern PRE/1 ireland) or scotland or wales) AND (((semi-structured or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or face-to-face or structured or guide*) N/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus PRE/1 group*) or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or (field PRE/1 work) or (key PRE/1 informant) or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) Limited to 2000 to 2025 Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson) Database name: Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson) Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-09-26 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 1604 then 1659 EndNote import number: 8 Number of results after deduplication: 789 then 45 # Query Results S1 (TI (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure*") or DHMP or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*)) or ((acid or corrosive) N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or threatening or threaten or (force N2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or gbh or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug or (sex N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or "non-consensual" or grooming or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or gang or gangs or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or cyberbullying or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*)) 49,699 S2 (AB (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure*") or DHMP or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*)) or ((acid or corrosive) N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or threatening or threaten or (force N2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or gbh or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug or (sex N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or "non-consensual" or grooming or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or gang or gangs or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or cyberbullying or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*)) 82,801 S3 S1 OR S2 105,718 S4 (TI(child or children or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage or youth or youths or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or (transition N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or ((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) N1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or gcse or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or btec or baccalaureate or runaway or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy)) 249,408 S5 (AB(child or children or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage or youth or youths or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or (transition N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or ((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) N1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or gcse or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or btec or baccalaureate or runaway or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy)) 509,428 S6 (TI((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 202 S7 (AB((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 5,871 S8 S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 600,014 S9 (TI ("national health service" or nhs or (english not (published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation) N5 english)) or gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* not "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh* or bath or (birmingham not alabama*) or bradford or brighton or bristol or carlisle* or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or chelmsford or chester or chichester or coventry to derby or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or exeter or gloucester or hereford or hull or lancaster or leeds or leicester or (lincoln not nebraska) or (liverpool not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or (london not (ontario* or ont or toronto)) or manchester or (newcastle not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or norwich or nottingham or oxford or peterborough or plymouth or ortsmouth or preston or ripon or salford or salisbury or sheffield or southampton or "st albans" or stoke or sunderland or truro or wakefield or wells or westminster or winchester or wolverhampton or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york" or ny or ontario or ont or toronto)) or bangor or cardiff or newport or "st asaph" or "st davids" or swansea or aberdeen or dundee or edinburgh or glasgow or inverness or (perth not australia) or stirling or armagh or belfast or lisburn or londonderry or derry or newry)) 523,661 S10 (AB ("national health service" or nhs or (english not (published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation) N5 english)) or gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* not "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh* or bath or (birmingham not alabama*) or bradford or brighton or bristol or carlisle* or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or chelmsford or chester or chichester or coventry to derby or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or exeter or gloucester or hereford or hull or lancaster or leeds or leicester or (lincoln not nebraska) or (liverpool not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or (london not (ontario* or ont or toronto)) or manchester or (newcastle not ("new south wales" or nsw)) or norwich or nottingham or oxford or peterborough or plymouth or ortsmouth or preston or ripon or salford or salisbury or sheffield or southampton or "st albans" or stoke or sunderland or truro or wakefield or wells or westminster or winchester or wolverhampton or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york" or ny or ontario or ont or toronto)) or bangor or cardiff or newport or "st asaph" or "st davids" or swansea or aberdeen or dundee or edinburgh or glasgow or inverness or (perth not australia) or stirling or armagh or belfast or lisburn or londonderry or derry or newry)) 387,814 S11 S9 OR S10 535,800 S12 (TI ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide*) N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group" or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or potovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 24,117 S13 (AB ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide*) N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group" or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or potovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 117,304 S14 S12 OR S13 127,082 S15 S3 AND S8 AND S11 AND S14 1,759 S16 S15 Limiters - Publication Date: 20000101-20251231 1,659 Embase Classic+Embase Database name: Embase Classic + Embase Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1947 to 2025 January 02 Date searched: 2024-09-25 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 2137 then 2205 EndNote import number: 2 Number of results after deduplication: 1204 then 42 1 violence/ or "acid attack (violence)"/ or assault/ or battering/ or dating violence/ or exposure to violence/ or physical violence/ or verbal hostility/ or workplace violence/ or fighting/ or road rage/ or exp aggression/ 214414 2 domestic violence/ or battered woman/ or exp child abuse/ or family violence/ or exp partner violence/ or uxoricide/ or gender based violence/ or exp femicide/ or sexual violence/ or sex trafficking/ or exp sexual assault/ or sexual coercion/ or exp sexual exploitation/ or exp honor-based violence/ or exp human trafficking/ or exp stalking/ 108833 3 gun violence/ or mass shooting/ or terrorism/ or torture/ or exp weapon/ 46141 4 exp homicide/ or kidnapping/ 23942 5 cyberbullying/ 1369 6 civil disobedience/ or civil disorder/ 1584 7 gang/ or exp drug traffic/ or slavery/ 4187 8 (violence or violent*).ti,ab. 100382 9 (aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor).ti,ab. 410686 10 ((("section 250" or "section 91") adj2 sentenc*) or (detention adj2 majesty* pleasure) or DHMP).ti,ab. 29 11 ("offences against the person act" or sexual offences act or malice aforethought).ti,ab. 58 12 (weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns).ti,ab. 73427 13 (murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or ((serious* harm* or serious* injur* or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) adj2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*))).ti,ab. 391757 14 ((acid or corrosive) adj2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)).ti,ab. 