medcodeid observations originalreadcode cleansedreadcode snomedctconceptid snomedctdescriptionid term 252928010 5000 1B1A0 1B1A000 162200009 252928010 temporary loss of memory 257013016 2000 3A10 3A10.00 165280004 257013016 memory: own age not known 257017015 20000 3A20 3A20.00 165283002 257017015 memory: present time not known 257025018 30000 3A40 3A40.00 165289003 257025018 memory: present year not known 257029012 1000 3A50 3A50.00 165292004 257029012 memory: own dob not known 257033017 20000 3A60 3A60.00 165295002 257033017 memory: present month not knwn 257037016 3000 3A70 3A70.00 165298000 257037016 memory: important event not kn 257041017 3000 3A80 3A80.00 165301001 2666083017 memory: important person not known 295525018 200000 E2A10 E2A1000 192071009 295525018 mild memory disturbance 295526017 7000 E2A11 E2A1100 192072002 295526017 organic memory impairment 317084016 6000 R00z0 R00z000 51921000 86435016 retrograde amnesia 317090017 400 R00z5 R00z500 88822006 147273011 anterograde amnesia 318024017 1000 Ryu50 Ryu5000 48167000 80253018 [x]other amnesia 345718011 10000 1B1S 1B1S.00 230736007 345718011 transient global amnesia 369704019 10000 1B1A1 1B1A100 247592009 369704019 short-term memory loss 479781013 1000 2842 2842 19657006 479781013 disorientated in time 495013011 100000 1B1A 1B1A.00 48167000 495013011 memory loss - amnesia 497290018 80000 28G 28G..00 55533009 497290018 forgetful 1222481019 40000 R00z0-1 R00z011 386807006 1491799016 memory deficit 1480927011 60000 1S23 1S23.00 386807006 1480927011 memory impairment 1489345013 900 1B1W 1B1W.00 395689002 1489345013 transient epileptic amnesia 2474637019 500 1B1Y 1B1Y.00 413088002 2474637019 poor visual sequential memory 2474638012 400 1B1a 1B1a.00 413089005 2474638012 poor auditory sequential memory 2548507014 400 1S21 1S21.00 416106008 2548507014 disturbance of memory for order of events 95961000006119 20000 G655 G655.00 230736007 345718011 transient global amnesia 378101000006119 700 Eu440 Eu44000 84209002 139660010 [x]dissociative amnesia 479241000006114 6000 1B1A-1 1B1A.11 48167000 80253018 amnesia symptom 710521000006111 80000 EMISHGT57 710521000006107 710521000006111 memory: countdown 20-1 errors: 710621000006110 20000 EMISHGT58 710621000006106 710621000006110 memory: months backwards: errors 710751000006111 20000 3A30 3A30.00 165286005 257021010 memory: present place not known 711351000006118 80000 EMISHGT59 711351000006102 711351000006118 memory address recall: errors: 711371000006111 200000 1B1A-3 1B1A.13 386807006 1480927011 memory disturbance 711391000006112 800000 1B1A-2 1B1A.12 48167000 80253018 amnesia 711421000006116 20000 3AA1 3AA1.00 165308007 257050015 memory: address recall unsuccessful 711451000006113 8000 3A91 3A91.00 165305005 257046010 memory: count down unsuccessful 787521000006112 400 E2017 E201700 84209002 139660010 hysterical amnesia 915041000006112 90 EMISNQVI1 915041000006108 915041000006112 visual impairment: unable to recognise people across street 960341000006119 5000 EMISCDI26 960341000006103 960341000006119 disoriented to time/place/person 2598081000006116 1 ^ESCTAM259808 6149008 499027010 amnesia for remote events 2612641000000117 70000 3AG1 1034921000000100 2612641000000110 memory: months of year in reverse unsuccessful 3179831000006112 300 ^ESCTAM317983 42176003 493223013 amnesia for recent events 3179841000006119 30 ^ESCTLO317984 42176003 493224019 loss of memory for recent events 3279341000006111 100 ^ESCTME327934 48167000 80255013 memory loss 3279381000006117 60 ^ESCTLO327938 48167000 495014017 loss of memory 3520551000006118 2 ^ESCTDI352055 62766000 499371016 disorientation for person 3677971000006113 6 ^ESCTDI367797 72440003 502123015 disorientated in place 3870021000006115 10 ^ESCTDI387002 84209002 139660010 dissociative amnesia 4935531000006113 20 ^ESCTDI493553 225036005 338214012 distortion of memory 4935541000006115 100 ^ESCTMI493554 225037001 338215013 minor memory lapses 4935551000006118 100 ^ESCTME493555 225038006 338216014 memory lapses 5011841000006110 1 ^ESCTTG501184 230736007 345719015 tga - transient global amnesia 5246081000006118 100 ^ESCTPO524608 247588002 369696015 poor long-term memory 5246161000006110 9000 ^ESCTPO524616 247592009 369703013 poor short-term memory 5246181000006117 30 ^ESCTSH524618 247592009 369705018 short term memory loss 5246191000006119 4 ^ESCTFO524619 247593004 369706017 forgets what was going to do 5246201000006116 2 ^ESCTFO524620 247594005 369707014 forgets what was going to say 5246211000006118 10 ^ESCTFO524621 247595006 369708016 forgets recent activities 5246221000006114 1 ^ESCTFO524622 247596007 369709012 forgets what has just done 5246231000006112 2 ^ESCTFO524623 247597003 369710019 forgets what has just said 5246511000006116 1 ^ESCTCA524651 247616000 369741018 cannot remember name of school 5697731000006110 1 ^ESCTUN569773 285157008 424068011 unable to recognise objects 5698401000006113 4 ^ESCTUN569840 285186006 1206410015 unable to recognise odours 5698781000006112 1 ^ESCTUN569878 285221007 424171018 unable to remember new motor skills 5706261000006118 2 ^ESCTUN570626 285780009 424916018 unable to recognise parts of own body 5968021000006112 20 ^ESCTTR596802 307413004 450672019 transient memory loss 5968031000006110 2 ^ESCTTR596803 307413004 450673012 transient amnesia 6462141000006116 7 ^ESCTME646214 386807006 1491800017 memory dysfunction 6462151000006119 6 ^ESCTIM646215 386807006 1491801018 impaired memory 6462171000006112 1000 ^ESCTME646217 386807006 1491803015 memory problem 6462181000006110 200 ^ESCTPO646218 386807006 1491804014 poor memory 6462191000006113 7 ^ESCTBA646219 386807006 1491805010 bad memory 6462201000006111 200 ^ESCTDI646220 386807006 1491806011 disturbance of memory 14068581000006119 10 ^ESCT1406858 165295002 3860272012 memory: present month not known 14068591000006116 3 ^ESCT1406859 165298000 3860274013 memory: important event not known