Search strategies used in: "Impact of tree-based interventions in addressing health and wellbeing outcomes in rural low-and-middle-income settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis" Search methodology A draft search strategy was compiled in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection databases by an experienced information specialist (JF), with input from the project team. The search strategy included strings of terms and synonyms to reflect the following concepts: Concept 1: rural areas, including farms or smallholdings. Concept 2: Tree-based interventions. Concept 3: Health or socio-economic benefits. Concept 4: Low and middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank. Concept 5: Quantitative study designs. The searches were limited to those published in 2000 or later. No other filters or limits were added. The search strategy was refined with the project team until the retrieved results reflected the scope of the project and contained relevant papers already known to the team. The agreed draft searches were adapted for each database to incorporate database-specific syntax and controlled vocabularies. Full details of the search strings used for each database can be found below. Sources The following bibliographic databases were searched on 11 November 2021, then updated on 28 February 2023. • OvidSP Medline ALL, 1946 to 22 November 2021, then 1946 to February 27, 2023. • OvidSP Embase Classic + Embase, 1947 to 22 November 2021, then 1947 to 2023 February 27. • OvidSP Global Health, 1910 to 2021 week 46, then 1910 to 2023 week 08. • OvidSP Econlit, 1886 to 11 November 2021, then 1886 to February 16, 2023. • OvidSP APA PsycInfo, 1806 to November week 3 2021, then 1806 to February week 3 2023. • Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection. This collection contains the following databases which were searched simultaneously: o Science Citation Index-Expanded, 1970-present; o Social Sciences Citation Index, 1970-present; o Emerging Sources Citation Index, 2015-present. • Clarivate Analytics Web of Science SciELO Citation Index, 2002-present. • Ebsco Africa-Wide Information, complete database. • Ebsco GreenFILE, complete database. • WHO Global Index Medicus, complete database. Information management All citations identified by our searches were imported into EndNote 20 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using the method described on the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Library & Archives Service blog.(1) All results retrieved in November 2021 were deduplicated first, then results from Febrary 2023 were uploaded to the same EndNote library and deduplicated against the 2021 results. Thus only new items were kept from the 2023 search results. Search strategies Reproduced below are details of all 2023 search strings used for bibliographic databases, with dates and number of references returned and notes explaining any unusual search techniques or syntax. The EndNote 20 import order is provided, as the deduplication technique keeps the first uploaded copy of the reference by default. OvidSP Medline ALL Database name: Medline ALL Database platform: OvidSP Dates of database coverage: 1946 to February 27, 2023 Date searched: 2023-02-28 Searched by: JF Number of results 2021: 3446 2023: 4063 EndNote import order: 1 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 3150 2023: 514 Search strategy notes: Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract PT: publication type adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? is used for optional wildcards. # Search terms Results 1 exp Family Characteristics/ 76370 2 animal husbandry/ or farms/ or horticulture/ or organic agriculture/ or crop protection/ 28343 3 Farmers/ 3833 4 Rural Population/ 68668 5 (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* adj1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo?rhood or "the coast" or coastal).ti,ab. 1073692 6 or/1-5 1157673 7 Trees/ 29887 8 exp Forests/ 15660 9 (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or boundary planting or hedgerow* or improved fallows or shadow system or living fence* or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*).ti,ab. 287619 10 or/7-9 294388 11 random survival forest/ or decision tree/ or (((decision or regression or statistic*) adj1 tree*) or (forest* adj1 (plot or random or isolation or random survival))).ti,ab,kf. 45010 12 10 not 11 257676 13 "Quality of Life"/ 260352 14 exp Diet/ 324245 15 (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life adj2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger).ti,ab. 4049116 16 exp Socioeconomic Factors/ 506010 17 exp domestic violence/ or gender-based violence/ or exp intimate partner violence/ 54639 18 Disaster Planning/ or crop production/ 17403 19 civil disorders/ or warfare/ or war exposure/ 24167 20 exp Human Migration/ 27727 21 education/ or exp academic performance/ or schools/ 73742 22 (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop adj1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or agricultural develop* or fuel* or timber or disaster risk reduction or (disaster adj1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) adj1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) adj2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic adj1 (chores or task* or work* or labo?r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or internal displace* or school* or educat* or network* or (capital adj1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*).ti,ab. 5301713 23 or/13-22 8527363 24 Developing Countries/ 80476 25 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab. 921 26 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab. 130143 27 (low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab. 342 28 (low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab. 28431 29 (lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab. 12146 30 transitional countr*.ti,ab. 176 31 global south.ti,ab. 952 32 "africa south of the sahara"/ 13101 33 africa, central/ 1381 34 africa, eastern/ 4370 35 africa, southern/ 2618 36 africa, western/ 6286 37 ("Africa South of the Sahara" or sub-Saharan Africa or subSaharan Africa).ti,ab. 27841 38 Central Africa.ti,ab. 3697 39 (Eastern Africa or East Africa).ti,ab. 6151 40 Southern Africa.ti,ab. 5092 41 (Western Africa or West Africa).ti,ab. 11310 42 Sahel.ti,ab. 877 43 "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"/ 289 44 (North Korea or (Democratic People* Republic adj2 Korea)).ti,ab. 511 45 Cambodia/ 3816 46 Cambodia.ti,ab. 4675 47 Indonesia/ 13294 48 (Indonesia or Dutch East Indies).ti,ab. 17393 49 (Kiribati or Gilbert Islands or Phoenix Islands or Line Islands).ti,ab. 292 50 Laos/ 2237 51 (Laos or (Lao adj1 Democratic Republic)).ti,ab. 2447 52 Micronesia/ 1267 53 Micronesia.ti,ab. 742 54 Mongolia/ 2076 55 Mongolia.ti,ab. 5384 56 Myanmar/ 3139 57 (Myanmar or Burma).ti,ab. 5387 58 Papua New Guinea/ 3720 59 (Papua New Guinea or German New Guinea or British New Guinea or Territory of Papua).ti,ab. 4922 60 Philippines/ 9468 61 (Philippines or Philippine Islands).ti,ab. 10368 62 "Independent State of Samoa"/ 251 63 ((Samoa not American Samoa) or Western Samoa or Navigator Islands or Samoan Islands).ti,ab. 671 64 Solomon Islands.ti,ab. 937 65 Timor-Leste/ 267 66 (Timor-Leste or East Timor or Portuguese Timor).ti,ab. 641 67 Vanuatu/ 419 68 (Vanuatu or New Hebrides).ti,ab. 816 69 Vietnam/ 14538 70 (Viet Nam or Vietnam or French Indochina).ti,ab. 19162 71 American Samoa/ 208 72 American Samoa.ti,ab. 409 73 exp China/ 265187 74 China.ti,ab. 275091 75 Fiji/ 1120 76 Fiji.ti,ab. 2236 77 Malaysia/ 17844 78 (Malaysia or Malayan Union or Malaya).ti,ab. 21098 79 Marshall Islands.ti,ab. 341 80 Nauru.ti,ab. 169 81 Thailand/ 30408 82 (Thailand or Siam).ti,ab. 32530 83 Tonga/ 285 84 Tonga.ti,ab. 530 85 (Tuvalu or Ellice Islands).ti,ab. 87 86 Kyrgyzstan/ 1388 87 (Kyrgyzstan or Kyrgyz Republic or Kirghizia or Kirghiz).ti,ab. 1208 88 Tajikistan/ 804 89 Tajikistan.ti,ab. 740 90 Ukraine/ 17015 91 Ukraine.ti,ab. 6354 92 Uzbekistan/ 1988 93 Uzbekistan.ti,ab. 1333 94 Albania/ 954 95 Albania.ti,ab. 1265 96 Armenia/ 1560 97 Armenia.ti,ab. 1358 98 Azerbaijan/ 1288 99 Azerbaijan.ti,ab. 1653 100 "Republic of Belarus"/ 2152 101 (Belarus or Byelarus or Byelorussia or Belorussia).ti,ab. 1763 102 Bosnia-Herzegovina/ 2342 103 (Bosnia or Herzegovina).ti,ab. 2718 104 Bulgaria/ 6649 105 Bulgaria.ti,ab. 4813 106 "Georgia (Republic)"/ 1972 107 Georgia.ti,ab. not Georgia/ 7314 108 Kazakhstan/ 3036 109 (Kazakhstan or Kazakh).ti,ab. 3643 110 Kosovo/ 296 111 Kosovo.ti,ab. 1088 112 Moldova/ 744 113 Moldova.ti,ab. 664 114 Montenegro/ 282 115 Montenegro.ti,ab. 1010 116 "Republic of North Macedonia"/ 631 117 North Macedonia.ti,ab. 208 118 Romania/ 10910 119 Romania.ti,ab. 7360 120 exp Russia/ 56061 121 "Russia (Pre-1917)"/ 5986 122 USSR/ 42850 123 (Russia or Russian Federation or USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union).ti,ab. 32647 124 Serbia/ 3711 125 Serbia.ti,ab. 5411 126 Turkey/ 40017 127 (Turkey.ti,ab. not animal/) or (Anatolia or Asia Minor).ti,ab. 31761 128 Turkmenistan/ 592 129 Turkmenistan.ti,ab. 418 130 Belize/ 631 131 (Belize or British Honduras).ti,ab. 976 132 Bolivia/ 2827 133 Bolivia.ti,ab. 3744 134 El Salvador/ 948 135 El Salvador.ti,ab. 1466 136 Haiti/ 3550 137 (Haiti or Hayti).ti,ab. 3461 138 Honduras/ 1245 139 Honduras.ti,ab. 2041 140 Nicaragua/ 1612 141 Nicaragua.ti,ab. 2115 142 Argentina/ 17760 143 (Argentina or Argentine Republic).ti,ab. 19861 144 Brazil/ 114433 145 Brazil.ti,ab. 102747 146 Colombia/ 12962 147 Colombia.ti,ab. 15920 148 Costa Rica/ 4001 149 Costa Rica.ti,ab. 5610 150 Cuba/ 5346 151 Cuba.ti,ab. 5018 152 Dominica/ 114 153 Dominica.ti,ab. 555 154 Dominican Republic/ 1740 155 Dominican Republic.ti,ab. 2250 156 Ecuador/ 4573 157 Ecuador.ti,ab. 5906 158 Grenada/ 167 159 Grenada.ti,ab. 367 160 Guatemala/ 3303 161 Guatemala.ti,ab. 4107 162 Guyana/ 746 163 (Guyana or British Guiana).ti,ab. 1231 164 Jamaica/ 3595 165 Jamaica.ti,ab. 3497 166 Mexico/ 43612 167 (Mexico or United Mexican States).ti,ab. 50073 168 Panama/ 2564 169 Panama.ti,ab. 4610 170 Paraguay/ 904 171 2064 172 Peru/ 10606 173 Peru.ti,ab. 13063 174 Saint Lucia/ 75 175 (St Lucia or Saint Lucia or Iyonala or Hewanorra).ti,ab. 373 176 "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"/ 58 177 (Saint Vincent or St Vincent or Grenadines).ti,ab. 657 178 Suriname/ 1004 179 (Suriname or Dutch Guiana).ti,ab. 721 180 Venezuela/ 5124 181 Venezuela.ti,ab. 5760 182 Algeria/ 3517 183 Algeria.ti,ab. 4014 184 Djibouti/ 250 185 (Djibouti or French Somaliland).ti,ab. 440 186 Egypt/ 17282 187 Egypt.ti,ab. 17374 188 Iran/ 36333 189 (Iran or Persia).ti,ab. 49746 190 Morocco/ 6496 191 Morocco.ti,ab. 6972 192 Tunisia/ 9192 193 11889 194 (Gaza or West Bank or Palestine).ti,ab. 3161 195 Iraq/ 5393 196 (Iraq or Mesopotamia).ti,ab. 8493 197 Jordan/ 5287 198 Jordan.ti,ab. 8102 199 Lebanon/ 5152 200 (Lebanon or Lebanese Republic).ti,ab. 5845 201 Libya/ 1219 202 Libya.ti,ab. 1476 203 Afghanistan/ 3751 204 Afghanistan.ti,ab. 6910 205 Bangladesh/ 14086 206 Bangladesh.ti,ab. 18322 207 Bhutan/ 665 208 Bhutan.ti,ab. 1053 209 exp India/ 117632 210 India.ti,ab. 125426 211 Nepal/ 10477 212 Nepal.ti,ab. 12827 213 Pakistan/ 22171 214 Pakistan.ti,ab. 25582 215 Sri Lanka/ 7018 216 (Sri Lanka or Ceylon).ti,ab. 8459 217 Maldives.ti,ab. [UPPER MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRIES IN SOUTH ASIA] 469 218 Angola/ 1127 219 Angola.ti,ab. 1687 220 Benin/ 1889 221 Benin.ti,ab. 3961 222 Cameroon/ 6430 223 (Cameroon or Kamerun or Cameroun).ti,ab. 8349 224 Cape Verde/ 248 225 (Cape Verde or Cabo Verde).ti,ab. 745 226 Comoros/ 375 227 (Comoros or Glorioso Islands or Mayotte).ti,ab. 707 228 Congo/ 2002 229 (Congo not ((Democratic Republic adj3 Congo) or congo red or crimean-congo)).ti,ab. 2931 230 Cote d'Ivoire/ 3514 231 (Cote d'Ivoire or Cote dIvoire or Ivory Coast).ti,ab. 4390 232 Eswatini/ 752 233 (eSwatini or Swaziland).ti,ab. 1138 234 Ghana/ 10865 235 (Ghana or Gold Coast).ti,ab. 14397 236 Kenya/ 19143 237 (Kenya or East Africa Protectorate).ti,ab. 21859 238 Lesotho/ 514 239 (Lesotho or Basutoland).ti,ab. 895 240 Mauritania/ 495 241 Mauritania.ti,ab. 726 242 Nigeria/ 33489 243 Nigeria.ti,ab. 34926 244 (Sao Tome adj2 Principe).ti,ab. 185 245 Senegal/ 6182 246 Senegal.ti,ab. 6423 247 Tanzania/ 13595 248 (Tanzania or Tanganyika or Zanzibar).ti,ab. 16558 249 Zambia/ 5412 250 (Zambia or Northern Rhodesia).ti,ab. 6469 251 Zimbabwe/ 6513 252 (Zimbabwe or Southern Rhodesia).ti,ab. 6703 253 Botswana/ 2158 254 (Botswana or Bechuanaland or Kalahari).ti,ab. 3113 255 Equatorial Guinea/ 309 256 (Equatorial Guinea or Spanish Guinea).ti,ab. 488 257 Gabon/ 1620 258 (Gabon or Gabonese Republic).ti,ab. 1988 259 Mauritius/ 622 260 (Mauritius or Agalega Islands).ti,ab. 1154 261 Namibia/ 1289 262 (Namibia or German South West Africa).ti,ab. 1939 263 South Africa/ 48760 264 (South Africa or Cape Colony or British Bechuanaland or Boer Republics or Zululand or Transvaal or Natalia Republic or Orange Free State).ti,ab. 42684 265 Syria/ 2466 266 (Syria or Syrian Arab Republic).ti,ab. 2649 267 Yemen/ 1561 268 Yemen.ti,ab. 2186 269 Burkina Faso/ 3886 270 (Burkina Faso or Burkina Fasso or Upper Volta).ti,ab. 5122 271 Burundi/ 723 272 (Burundi or Ruanda-Urundi).ti,ab. 1101 273 Central African Republic/ 837 274 (Central African Republic or Ubangi-Shari).ti,ab. 1145 275 Chad/ 813 276 Chad.ti,ab. 1457 277 "Democratic Republic of the Congo"/ 4973 278 (((Democratic Republic or