16669 15 (threatening or threaten or (force adj2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" adj2 threat*) or assault* or bodily harm or GBH or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug).ti,ab. 803449 16 ((sex* adj1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* adj1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or non-consensual or grooming or revenge porn).ti,ab. 43305 17 (group conflict or gang or gangs or organised crime or organised criminal* or criminal* exploit* or county lines or modern-day-slave*).ti,ab. 2392 18 (fight* or punch* or kick*).ti,ab. 90053 19 (cyberbullying or cyber-bullying or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen*).ti,ab. 1959 20 (kidnap* or abduct*).ti,ab. 35703 21 desistance.ti,ab. 476 22 or/1-21 2041505 23 child/ or abandoned child/ or adopted child/ or boy/ or brain damaged child/ or "child of impaired parents"/ or disabled child/ or foster child/ or gifted child/ or girl/ or institutionalized child/ or orphaned child/ or school child/ or single parent child/ or unwanted child/ 2718169 24 adolescent/ or juvenile/ or exp adolescent parent/ or institutionalized adolescent/ 2084348 25 young adult/ 590996 26 homeless youth/ 638 27 foster child/ or "minor (person)"/ 1309 28 school/ or college/ or community college/ or high school/ or middle school/ or primary school/ or exp school attendance/ 250007 29 orphanage/ 1155 30 exp puberty/ 58086 31 (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school adj1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen*).ti,ab. 3445866 32 (adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage* or youth or youths or young people* or young person* or young wom?n or young man or young men or (transition adj3 adult*) or emerging adult* or young adult* or early adult*).ti,ab. 1030715 33 (((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) adj1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) adj3 (pupil* or student*)) or (key stage adj1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or sixth-form or gcse or 11-plus or a-level* or t-level* or btec or baccalaureate).ti,ab. 288864 34 runaway behavior/ 459 35 foster care/ 6037 36 (runaway or "taken into care" or young offender* or care home* or foster home*).ti,ab. 11696 37 ((school* adj2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy).ti,ab. 1586 38 (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 442138 39 ((ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 11061 40 (age* adj1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 year*).ti,ab. 115894 41 (age* adj1 (ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 year*).ti,ab. 353 42 or/23-41 6223981 43 22 and 42 404618 44 juvenile delinquency/ 9759 45 43 or 44 410831 46 exp United Kingdom/ 519001 47 (national health service* or nhs*).ti,ab. 89990 48 (english not ((published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation*) adj5 english)).ti,ab. 70372 49 (gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or united kingdom* or (england* not "new england") or northern ireland* or northern irish* or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh*).ti,ab. 607382 50 (bath or "bath's" or ((birmingham not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or bradford or "bradford's" or brighton or "brighton's" or bristol or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or chelmsford or "chelmsford's" or chester or "chester's" or chichester or "chichester's" or coventry or "coventry's" or derby or "derby's" or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or "ely's" or exeter or "exeter's" or gloucester or "gloucester's" or hereford or "hereford's" or hull or "hull's" or lancaster or "lancaster's" or leeds* or leicester or "leicester's" or (lincoln not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or (liverpool not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("liverpool's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ((london not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or manchester or "manchester's" or (newcastle not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("newcastle's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or norwich or "norwich's" or nottingham or "nottingham's" or oxford or "oxford's" or peterborough or "peterborough's" or plymouth or "plymouth's" or portsmouth or "portsmouth's" or preston or "preston's" or ripon or "ripon's" or salford or "salford's" or salisbury or "salisbury's" or sheffield or "sheffield's" or southampton or "southampton's" or st albans or stoke or "stoke's" or sunderland or "sunderland's" or truro or "truro's" or wakefield or "wakefield's" or wells or westminster or "westminster's" or winchester or "winchester's" or wolverhampton or "wolverhampton's" or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*))))).ti,ab. 419631 51 (bangor or "bangor's" or cardiff or "cardiff's" or newport or "newport's" or st asaph or "st asaph's" or st davids or swansea or "swansea's").ti,ab. 5598 52 (aberdeen or "aberdeen's" or dundee or "dundee's" or edinburgh or "edinburgh's" or glasgow or "glasgow's" or inverness or (perth not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or stirling or "stirling's").ti,ab. 62719 53 (armagh or "armagh's" or belfast or "belfast's" or lisburn or "lisburn's" or londonderry or "londonderry's" or derry or "derry's" or newry or "newry's").ti,ab. 2555 54 or/46-53 1341189 55 (exp Africa/ or exp Asia/ or exp North America/ or exp "South and Central America"/ or exp "Australia and New Zealand"/ or exp "Arctic and Antarctic"/) not (exp United Kingdom/ or Europe/) 4120296 56 54 not 55 1258554 57 (("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj3 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)).ti,ab. or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant").tw,kw. or qualitative research/ 688588 58 ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) adj2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or point-of-view or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)).ti,ab. 245932 59 57 or 58 906664 60 45 and 56 and 59 2375 61 limit 60 to yr="2000 -Current" 2251 62 remove duplicates from 61 2205 ERIC Database name: ERIC Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-09-19 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 263 then 271 EndNote import number: 9 Number of results after deduplication: 92 then 6 # Query Results S1 (TI ("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" N2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*)) 15,308 S2 (AB ("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) )) 28,943 S3 (AB ((("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" N2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*)) 18,002 S4 S1 OR S2 OR S3 46,003 S5 (TI (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") N1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy" )) 343,649 S6 (TI ((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 268 S7 (AB ((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 8,205 S8 (AB (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") N1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy")) 912,328 S9 S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 956,164 S10 (TI ("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) N5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* NOT "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* NOT "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") NOT "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" NOT alabama*) or ("birmingham's" NOT alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" NOT zealand*) or ("canterbury's" NOT zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" NOT nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" NOT nebraska*) or ("liverpool" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" NOT australia*) or ("perth's" NOT australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's")) 37,971 S11 (AB ("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) N5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* NOT "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* NOT "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") NOT "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" NOT alabama*) or ("birmingham's" NOT alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" NOT zealand*) or ("canterbury's" NOT zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" NOT nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" NOT nebraska*) or ("liverpool" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" NOT australia*) or ("perth's" NOT australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's")) 109,070 S12 S10 OR S11 121,876 S13 (TI ((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 34,025 S14 (AB ((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 227,501 S15 S13 OR S14 239,091 S16 S4 AND S9 AND S12 AND S15 367 S17 S16 271 Limiters - Published Date: 20000101-20251231 Global Health Database name: Global Health Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1910 to 2025 week 01 Date searched: 2024-09-25 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 259 then 265 EndNote import number: 3 Number of results after deduplication: 97 then 3 1 exp aggressive behaviour/ or exp weapons/ or terrorism/ or "rape (trauma)"/ or gangs/ 27294 2 (violence or violent*).ti,ab. 21343 3 (aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor).ti,ab. 19863 4 ((("section 250" or "section 91") adj2 sentenc*) or (detention adj2 majesty* pleasure) or DHMP).ti,ab. 3 5 ("offences against the person act" or sexual offences act or malice aforethought).ti,ab. 12 6 (weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns).ti,ab. 8786 7 (murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or ((serious* harm* or serious* injur* or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) adj2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*))).ti,ab. 98841 8 ((acid or corrosive) adj2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)).ti,ab. 8143 9 (threatening or threaten or (force adj2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" adj2 threat*) or assault* or bodily harm or GBH or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug).ti,ab. 30568 10 ((sex* adj1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* adj1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or non-consensual or grooming or revenge porn).ti,ab. 7228 11 (group conflict or gang or gangs or organised crime or organised criminal* or criminal* exploit* or county lines or modern-day-slave*).ti,ab. 599 12 (fight* or punch* or kick*).ti,ab. 17547 13 (cyberbullying or cyber-bullying or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen*).ti,ab. 381 14 (kidnap* or abduct*).ti,ab. 706 15 desistance.ti,ab. 53 16 or/1-15 208016 17 exp adolescents/ 92857 18 children/ or adopted children/ or boys/ or children with disabilities/ or foster children/ or girls/ or latchkey children/ or school children/ 475405 19 exp youth/ or young adults/ or young workers/ 45299 20 puberty/ or menarche/ 5917 21 foster children/ or orphans/ 1077 22 child custody/ or foster homes/ 79 23 schools/ or high schools/ or private schools/ or public schools/ 27806 24 (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school adj1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen*).ti,ab. 597427 25 (adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage* or youth or youths or young people* or young person* or young wom?n or young man or young men or (transition adj3 adult*) or emerging adult* or young adult* or early adult*).ti,ab. 173154 26 (((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) adj1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) adj3 (pupil* or student*)) or (key stage adj1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or sixth-form or gcse or 11-plus or a-level* or t-level* or btec or baccalaureate).ti,ab. 69432 27 (runaway or "taken into care" or young offender* or care home* or foster home*).ti,ab. 1450 28 ((school* adj2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy).ti,ab. 505 29 (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 73029 30 ((ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 1372 31 (age* adj1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 year*).ti,ab. 26954 32 (age* adj1 (ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 year*).ti,ab. 64 33 or/17-32 790767 34 delinquent behaviour/ 700 35 16 and 33 38145 36 34 or 35 38607 37 exp uk/ 119527 38 (national health service* or nhs*).ti,ab. 7844 39 (english not ((published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation*) adj5 english)).ti,ab. 63425 40 (gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or united kingdom* or (england* not "new england") or northern ireland* or northern irish* or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh*).ti,ab. 110629 41 (bath or "bath's" or ((birmingham not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or bradford or "bradford's" or brighton or "brighton's" or bristol or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or chelmsford or "chelmsford's" or chester or "chester's" or chichester or "chichester's" or coventry or "coventry's" or derby or "derby's" or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or "ely's" or exeter or "exeter's" or gloucester or "gloucester's" or hereford or "hereford's" or hull or "hull's" or lancaster or "lancaster's" or leeds* or leicester or "leicester's" or (lincoln not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or (liverpool not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("liverpool's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ((london not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or manchester or "manchester's" or (newcastle not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("newcastle's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or norwich or "norwich's" or nottingham or "nottingham's" or oxford or "oxford's" or peterborough or "peterborough's" or plymouth or "plymouth's" or portsmouth or "portsmouth's" or preston or "preston's" or ripon or "ripon's" or salford or "salford's" or salisbury or "salisbury's" or sheffield or "sheffield's" or southampton or "southampton's" or st albans or stoke or "stoke's" or sunderland or "sunderland's" or truro or "truro's" or wakefield or "wakefield's" or wells or westminster or "westminster's" or winchester or "winchester's" or wolverhampton or "wolverhampton's" or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*))))).ti,ab. 63071 42 (bangor or "bangor's" or cardiff or "cardiff's" or newport or "newport's" or st asaph or "st asaph's" or st davids or swansea or "swansea's").ti,ab. 1893 43 (aberdeen or "aberdeen's" or dundee or "dundee's" or edinburgh or "edinburgh's" or glasgow or "glasgow's" or inverness or (perth not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or stirling or "stirling's").ti,ab. 8806 44 (armagh or "armagh's" or belfast or "belfast's" or lisburn or "lisburn's" or londonderry or "londonderry's" or derry or "derry's" or newry or "newry's").ti,ab. 481 45 or/37-44 254035 46 (exp africa/ or exp america/ or exp polar regions/ or exp asia/ or exp oceania/) not (exp UK/ or europe/) 1981178 47 45 not 46 206013 48 exp qualitative techniques/ 67477 49 qualitative analysis/ 10211 50 ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).tw. 148190 51 ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) adj2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or point-of-view or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)).ti,ab. 47688 52 or/48-51 244834 53 36 and 47 and 52 319 54 limit 53 to yr="2000 -Current" 266 55 remove duplicates from 54 265 International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Database name: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-02 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 283 then 305 EndNote import number: 14 Number of results after deduplication: 43 then 3 SUMMARY( (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or (sex N/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or kill or killed or killing or (bodily PRE/1 harm) or assault* or robbery or robbed or mugged or (force* N/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or non-consensual or grooming or (group PRE/1 conflict) or gang or (organised PRE/1 crime) or (criminal PRE/1 exploit*) or (county PRE/1 lines) or (modern PRE/1 slave*) or fight* or cyberbullying or cyberviolenc* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*) AND (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or teen or teenage* or youth or youths or (young PRE/1 (people or person* or woman or women or man or men or offender* or adult*)) or (transition N/3 adult*) or (emerging PRE/1 adult*) or (early PRE/1 adult*) or runaway or (taken N/1 care) or (care PRE/1 home*) or (foster PRE/1 home*) or (school* N/2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy) AND ((national PRE/1 health PRE/1 service) or nhs or gb or britain* or uk or (united PRE/1 kingdom) or england or (northern PRE/1 ireland) or scotland or