medcodeid,term 311519015,Flexor pollicis longus tendon rupture 311521013,Peroneus longus rupture 320510014,Rupture triceps tendon 320520016,Rupture extensor pollicis longus 320525014,Rupture flexor digitorum superficialis tendon 320526010,Flexor digitorum sublimis tendon rupture 1233051016,Quadriceps tendon rupture 1235098010,Rupture long head biceps tendon 891501000006114,Ruptured Achilles Tendon 933381000006110,Tendon rupture - elbow 312648017,[X]Spontaneous rupture of other tendons 320536019,Rupture upper leg tendon NOS 320543013,Other specified tendon rupture 25511000006117,Other nontraumatic tendon rupture 158631000006112,Rupture biceps tendon 164821000006112,Rotator cuff complete rupture 657981000006117,Extensor pollicis longus rupture 761911000006119,Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture 4853491000006119,Rupture of plantaris tendon 4853311000006119,Rupture of tendon of thumb 7520341000006117,Rupture of tibialis posterior tendon 2997061000006117,Rupture of patellar tendon 4816821000006115,Non-traumatic rupture of patellar tendon 7095091000006112,Rupture of biceps tendon 7095081000006114,Rupture of tendon of biceps 5730621000006115,Shoulder tendon rupture 320523019,Rupture tendon thumb NOS 891511000006112,Tendon rupture - NOS 891521000006116,Tendon rupture - multiple 7085261000006113,Traumatic rupture of quadriceps tendon 4877011000006113,Repair of ruptured tendon of hand 9479611000006115,Nontraumatic rupture of rotator cuff of bilateral shoulders 6882461000006116,Traumatic or non-traumatic rupture of tendon 8450991000006113,Non-traumatic rupture of rotator cuff of right shoulder 6208141000006116,Primary open repair of ruptured Achilles tendon 9478831000006118,Nontraumatic rupture of long head of right biceps brachii tendon 9479591000006114,Non-traumatic rupture of rotator cuff of both shoulders 12125511000006110,Non-traumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of bilateral shoulders 3527928019,Nontraumatic rupture of long head of biceps brachii tendon of left shoulder 5730611000006111,Tendon rupture - multiple 8450981000006110,Nontraumatic rupture of rotator cuff of right shoulder 7695891000006110,Nontraumatic rupture of extensor tendon of hand and wrist 5652901000006110,Rupture of tendon of trunk 8451131000006117,Nontraumatic complete rupture of left rotator cuff structure 5459581000006118,Rupture of peroneal tendon 7534371000006119,Chronic rupture of Achilles tendon 311520014,Rupture of posterior tibial tendon 391082017,Rupture of tendon 158711000006114,Rupture of hamstring tendon 159031000006110,Rupture of quadriceps tendon 297691000006118,Non-traumatic tendon rupture 5142381000006117,Rupture of tendon of knee region 3064051000006112,Secondary repair of ruptured Achilles tendon with graft 5652891000006111,Rupture of tendon of head and neck 9479621000006111,Nontraumatic rupture of rotator cuff of both shoulders 3089441000006117,Tenodesis for rupture of biceps tendon at elbow 8451031000006118,Non-traumatic rupture of rotator cuff of left shoulder 8451111000006111,Nontraumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of left shoulder 5142631000006111,Rupture of tendon of foot region 8451021000006116,Nontraumatic rupture of rotator cuff of left shoulder 4192941000006110,Rupture of extensor tendons of hand AND/OR wrist 7173741000006117,Rupture of distal quadriceps muscle 12727661000006113,Other non-traumatic tendon rupture 7104541000006118,Rupture achilles tendon 6866081000006118,Non-traumatic rupture of biceps brachii tendon 4853351000006118,Rupture of extensor pollicis longus 891471000006119,Tendon rupture - shoulder 297701000006118,"Nontraumatic tendon rupture, unspecified" 933371000006112,Tendon rupture - shoulder 891481000006116,Tendon rupture - elbow 891491000006118,Tendon rupture - ankle/foot 1786831018,Rupture supraspinatus tendon 311509014,Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture 320527018,Rupture flexor digitorum profundus tendon 4824291000006119,Primary percutaneous repair of ruptured Achilles tendon with graft 12125521000006119,Non-traumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of both shoulders 5728801000006113,Tendon rupture - elbow 320537011,Rupture of tendon of lower limb 9479601000006118,Nontraumatic rupture of muscle or tendon structure of rotator cuff of bilateral shoulders 5652911000006113,Rupture of tendon of upper limb 3313991000006116,"Anesthesia for tenodesis, rupture of long tendon of biceps" 6598371000006117,Inguinal hernia due to rupture of prepubic tendon 5142131000006115,Rupture of flexor tendon of finger 4820521000006114,Primary open repair of ruptured Achilles tendon with graft 4914341000006116,Repair of ruptured tendon 3313981000006119,"Anaesthesia for tenodesis, rupture of long tendon of biceps" 3461921000006112,"Repair of ruptured supraspinatus tendon, acute" 5142151000006110,Rupture of extensor tendon of thumb 2615011000006110,Anaesthesia for repair of ruptured Achilles tendon 9479581000006111,Bilateral