DR) adj2 Congo) or Congo-Kinshasa or Belgian Congo or Zaire or Congo Free State).ti,ab. 5323 279 Eritrea/ 410 280 Eritrea.ti,ab. 674 281 Ethiopia/ 18558 282 (Ethiopia or Abyssinia).ti,ab. 25450 283 Gambia/ 2662 284 Gambia.ti,ab. 2635 285 Guinea/ 1282 286 (Guinea not (New Guinea or Guinea Pig* or Guinea Fowl or Guinea-Bissau or Portuguese Guinea or Equatorial Guinea)).ti,ab. 3189 287 Guinea-Bissau/ 1021 288 (Guinea-Bissau or Portuguese Guinea).ti,ab. 1155 289 Liberia/ 1370 290 Liberia.ti,ab. 1844 291 Madagascar/ 3873 292 (Madagascar or Malagasy Republic).ti,ab. 5543 293 Malawi/ 6602 294 (Malawi or Nyasaland).ti,ab. 8620 295 Mali/ 2663 296 Mali.ti,ab. 4168 297 Mozambique/ 2973 298 (Mozambique or Mocambique or Portuguese East Africa).ti,ab. 4448 299 Niger/ 1389 300 (Niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)).ti,ab. 4004 301 Rwanda/ 3072 302 (Rwanda or Ruanda).ti,ab. 3969 303 Sierra Leone/ 1905 304 (Sierra Leone or Salone).ti,ab. 2781 305 Somalia/ 1853 306 (Somalia or Somaliland).ti,ab. 1886 307 South Sudan/ 268 308 South Sudan.ti,ab. 753 309 Sudan/ 5120 310 Sudan.ti,ab. 9218 311 Togo/ 1269 312 (Togo or Togolese Republic or Togoland).ti,ab. 1755 313 Uganda/ 14990 314 Uganda.ti,ab. 18026 315 or/24-314 [ALL LMICs] 1844872 316 exp epidemiologic studies/ 3085648 317 control groups/ or cross-over studies/ or double-blind method/ or matched-pair analysis/ or random allocation/ or single-blind method/ 341846 318 exp Models, Theoretical/ 1939711 319 (clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or evaluation study or multicenter study or observational study or randomized controlled trial or validation study).pt. 1594433 320 (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention? or evaluation? or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or observational stud* or propensity score match* or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or instrumental variable* or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) adj2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or case study or case studies).ti,ab. 14818350 321 or/316-320 16598944 322 6 and 12 and 23 and 315 and 321 4424 323 limit 322 to yr="2000 -Current" 4079 324 remove duplicates from 323 4063 325 limit 324 to medline 3307 326 324 not 325 756 Embase Classic + Embase Database name: Embase Classic + Embase Database platform: OvidSP Dates of database coverage: 1947 to 2023 February 27 Date searched: 2023-02-27 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 4866 2023: 6273 EndNote import order: 2 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 2410 2023: 927 Search strategy notes: Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? is used for optional wildcard. # Search terms Results 1 household/ 55219 2 agricultural worker/ 27966 3 agricultural land/ 14234 4 rural population/ 58532 5 community/ 97018 6 neighborhood/ 15746 7 seashore/ 22162 8 (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* adj1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo?rhood or "the coast" or coastal).ti,ab. 1347122 9 or/1-8 1390263 10 exp "tree"/ 85646 11 exp forest/ 42842 12 exp forestry/ 16909 13 (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or boundary planting or hedgerow* or improved fallows or shadow system or living fence* or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*).ti,ab. 335545 14 or/10-13 386202 15 "decision tree"/ or random forest/ or (((decision or regression or statistic*) adj1 tree*) or (forest* adj1 (plot or random or isolation or random survival))).ti,ab,kw. 58815 16 14 not 15 336321 17 exp health/ 900138 18 exp wellbeing/ 120369 19 exp welfare/ not exp animal welfare/ 108092 20 exp "quality of life"/ 634121 21 nutrition/ or exp child nutrition/ or exp diet/ or exp dietary intake/ or food availability/ or exp food intake/ or maternal nutrition/ or nutrient availability/ or water deprivation/ 1445678 22 exp socioeconomics/ 1301465 23 exp domestic violence/ 73164 24 exp disaster planning/ 14373 25 warfare/ 2513 26 ethnic conflict/ 163 27 war/ or war exposure/ 40803 28 exp migration/ 51483 29 education/ or exp academic achievement/ or exp school/ or exp school attendance/ 919407 30 social capital/ 3924 31 (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop adj1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or agricultural develop* or fuel* or timber or disaster risk reduction or (disaster adj1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) adj1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) adj2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic adj1 (chores or task* or work* or labo?r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or internal displace* or school* or educat* or network* or (capital adj1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*).ti,ab. 6983245 32 (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life adj2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger).ti,ab. 5546972 33 or/17-32 12689774 34 exp case control study/ or exp case study/ or exp clinical trial/ or community trial/ or intervention study/ or major clinical study/ 6372569 35 controlled study/ 9806366 36 exp model/ 4036674 37 (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention? or evaluation? or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or observational stud* or propensity score match* or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or instrumental variable* or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) adj2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or case study or case studies).ti,ab. 19892846 38 or/34-37 24646228 39 developing country/ or low income country/ or middle income country/ 126221 40 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab. 1086 41 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab. 168118 42 (low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab. 492 43 (low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab. 34413 44 (lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab. 15562 45 transitional countr*.ti,ab. 248 46 global south.ti,ab. 865 47 "Africa south of the Sahara"/ 17814 48 ("Africa South of the Sahara" or sub-Saharan Africa or subSaharan Africa).ti,ab. 33753 49 Central Africa.ti,ab. 4386 50 (East Africa or Eastern Africa).ti,ab. 7380 51 Southern Africa.ti,ab. 5730 52 (West Africa or Western Africa).ti,ab. 13158 53 Sahel.ti,ab. 956 54 North Korea/ 678 55 (North Korea or (Democratic People* Republic adj2 Korea)).ti,ab. 568 56 Haiti/ 4877 57 (Haiti or Hayti).ti,ab. 4500 58 Afghanistan/ 7207 59 Afghanistan.ti,ab. 8404 60 Nepal/ 15629 61 Nepal.ti,ab. 15567 62 Syrian Arab Republic/ 3489 63 (Syria or Syrian Arab Republic).ti,ab. 3272 64 Yemen/ 2490 65 Yemen.ti,ab. 2582 66 Tajikistan/ 1156 67 Tajikistan.ti,ab. 902 68 Benin/ 3215 69 (Benin or Dahomey).ti,ab. 5620 70 Burkina Faso/ 5457 71 (Burkina Faso or Burkina Fasso or Upper Volta).ti,ab. 6217 72 Burundi/ 1113 73 (Burundi or Ruanda-Urundi).ti,ab. 1248 74 Central African Republic/ 1079 75 (Central African Republic or Ubangi-Shari).ti,ab. 1286 76 Chad/ 1137 77 Chad.ti,ab. 1897 78 Democratic Republic Congo/ 5459 79 (((Democratic Republic or DR) adj2 Congo) or Congo-Kinshasa or Belgian Congo or Zaire or Congo Free State).ti,ab. 6412 80 Eritrea/ 725 81 Eritrea.ti,ab. 840 82 Ethiopia/ 27013 83 (Ethiopia or Abyssinia).ti,ab. 27325 84 Gambia/ 3275 85 Gambia.ti,ab. 3048 86 Guinea/ 3272 87 (Guinea not (New Guinea or Guinea Pig* or Guinea Fowl or Guinea-Bissau or Portuguese Guinea or Equatorial Guinea)).ti,ab. 3855 88 Guinea-Bissau/ 1263 89 (Guinea-Bissau or Portuguese Guinea).ti,ab. 1314 90 Liberia/ 2173 91 Liberia.ti,ab. 2202 92 Madagascar/ 5420 93 (Madagascar or Malagasy Republic).ti,ab. 6278 94 Malawi/ 9669 95 (Malawi or Nyasaland).ti,ab. 10312 96 Mali/ 4218 97 Mali.ti,ab. 5282 98 Mozambique/ 4851 99 (Mozambique or Mocambique or Portuguese East Africa).ti,ab. 5307 100 Niger/ 2969 101 (Niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)).ti,ab. 5058 102 Rwanda/ 4846 103 (Rwanda or Ruanda).ti,ab. 4900 104 Sierra Leone/ 3105 105 (Sierra Leone or Salone).ti,ab. 3300 106 Somalia/ 2430 107 (Somalia or Somaliland).ti,ab. 2095 108 south sudan/ 529 109 South Sudan.ti,ab. 913 110 Tanzania/ 19450 111 (Tanzania or Tanganyika or Zanzibar).ti,ab. 20028 112 Togo/ 1799 113 (Togo or Togolese Republic or Togoland).ti,ab. 2052 114 Uganda/ 23308 115 Uganda.ti,ab. 22735 116 Cambodia/ 6051 117 Cambodia.ti,ab. 5864 118 exp Indonesia/ 26219 119 (Indonesia or Dutch East Indies).ti,ab. 27630 120 kiribati/ 169 121 (Kiribati or Gilbert Islands or Phoenix Islands or Line Islands).ti,ab. 303 122 Laos/ 2614 123 (Laos or (Lao adj1 Democratic Republic)).ti,ab. 2717 124 exp "Federated States of Micronesia"/ 1092 125 Micronesia.ti,ab. 797 126 Mongolia/ 3917 127 Mongolia.ti,ab. 6454 128 Myanmar/ 5342 129 (Myanmar or Burma).ti,ab. 6303 130 Papua New Guinea/ 7342 131 (Papua New Guinea or German New Guinea or British New Guinea or Territory of Papua).ti,ab. 5485 132 Philippines/ 14787 133 (Philippines or Philippine Islands).ti,ab. 13363 134 solomon islands/ 641 135 Solomon Islands.ti,ab. 1046 136 Timor-Leste/ 754 137 (Timor-Leste or East Timor or Portuguese Timor).ti,ab. 761 138 Vanuatu/ 563 139 (Vanuatu or New Hebrides).ti,ab. 878 140 Viet Nam/ 21399 141 (Viet Nam or Vietnam or French Indochina).ti,ab. 23265 142 Kyrgyzstan/ 2020 143 (Kyrgyzstan or Kyrgyz Republic or Kirghizia or Kirghiz).ti,ab. 1655 144 Moldova/ 1465 145 Moldova.ti,ab. 1203 146 exp Ukraine/ 19240 147 Ukraine.ti,ab. 9431 148 exp Uzbekistan/ 2911 149 Uzbekistan.ti,ab. 2201 150 Bolivia/ 4234 151 Bolivia.ti,ab. 4476 152 El Salvador/ 2514 153 El Salvador.ti,ab. 1919 154 Honduras/ 2437 155 Honduras.ti,ab. 2579 156 Nicaragua/ 2661 157 Nicaragua.ti,ab. 2656 158 Djibouti/ 427 159 (Djibouti or French Somaliland).ti,ab. 521 160 Egypt/ 25849 161 Egypt.ti,ab. 24458 162 Morocco/ 9815 163 Morocco.ti,ab. 9584 164 Tunisia/ 12291 165 15106 166 palestine/ 2192 167 (Gaza or West Bank or Palestine).ti,ab. 3940 168 Bangladesh/ 21459 169 Bangladesh.ti,ab. 22149 170 Bhutan/ 1158 171 Bhutan.ti,ab. 1180 172 exp India/ 191884 173 India.ti,ab. 181000 174 exp Pakistan/ 37006 175 Pakistan.ti,ab. 35248 176 Angola/ 1858 177 Angola.ti,ab. 2005 178 Cameroon/ 8922 179 (Cameroon or Kamerun or Cameroun).ti,ab. 10016 180 Cape Verde/ 510 181 (Cape Verde or Cabo Verde).ti,ab. 781 182 Comoros/ 434 183 (Comoros or Glorioso Islands or Mayotte).ti,ab. 751 184 Congo/ 4662 185 (Congo not ((Democratic Republic adj3 Congo) or congo red or crimean-congo)).ti,ab. 3921 186 Cote d'Ivoire/ 3822 187 (Cote d'Ivoire or Cote dIvoire or Ivory Coast).ti,ab. 5222 188 eswatini/ 321 189 (eSwatini or Swaziland).ti,ab. 1371 190 Ghana/ 15862 191 (Ghana or Gold Coast).ti,ab. 17189 192 Kenya/ 26766 193 (Kenya or East Africa Protectorate).ti,ab. 26557 194 Lesotho/ 972 195 (Lesotho or Basutoland).ti,ab. 1049 196 Mauritania/ 789 197 Mauritania.ti,ab. 817 198 Nigeria/ 46943 199 Nigeria.ti,ab. 45170 200 "sao tome and principe"/ 115 201 (Sao Tome adj2 Principe).ti,ab. 211 202 Senegal/ 8049 203 Senegal.ti,ab. 8028 204 Sudan/ 8557 205 (Sudan not South Sudan).ti,ab. 11507 206 Zambia/ 8060 207 (Zambia or Northern Rhodesia).ti,ab. 7897 208 Zimbabwe/ 8340 209 (Zimbabwe or Southern Rhodesia).ti,ab. 7357 210 American Samoa/ 338 211 American Samoa.ti,ab. 481 212 china/ or guangxi/ or inner mongolia/ or macao/ or ningxia/ or tibet/ or xinjiang/ 299258 213 China.ti,ab. 321029 214 Fiji/ 2154 215 Fiji.ti,ab. 3027 216 exp Malaysia/ 29906 217 (Malaysia or Malayan Union or Malaya).ti,ab. 29987 218 marshall islands/ 203 219 Marshall Islands.ti,ab. 401 220 nauru/ 95 221 Nauru.ti,ab. 190 222 Samoa/ 775 223 ((Samoa not American Samoa) or Western Samoa or Navigator Islands or Samoan Islands).ti,ab. 778 224 Thailand/ 41542 225 (Thailand or Siam).ti,ab. 40592 226 Tonga/ 455 227 Tonga.ti,ab. 572 228 tuvalu/ 67 229 (Tuvalu or Ellice Islands).ti,ab. 87 230 Albania/ 2214 231 Albania.ti,ab. 2070 232 Armenia/ 2468 233 Armenia.ti,ab. 2094 234 exp Azerbaijan/ 2201 235 Azerbaijan.ti,ab. 2451 236 Belarus/ 3250 237 (Belarus or Byelarus or Byelorussia or Belorussia).ti,ab. 2881 238 exp "Bosnia and Herzegovina"/ 3248 239 (Bosnia or Herzegovina).ti,ab. 3494 240 Bulgaria/ 10975 241 Bulgaria.ti,ab. 8031 242 exp "Georgia (republic)"/ 2331 243 Georgia.ti,ab. not "georgia (u.s.)"