wales) AND (((semi-structured or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or face-to-face or structured or guide*) N/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus PRE/1 group*) or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or (field PRE/1 work) or (key PRE/1 informant) or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) Limited to 2000 to 2025 Ovid Medline ALL Database name: Medline ALL Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1946 to January 02, 2025 Date searched: 2024-09-25 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 1309 then 1366 EndNote import number: 1 Number of results after deduplication: 1303 then 57 1 violence/ or domestic violence/ or exp child abuse/ or honor-based violence/ or spouse abuse/ or gender-based violence/ or intimate partner violence/ or physical abuse/ or workplace violence/ or ethnic violence/ or aggression/ 123253 2 gun violence/ or mass shooting/ or terrorism/ or torture/ or weapons/ or bombs/ or firearms/ or exp tear gases/ 17339 3 sex offenses/ or child abuse, sexual/ or human trafficking/ or rape/ or stalking/ 29268 4 homicide/ or infanticide/ 15714 5 cyberbullying/ 754 6 civil disorders/ or riots/ or road rage/ 1239 7 (violence or violent*).ti,ab. 83204 8 (aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor).ti,ab. 271640 9 ((("section 250" or "section 91") adj2 sentenc*) or (detention adj2 majesty* pleasure) or DHMP).ti,ab. 21 10 ("offences against the person act" or sexual offences act or malice aforethought).ti,ab. 55 11 (weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns).ti,ab. 56783 12 (murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or ((serious* harm* or serious* injur* or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) adj2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*))).ti,ab. 280030 13 ((acid or corrosive) adj2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)).ti,ab. 14435 14 (threatening or threaten or (force adj2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" adj2 threat*) or assault* or bodily harm or GBH or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug).ti,ab. 355777 15 ((sex* adj1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* adj1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or non-consensual or grooming or revenge porn).ti,ab. 34951 16 (group conflict or gang or gangs or organised crime or organised criminal* or criminal* exploit* or county lines or modern-day-slave*).ti,ab. 1859 17 (fight* or punch* or kick*).ti,ab. 67656 18 (cyberbullying or cyber-bullying or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen*).ti,ab. 1779 19 (kidnap* or abduct*).ti,ab. 26213 20 desistance.ti,ab. 440 21 or/1-20 1191584 22 adolescent/ or young adult/ or child/ or homeless youth/ or minors/ or adolescent mothers/ 3768736 23 puberty/ or menarche/ 19447 24 child, abandoned/ or "Child of Impaired Parents"/ or child, foster/ or child, orphaned/ or child, unwanted/ or child, adopted/ or disabled children/ or foster home care/ 18701 25 orphanages/ or schools/ 55827 26 (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school adj1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen*).ti,ab. 2459068 27 (adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage* or youth or youths or young people* or young person* or young wom?n or young man or young men or (transition adj3 adult*) or emerging adult* or young adult* or early adult*).ti,ab. 766899 28 (((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) adj1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) adj3 (pupil* or student*)) or (key stage adj1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or sixth-form or gcse or 11-plus or a-level* or t-level* or btec or baccalaureate).ti,ab. 226114 29 (runaway or "taken into care" or young offender* or care home* or foster home*).ti,ab. 9119 30 ((school* adj2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy).ti,ab. 1193 31 (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 287023 32 ((ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 6673 33 (age* adj1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 year*).ti,ab. 74074 34 (age* adj1 (ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 year*).ti,ab. 279 35 or/22-34 5313314 36 21 and 35 268342 37 juvenile delinquency/ 9137 38 36 or 37 274433 39 exp United Kingdom/ 401246 40 (national health service* or nhs*).ti,ab. 56090 41 (english not ((published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation*) adj5 english)).ti,ab. 137858 42 (gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or united kingdom* or (england* not "new england") or northern ireland* or northern irish* or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh*).ti,ab. 339410 43 (bath or "bath's" or ((birmingham not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or bradford or "bradford's" or brighton or "brighton's" or bristol or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or chelmsford or "chelmsford's" or chester or "chester's" or chichester or "chichester's" or coventry or "coventry's" or derby or "derby's" or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or "ely's" or exeter or "exeter's" or gloucester or "gloucester's" or hereford or "hereford's" or hull or "hull's" or lancaster or "lancaster's" or leeds* or leicester or "leicester's" or (lincoln not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or (liverpool not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("liverpool's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ((london not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or manchester or "manchester's" or (newcastle not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("newcastle's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or norwich or "norwich's" or nottingham or "nottingham's" or oxford or "oxford's" or peterborough or "peterborough's" or plymouth or "plymouth's" or portsmouth or "portsmouth's" or preston or "preston's" or ripon or "ripon's" or salford or "salford's" or salisbury or "salisbury's" or sheffield or "sheffield's" or southampton or "southampton's" or st albans or stoke or "stoke's" or sunderland or "sunderland's" or truro or "truro's" or wakefield or "wakefield's" or wells or westminster or "westminster's" or winchester or "winchester's" or wolverhampton or "wolverhampton's" or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*))))).ti,ab. 231338 44 (bangor or "bangor's" or cardiff or "cardiff's" or newport or "newport's" or st asaph or "st asaph's" or st davids or swansea or "swansea's").ti,ab. 3593 45 (aberdeen or "aberdeen's" or dundee or "dundee's" or edinburgh or "edinburgh's" or glasgow or "glasgow's" or inverness or (perth not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or stirling or "stirling's").ti,ab. 45059 46 (armagh or "armagh's" or belfast or "belfast's" or lisburn or "lisburn's" or londonderry or "londonderry's" or derry or "derry's" or newry or "newry's").ti,ab. 1607 47 or/39-46 954265 48 (exp africa/ or exp americas/ or exp antarctic regions/ or exp arctic regions/ or exp asia/ or exp oceania/) not (exp united kingdom/ or europe/) 3513470 49 47 not 48 876428 50 ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).tw,kw. or interviews as topic/ or focus groups/ or narration/ or qualitative research/ 585110 51 ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) adj2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or point-of-view or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)).ti,ab. 188010 52 50 or 51 749145 53 38 and 49 and 52 1565 54 limit 53 to yr="2000 -Current" 1368 55 remove duplicates from 54 1366 APA PsycInfo Database name: APA PsycInfo Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 1806 to December 2024 week 4 Date searched: 2024-09-25 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 1828 then 1886 EndNote import number: 4 Number of results after deduplication: 1292 then 31 1 exp violence/ or domestic terrorism/ or physical abuse/ or riots/ or self-defense/ or exp terrorism/ or torture/ 136015 2 battered females/ 3532 3 exp aggressive behavior/ or exp bullying/ or cruelty/ or retaliation/ 235618 4 juvenile justice/ 3851 5 exp weapons/ 3761 6 stalking/ 1124 7 riots/ 452 8 exp gangs/ 2065 9 illegal drug distribution/ or exp violent crime/ 63036 10 criminal rehabilitation/ or recidivism/ 10207 11 exp human trafficking/ or exp kidnapping/ 2133 12 (violence or violent*).ti,ab. 113875 13 (aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor).ti,ab. 90666 14 ((("section 250" or "section 91") adj2 sentenc*) or (detention