medcodeid observations originalreadcode cleansedreadcode snomedctconceptid snomedctdescriptionid term 9988012 200000 G5731 G573100 5370000 9988012 atrial flutter 82343012 4000000 G5730 G573000 49436004 82343012 atrial fibrillation 216183015 100000 662S 662S.00 134377004 216183015 atrial fibrillation monitoring 256478018 400000 3272 3272 164889003 256478018 ecg: atrial fibrillation 256479014 30000 3273 3273 164890007 256479014 ecg: atrial flutter 300130013 500000 G573 G573.00 195080001 300130013 atrial fibrillation and flutter 300132017 30000 G573z G573z00 195080001 300130013 atrial fibrillation and flutter nos 350465014 2000 G5733 G573300 233911009 350465014 non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation 421235014 700000 G5732 G573200 282825002 421235014 paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 2675306013 5000 G5736 G573600 427665004 2675306013 paroxysmal atrial flutter 1755871000000117 2000 8HTy 8HTy.00 758600000 3620630016 referral to atrial fibrillation clinic 1823951000006111 40 EMISNQAT22 1823951000006100 1823951000006110 atrial fibrillation confirmed 2608211000000115 90 G5738 720448006 3320796013 typical atrial flutter 2608251000000116 300 G5739 15964901000119100 3322864015 atypical atrial flutter 3299911000006116 70 ^ESCTAF329991 49436004 1230726010 af - atrial fibrillation 5057261000006110 20 ^ESCTLO505726 233910005 350464013 lone atrial fibrillation 5669591000006113 70 ^ESCTAF566959 282825002 421232012 af - paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 5669601000006117 100 ^ESCTPA566960 282825002 421233019 paf - paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 5669611000006119 9 ^ESCTIN566961 282825002 421234013 intermittent atrial fibrillation 6043781000006115 500 ^ESCTRA604378 314208002 458527016 rapid atrial fibrillation 7064691000006118 1 ^ESCTTR706469 426814001 2675245017 transient cerebral ischaemia due to atrial fibrillation 8037691000006113 300 ^ESCTAT803769 120041000119109 2981207015 atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response 8439861000006115 10 ^ESCTAT843986 1066831000000100 2679661000000110 atrial fibrillation detected 12619501000006118 20 ^ESCT1261950 1105331000000100 2766691000000110 blood pressure measurement using oscillometric monitoring device with opportunistic atrial fibrillation detection 14161691000006115 7 ^ESCT1416169 1010405004 4212735014 paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response