/ 13688 244 Kazakhstan/ 5057 245 (Kazakhstan or Kazakh).ti,ab. 5455 246 Kosovo/ 749 247 Kosovo.ti,ab. 1503 248 "Montenegro (republic)"/ 924 249 Montenegro.ti,ab. 1388 250 "republic of north macedonia"/ 184 251 North Macedonia.ti,ab. 297 252 Romania/ 16819 253 Romania.ti,ab. 11859 254 exp Russian Federation/ 71919 255 ussr/ 48343 256 (Russia or Russian Federation or USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union).ti,ab. 45655 257 exp Serbia/ 7249 258 Serbia.ti,ab. 8408 259 "Turkey (republic)"/ 44194 260 (Turkey.ti,ab. not "Turkey (bird)"/) or (Anatolia or Asia Minor).ti,ab. 53333 261 Turkmenistan/ 700 262 Turkmenistan.ti,ab. 470 263 Argentina/ 27451 264 (Argentina or Argentine Republic).ti,ab. 27650 265 Belize/ 915 266 (Belize or British Honduras).ti,ab. 1108 267 exp Brazil/ 145682 268 Brazil.ti,ab. 130928 269 Colombia/ 26093 270 Colombia.ti,ab. 23062 271 Costa Rica/ 5723 272 Costa Rica.ti,ab. 6127 273 Cuba/ 7812 274 Cuba.ti,ab. 6953 275 Dominica/ 244 276 Dominica.ti,ab. 622 277 Dominican Republic/ 3157 278 Dominican Republic.ti,ab. 2966 279 Ecuador/ 7337 280 Ecuador.ti,ab. 7586 281 Grenada/ 353 282 Grenada.ti,ab. 459 283 Guatemala/ 5459 284 Guatemala.ti,ab. 5235 285 Guyana/ 1240 286 (Guyana or British Guiana).ti,ab. 1598 287 Jamaica/ 4787 288 Jamaica.ti,ab. 4471 289 exp Mexico/ 58219 290 (Mexico or United Mexican States).ti,ab. 63983 291 Paraguay/ 1930 292 2834 293 Peru/ 16337 294 Peru.ti,ab. 17500 295 Saint Lucia/ 155 296 (St Lucia or Saint Lucia or Iyonala or Hewanorra).ti,ab. 436 297 "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"/ 94 298 (Saint Vincent or St Vincent or Grenadines).ti,ab. 994 299 Suriname/ 1436 300 (Suriname or Dutch Guiana).ti,ab. 908 301 Venezuela/ 7473 302 Venezuela.ti,ab. 7344 303 Algeria/ 6206 304 Algeria.ti,ab. 6375 305 Iran/ 64566 306 (Iran or Persia).ti,ab. 69291 307 exp Iraq/ 12471 308 (Iraq or Mesopotamia).ti,ab. 14658 309 Jordan/ 9009 310 Jordan.ti,ab. 10820 311 Lebanon/ 7649 312 (Lebanon or Lebanese Republic).ti,ab. 7456 313 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/ 2040 314 libya.ti,ab. 1873 315 maldives/ 448 316 Maldives.ti,ab. 526 317 Sri Lanka/ 10838 318 (Sri Lanka or Ceylon).ti,ab. 10934 319 Botswana/ 3382 320 (Botswana or Bechuanaland or Kalahari).ti,ab. 3748 321 Equatorial Guinea/ 568 322 (Equatorial Guinea or Spanish Guinea).ti,ab. 662 323 Gabon/ 2068 324 (Gabon or Gabonese Republic).ti,ab. 2305 325 Mauritius/ 1092 326 (Mauritius or Agalega Islands).ti,ab. 1263 327 Namibia/ 2043 328 (Namibia or German South West Africa).ti,ab. 2166 329 South Africa/ 62458 330 (South Africa or Cape Colony or British Bechuanaland or Boer Republics or Zululand or Transvaal or Natalia Republic or Orange Free State).ti,ab. 52204 331 or/39-330 [ALL LOW AND MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIES] 2222847 332 9 and 16 and 33 and 38 and 331 6553 333 limit 332 to yr="2000 -Current" 6273 OvidSP Global Health Database name: Global Health Database platform: OvidSP Dates of database coverage: 1910 to 2023 week 08 Date searched: 2023-02-28 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 2542 2023: 2914 EndNote import order: 3 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 1524 2023: 231 Search strategy notes: Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? is used for optional wildcards. # Search terms Results 1 agricultural households/ or farm families/ or households/ or family farms/ or exp farmers/ or exp farms/ or villages/ or rural communities/ or rural population/ or coastal areas/ or coasts/ 79491 2 (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* adj1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo?rhood or "the coast" or coastal).ti,ab. 480167 3 1 or 2 481897 4 woody plants/ or exp trees/ or exp forests/ or exp shrubs/ or wood/ or understorey/ or exp forestry/ or exp agroforestry systems/ or farm woodlands/ or home gardens/ or deforestation/ or afforestation/ 26686 5 (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or boundary planting or hedgerow* or improved fallows or shadow system or living fence* or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*).ti,ab. 83663 6 4 or 5 91061 7 (((decision or regression or statistic*) adj1 tree*) or (forest* adj1 (plot or random or isolation or random survival))).ti,ab. 4991 8 6 not 7 86070 9 exp health/ or exp social welfare/ or diet/ or exp nutrition/ or socioeconomics/ or socioeconomic status/ or economics/ or agricultural economics/ or forest economics/ or welfare economics/ or exp income/ or exp social indicators/ or poverty/ or deprivation/ or economically disadvantaged/ or hunger/ or subsistence/ or exp employment/ or employment opportunities/ or exp unemployment/ or exp crop production/ or crop yield/ or agricultural development/ or fuelwood/ or exp timbers/ or rural development/ or exp rural environment/ or exp food security/ or water security/ or woman's status/ or empowerment/ or community development/ or exp domestic violence/ or war/ or exp conflict/ or rural depopulation/ or rural rural migration/ or rural urban migration/ or urban rural migration/ or migrants/ or migration/ or exp living standards/ or exp schools/ or educational attendance/ or educational performance/ or education/ or agricultural education/ or community education/ or elementary education/ or environmental education/ or population education/ or primary education/ or secondary education/ or social capital/ 795029 10 (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop adj1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or agricultural develop* or fuel* or timber or disaster risk reduction or (disaster adj1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) adj1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) adj2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic adj1 (chores or task* or work* or labo?r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or internal displace* or school* or educat* or network* or (capital adj1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*).ti,ab. 1048076 11 9 or 10 1465551 12 research/ or agricultural research/ or applied research/ or farming systems research/ or food research/ or interdisciplinary research/ or case studies/ or case-control studies/ or feasibility studies/ or "cost benefit analysis"/ or exp trials/ or exp longitudinal studies/ or exp models/ or evaluation/ or "cost effectiveness analysis"/ 769816 13 (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention? or evaluation? or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or observational stud* or propensity score match* or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or instrumental variable* or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) adj2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or case study or case studies).ti,ab. 2723595 14 12 or 13 2885363 15 developing countries/ 3 16 least developed countries/ 158058 17 Threshold Countries/ 1 18 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab. 454 19 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab. 72702 20 (low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab. 109 21 (low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab. 14861 22 (lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab. 5892 23 transitional countr*.ti,ab. 109 24 global south.ti,ab. 504 25 majority world.ti,ab. 17 26 korea democratic people's republic/ 365 27 (North Korea or (Democratic People* Republic adj2 Korea)).ti,ab. 265 28 cambodia/ 3822 29 Cambodia.ti,ab. 3610 30 exp indonesia/ 21766 31 (Indonesia or Dutch East Indies).ti,ab. 14363 32 kiribati/ 211 33 (Kiribati or Gilbert Islands or Phoenix Islands or Line Islands).ti,ab. 193 34 laos/ 2237 35 (Laos or (Lao adj1 Democratic Republic)).ti,ab. 1665 36 "federated states of micronesia"/ 204 37 Micronesia.ti,ab. 379 38 mongolia/ 1757 39 Mongolia.ti,ab. 2689 40 myanmar/ 4894 41 (Myanmar or Burma).ti,ab. 4953 42 papua new guinea/ 3932 43 (Papua New Guinea or German New Guinea or British New Guinea or Territory of Papua).ti,ab. 3721 44 exp philippines/ 10004 45 (Philippines or Philippine Islands).ti,ab. 8654 46 solomon islands/ 911 47 Solomon Islands.ti,ab. 878 48 east timor/ 369 49 (Timor-Leste or East Timor or Portuguese Timor).ti,ab. 466 50 vanuatu/ 676 51 (Vanuatu or New Hebrides).ti,ab. 706 52 vietnam/ 11916 53 (Viet Nam or Vietnam or French Indochina).ti,ab. 10565 54 american samoa/ 283 55 American Samoa.ti,ab. 289 56 exp china/ 237747 57 China.ti,ab. 124488 58 fiji/ 1439 59 Fiji.ti,ab. 1430 60 exp malaysia/ 20295 61 (Malaysia or Malayan Union or Malaya).ti,ab. 15581 62 marshall islands/ 197 63 Marshall Islands.ti,ab. 179 64 nauru/ 149 65 Nauru.ti,ab. 152 66 samoa/ 508 67 ((Samoa not American Samoa) or Western Samoa or Navigator Islands or Samoan Islands).ti,ab. 684 68 thailand/ 28774 69 (Thailand or Siam).ti,ab. 22797 70 tonga/ 351 71 Tonga.ti,ab. 375 72 tuvalu/ 113 73 (Tuvalu or Ellice Islands).ti,ab. 99 74 melanesia/ 8561 75 Melanesia.ti,ab. 188 76 polynesia/ 6242 77 Polynesia.ti,ab. 844 78 kyrgyzstan/ 845 79 (Kyrgyzstan or Kyrgyz Republic or Kirghizia or Kirghiz).ti,ab. 600 80 moldova/ 834 81 Moldova.ti,ab. 507 82 ukraine/ 4421 83 Ukraine.ti,ab. 3052 84 uzbekistan/ 2009 85 Uzbekistan.ti,ab. 1173 86 albania/ 1311 87 Albania.ti,ab. 1104 88 armenia/ 945 89 Armenia.ti,ab. 803 90 azerbaijan/ 1434 91 Azerbaijan.ti,ab. 1284 92 belarus/ 1204 93 (Belarus or Byelarus or Byelorussia or Belorussia).ti,ab. 1068 94 bosnia-hercegovina/ 1996 95 (Bosnia or Herzegovina).ti,ab. 1442 96 bulgaria/ 6036 97 Bulgaria.ti,ab. 3968 98 "republic of georgia"/ 1267 99 Georgia.ti,ab. not Georgia/ 1706 100 kazakhstan/ 3438 101 (Kazakhstan or Kazakh).ti,ab. 2935 102 kosovo/ 502 103 Kosovo.ti,ab. 619 104 montenegro/ 370 105 Montenegro.ti,ab. 847 106 "republic of north macedonia"/ 1577 107 North Macedonia.ti,ab. 76 108 romania/ 10820 109 Romania.ti,ab. 5357 110 exp russia/ 20841 111 exp ussr/ 21096 112 (Russia or Russian Federation or USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union).ti,ab. 19695 113 exp serbia/ or "serbia and montenegro"/ 4995 114 serbia.ti,ab. 3492 115 turkey/ 41904 116 (Turkey.ti,ab. not animals/) or (Anatolia or Asia Minor).ti,ab. 7229 117 turkmenistan/ 677 118 Turkmenistan.ti,ab. 314 119 tajikistan/ 871 120 Tajikistan.ti,ab. 495 121 central asia/ 16598 122 Central Asia.ti,ab. 1739 123 haiti/ 2471 124 (Haiti or Hayti).ti,ab. 2452 125 bolivia/ 3059 126 Bolivia.ti,ab. 2833 127 el salvador/ 1526 128 El Salvador.ti,ab. 1141 129 honduras/ 1597 130 Honduras.ti,ab. 1631 131 nicaragua/ 1603 132 Nicaragua.ti,ab. 1498 133 argentina/ 15893 134 (Argentina or Argentine Republic).ti,ab. 11573 135 belize/ 635 136 (Belize or British Honduras).ti,ab. 657 137 exp brazil/ 112891 138 Brazil.ti,ab. 78054 139 colombia/ 13083 140 Colombia.ti,ab. 11220 141 costa rica/ 3390 142 Costa Rica.ti,ab. 3229 143 cuba/ 5906 144 Cuba.ti,ab. 4596 145 dominica/ 197 146 Dominica.ti,ab. 355 147 dominican republic/ 1306 148 Dominican Republic.ti,ab. 1346 149 exp ecuador/ 4292 150 Ecuador.ti,ab. 3921 151 grenada/ 318 152 Grenada.ti,ab. 320 153 guatemala/ 4284 154 Guatemala.ti,ab. 3820 155 guyana/ 1220 156 (Guyana or British Guiana).ti,ab. 1301 157 jamaica/ 2960 158 Jamaica.ti,ab. 2760 159 mexico/ 28546 160 (Mexico or United Mexican States).ti,ab. 25985 161 paraguay/ 1516 162 1776 163 peru/ 10368 164 Peru.ti,ab. 8638 165 saint lucia/ 425 166 (St Lucia or Saint Lucia or Iyonala or Hewanorra).ti,ab. 499 167 grenadines/ or exp "saint vincent and the grenadines"/ 190 168 (Saint Vincent or St Vincent or Grenadines).ti,ab. 258 169 suriname/ 1130 170 (Suriname or Dutch Guiana).ti,ab. 602 171 venezuela/ 7365 172 Venezuela.ti,ab. 6738 173 Djibouti/ 401 174 (Djibouti or French Somaliland).ti,ab. 407 175 exp egypt/ 22229 176 Egypt.ti,ab. 15055 177 morocco/ 8457 178 Morocco.ti,ab. 5930 179 tunisia/ 7705 180 8044 181 exp palestine/ 2499 182 (Gaza or West Bank or Palestine).ti,ab. 2362 183 algeria/ 6001 184 Algeria.ti,ab. 4656 185 iran/ 63134 186 (Iran or Persia).ti,ab. 38783 187 iraq/ 6860 188 (Iraq or Mesopotamia).ti,ab. 5347 189 jordan/ 4140 190 Jordan.ti,ab. 4300 191 lebanon/ 3550 192 (Lebanon or Lebanese Republic).ti,ab. 2892 193 libya/ 1617 194 Libya.ti,ab. 1125 195 syria/ 2089 196 (Syria or Syrian Arab Republic).ti,ab. 1652 197 exp yemen/ 2002 198 Yemen.ti,ab. 1837 199 afghanistan/ 2545 200 Afghanistan.ti,ab. 2752 201 nepal/ 9209 202 Nepal.ti,ab. 8223 203 exp bangladesh/ 15669 204 Bangladesh.ti,ab. 14559 205 bhutan/ 724 206 Bhutan.ti,ab. 692 207 exp india/ 150199 208 India.ti,ab. 100080 209 exp pakistan/ 22189 210 Pakistan.ti,ab. 17482 211 maldives/ 299 212 Maldives.ti,ab. 267 213 sri lanka/ 7988 214 (Sri Lanka or Ceylon).ti,ab. 7594 215 angola/ 1694 216 Angola.ti,ab. 1741 217 cameroon/ 8599 218 (Cameroon or Kamerun or Cameroun).ti,ab. 7689 219 cape verde/ 374 220 (Cape Verde or Cabo Verde).ti,ab. 411 221 exp comoros/ 370 222 (Comoros or Glorioso Islands or Mayotte).ti,ab. 543 223 congo/ 2405 224 (Congo not ((Democratic Republic adj3 Congo) or congo red or crimean-congo)).ti,ab. 5263 225 cote d'ivoire/ 5199 226 (Cote d'Ivoire or Cote dIvoire or Ivory Coast).ti,ab. 5183 227 swaziland/ 1003 228 (eSwatini or Swaziland).ti,ab. 1053 229 ghana/ 13250 230 (Ghana or Gold Coast).ti,ab. 12519 231 kenya/ 21587 232 (Kenya or East Africa Protectorate).ti,ab. 19595 233 lesotho/ 791 234 (Lesotho or Basutoland).ti,ab. 771 235 mauritania/ 629 236 Mauritania.ti,ab. 684 237 nigeria/ 41312 238 Nigeria.ti,ab. 35636 239 exp "sao tome and principe"/ 262 240 (Sao Tome adj2 Principe).ti,ab. 149 241 senegal/ 7252 242 Senegal.ti,ab. 6260 243 sudan/ 7518 244 (Sudan not South Sudan).ti,ab. 8117 245 zambia/ 6385 246 (Zambia or Northern Rhodesia).ti,ab. 5719 247 zimbabwe/ 7520 248 (Zimbabwe or Southern Rhodesia).ti,ab. 5612 249 botswana/ 2368 250 (Botswana or Bechuanaland or Kalahari).ti,ab. 2356 251 equatorial guinea/ 488 252 (Equatorial Guinea or Spanish Guinea).ti,ab. 498 253 gabon/ 1955 254 (Gabon or Gabonese Republic).ti,ab. 1841 255 mauritius/ 1073 256 (Mauritius or Agalega Islands).ti,ab. 1047 257 namibia/ 1380 258 (Namibia or German South West Africa).ti,ab. 1139 259 exp south africa/ 39660 260 (South Africa or Cape Colony or British Bechuanaland or Boer Republics or Zululand or Transvaal or Natalia Republic or Orange Free State).ti,ab. 29356 261 benin/ 3291 262 (Benin or Dahomey).ti,ab. 4170 263 burkina faso/ 5811 264 (Burkina Faso or Burkina Fasso or Upper Volta).ti,ab. 5731 265 burundi/ 889 266 (Burundi or Ruanda-Urundi).ti,ab. 1146 267 central african republic/ 1214 268 (Central African Republic or Ubangi-Shari).ti,ab. 1229 269 chad/ 1451 270 Chad.ti,ab. 1505 271 congo democratic republic/ 8213 272 (((Democratic Republic or DR) adj2 Congo) or Congo-Kinshasa or Belgian Congo or Zaire or Congo Free State).ti,ab. 6716 273 eritrea/ 794 274 Eritrea.ti,ab. 749 275 ethiopia/ 19820 276 (Ethiopia or