adj2 majesty* pleasure) or DHMP).ti,ab. 0 15 ("offences against the person act" or sexual offences act or malice aforethought).ti,ab. 47 16 (weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns).ti,ab. 11299 17 (murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or ((serious* harm* or serious* injur* or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) adj2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*))).ti,ab. 32648 18 ((acid or corrosive) adj2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)).ti,ab. 449 19 (threatening or threaten or (force adj2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" adj2 threat*) or assault* or bodily harm or GBH or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug).ti,ab. 46655 20 ((sex* adj1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* adj1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or non-consensual or grooming or revenge porn).ti,ab. 43398 21 (group conflict or gang or gangs or organised crime or organised criminal* or criminal* exploit* or county lines or modern-day-slave*).ti,ab. 4886 22 (fight* or punch* or kick*).ti,ab. 21000 23 (cyberbullying or cyber-bullying or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen*).ti,ab. 3460 24 desistance.ti,ab. 1534 25 (kidnap* or abduct or abduction).ti,ab. 2205 26 or/1-25 411932 27 adolescent behavior/ or early adolescence/ or late adolescence/ or emerging adulthood/ 19397 28 adopted children/ or foster children/ or orphans/ or "illegitimacy (child)"/ 5418 29 orphanages/ 409 30 schools/ or boarding schools/ or charter schools/ or high schools/ or institutional schools/ or junior high schools/ or middle schools/ 46929 31 puberty/ or menarche/ 3957 32 runaway behavior/ or homeless youth/ or missing children/ 1115 33 (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school adj1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen*).ti,ab. 978332 34 (adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage* or youth or youths or young people* or young person* or young wom?n or young man or young men or (transition adj3 adult*) or emerging adult* or young adult* or early adult*).ti,ab. 478318 35 (((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) adj1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) adj3 (pupil* or student*)) or (key stage adj1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or sixth-form or gcse or 11-plus or a-level* or t-level* or btec or baccalaureate).ti,ab. 323418 36 (runaway or "taken into care" or young offender* or care home* or foster home*).ti,ab. 6116 37 ((school* adj2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy).ti,ab. 2770 38 (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 50869 39 ((ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 2382 40 (age* adj1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 year*).ti,ab. 10864 41 (age* adj1 (ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 year*).ti,ab. 48 42 or/27-41 1488750 43 limit 26 to (180 school age or 200 adolescence or 320 young adulthood ) 117987 44 exp juvenile delinquency/ 21113 45 26 and 42 161748 46 43 or 44 or 45 211571 47 (national health service* or nhs*).ti,ab. 8535 48 (english not ((published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation*) adj5 english)).ti,ab. 104584 49 (gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or united kingdom* or (england* not "new england") or northern ireland* or northern irish* or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh*).ti,ab. 110820 50 (bath or "bath's" or ((birmingham not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or bradford or "bradford's" or brighton or "brighton's" or bristol or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or chelmsford or "chelmsford's" or chester or "chester's" or chichester or "chichester's" or coventry or "coventry's" or derby or "derby's" or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or "ely's" or exeter or "exeter's" or gloucester or "gloucester's" or hereford or "hereford's" or hull or "hull's" or lancaster or "lancaster's" or leeds* or leicester or "leicester's" or (lincoln not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or (liverpool not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("liverpool's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ((london not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or manchester or "manchester's" or (newcastle not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("newcastle's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or norwich or "norwich's" or nottingham or "nottingham's" or oxford or "oxford's" or peterborough or "peterborough's" or plymouth or "plymouth's" or portsmouth or "portsmouth's" or preston or "preston's" or ripon or "ripon's" or salford or "salford's" or salisbury or "salisbury's" or sheffield or "sheffield's" or southampton or "southampton's" or st albans or stoke or "stoke's" or sunderland or "sunderland's" or truro or "truro's" or wakefield or "wakefield's" or wells or westminster or "westminster's" or winchester or "winchester's" or wolverhampton or "wolverhampton's" or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*))))).ti,ab. 38484 51 (bangor or "bangor's" or cardiff or "cardiff's" or newport or "newport's" or st asaph or "st asaph's" or st davids or swansea or "swansea's").ti,ab. 689 52 (aberdeen or "aberdeen's" or dundee or "dundee's" or edinburgh or "edinburgh's" or glasgow or "glasgow's" or inverness or (perth not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or stirling or "stirling's").ti,ab. 8322 53 (armagh or "armagh's" or belfast or "belfast's" or lisburn or "lisburn's" or londonderry or "londonderry's" or derry or "derry's" or newry or "newry's").ti,ab. 522 54 or/47-53 251103 55 exp qualitative methods/ or exp qualitative measures/ 22905 56 ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).tw. 390149 57 ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) adj2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or point-of-view or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)).ti,ab. 188628 58 or/55-57 555673 59 46 and 54 and 58 2189 60 limit 59 to yr="2000 -Current" 1887 61 remove duplicates from 60 1886 Social Policy & Practice Database name: Social Policy and Practice Database platform: Ovid Dates of database coverage: 202412 Date searched: 2024-09-25 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 1423 then 1453 EndNote import number: 5 Number of results after deduplication: 994 then 63 1 (violence or violent*).ti,ab. 13722 2 (aggressiv* or aggression* or aggressor).ti,ab. 2593 3 ((("section 250" or "section 91") adj2 sentenc*) or (detention adj2 majesty* pleasure) or DHMP).ti,ab. 0 4 ("offences against the person act" or sexual offences act or malice aforethought).ti,ab. 65 5 (weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns).ti,ab. 710 6 (murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or infanticide or kill or killed or killing or ((serious* harm* or serious* injur* or death or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) adj2 (unlawful* or intent* or cause or inflict*))).ti,ab. 1886 7 ((acid or corrosive) adj2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)).ti,ab. 2 8 (threatening or threaten or (force adj2 ("use*" or physical or threat*)) or ("use*" adj2 threat*) or assault* or bodily harm or GBH or robbery or robbed or mugged or mugging or mug).ti,ab. 2790 9 ((sex* adj1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* adj1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or raping or raper or non-consensual or grooming or revenge porn).ti,ab. 10367 10 (group conflict or gang or gangs or organised crime or organised criminal* or criminal* exploit* or county lines or modern-day-slave*).ti,ab. 1245 11 (fight* or punch* or kick*).ti,ab. 1605 12 (cyberbullying or cyber-bullying or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen*).ti,ab. 414 13 desistance.ti,ab. 226 14 (kidnap* or abduct*).ti,ab. 170 15 or/1-14 30239 16 (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school adj1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen*).ti,ab. 118380 17 (adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or pre-teen* or teen or teens or teener or teenage* or youth or youths or young people* or young person* or young wom?n or young man or young men or (transition adj3 adult*) or emerging adult* or young adult* or early adult*).ti,ab. 57390 18 (((secondary or high or grammar or academy or comprehensive or private or public or junior or middle or upper or lower or prep or preparatory or