nontraumatic rotator cuff rupture 6882501000006116,Traumatic rupture of tendon 9438051000006119,Rupture of left Achilles tendon 3526570011,Traumatic rupture of left biceps femoris tendon 4853511000006113,Rupture of flexor tendon of foot 510491000006113,Biceps tendon rupture 297681000006116,Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon 320512018,Rupture tendon upper arm NOS 891421000006115,Tendon rupture - knee 891431000006117,Tendon rupture - hip 891461000006114,Tendon rupture - non traumatic 411302017,Ruptured Achilles tendon - traumatic 320539014,Rupture plantaris tendon 3584501000006117,"Repair of ruptured supraspinatus tendon, chronic" 159151000006116,Rupture of tendon of upper arm 297671000006119,Non-traumatic rupture of Achilles tendon 5730641000006110,Tendon rupture - hand 2991861000006118,"Reinsertion of ruptured biceps tendon, distal, with tendon graft" 3308251000006113,Rupture of flexor tendons of hand AND/OR wrist 3526572015,Traumatic rupture of right biceps femoris tendon 5142121000006118,Rupture of extensor tendon of finger 5503141000006115,Tendon rupture - wrist 8451091000006119,Nontraumatic complete rupture of right rotator cuff structure 8451081000006117,Nontraumatic complete rupture of muscle or tendon structure of rotator cuff of right shoulder 3959061000006110,Secondary repair of ruptured Achilles tendon 8451001000006114,Nontraumatic rupture of muscle or tendon structure of rotator cuff of right shoulder 6882481000006114,Traumatic rupture of patellar tendon 5502751000006113,Spontaneous tendon rupture 891441000006110,Tendon rupture - hand 391083010,Traumatic rupture of biceps tendon 320507019,Rupture infraspinatus tendon 320519010,Rupture flexor pollicis longus 8451041000006111,Nontraumatic rupture of muscle or tendon structure of rotator cuff of left shoulder 9478841000006111,Nontraumatic rupture of long head of biceps tendon of right shoulder 8451121000006115,Non-traumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of left shoulder 311526015,Rupture of tendon of foot and ankle 320517012,Rupture of tendon of wrist and hand 320532017,Rupture of tendon of finger 5142141000006113,Rupture of flexor tendon of thumb 7507341000006112,Traumatic rupture of rotator cuff 7089971000006113,Rupture of proximal quadriceps muscle 9478821000006116,Non-traumatic rupture of long head of biceps brachii tendon of right shoulder 7104611000006116,History of repair of quadriceps tendon rupture 7534361000006114,Acute rupture of Achilles tendon 5730651000006112,Tendon rupture - hip 6208101000006118,Primary percutaneous repair of ruptured Achilles tendon 4853221000006115,Rupture of infraspinatus tendon 5142031000006116,Rupture of tendon of elbow region 2615021000006119,Anesthesia for repair of ruptured Achilles tendon 6621411000006113,Supraspinatus rupture 2564431000006115,Rotator cuff rupture 743501000006119,Lindholm repair of ruptured tendon 320542015,Rupture tendon leg or foot NOS 158621000006114,Rupture of Achilles tendon 159011000006116,Patellar tendon rupture 990191000006112,Tendon rupture - NOS 2532989013,Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons 311513019,Extensor digitorum communis rupture 320508012,Rupture subscapularis tendon 320530013,Rupture extensor digitorum tendon 320533010,Rupture tendon thigh 9438031000006114,Rupture of right Achilles tendon 7084731000006112,Traumatic rupture of extensor tendon of finger 8451061000006110,Nontraumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of right shoulder 7107681000006115,Rupture of distal quadriceps tendon 8451071000006115,Non-traumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of right shoulder 6882451000006118,Rupture of tendon 5142521000006114,Rupture of tendon of lower leg and ankle 8451141000006110,Nontraumatic complete rupture of muscle or tendon structure of rotator cuff of left shoulder 3606221000006112,Tenodesis for rupture of long tendon of biceps 7119391000006115,Nontraumatic rupture of tibialis posterior tendon 3900221000006111,"Rupture of tendon of biceps, long head" 5459561000006111,Rupture of gastrocnemius tendon 4816141000006119,Complete rupture of rotator cuff 5730631000006117,Tendon rupture - shoulder 12125501000006112,Bilateral non-traumatic complete rupture of rotator cuff of shoulders 932731000006117,Tendon rupture - ankle/foot 891451000006112,Tendon rupture - wrist 2532988017,Spontaneous rupture of flexor tendons 311510016,Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture 311515014,Long head of biceps rupture 320514017,Rupture tendon forearm or wrist 320515016,Rupture wrist extensors 320516015,Rupture wrist flexors 320518019,Rupture tendon of thumb 320524013,Rupture tendon of finger 320540011,Rupture foot flexor tendon 320541010,Rupture foot extensor tendon 2564451000006110,Rupture of rotator cuff of shoulder 4853331000006113,Ruptured tendon of thumb 7130301000006111,Rupture of proximal quadriceps tendon 9478811000006112,Nontraumatic rupture of long head of biceps brachii tendon of right shoulder