Abyssinia).ti,ab. 18785 277 gambia/ 3255 278 Gambia.ti,ab. 2832 279 guinea/ 1506 280 (Guinea not (New Guinea or Guinea Pig* or Guinea Fowl or Guinea-Bissau or Portuguese Guinea or Equatorial Guinea)).ti,ab. 3303 281 guinea-bissau/ 1116 282 (Guinea-Bissau or Portuguese Guinea).ti,ab. 1100 283 liberia/ 1905 284 madagascar/ 4303 285 (Madagascar or Malagasy Republic).ti,ab. 4292 286 malawi/ 7911 287 (Malawi or Nyasaland).ti,ab. 7329 288 mali/ 3703 289 Mali.ti,ab. 3611 290 exp mozambique/ 3895 291 (Mozambique or Mocambique or Portuguese East Africa).ti,ab. 3840 292 niger/ 1583 293 (Niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)).ti,ab. 4062 294 rwanda/ 3043 295 (Rwanda or Ruanda).ti,ab. 2983 296 sierra leone/ 2696 297 (Sierra Leone or Salone).ti,ab. 2694 298 somalia/ 2076 299 (Somalia or Somaliland).ti,ab. 1792 300 south sudan/ 560 301 South Sudan.ti,ab. 675 302 exp tanzania/ 15955 303 (Tanzania or Tanganyika or Zanzibar).ti,ab. 15171 304 togo/ 1962 305 (Togo or Togolese Republic or Togoland).ti,ab. 1828 306 uganda/ 16519 307 Uganda.ti,ab. 15598 308 "africa south of sahara"/ or central africa/ or east africa/ or southern africa/ or west africa/ or tropical africa/ 256036 309 ("Africa South of the Sahara" or sub-Saharan Africa or subSaharan Africa).ti,ab. 19260 310 Central Africa.ti,ab. 2797 311 (Eastern Africa or East Africa).ti,ab. 5517 312 Southern Africa.ti,ab. 3247 313 (Western Africa or West Africa).ti,ab. 10907 314 Sahel.ti,ab. 710 315 or/15-314 [ALL LOW AND MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRIES] 1284742 316 3 and 8 and 11 and 14 and 315 3769 317 limit 316 to yr="2000 -Current" 2915 318 remove duplicates from 317 2914 OvidSP Econlit Database name: Econlit Database platform: OvidSP Dates of database coverage: 1886 to February 16, 2023 Date searched: 2023-02-28 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 883 2023: 960 EndNote import order: 4 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 836 2023: 54 Search strategy notes: Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? is used for optional wildcards. # Search terms Results 1 (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* adj1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo?rhood or "the coast" or coastal).ti,ab. 152410 2 (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or boundary planting or hedgerow* or improved fallows or shadow system or living fence* or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*).ti,ab. 13656 3 (((decision or regression or statistic*) adj1 tree*) or (forest* adj1 (plot or random or isolation or random survival))).ti,ab. 1190 4 2 not 3 12466 5 (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life adj2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger).ti,ab. 135719 6 (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop adj1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or agricultural develop* or fuel* or timber or disaster risk reduction or (disaster adj1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) adj1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) adj2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic adj1 (chores or task* or work* or labo?r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or internal displace* or school* or educat* or network* or (capital adj1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*).ti,ab. 885694 7 5 or 6 932976 8 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab. 5546 9 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab. 47683 10 (low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab. 222 11 (low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab. 1503 12 (lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab. 1985 13 transitional countr*.ti,ab. 235 14 global south.ti,ab. 1016 15 ("Africa South of the Sahara" or sub-Saharan Africa or subSaharan Africa).ti,ab. 6019 16 (Central Africa or Eastern Africa or East Africa or Southern Africa or Western Africa or West Africa).ti,ab. 2719 17 (north korea or (democratic people* republic adj2 korea) or cambodia or indonesia or kiribati or laos or (lao adj1 democratic republic) or micronesia or mongolia or myanmar or burma or papua new guinea or philippines or solomon islands or timor-leste or vanuatu or viet nam or vietnam or american samoa or china or fiji or malaysia or marshall islands or nauru or independent state of samoa or western samoa or navigator islands or samoan islands or thailand or tonga or tuvalu or melanesia or polynesia or afghanistan or nepal or bangladesh or bhutan or india or pakistan or sri lanka or ceylon or maldives).ti,ab. 105543 18 (armenia or kosovo or (georgia adj2 republic) or kosovo or kyrgyzstan or kyrgyz republic or kirghizia or kirghiz or moldova or tajikistan or ukraine or uzbekistan or albania or azerbaijan or belarus or byelarus or belorussia or bosnia or herzegovina or bulgaria or kazakhstan or kazakh or macedonia or montenegro or romania or russia or ussr or russian federation or "union of soviet socialist republics" or soviet union or serbia or turkey or turkmenistan or yugoslavia or djibouti or french somaliland or egypt or jordan or morocco or syria or syrian arab republic or tunisia or gaza or yemen or algeria or iran or iraq or lebanon or libya).ti,ab. 46561 19 (haiti or bolivia or el salvador or guatemala or honduras or nicaragua or argentina or belize or brazil or colombia or costa rica or cuba or dominica or dominican republic or ecuador or grenada or guyana or jamaica or mexico or panama or paraguay or peru or saint lucia or st lucia or grenadines or suriname or venezuela).ti,ab. 41078 20 (sahel or benin or dahomey or burkina faso or burkina fasso or upper volta or burundi or central african republic or ubangi-shari or chad or comoros or comoro islands or mayotte or iles comores or (democratic republic adj2 congo) or belgian congo or zaire or eritrea or ethiopia or gambia or (guinea not (new guinea or guinea pig* or guinea fowl)) or guinea-bissau or portuguese guinea or liberia or madagascar or malagasy republic or malawi or nyasaland or mali or mozambique or mocambique or portuguese east africa or (niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)) or rwanda or ruanda or senegal or sierra leone or somalia or south sudan or tanzania or tanganyika or zanzibar or togo or togolese republic or uganda or zimbabwe or rhodesia or angola or cameroon or cape verde or cabo verde or (congo not ((democratic republic adj3 congo) or congo red or crimean congo)) or "cote d ivoire" or cote divoire or ivory coast or ghana or gold coast or kenya or lesotho or basutoland or mauritania or nigeria or (sao tome adj2 principe) or (sudan not south sudan) or eswatini or swaziland or zambia or northern rhodesia or botswana or bechuanaland or kalahari or equatorial guinea or spanish guinea or gabon or gabonese republic or mauritius or agalega islands or namibia or south africa).ti,ab. 37176 21 or/8-20 260393 22 (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention? or evaluation? or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or observational stud* or propensity score match* or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or instrumental variable* or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) adj2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or case study or case studies).ti,ab. 781958 23 1 and 4 and 7 and 21 and 22 1059 24 limit 23 to yr="2000 -Current" 960 25 remove duplicates from 24 960 OvidSP APA PsycInfo Database name: APA PsycInfo Database platform: OvidSP Dates of database coverage: 1806 to February Week 3 2023 Date searched: 2023-02-27 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 231 2023: 257 EndNote import order: 5 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 165 2023: 12 Search strategy notes: Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? is used for optional wildcards. # Search terms Results 1 exp agricultural workers/ or agricultural extension workers/ or rural environments/ or agriculture/ or communities/ or neighborhoods/ 67897 2 (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* adj1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo?rhood or "the coast" or coastal).ti,ab. 419977 3 1 or 2 424247 4 (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or boundary planting or hedgerow* or improved fallows or shadow system or living fence* or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*).ti,ab. 21959 5 (((decision or regression or statistic*) adj1 tree*) or (forest* adj1 (plot or random or isolation or random survival))).ti,ab. 3873 6 4 not 5 18086 7 exp health/ or exp "quality of life"/ or nutrition/ or diets/ or exp socioeconomic factors/ or exp poverty/ or community development/ or social equality/ or economic inequality/ or domestic violence/ or intimate partner violence/ or battered females/ or exp child abuse/ or war/ or conflict/ or exp human migration/ or migrant farm workers/ or exp schools/ or exp school attendance/ or school retention/ or academic achievement/ or educational attainment level/ or human capital/ or social capital/ 746513 8 (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop adj1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or agricultural develop* or fuel* or timber or disaster risk reduction or (disaster adj1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) adj1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) adj2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic adj1 (chores or task* or work* or labo?r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or internal displace* or school* or educat* or network* or (capital adj1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*).ti,ab. 1820527 9 7 or 8 2143090 10 exp experimental design/ or quantitative methods/ or quasi experimental methods/ or exp simulation/ or experiment controls/ 144525 11 (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention? or evaluation? or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or observational stud* or propensity score match* or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or instrumental variable* or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) adj2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or case study or case studies).ti,ab. 2997041 12 10 or 11 3038471 13 developing countries/ 6263 14 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab. 471 15 ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab. 21810 16 (low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab. 52 17 (low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab. 4786 18 (lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab. 2522 19 (transitional countr* or global south or majority world).ti,ab. 1107 20 (north korea or (democratic people* republic adj2 korea) or cambodia or indonesia or kiribati or laos or (lao adj1 democratic republic) or micronesia or mongolia or myanmar or burma or papua new guinea or philippines or solomon islands or timor-leste or vanuatu or viet nam or vietnam or american samoa or china or fiji or malaysia or marshall islands or nauru or independent state of samoa or western samoa or navigator islands or samoan islands or thailand or tonga or tuvalu or melanesia or polynesia or afghanistan or nepal or bangladesh or bhutan or india or pakistan or sri lanka or ceylon or maldives).ti,ab. 85329 21 (armenia or kosovo or (georgia adj2 republic) or kosovo or kyrgyzstan or kyrgyz republic or kirghizia or kirghiz or moldova or tajikistan or ukraine or uzbekistan or albania or azerbaijan or belarus or byelarus or belorussia or bosnia or herzegovina or bulgaria or kazakhstan or kazakh or macedonia or montenegro or romania or russia or ussr or russian federation or "union of soviet socialist republics" or soviet union or serbia or turkey or turkmenistan or yugoslavia or djibouti or french somaliland or egypt or jordan or morocco or syria or syrian arab republic or tunisia or gaza or yemen or algeria or iran or iraq or jordan or lebanon or libya).ti,ab. 41768 22 (haiti or bolivia or el salvador or guatemala or honduras or nicaragua or argentina or belize or brazil or colombia or costa rica or cuba or dominica or dominican republic or ecuador or grenada or guyana or jamaica or mexico or panama or paraguay or peru or saint lucia or st lucia or grenadines or suriname or venezuela).ti,ab. 39070 23 ("africa south of the sahara" or sub-saharan africa or central africa or eastern africa or east africa or southern africa or western africa or west africa or sahel or benin or dahomey or burkina faso or burkina fasso or upper volta or burundi or central african republic or ubangi-shari or chad or comoros or comoro islands or mayotte or iles comores or (democratic republic adj2 congo) or belgian congo or zaire or eritrea or ethiopia or gambia or (guinea not (new guinea or guinea pig* or guinea fowl)) or guinea-bissau or portuguese guinea or liberia or madagascar or malagasy republic or malawi or nyasaland or mali or mozambique or mocambique or portuguese east africa or (niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)) or rwanda or ruanda or senegal or sierra leone or somalia or south sudan or tanzania or tanganyika or zanzibar or togo or togolese republic or uganda or zimbabwe or rhodesia or angola or cameroon or cape verde or cabo verde or (congo not ((democratic republic adj3 congo) or congo red or crimean congo)) or "cote d ivoire" or cote divoire or ivory coast or ghana or gold coast or kenya or lesotho or basutoland or mauritania or nigeria or (sao tome adj2 principe) or (sudan not south sudan) or eswatini or swaziland or zambia or northern rhodesia or botswana or bechuanaland or kalahari or equatorial guinea or spanish guinea or gabon or gabonese republic or mauritius or agalega islands or namibia or south africa).ti,ab. 45938 24 or/13-23 215402 25 3 and 6 and 9 and 12 and 24 269 26 limit 25 to yr="2000 -Current" 258 27 remove duplicates from 26 257 Africa-Wide Information Database name: Africa-Wide Information Database platform: Ebsco Dates of database coverage: Complete database as of search date Date searched: 2023-02-18 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 2349 2023: 2430 EndNote import order: 7 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 1320 2023: 53 Search strategy notes: Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract * is used for truncation of words. Nn searches for terms within n words of each other. # Query Results S1 (TI (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* N1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo#rhood or "the coast" or coastal)) OR (AB ((household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* N1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo#rhood or "the coast" or coastal)) 314,240 S2 (TI (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or "boundary planting" or hedgerow* or "improved fallows" or "shadow system" or "living fence*" or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*)) OR (AB (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or "boundary planting" or hedgerow* or "improved fallows" or "shadow system" or "living fence*" or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*)) 78,897 S3 (TI (((decision or regression or statistic*) N1 tree*) or (forest* N1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival")))) OR (AB (((decision or regression or statistic*) N1 tree*) or (forest* N1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival")))) 1,097 S4 S2 NOT S3 77,800 S5 (TI (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life N2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger)) OR (AB (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life N2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger)) 334,132 S6 (TI (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop N1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or "agricultural develop*" or fuel* or timber or "disaster risk reduction" or (disaster N1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) N1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) N2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic N1 (chores or task* or work* or labo#r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or "internal displace*" or school* or educat* or network* or (capital N1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*)) OR (AB (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop N1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or "agricultural develop*" or fuel* or timber or "disaster risk reduction" or (disaster N1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) N1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) N2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic N1 (chores or task* or work* or labo#r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or "internal displace*" or school* or educat* or network* or (capital N1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*)) 732,875 S7 S5 OR S6 937,865 S8 (TI ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income") N1 (economy or economies))) OR (AB ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income") N1 (economy or economies))) 1,134 S9 (TI ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income" or underserved or "under served" or deprived or poor*) N1 (countr* or nation# or population# or world))) or (AB ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income" or underserved or "under served" or deprived or poor*) N1 (countr* or nation# or population# or world))) 85,028 S10 (TI (low* N1 (gdp or gnp or "gross domestic" or "gross national"))) OR (AB (TI (low* N1 (gdp or gnp or "gross domestic" or "gross national"))) 5 S11 (TI (low N3 middle N3 countr*)) OR (AB (TI (low N3 middle N3 countr*)) 2,236 S12 (TI (lmic or lmics or "third world" or "lami countr*")) OR (AB (lmic or lmics or "third world" or "lami countr*")) 8,708 S13 (TI ("transitional countr*")) OR (AB ("transitional countr*")) 75 S14 (TI ("global south")) OR (AB ("global south")) 743 S15 (TI ("Africa South of the Sahara" or "sub-Saharan Africa" or "subSaharan Africa")) OR (AB ("Africa South of the Sahara" or "sub-Saharan Africa" or "subSaharan Africa")) 30,121 S16 (TI ("Central Africa" or "Eastern Africa" or "East Africa" or "Southern Africa" or "Western Africa" or "West Africa")) OR (AB ("Central Africa" or "Eastern Africa" or "East Africa" or "Southern Africa" or "Western Africa" or "West Africa")) 79,514 S17 (TI ("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" N2 korea) or cambodia or indonesia or kiribati or laos or (lao N1 "democratic republic") or micronesia or mongolia or myanmar or burma or "papua new guinea" or philippines or "solomon islands" or timor-leste or vanuatu or "viet nam" or vietnam or "american samoa" or china or fiji or malaysia or "marshall islands" or nauru or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or thailand or tonga or tuvalu or melanesia or polynesia or afghanistan or nepal or bangladesh or bhutan or india or pakistan or "sri lanka" or ceylon or maldives)) OR (AB ("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" N2 korea) or cambodia or indonesia or kiribati or laos or (lao N1 "democratic republic") or micronesia or mongolia or myanmar or burma or "papua new guinea" or philippines or "solomon islands" or timor-leste or vanuatu or "viet nam" or vietnam or "american samoa" or china or fiji or malaysia or "marshall islands" or nauru or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or thailand or tonga or tuvalu or melanesia or polynesia or afghanistan or nepal or bangladesh or bhutan or india or pakistan or "sri lanka" or ceylon or maldives)) 109,154 S18 (TI (armenia or kosovo or (georgia N2 republic) or kosovo or kyrgyzstan or "kyrgyz republic" or kirghizia or kirghiz or moldova or tajikistan or ukraine or uzbekistan or albania or azerbaijan or belarus or byelarus or belorussia or bosnia or herzegovina or bulgaria or kazakhstan or kazakh or macedonia or montenegro or romania or russia or ussr or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or serbia or turkey or turkmenistan or yugoslavia or djibouti or "french somaliland" or egypt or jordan or morocco or syria or "syrian arab republic" or tunisia or gaza or yemen or algeria or iran or iraq or lebanon or libya)) OR (AB (armenia or kosovo or (georgia N2 republic) or kosovo or kyrgyzstan or "kyrgyz republic" or kirghizia or kirghiz or moldova or tajikistan or ukraine or uzbekistan or albania or azerbaijan or belarus or byelarus or belorussia or bosnia or herzegovina or bulgaria or kazakhstan or kazakh or macedonia or montenegro or romania or russia or ussr or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or serbia or turkey or turkmenistan or yugoslavia or djibouti or "french somaliland" or egypt or jordan or morocco or syria or "syrian arab republic" or tunisia or gaza or yemen or algeria or iran or iraq or lebanon or libya)) 175,862 S19 (TI (haiti or bolivia or "el salvador" or guatemala or honduras or nicaragua or argentina or belize or brazil or colombia or "costa rica" or cuba or dominica or "dominican republic" or ecuador or grenada or guyana or jamaica or mexico or panama or paraguay or peru or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or grenadines or suriname or venezuela)) OR (AB (haiti or bolivia or "el salvador" or guatemala or honduras or nicaragua or argentina or belize or brazil or colombia or "costa rica" or cuba or dominica or "dominican republic" or ecuador or grenada or guyana or jamaica or mexico or panama or paraguay or peru or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or grenadines or suriname or venezuela)) 44,493 S20 (TI (sahel or benin or dahomey or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or burundi or "central african republic" or ubangi-shari or chad or comoros or "comoro islands" or mayotte or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" N2 congo) or "belgian congo" or zaire or eritrea or ethiopia or gambia or (guinea not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl")) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or liberia or madagascar or "malagasy republic" or malawi or nyasaland or mali or mozambique or mocambique or "portuguese east africa" or (niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)) or rwanda or ruanda or senegal or "sierra leone" or somalia or "south sudan" or tanzania or tanganyika or zanzibar or togo or "togolese republic" or uganda or zimbabwe or rhodesia or angola or cameroon or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or (congo not (("democratic republic" N3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or ghana or "gold coast" or kenya or lesotho or basutoland or mauritania or nigeria or ("sao tome" N2 principe) or (sudan not "south sudan") or eswatini or swaziland or zambia or "northern rhodesia" or botswana or bechuanaland or kalahari or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or gabon or "gabonese republic" or mauritius or "agalega islands" or namibia or "south africa")) 737,283 S21 (AB (sahel or benin or dahomey or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or burundi or "central african republic" or ubangi-shari or chad or comoros or "comoro islands" or mayotte or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" N2 congo) or "belgian congo" or zaire or eritrea or ethiopia or gambia or (guinea not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl")) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or liberia or madagascar or "malagasy republic" or malawi or nyasaland or mali or mozambique or mocambique or "portuguese east africa" or (niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)) or rwanda or ruanda or senegal or "sierra leone" or somalia or "south sudan" or tanzania or tanganyika or zanzibar or togo or "togolese republic" or uganda or zimbabwe or rhodesia or angola or cameroon or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or (congo not (("democratic republic" N3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or ghana or "gold coast" or kenya or lesotho or basutoland or mauritania or nigeria or ("sao tome" N2 principe) or (sudan not "south sudan") or eswatini or swaziland or zambia or "northern rhodesia" or botswana or bechuanaland or kalahari or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or gabon or "gabonese republic" or mauritius or "agalega islands" or namibia or "south africa")) 442,040 S22 S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 1,366,731 S23 (TI (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention# or evaluation# or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or "observational stud*" or "propensity score match*" or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or "instrumental variable*" or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) N2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or "case study" or "case studies")) OR (AB (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention# or evaluation# or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or "observational stud*" or "propensity score match*" or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or "instrumental variable*" or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) N2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or "case study" or "case studies")) 895,686 S24 S1 AND S4 AND S7 AND S22 AND S23 3,149 S25 S24 Limiters - Year Published: 2000-2021 2,430 EBSCO GreenFILE Database name: GreenFILE Database platform: Ebsco Dates of database coverage: Complete database as of search date Date searched: 2023-02-27 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 3171 2023: 3196 EndNote import order: 6 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 2206 2023: 38 Search strategy notes: Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract * is used for truncation of words. Nn searches for terms within n words of each other. # Query Results S1 (TI (household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* N1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo#rhood or "the coast" or coastal)) OR (AB ((household* or smallhold* or small-hold* or farm or farms or farmer* or village* or rural or non-urban or (communit* not (communit* N1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) or neighbo#rhood or "the coast" or coastal)) 154,861 S2 (TI (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or "boundary planting" or hedgerow* or "improved fallows" or "shadow system" or "living fence*" or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*)) OR (AB (tree* or wood or woody or forest* or canop* or understory or shrub* or mangrove* or parkland* or agroforest* or agro-forest* or agro-pastor* or agropastor* or silvopastor* or silvipastor* or agrisilviculture* or aqua-silvo* or exclosure or "boundary planting" or hedgerow* or "improved fallows" or "shadow system" or "living fence*" or entomoforest* or homegarden* or home-garden* or shade-species or shade-grown or farmer-managed-natural-restoration or fmnr or redd or redd+ or afforest* or reforest* or