selective) adj1 school*) or ((school or college or university or education) adj3 (pupil* or student*)) or (key stage adj1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or sixth-form or gcse or 11-plus or a-level* or t-level* or btec or baccalaureate).ti,ab. 9397 19 (runaway or "taken into care" or young offender* or care home* or foster home*).ti,ab. 8646 20 ((school* adj2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy).ti,ab. 1359 21 (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 2629 22 ((ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 (year* old or year* of age)).ti,ab. 146 23 (age* adj1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") adj1 year*).ti,ab. 344 24 (age* adj1 (ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two or twenty-three or twenty-four) adj1 year*).ti,ab. 17 25 or/16-24 156012 26 (national health service* or nhs*).ti,ab. 13161 27 (english not ((published or publication* or translat* or written or language* or speak* or literature or citation*) adj5 english)).ti,ab. 6646 28 (gb or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or uk or "u.k." or united kingdom* or (england* not "new england") or northern ireland* or northern irish* or scotland* or scottish* or ((wales or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh*).ti,ab. 115509 29 (bath or "bath's" or ((birmingham not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or bradford or "bradford's" or brighton or "brighton's" or bristol or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or (cambridge not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (canterbury not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or chelmsford or "chelmsford's" or chester or "chester's" or chichester or "chichester's" or coventry or "coventry's" or derby or "derby's" or (durham not (carolina* or nc)) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or nc)) or ely or "ely's" or exeter or "exeter's" or gloucester or "gloucester's" or hereford or "hereford's" or hull or "hull's" or lancaster or "lancaster's" or leeds* or leicester or "leicester's" or (lincoln not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or (liverpool not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("liverpool's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ((london not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or manchester or "manchester's" or (newcastle not (new south wales* or nsw)) or ("newcastle's" not (new south wales* or nsw)) or norwich or "norwich's" or nottingham or "nottingham's" or oxford or "oxford's" or peterborough or "peterborough's" or plymouth or "plymouth's" or portsmouth or "portsmouth's" or preston or "preston's" or ripon or "ripon's" or salford or "salford's" or salisbury or "salisbury's" or sheffield or "sheffield's" or southampton or "southampton's" or st albans or stoke or "stoke's" or sunderland or "sunderland's" or truro or "truro's" or wakefield or "wakefield's" or wells or westminster or "westminster's" or winchester or "winchester's" or wolverhampton or "wolverhampton's" or (worcester not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or (york not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or ny or ontario* or ont or toronto*))))).ti,ab. 38713 30 (bangor or "bangor's" or cardiff or "cardiff's" or newport or "newport's" or st asaph or "st asaph's" or st davids or swansea or "swansea's").ti,ab. 950 31 (aberdeen or "aberdeen's" or dundee or "dundee's" or edinburgh or "edinburgh's" or glasgow or "glasgow's" or inverness or (perth not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or stirling or "stirling's").ti,ab. 6043 32 (armagh or "armagh's" or belfast or "belfast's" or lisburn or "lisburn's" or londonderry or "londonderry's" or derry or "derry's" or newry or "newry's").ti,ab. 640 33 or/26-32 158677 34 ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).mp. 28457 35 ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) adj2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or point-of-view or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)).ti,ab. 30515 36 34 or 35 55491 37 15 and 25 and 33 and 36 1563 38 limit 37 to yr="2000 -Current" 1519 39 remove duplicates from 38 1453 Social Science Database Database name: Social Science Database Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-02 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 244 then 260 EndNote import number: 17 Number of results after deduplication: 19 then 3 SUMMARY( (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or (sex N/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or kill or killed or killing or (bodily PRE/1 harm) or assault* or robbery or robbed or mugged or (force* N/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or non-consensual or grooming or (group PRE/1 conflict) or gang or (organised PRE/1 crime) or (criminal PRE/1 exploit*) or (county PRE/1 lines) or (modern PRE/1 slave*) or fight* or cyberbullying or cyberviolenc* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*) AND (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or teen or teenage* or youth or youths or (young PRE/1 (people or person* or woman or women or man or men or offender* or adult*)) or (transition N/3 adult*) or (emerging PRE/1 adult*) or (early PRE/1 adult*) or runaway or (taken N/1 care) or (care PRE/1 home*) or (foster PRE/1 home*) or (school* N/2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy) AND ((national PRE/1 health PRE/1 service) or nhs or gb or britain* or uk or (united PRE/1 kingdom) or england or (northern PRE/1 ireland) or scotland or wales) AND (((semi-structured or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or face-to-face or structured or guide*) N/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus PRE/1 group*) or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or (field PRE/1 work) or (key PRE/1 informant) or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) Limited to 2000 to 2025 Sociological Abstracts Database name: Sociological Abstracts Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-02 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 540 then 573 EndNote import number: 15 Number of results after deduplication: 42 then 5 SUMMARY( (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or (sex N/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or kill or killed or killing or (bodily PRE/1 harm) or assault* or robbery or robbed or mugged or (force* N/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or non-consensual or grooming or (group PRE/1 conflict) or gang or (organised PRE/1 crime) or (criminal PRE/1 exploit*) or (county PRE/1 lines) or (modern PRE/1 slave*) or fight* or cyberbullying or cyberviolenc* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*) AND (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or teen or teenage* or youth or youths or (young PRE/1 (people or person* or woman or women or man or men or offender* or adult*)) or (transition N/3 adult*) or (emerging PRE/1 adult*) or (early PRE/1 adult*) or runaway or (taken N/1 care) or (care PRE/1 home*) or (foster PRE/1 home*) or (school* N/2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy) AND ((national PRE/1 health PRE/1 service) or nhs or gb or britain* or uk or (united PRE/1 kingdom) or england or (northern PRE/1 ireland) or scotland or wales) AND (((semi-structured or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or face-to-face or structured or guide*) N/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus PRE/1 group*) or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or (field PRE/1 work) or (key PRE/1 informant) or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) Limited to 2000 to 2025 Sociology Database Database name: Sociology Database Database platform: ProQuest Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-10-02 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 122 then 135 EndNote import number: 16 Number of results after deduplication: 2 then 0 SUMMARY( (violence or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or (sex N/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or weapon* or knife or knives or blade or firearm* or gun or guns or murder* or manslaughter or homicid* or kill or killed or killing or (bodily PRE/1 harm) or assault* or robbery or robbed or mugged or (force* N/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or rape or non-consensual or grooming or (group PRE/1 conflict) or gang or (organised PRE/1 crime) or (criminal PRE/1 exploit*) or (county PRE/1 lines) or (modern PRE/1 slave*) or fight* or cyberbullying or cyberviolenc* or desistance or kidnap* or abduct*) AND (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or (school N/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or puberty or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or teen or teenage* or youth or youths or (young PRE/1 (people or person* or woman or women or man or men or offender* or adult*)) or (transition N/3 adult*) or (emerging PRE/1 adult*) or (early PRE/1 adult*) or runaway or (taken N/1 care) or (care PRE/1 home*) or (foster PRE/1 home*) or (school* N/2 (removed or expelled or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or truant or truancy) AND ((national PRE/1 health PRE/1 service) or nhs or gb or britain* or uk or (united PRE/1 kingdom) or england or (northern PRE/1 ireland) or scotland or wales) AND (((semi-structured or semistructured or unstructured or informal or in-depth or indepth or face-to-face or structured or guide*) N/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus PRE/1 group*) or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or (field PRE/1 work) or (key PRE/1 informant) or ((child* or adolescen* or young or youth or juvenil*) N/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) Limited to 2000 to 2025 Teacher Reference Center Database name: Teacher Reference Center Database platform: EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2024-09-19 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 94 then 95 EndNote import number: 10 Number of results after deduplication: 44 then 1 # Query Results S1 (TI ("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" N2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*)) 11,686 S2 (AB ("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") N2 sentenc*) or (detention N2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) N2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) )) 13,151 S3 (AB ((("acid" or "corrosive") N2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" N2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" N2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* N1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* N1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*)) 8,913 S4 S1 OR S2 OR S3 26,556 S5 (TI (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") N1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy" )) 73,952 S6 (TI ((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 37 S7 (AB ((("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* N1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") N1 year*) or (age* N1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") N1 year*))) 1,400 S8 (AB (child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" N1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young woman" or "young women" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" N3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") N1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") N3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" N1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* N2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy")) 261,454 S9 S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 278,520 S10 (TI ("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) N5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* NOT "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* NOT "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") NOT "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" NOT alabama*) or ("birmingham's" NOT alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" NOT zealand*) or ("canterbury's" NOT zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" NOT nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" NOT nebraska*) or ("liverpool" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" NOT australia*) or ("perth's" NOT australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's")) 55,202 S11 (AB ("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) N5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* NOT "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* NOT "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") NOT "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" NOT alabama*) or ("birmingham's" NOT alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" NOT zealand*) or ("canterbury's" NOT zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" NOT (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" NOT nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" NOT nebraska*) or ("liverpool" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" NOT (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" NOT ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" NOT (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" NOT ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" NOT australia*) or ("perth's" NOT australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's")) 162,546 S12 S10 OR S11 203,314 S13 (TI ((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 4,864 S14 (AB ((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") N2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) N2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*)))) 35,945 S15 S13 OR S14 37,540 S16 S4 AND S9 AND S12 AND S15 136 S17 S16 Limiters - Publication Date: 20000101-20251231 95 Web of Science Core Collection Database name: Web of Science Core Collection consisting of the following databases which are all searched simultaneously: • Science Citation Index Expanded • Social Sciences Citation Index • Arts & Humanities Citation Index • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities • Emerging Sources Citation Index Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Dates of database coverage: • SCI-EXPANDED 1970-present • SSCI 1970-present • AHCI 1975-present • CPCI-S 1990-present • CPCI-SSH 1990-present • ESCI 2019-present Data updated 2024-09-22 then Data updated 2024-12-31 Date searched: 2024-09-25 then 2025-01-03 Searched by: JF Number of hits: 1743 then 1826 EndNote import number: 11 Number of results after deduplication: 486 then 46 # Searches: 1: AB=((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") NEAR/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) NEAR/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*))) Results: 1290699 2: TI=((("semi-structured" or "semistructured" or "unstructured" or "informal" or "in-depth" or "indepth" or "face-to-face" or "structured" or "guide*") NEAR/2 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or "focus group*" or "qualitative" or ethnograph* or "fieldwork" or "field work" or "key informant" or ((child* or adolescen* or "young" or "youth" or juvenil*) NEAR/2 (attitude* or aware* or belief* or believ* or choice* or collaborat* or compliance* or consent* or concern* or decision* or desire* or dissatisfaction* or empower* or engage* or expectation* or experience* or feeling* or goal* or hope* or input* or involve* or issue* or need* or opinion* or participat* or percept* or perceiv* or perspectiv* or photovoice or "point-of-view" or prefer* or report* or satisfact* or value* or view* or voice* or willing* or wish*))) Results: 249495 3: #1 OR #2 Results: 1399406 4: AB=("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) NEAR/5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* not "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" not (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or ("liverpool" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" not (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" not ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's") Results: 1113156 5: TI=("national health service*" or nhs* or ("english" NOT (("published" or publication* or translat* or "written" or language* or speak* or "literature" or citation*) NEAR/5 "english")) or "gb" or "g.b." or britain* or (british* not "british columbia") or "uk" or "u.k." or "united kingdom*" or (england* not "new england") or "northern ireland*" or "northern irish*" or scotland* or scottish* or (("wales" or "south wales") not "new south wales") or welsh* or "bath" or "bath's" or ("birmingham" not alabama*) or ("birmingham's" not alabama*) or "bradford" or "bradford's" or "brighton" or "brighton's" or "bristol" or "bristol's" or carlisle* or "carlisle's" or ("cambridge" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("cambridge's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("canterbury" not zealand*) or ("canterbury's" not zealand*) or "chelmsford" or "chelmsford's" or "chester" or "chester's" or "chichester" or "chichester's" or "coventry" or "coventry's" or "derby" or "derby's" or ("durham" not (carolina* or "nc")) or ("durham's" not (carolina* or "nc")) or "ely" or "ely's" or "exeter" or "exeter's" or "gloucester" or "gloucester's" or "hereford" or "hereford's" or "hull" or "hull's" or "lancaster" or "lancaster's" or leeds* or "leicester" or "leicester's" or ("lincoln" not nebraska*) or ("lincoln's" not nebraska*) or ("liverpool" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("liverpool's" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("london" not (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("london's" not (ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "manchester" or "manchester's" or ("newcastle" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or ("newcastle's" not ("new south wales*" or "nsw")) or "norwich" or "norwich's" or "nottingham" or "nottingham's" or "oxford" or "oxford's" or "peterborough" or "peterborough's" or "plymouth" or "plymouth's" or "portsmouth" or "portsmouth's" or "preston" or "preston's" or "ripon" or "ripon's" or "salford" or "salford's" or "salisbury" or "salisbury's" or "sheffield" or "sheffield's" or "southampton" or "southampton's" or "st albans" or "stoke" or "stoke's" or "sunderland" or "sunderland's" or "truro" or "truro's" or "wakefield" or "wakefield's" or "wells" or "westminster" or "westminster's" or "winchester" or "winchester's" or "wolverhampton" or "wolverhampton's" or ("worcester" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("worcester's" not (massachusetts* or boston* or harvard*)) or ("york" not ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or ("york's" not ("new york*" or "ny" or ontario* or "ont" or toronto*)) or "bangor" or "bangor's" or "cardiff" or "cardiff's" or "newport" or "newport's" or "st asaph" or "st asaph's" or "st davids" or "swansea" or "swansea's" or "aberdeen" or "aberdeen's" or "dundee" or "dundee's" or "edinburgh" or "edinburgh's" or "glasgow" or "glasgow's" or "inverness" or ("perth" not australia*) or ("perth's" not australia*) or "stirling" or "stirling's" or "armagh" or "armagh's" or "belfast" or "belfast's" or "lisburn" or "lisburn's" or "londonderry" or "londonderry's" or "derry" or "derry's" or "newry" or "newry's") Results: 685290 6: #4 OR #5 Results: 1562837 7: AB=(child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" NEAR/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young wom$n" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" NEAR/3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") NEAR/1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") NEAR/3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" NEAR/1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* NEAR/2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy" or (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") NEAR/1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") NEAR/1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* NEAR/1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") NEAR/1 year*) or (age* NEAR/1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") NEAR/1 year*)) Results: 3441373 8: TI=(child* or paediatric* or pediatric* or boy* or girl* or schoolage* or ("school" NEAR/1 age*) or schoolchild* or youngster* or minor* or prepubescen* or adolescen* or "puberty" or pubescent* or juvenil* or underage* or preteen* or "pre-teen*" or "teen" or "teens" or "teener" or teenage* or "youth" or "youths" or "young people*" or "young person*" or "young wom$n" or "young man" or "young men" or ("transition" NEAR/3 adult*) or "emerging adult*" or "young adult*" or "early adult*" or (("secondary" or "high" or "grammar" or "academy" or "comprehensive" or "private" or "public" or "junior" or "middle" or "upper" or "lower" or "prep" or "preparatory" or "selective") NEAR/1 school*) or (("school" or "college" or "university" or "education") NEAR/3 (pupil* or student*)) or ("key stage" NEAR/1 ("3" or "4" or "5")) or "sixth-form" or "gcse" or "11-plus" or "a-level*" or "t-level*" or "btec" or "baccalaureate" or "runaway" or "taken into care" or "young offender*" or "care home*" or "foster home*" or (school* NEAR/2 ("removed" or "expelled" or exclus* or exclud* or disengage* or attendenc* or attender*)) or "truant" or "truancy" or (("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") NEAR/1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") NEAR/1 ("year* old" or "year* of age")) or (age* NEAR/1 ("10" or "11" or "12" or "13" or "14" or "15" or "16" or "17" or "18" or "19" or "20" or "21" or "22" or "23" or "24") NEAR/1 year*) or (age* NEAR/1 ("ten" or "eleven" or "twelve" or "thirteen" or "fourteen" or "fifteen" or "sixteen" or "seventeen" or "eighteen" or "nineteen" or "twenty" or "twenty-one" or "twenty-two" or "twenty-three" or "twenty-four") NEAR/1 year*)) Results: 2207272 9: #7 OR #8 Results: 4377285 10: AB=("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") NEAR/2 sentenc*) or (detention NEAR/2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) NEAR/2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") NEAR/2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" NEAR/2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" NEAR/2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* NEAR/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* NEAR/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*) Results: 1367013 11: TI=("violence" or violent* or aggressiv* or aggression* or "aggressor" or (("section 250" or "section 91") NEAR/2 sentenc*) or (detention NEAR/2 "majesty* pleasure") or "DHMP" or "offences against the person act" or "sexual offences act" or "malice aforethought" or weapon* or "knife" or "knives" or "blade" or firearm* or "gun" or "guns" or murder* or "manslaughter" or homicid* or "infanticide" or "kill" or "killed" or "killing" or (("serious* harm*" or "serious* injur*" or "death" or wound* or maim* or disfigur* or disable*) NEAR/2 (unlawful* or intent* or "cause" or inflict*)) or (("acid" or "corrosive") NEAR/2 (attack* or substanc* or throw* or intent* or unlawful* or inflict*)) or "threatening" or "threaten" or ("force" NEAR/2 ("use*" or "physical" or threat*)) or ("use*" NEAR/2 threat*) or assault* or "bodily harm" or "gbh" or "robbery" or "robbed" or "mugged" or "mugging" or "mug" or (sex* NEAR/1 (offenc* or abus* or exploit*)) or (force* NEAR/1 (prostitut* or sex*)) or "rape" or "raping" or "raper" or "non-consensual" or "grooming" or "revenge porn" or "group conflict" or "gang" or "gangs" or "organised crime" or "organised criminal*" or "criminal* exploit*" or "county lines" or "modern-day-slave*" or fight* or punch* or kick* or "cyberbullying" or "cyber-bullying" or cyberviolen* or cyber-violen* or "desistance" or kidnap* or abduct*) Results: 383293 12: #10 OR #11 Results: 1559575 13: #3 AND #6 AND #9 AND #12 Results: 1918 14: #13 Timespan: 2000-01-01 to 2025-12-31 Results: 1826 Web search The web searches were run on 04 October 2024 using a Google Chrome browser in incognito mode. Searches were run from London, U.K. The DuckDuckGo search engine was used. The following searches were entered into the search engine. The first 50 results were evaluated for relevance and details added to an EndNote library for additional screening. (violence) AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) (violence) AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) (violence) AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) (violence) AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) AND "northern ireland" (knife or knives) AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) trafficking AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) "criminal exploitation" AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) desistance AND (children OR adolescents OR youth OR young) Any sites which were not identified by the project team (see 'Sources' section above) but yielded more than 2 relevant items was browsed for any additional items. References Ayiku, L. et al., 2017. The Medline UK filter: development and validation of a geographic search filter to retrieve research about the UK from OVID Medline. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 34(3), pp. 200-216. Falconer, J., 2018. Removing duplicates from an EndNote Library. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 10 2024]. Zeigler, D., 2018. Qualitative research. [Online] Available at:!biblio3s/doku.php?id=concepts:recherche-qualitative [Accessed 16 09 2024].