deforest*)) 114,503 S3 (TI (((decision or regression or statistic*) N1 tree*) or (forest* N1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival")))) OR (AB (((decision or regression or statistic*) N1 tree*) or (forest* N1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival")))) 3,712 S4 S2 NOT S3 110,791 S5 (TI (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life N2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger)) OR (AB (health* or unhealth* or welfare or well-being or wellbeing or wellness or (life N2 satisf*) or diet or dietary or nutrition or hunger)) 102,539 S6 (TI (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop N1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or "agricultural develop*" or fuel* or timber or "disaster risk reduction" or (disaster N1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) N1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) N2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic N1 (chores or task* or work* or labo#r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or "internal displace*" or school* or educat* or network* or (capital N1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*)) OR (AB (socio-economic or environmental-economic or social-ecological or economic* or income* or livelihood* or wage* or poor or poverty or low-income or wealth or "standard of living" or subsistence or employment or unemployment or employed or unemployed or cash or pay* or monetary or money or allowance or voucher* or enterpris* or micro-enterpris* or (crop N1 (sale or sold or produc*)) or yield* or harvest* or "agricultural develop*" or fuel* or timber or "disaster risk reduction" or (disaster N1 (mitigat* or reduc* or protect*)) or adapt* or resilie* or alleviat* or vulnerab* or cope or coping or coped or copes or ((food or water) N1 (security or insecurity)) or equity or inequal* or ((gender* or female) N2 (empower* or equality or violence)) or (domestic N1 (chores or task* or work* or labo#r or violence)) or conflict or migrat* or "internal displace*" or school* or educat* or network* or (capital N1 (social or human or natural)) or diversif*)) 328,967 S7 S5 OR S6 397,831 S8 (TI ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income") N1 (economy or economies))) OR (AB ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income") N1 (economy or economies))) 518 S9 (TI ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income" or underserved or "under served" or deprived or poor*) N1 (countr* or nation# or population# or world))) or (AB ((developing or "less* developed" or "under developed" or underdeveloped or "middle income" or "low* income" or underserved or "under served" or deprived or poor*) N1 (countr* or nation# or population# or world))) 12,445 S10 (TI (low* N1 (gdp or gnp or "gross domestic" or "gross national"))) OR (AB (TI (low* N1 (gdp or gnp or "gross domestic" or "gross national"))) 71 S11 (TI (low N3 middle N3 countr*)) OR (AB (TI (low N3 middle N3 countr*)) 70 S12 (TI (lmic or lmics or "third world" or "lami countr*")) OR (AB (lmic or lmics or "third world" or "lami countr*")) 639 S13 (TI ("transitional countr*")) OR (AB ("transitional countr*")) 19 S14 (TI ("global south")) OR (AB ("global south")) 540 S15 (TI ("Africa South of the Sahara" or "sub-Saharan Africa" or "subSaharan Africa")) OR (AB ("Africa South of the Sahara" or "sub-Saharan Africa" or "subSaharan Africa")) 1,433 S16 (TI ("Central Africa" or "Eastern Africa" or "East Africa" or "Southern Africa" or "Western Africa" or "West Africa")) OR (AB ("Central Africa" or "Eastern Africa" or "East Africa" or "Southern Africa" or "Western Africa" or "West Africa")) 3,246 S17 (TI ("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" N2 korea) or cambodia or indonesia or kiribati or laos or (lao N1 "democratic republic") or micronesia or mongolia or myanmar or burma or "papua new guinea" or philippines or "solomon islands" or timor-leste or vanuatu or "viet nam" or vietnam or "american samoa" or china or fiji or malaysia or "marshall islands" or nauru or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or thailand or tonga or tuvalu or melanesia or polynesia or afghanistan or nepal or bangladesh or bhutan or india or pakistan or "sri lanka" or ceylon or maldives)) OR (AB ("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" N2 korea) or cambodia or indonesia or kiribati or laos or (lao N1 "democratic republic") or micronesia or mongolia or myanmar or burma or "papua new guinea" or philippines or "solomon islands" or timor-leste or vanuatu or "viet nam" or vietnam or "american samoa" or china or fiji or malaysia or "marshall islands" or nauru or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or thailand or tonga or tuvalu or melanesia or polynesia or afghanistan or nepal or bangladesh or bhutan or india or pakistan or "sri lanka" or ceylon or maldives)) 86,247 S18 (TI (armenia or kosovo or (georgia N2 republic) or kosovo or kyrgyzstan or "kyrgyz republic" or kirghizia or kirghiz or moldova or tajikistan or ukraine or uzbekistan or albania or azerbaijan or belarus or byelarus or belorussia or bosnia or herzegovina or bulgaria or kazakhstan or kazakh or macedonia or montenegro or romania or russia or ussr or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or serbia or turkey or turkmenistan or yugoslavia or djibouti or "french somaliland" or egypt or jordan or morocco or syria or "syrian arab republic" or tunisia or gaza or yemen or algeria or iran or iraq or lebanon or libya)) OR (AB (armenia or kosovo or (georgia N2 republic) or kosovo or kyrgyzstan or "kyrgyz republic" or kirghizia or kirghiz or moldova or tajikistan or ukraine or uzbekistan or albania or azerbaijan or belarus or byelarus or belorussia or bosnia or herzegovina or bulgaria or kazakhstan or kazakh or macedonia or montenegro or romania or russia or ussr or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or serbia or turkey or turkmenistan or yugoslavia or djibouti or "french somaliland" or egypt or jordan or morocco or syria or "syrian arab republic" or tunisia or gaza or yemen or algeria or iran or iraq or lebanon or libya)) 23,611 S19 (TI (haiti or bolivia or "el salvador" or guatemala or honduras or nicaragua or argentina or belize or brazil or colombia or "costa rica" or cuba or dominica or "dominican republic" or ecuador or grenada or guyana or jamaica or mexico or panama or paraguay or peru or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or grenadines or suriname or venezuela)) OR (AB (haiti or bolivia or "el salvador" or guatemala or honduras or nicaragua or argentina or belize or brazil or colombia or "costa rica" or cuba or dominica or "dominican republic" or ecuador or grenada or guyana or jamaica or mexico or panama or paraguay or peru or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or grenadines or suriname or venezuela)) 31,171 S20 (TI (sahel or benin or dahomey or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or burundi or "central african republic" or ubangi-shari or chad or comoros or "comoro islands" or mayotte or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" N2 congo) or "belgian congo" or zaire or eritrea or ethiopia or gambia or (guinea not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl")) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or liberia or madagascar or "malagasy republic" or malawi or nyasaland or mali or mozambique or mocambique or "portuguese east africa" or (niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)) or rwanda or ruanda or senegal or "sierra leone" or somalia or "south sudan" or tanzania or tanganyika or zanzibar or togo or "togolese republic" or uganda or zimbabwe or rhodesia or angola or cameroon or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or (congo not (("democratic republic" N3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or ghana or "gold coast" or kenya or lesotho or basutoland or mauritania or nigeria or ("sao tome" N2 principe) or (sudan not "south sudan") or eswatini or swaziland or zambia or "northern rhodesia" or botswana or bechuanaland or kalahari or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or gabon or "gabonese republic" or mauritius or "agalega islands" or namibia or "south africa")) 12,681 S21 (AB (sahel or benin or dahomey or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or burundi or "central african republic" or ubangi-shari or chad or comoros or "comoro islands" or mayotte or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" N2 congo) or "belgian congo" or zaire or eritrea or ethiopia or gambia or (guinea not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl")) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or liberia or madagascar or "malagasy republic" or malawi or nyasaland or mali or mozambique or mocambique or "portuguese east africa" or (niger not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys)) or rwanda or ruanda or senegal or "sierra leone" or somalia or "south sudan" or tanzania or tanganyika or zanzibar or togo or "togolese republic" or uganda or zimbabwe or rhodesia or angola or cameroon or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or (congo not (("democratic republic" N3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or ghana or "gold coast" or kenya or lesotho or basutoland or mauritania or nigeria or ("sao tome" N2 principe) or (sudan not "south sudan") or eswatini or swaziland or zambia or "northern rhodesia" or botswana or bechuanaland or kalahari or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or gabon or "gabonese republic" or mauritius or "agalega islands" or namibia or "south africa")) 19,717 S22 S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 168,844 S23 (TI (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention# or evaluation# or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or "observational stud*" or "propensity score match*" or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or "instrumental variable*" or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) N2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or "case study" or "case studies")) OR (AB (impact or outcome or effect* or intervention# or evaluation# or assessment or effective* or ineffective* or cost-benefit* or efficacy or "observational stud*" or "propensity score match*" or regression or "difference in difference" or matching or "instrumental variable*" or comparison or counterfactual or counter-factual or quasi-experimental or quasiexperimental or ((quantitative or experiment*) N2 (design or study or studies or analys*)) or cross-sectional or prevalence or trial or rct or model or "case study" or "case studies")) 594,765 S24 S1 AND S4 AND S7 AND S22 AND S23 3,595 S25 S24 Limiters - Publication Date: 20000101-20211231 3,196 Web of Science Core Collection Database name: Web of Science Core Collection. This contains the following databases which are all searched together: • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Dates of database coverage: SCI-Expanded, 1970-present SSCI, 1970-present ESCI, 2015-present Date searched: 2023-02-28 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 12,880 2023: 13,572 EndNote import order: 8 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 7427 2023: 1517 Search strategy notes: * is used for truncation. $ is used for optional wildcards. " … " are used to supress lemmatisation and stemming. Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract NEAR/n searches for words within n words of each other. # Search terms Results 1 TI = ("household*" OR "smallhold*" OR "small-hold*" OR "farm" OR "farms" OR "farmer*" OR "village*" OR "rural" OR "non-urban" OR ("communit*" not (communit* near/1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) OR "neighbo$rhood") OR AB = ("household*" OR "smallhold*" OR "small-hold*" OR "farm" OR "farms" OR "farmer*" OR "village*" OR "rural" OR "non-urban" OR ("communit*" not (communit* near/1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) OR "neighbo$rhood") 2044887 2 TI = (("tree*" NOT ((decision or regression or statistic*) near/1 tree*)) OR "wood" or "woody" OR ("forest*" NOT (forest near/1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival"))) OR "canop*" OR "understory" OR "shrub*" OR "mangrove*" OR "parkland*" OR "agroforest*" OR "agro-forest*" OR "agro-pastor*" OR "agropastor*" OR "silvopastor*" OR "silvipastor*" OR "agrisilviculture*" OR "aqua-silvo*" OR "exclosure" OR "boundary planting" OR "hedgerow*" OR "improved fallows" OR "shadow system*" OR "living fence*" OR "entomoforest*" OR "homegarden*" OR "home-garden*" OR "shade-species" OR "shade-grown" OR "farmer managed natural restoration" OR "FMNR" OR "REDD" OR "REDD+" OR "afforest*" OR "reforest*" OR "deforest*") OR AB = (("tree*" NOT ((decision or regression or statistic*) near/1 tree*)) OR "wood" OR "woody" OR ("forest*" NOT (forest near/1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival"))) OR "canop*" OR "understory" OR "shrub*" OR "mangrove*" OR "parkland*" OR "agroforest*" OR "agro-forest*" OR "agro-pastor*" OR "agropastor*" OR "silvopastor*" OR "silvipastor*" OR "agrisilviculture*" OR "aqua-silvo*" OR "exclosure" OR "boundary planting" OR "hedgerow*" OR "improved fallows" OR "shadow system*" OR "living fence*" OR "entomoforest*" OR "homegarden*" OR "home-garden*" OR "shade-species" OR "shade-grown" OR "farmer managed natural restoration" OR "FMNR" OR "REDD" OR "REDD+" OR "afforest*" OR "reforest*" OR "deforest*") 1030004 3 TI=("health*" or "unhealth*" or "welfare" or "well-being" or "wellbeing" or "wellness" or ("life" near/2 "satisf*") or "diet" or "dietary" or "nutrition*" or "hunger") or AB=("health*" or "unhealth*" or "welfare" or "well-being" or "wellbeing" or "wellness" or ("life" near/2 "satisf*") or "diet" or "dietary" or "nutrition*" or "hunger") 4590577 4 TI=("socio-economic" or "environmental-economic" or "social-ecological" or "economic*" or "income*" or "livelihood*" or "wage*" or "poor" or "poverty" or "low-income" or "wealth" or "standard of living" or "subsistence" or "employment" or "unemployment" or "employed" or "unemployed" or "cash" or "pay*" or "monetary" or "money" or "allowance" or "voucher*" or "enterpris*" OR "micro-enterpris*" or ("crop" near/1 ("sale" or "sold" or "produc*")) or "yield*" OR "harvest*" or "agricultural develop*" OR "fuel*" OR "fuelwood*" OR "timber" OR "disaster risk reduction" OR ("disaster" NEAR/1 ("mitigat*" OR "reduc*" OR "protect*")) OR "adapt*" OR "resilie*" OR "alleviat*" OR "diversif*" OR "vulnerab*" OR "cope" OR "coping" OR "coped" OR "copes" OR (("food" or "water") NEAR/1 ("security" or "insecurity")) OR "equity" OR "inequal*" OR (("gender*" OR "female") NEAR/2 ("empower*" OR "equality" OR "violence")) OR ("domestic" NEAR/1 ("chores" OR "task*" OR "work*" OR "labo$r" OR "violence")) OR "conflict" OR "migrat*" OR "internal displace*" OR "school*" OR "educat*" OR "network*" OR ("capital" NEAR/1 ("social" OR "human" OR "natural")) or diversif* ) OR AB=("socio-economic" or "environmental-economic" or "social-ecological" or "economic*" or "income*" or "livelihood*" or "wage*" or "poor" or "poverty" or "low-income" or "wealth" or "standard of living" or "subsistence" or "employment" or "unemployment" or "employed" or "unemployed" or "cash" or "pay*" or "monetary" or "money" or "allowance" or "voucher*" or "enterpris*" OR "micro-enterpris*" or ("crop" near/1 ("sale" or "sold" or "produc*")) or "yield*" OR "harvest*" or "agricultural develop*" OR "fuel*" OR "fuelwood*" OR "timber" OR "disaster risk reduction" OR ("disaster" NEAR/1 ("mitigat*" OR "reduc*" OR "protect*")) OR "adapt*" OR "resilie*" OR "alleviat*" OR "diversif*" OR "vulnerab*" OR "cope" OR "coping" OR "coped" OR "copes" OR (("food" or "water") NEAR/1 ("security" or "insecurity")) OR "equity" OR "inequal*" OR (("gender*" OR "female") NEAR/2 ("empower*" OR "equality" OR "violence")) OR ("domestic" NEAR/1 ("chores" OR "task*" OR "work*" OR "labo$r" OR "violence")) OR "conflict" OR "migrat*" OR "internal displace*" OR "school*" OR "educat*" OR "network*" OR ("capital" NEAR/1 ("social" OR "human" OR "natural")) or diversif* ) 12692839 5 #3 OR #4 15825001 6 TI=((("developing" or "less* developed" or "under developed" or "underdeveloped" or "middle income" or "low* income" or "underserved" or "under-served" or "deprived" or poor*) near/2 ("economy" or "economies" or countr* or nation? or population? or "world") ) or (low* near/2 ("gdp" or "gnp" or "gross domestic" or "gross national") ) or "lmic" or "lmics" or "third world" or "lami countr*" or "transitional countr*" or "global south" or "majority world") or AB=((("developing" or "less* developed" or "under developed" or "underdeveloped" or "middle income" or "low* income" or "underserved" or "under-served" or "deprived" or poor*) near/2 ("economy" or "economies" or countr* or nation? or population? or "world") ) or (low* near/2 ("gdp" or "gnp" or "gross domestic" or "gross national") ) or "lmic" or "lmics" or "third world" or "lami countr*" or "transitional countr*" or "global south" or "majority world") 243681 7 TI=("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" near/2 "korea") or "cambodia" or "indonesia" or "kiribati" or "laos" or ("lao" near/1 "democratic republic") or "micronesia" or "mongolia" or "myanmar" or "burma" or "papua new guinea" or "philippines" or "solomon islands" or "timor-leste" or "vanuatu" or "viet nam" or "vietnam" or "american samoa" or "china" or "fiji" or "malaysia" or "marshall islands" or "nauru" or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or "thailand" or "tonga" or "tuvalu" or "melanesia" or "polynesia" or "afghanistan" or "nepal" or "bangladesh" or "bhutan" or "india" or "pakistan" or "sri lanka" or "ceylon" or "maldives") or AB=("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" near/2 "korea") or "cambodia" or "indonesia" or "kiribati" or "laos" or ("lao" near/1 "democratic republic") or "micronesia" or "mongolia" or "myanmar" or "burma" or "papua new guinea" or "philippines" or "solomon islands" or "timor-leste" or "vanuatu" or "viet nam" or "vietnam" or "american samoa" or "china" or "fiji" or "malaysia" or "marshall islands" or "nauru" or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or "thailand" or "tonga" or "tuvalu" or "melanesia" or "polynesia" or "afghanistan" or "nepal" or "bangladesh" or "bhutan" or "india" or "pakistan" or "sri lanka" or "ceylon" or "maldives") 1490896 8 TI=("armenia" or "kosovo" or ("georgia" near/2 "republic") or "kosovo" or "kyrgyzstan" or "kyrgyz republic" or "kirghizia" or "kirghiz" or "moldova" or "tajikistan" or "ukraine" or "uzbekistan" or "albania" or "azerbaijan" or "belarus" or "byelarus" or "belorussia" or "bosnia" or "herzegovina" or "bulgaria" or "kazakhstan" or "kazakh" or "macedonia" or "montenegro" or "romania" or "russia" or "ussr" or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or "serbia" or "turkey" or "turkmenistan" or "yugoslavia" or "djibouti" or "french somaliland" or "egypt" or "jordan" or "morocco" or "syria" or "syrian arab republic" or "tunisia" or "gaza" or "yemen" or "algeria" or "iran" or "iraq" or "lebanon" or "libya") or AB=("armenia" or "kosovo" or ("georgia" near/2 "republic") or "kosovo" or "kyrgyzstan" or "kyrgyz republic" or "kirghizia" or "kirghiz" or "moldova" or "tajikistan" or "ukraine" or "uzbekistan" or "albania" or "azerbaijan" or "belarus" or "byelarus" or "belorussia" or "bosnia" or "herzegovina" or "bulgaria" or "kazakhstan" or "kazakh" or "macedonia" or "montenegro" or "romania" or "russia" or "ussr" or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or "serbia" or "turkey" or "turkmenistan" or "yugoslavia" or "djibouti" or "french somaliland" or "egypt" or "jordan" or "morocco" or "syria" or "syrian arab republic" or "tunisia" or "gaza" or "yemen" or "algeria" or "iran" or "iraq" or "lebanon" or "libya") 701269 9 TI=("haiti" or "bolivia" or "el salvador" or "guatemala" or "honduras" or "nicaragua" or "argentina" or "belize" or "brazil" or "colombia" or "costa rica" or "cuba" or "dominica" or "dominican republic" or "ecuador" or "grenada" or "guyana" or "jamaica" or "mexico" or "panama" or "paraguay" or "peru" or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or "grenadines" or "suriname" or "venezuela") or AB= ("haiti" or "bolivia" or "el salvador" or "guatemala" or "honduras" or "nicaragua" or "argentina" or "belize" or "brazil" or "colombia" or "costa rica" or "cuba" or "dominica" or "dominican republic" or "ecuador" or "grenada" or "guyana" or "jamaica" or "mexico" or "panama" or "paraguay" or "peru" or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or "grenadines" or "suriname" or "venezuela") 635626 10 AB=("africa south of the sahara" or "sub-saharan africa" or "central africa" or "east* africa" or "southern africa" or "west* africa" or "sahel" OR "benin" or "dahomey" or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or "burundi" or "central african republic" or "ubangi-shari" or "chad" or "comoros" or "comoro islands" or "mayotte" or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" near/2 "congo") or "belgian congo" or "zaire" or "eritrea" or "ethiopia" or "gambia" or ("guinea" not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl") ) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or "liberia" or "madagascar" or "malagasy republic" or "malawi" or "nyasaland" or "mali" or "mozambique" or "mocambique" or "portuguese east africa" or ("niger" not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys) ) or "rwanda" or "ruanda" or "senegal" or "sierra leone" or "somalia" or "south sudan" or "tanzania" or "tanganyika" or "zanzibar" or "togo" or "togolese republic" or "uganda" or "zimbabwe" or "rhodesia" or "angola" or "cameroon" or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or ("congo" not (("democratic republic" near/3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or "ghana" or "gold coast" or "kenya" or "lesotho" or "basutoland" or "mauritania" or "nigeria" or ("sao tome" near/2 "principe") or ("sudan" not "south sudan") or "eswatini" or "swaziland" or "zambia" or "northern rhodesia" or "botswana" or "bechuanaland" or "kalahari" or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or "gabon" or "gabonese republic" or "mauritius" or "agalega islands" or "namibia" or "south africa") 401360 11 TI=("africa south of the sahara" or "sub-saharan africa" or "central africa" or "east* africa" or "southern africa" or "west* africa" or "sahel" OR "benin" or "dahomey" or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or "burundi" or "central african republic" or "ubangi-shari" or "chad" or "comoros" or "comoro islands" or "mayotte" or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" near/2 "congo") or "belgian congo" or "zaire" or "eritrea" or "ethiopia" or "gambia" or ("guinea" not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl") ) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or "liberia" or "madagascar" or "malagasy republic" or "malawi" or "nyasaland" or "mali" or "mozambique" or "mocambique" or "portuguese east africa" or ("niger" not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys) ) or "rwanda" or "ruanda" or "senegal" or "sierra leone" or "somalia" or "south sudan" or "tanzania" or "tanganyika" or "zanzibar" or "togo" or "togolese republic" or "uganda" or "zimbabwe" or "rhodesia" or "angola" or "cameroon" or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or ("congo" not (("democratic republic" near/3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or "ghana" or "gold coast" or "kenya" or "lesotho" or "basutoland" or "mauritania" or "nigeria" or ("sao tome" near/2 "principe") or ("sudan" not "south sudan") or "eswatini" or "swaziland" or "zambia" or "northern rhodesia" or "botswana" or "bechuanaland" or "kalahari" or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or "gabon" or "gabonese republic" or "mauritius" or "agalega islands" or "namibia" or "south africa") 383738 12 #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 3443649 13 TI=("impact" OR "outcome" OR "effect*" OR "intervention$" OR "evaluation$" OR "assessment" OR "effective*" OR "ineffective*" OR "cost-benefit*" OR "efficacy" OR "observational stud*" OR "propensity score match*" OR "regression" OR "difference in difference" OR "matching" OR "instrumental variable*" OR "comparison" OR "counterfactual" OR "counter-factual" OR "quasi-experimental" OR "quasiexperimental" OR (("quantitative" or "experiment*") near/2 ("design" or "study" or "studies" or "analys*")) OR "cross-sectional" or "prevalence" OR "trial" OR "RCT" OR "model*" or "case-study" or "case-studies") OR AB=("impact" OR "outcome" OR "effect*" OR "intervention$" OR "evaluation$" OR "assessment" OR "effective*" OR "ineffective*" OR "cost-benefit*" OR "efficacy" OR "observational stud*" OR "propensity score match*" OR "regression" OR "difference in difference" OR "matching" OR "instrumental variable*" OR "comparison" OR "counterfactual" OR "counter-factual" OR "quasi-experimental" OR "quasiexperimental" OR (("quantitative" or "experiment*") near/2 ("design" or "study" or "studies" or "analys*")) OR "cross-sectional" or "prevalence" OR "trial" OR "RCT" OR "model*" or "case-study" or "case-studies") 29289690 14 #1 and #2 and #5 and #12 and #13 15119 15 #14 Timespan: 2000-01-01 to 2023-12-31 13572 SciELO Citation Index Database name: SciELO Citation Index Database platform: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Dates of database coverage: 2002-present Date searched: 2023-02-28 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 655 2023: 686 EndNote import order: 9 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 321 2023: 115 Search strategy notes: * is used for truncation. $ is used for optional wildcards. " … " are used to supress lemmatisation and stemming. Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract NEAR/n searches for words within n words of each other. # Search terms Results 1 TI = ("household*" OR "smallhold*" OR "small-hold*" OR "farm" OR "farms" OR "farmer*" OR "village*" OR "rural" OR "non-urban" OR ("communit*" not (communit* near/1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) OR "neighbo$rhood") OR AB = ("household*" OR "smallhold*" OR "small-hold*" OR "farm" OR "farms" OR "farmer*" OR "village*" OR "rural" OR "non-urban" OR ("communit*" not (communit* near/1 (plant* or vegetat* or ecolog* or ecosyst* or biodivers* or wild))) OR "neighbo$rhood") 66360 2 TI = (("tree*" NOT ((decision or regression or statistic*) near/1 tree*)) OR "wood" or "woody" OR ("forest*" NOT (forest near/1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival"))) OR "canop*" OR "understory" OR "shrub*" OR "mangrove*" OR "parkland*" OR "agroforest*" OR "agro-forest*" OR "agro-pastor*" OR "agropastor*" OR "silvopastor*" OR "silvipastor*" OR "agrisilviculture*" OR "aqua-silvo*" OR "exclosure" OR "boundary planting" OR "hedgerow*" OR "improved fallows" OR "shadow system*" OR "living fence*" OR "entomoforest*" OR "homegarden*" OR "home-garden*" OR "shade-species" OR "shade-grown" OR "farmer managed natural restoration" OR "FMNR" OR "REDD" OR "REDD+" OR "afforest*" OR "reforest*" OR "deforest*") OR AB = (("tree*" NOT ((decision or regression or statistic*) near/1 tree*)) OR "wood" OR "woody" OR ("forest*" NOT (forest near/1 (plot or random or isolation or "random survival"))) OR "canop*" OR "understory" OR "shrub*" OR "mangrove*" OR "parkland*" OR "agroforest*" OR "agro-forest*" OR "agro-pastor*" OR "agropastor*" OR "silvopastor*" OR "silvipastor*" OR "agrisilviculture*" OR "aqua-silvo*" OR "exclosure" OR "boundary planting" OR "hedgerow*" OR "improved fallows" OR "shadow system*" OR "living fence*" OR "entomoforest*" OR "homegarden*" OR "home-garden*" OR "shade-species" OR "shade-grown" OR "farmer managed natural restoration" OR "FMNR" OR "REDD" OR "REDD+" OR "afforest*" OR "reforest*" OR "deforest*") 34107 3 TI=("impact" OR "outcome" OR "effect*" OR "intervention$" OR "evaluation$" OR "assessment" OR "effective*" OR "ineffective*" OR "cost-benefit*" OR "efficacy" OR "observational stud*" OR "propensity score match*" OR "regression" OR "difference in difference" OR "matching" OR "instrumental variable*" OR "comparison" OR "counterfactual" OR "counter-factual" OR "quasi-experimental" OR "quasiexperimental" OR (("quantitative" or "experiment*") near/2 ("design" or "study" or "studies" or "analys*")) OR "cross-sectional" or "prevalence" OR "trial" OR "RCT" OR "model*" or "case study" or "case studies") OR AB=("impact" OR "outcome" OR "effect*" OR "intervention$" OR "evaluation$" OR "assessment" OR "effective*" OR "ineffective*" OR "cost-benefit*" OR "efficacy" OR "observational stud*" OR "propensity score match*" OR "regression" OR "difference in difference" OR "matching" OR "instrumental variable*" OR "comparison" OR "counterfactual" OR "counter-factual" OR "quasi-experimental" OR "quasiexperimental" OR (("quantitative" or "experiment*") near/2 ("design" or "study" or "studies" or "analys*")) OR "cross-sectional" or "prevalence" OR "trial" OR "RCT" OR "model*" or "case study" or "case studies") 419107 4 TI=("health*" or "unhealth*" or "welfare" or "well-being" or "wellbeing" or "wellness" or ("life" near/2 "satisf*") or "diet" or "dietary" or "nutrition*" or "hunger") or AB=("health*" or "unhealth*" or "welfare" or "well-being" or "wellbeing" or "wellness" or ("life" near/2 "satisf*") or "diet" or "dietary" or "nutrition*" or "hunger") 153261 5 TI=("socio-economic" or "environmental-economic" or "social-ecological" or "economic*" or "income*" or "livelihood*" or "wage*" or "poor" or "poverty" or "low-income" or "wealth" or "standard of living" or "subsistence" or "employment" or "unemployment" or "employed" or "unemployed" or "cash" or "pay*" or "monetary" or "money" or "allowance" or "voucher*" or "enterpris*" OR "micro-enterpris*" or ("crop" near/1 ("sale" or "sold" or "produc*")) or "yield*" OR "harvest*" or "agricultural develop*" OR "fuel*" OR "fuelwood*" OR "timber" OR "disaster risk reduction" OR ("disaster" NEAR/1 ("mitigat*" OR "reduc*" OR "protect*")) OR "adapt*" OR "resilie*" OR "alleviat*" OR "vulnerab*" OR "cope" OR "coping" OR "coped" OR "copes" OR (("food" or "water") NEAR/1 ("security" or "insecurity")) OR "equity" OR "inequal*" OR (("gender*" OR "female") NEAR/2 ("empower*" OR "equality" OR "violence")) OR ("domestic" NEAR/1 ("chores" OR "task*" OR "work*" OR "labo$r" OR "violence")) OR "conflict" OR "migrat*" OR "internal displace*" OR "school*" OR "educat*" OR "network*" OR ("capital" NEAR/1 ("social" OR "human" OR "natural")) or diversif*) OR AB=("socio-economic" or "environmental-economic" or "social-ecological" or "economic*" or "income*" or "livelihood*" or "wage*" or "poor" or "poverty" or "low-income" or "wealth" or "standard of living" or "subsistence" or "employment" or "unemployment" or "employed" or "unemployed" or "cash" or "pay*" or "monetary" or "money" or "allowance" or "voucher*" or "enterpris*" OR "micro-enterpris*" or ("crop" near/1 ("sale" or "sold" or "produc*")) or "yield*" OR "harvest*" or "agricultural develop*" OR "fuel*" OR "fuelwood*" OR "timber" OR "disaster risk reduction" OR ("disaster" NEAR/1 ("mitigat*" OR "reduc*" OR "protect*")) OR "adapt*" OR "resilie*" OR "alleviat*" OR "vulnerab*" OR "cope" OR "coping" OR "coped" OR "copes" OR (("food" or "water") NEAR/1 ("security" or "insecurity")) OR "equity" OR "inequal*" OR (("gender*" OR "female") NEAR/2 ("empower*" OR "equality" OR "violence")) OR ("domestic" NEAR/1 ("chores" OR "task*" OR "work*" OR "labo$r" OR "violence")) OR "conflict" OR "migrat*" OR "internal displace*" OR "school*" OR "educat*" OR "network*" OR ("capital" NEAR/1 ("social" OR "human" OR "natural")) or diversif*) 277615 6 #4 or #5 366962 7 TI=((("developing" or "less* developed" or "under developed" or "underdeveloped" or "middle income" or "low* income" or "underserved" or "under-served" or "deprived" or poor*) near/2 ("economy" or "economies" or countr* or nation? or population? or "world") ) or (low* near/2 ("gdp" or "gnp" or "gross domestic" or "gross national") ) or "lmic" or "lmics" or "third world" or "lami countr*" or "transitional countr*" or "global south" or "majority world") or AB=((("developing" or "less* developed" or "under developed" or "underdeveloped" or "middle income" or "low* income" or "underserved" or "under-served" or "deprived" or poor*) near/2 ("economy" or "economies" or countr* or nation? or population? or "world") ) or (low* near/2 ("gdp" or "gnp" or "gross domestic" or "gross national") ) or "lmic" or "lmics" or "third world" or "lami countr*" or "transitional countr*" or "global south" or "majority world") 5905 8 TI=("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" near/2 "korea") or "cambodia" or "indonesia" or "kiribati" or "laos" or ("lao" near/1 "democratic republic") or "micronesia" or "mongolia" or "myanmar" or "burma" or "papua new guinea" or "philippines" or "solomon islands" or "timor-leste" or "vanuatu" or "viet nam" or "vietnam" or "american samoa" or "china" or "fiji" or "malaysia" or "marshall islands" or "nauru" or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or "thailand" or "tonga" or "tuvalu" or "melanesia" or "polynesia" or "afghanistan" or "nepal" or "bangladesh" or "bhutan" or "india" or "pakistan" or "sri lanka" or "ceylon" or "maldives") or AB=("north korea" or ("democratic people* republic" near/2 "korea") or "cambodia" or "indonesia" or "kiribati" or "laos" or ("lao" near/1 "democratic republic") or "micronesia" or "mongolia" or "myanmar" or "burma" or "papua new guinea" or "philippines" or "solomon islands" or "timor-leste" or "vanuatu" or "viet nam" or "vietnam" or "american samoa" or "china" or "fiji" or "malaysia" or "marshall islands" or "nauru" or "independent state of samoa" or "western samoa" or "navigator islands" or "samoan islands" or "thailand" or "tonga" or "tuvalu" or "melanesia" or "polynesia" or "afghanistan" or "nepal" or "bangladesh" or "bhutan" or "india" or "pakistan" or "sri lanka" or "ceylon" or "maldives") 7245 9 TI=("armenia" or "kosovo" or ("georgia" near/2 "republic") or "kosovo" or "kyrgyzstan" or "kyrgyz republic" or "kirghizia" or "kirghiz" or "moldova" or "tajikistan" or "ukraine" or "uzbekistan" or "albania" or "azerbaijan" or "belarus" or "byelarus" or "belorussia" or "bosnia" or "herzegovina" or "bulgaria" or "kazakhstan" or "kazakh" or "macedonia" or "montenegro" or "romania" or "russia" or "ussr" or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or "serbia" or "turkey" or "turkmenistan" or "yugoslavia" or "djibouti" or "french somaliland" or "egypt" or "jordan" or "morocco" or "syria" or "syrian arab republic" or "tunisia" or "gaza" or "yemen" or "algeria" or "iran" or "iraq" or "lebanon" or "libya") or AB=("armenia" or "kosovo" or ("georgia" near/2 "republic") or "kosovo" or "kyrgyzstan" or "kyrgyz republic" or "kirghizia" or "kirghiz" or "moldova" or "tajikistan" or "ukraine" or "uzbekistan" or "albania" or "azerbaijan" or "belarus" or "byelarus" or "belorussia" or "bosnia" or "herzegovina" or "bulgaria" or "kazakhstan" or "kazakh" or "macedonia" or "montenegro" or "romania" or "russia" or "ussr" or "russian federation" or "union of soviet socialist republics" or "soviet union" or "serbia" or "turkey" or "turkmenistan" or "yugoslavia" or "djibouti" or "french somaliland" or "egypt" or "jordan" or "morocco" or "syria" or "syrian arab republic" or "tunisia" or "gaza" or "yemen" or "algeria" or "iran" or "iraq" or "lebanon" or "libya") 4836 10 TI=("haiti" or "bolivia" or "el salvador" or "guatemala" or "honduras" or "nicaragua" or "argentina" or "belize" or "brazil" or "colombia" or "costa rica" or "cuba" or "dominica" or "dominican republic" or "ecuador" or "grenada" or "guyana" or "jamaica" or "mexico" or "panama" or "paraguay" or "peru" or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or "grenadines" or "suriname" or "venezuela") or AB= ("haiti" or "bolivia" or "el salvador" or "guatemala" or "honduras" or "nicaragua" or "argentina" or "belize" or "brazil" or "colombia" or "costa rica" or "cuba" or "dominica" or "dominican republic" or "ecuador" or "grenada" or "guyana" or "jamaica" or "mexico" or "panama" or "paraguay" or "peru" or "saint lucia" or "st lucia" or "grenadines" or "suriname" or "venezuela") 219250 11 AB=("africa south of the sahara" or "sub-saharan africa" or "central africa" or "east* africa" or "southern africa" or "west* africa" or "sahel" OR "benin" or "dahomey" or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or "burundi" or "central african republic" or "ubangi-shari" or "chad" or "comoros" or "comoro islands" or "mayotte" or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" near/2 "congo") or "belgian congo" or "zaire" or "eritrea" or "ethiopia" or "gambia" or ("guinea" not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl") ) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or "liberia" or "madagascar" or "malagasy republic" or "malawi" or "nyasaland" or "mali" or "mozambique" or "mocambique" or "portuguese east africa" or ("niger" not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys) ) or "rwanda" or "ruanda" or "senegal" or "sierra leone" or "somalia" or "south sudan" or "tanzania" or "tanganyika" or "zanzibar" or "togo" or "togolese republic" or "uganda" or "zimbabwe" or "rhodesia" or "angola" or "cameroon" or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or ("congo" not (("democratic republic" near/3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or "ghana" or "gold coast" or "kenya" or "lesotho" or "basutoland" or "mauritania" or "nigeria" or ("sao tome" near/2 "principe") or ("sudan" not "south sudan") or "eswatini" or "swaziland" or "zambia" or "northern rhodesia" or "botswana" or "bechuanaland" or "kalahari" or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or "gabon" or "gabonese republic" or "mauritius" or "agalega islands" or "namibia" or "south africa") 16017 12 TI=("africa south of the sahara" or "sub-saharan africa" or "central africa" or "east* africa" or "southern africa" or "west* africa" or "sahel" OR "benin" or "dahomey" or "burkina faso" or "burkina fasso" or "upper volta" or "burundi" or "central african republic" or "ubangi-shari" or "chad" or "comoros" or "comoro islands" or "mayotte" or "iles comores" or ("democratic republic" near/2 "congo") or "belgian congo" or "zaire" or "eritrea" or "ethiopia" or "gambia" or ("guinea" not ("new guinea" or "guinea pig*" or "guinea fowl") ) or "guinea-bissau" or "portuguese guinea" or "liberia" or "madagascar" or "malagasy republic" or "malawi" or "nyasaland" or "mali" or "mozambique" or "mocambique" or "portuguese east africa" or ("niger" not (Aspergillus or Peptococcus or Schizothorax or Cruciferae or Gobius or Lasius or Agelastes or Melanosuchus or radish or Parastromateus or Orius or Apergillus or Parastromateus or Stomoxys) ) or "rwanda" or "ruanda" or "senegal" or "sierra leone" or "somalia" or "south sudan" or "tanzania" or "tanganyika" or "zanzibar" or "togo" or "togolese republic" or "uganda" or "zimbabwe" or "rhodesia" or "angola" or "cameroon" or "cape verde" or "cabo verde" or ("congo" not (("democratic republic" near/3 congo) or "congo red" or "crimean congo")) or "cote d ivoire" or "cote divoire" or "ivory coast" or "ghana" or "gold coast" or "kenya" or "lesotho" or "basutoland" or "mauritania" or "nigeria" or ("sao tome" near/2 "principe") or ("sudan" not "south sudan") or "eswatini" or "swaziland" or "zambia" or "northern rhodesia" or "botswana" or "bechuanaland" or "kalahari" or "equatorial guinea" or "spanish guinea" or "gabon" or "gabonese republic" or "mauritius" or "agalega islands" or "namibia" or "south africa") 9822 13 #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 249190 14 #1 and #2 and #3 and #6 and #13 686 Global Index Medicus Database name: Global Index Medicus Database platform: World Health Organization Dates of database coverage: Complete database to search date Date searched: 2023-02-28 Searched by: JF Number of results: 2021: 748 2023: 816 EndNote import order: 10 Number of results once duplicates removed: 2021: 506 2023: 65 Search strategy notes: * is used for truncation. Two-letter codes at the beginning of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: ti: title ab: abstract tw:((((ti: ( household* OR smallhold* OR small-hold* OR farm OR farms OR farmer* OR village* OR rural OR non-urban OR non urban OR neighborhood OR neighbourhood OR communit* or "the coast" or coastal)) OR (ab: ( household* OR smallhold* OR small-hold* OR farm OR farms OR farmer* OR village* OR rural OR non-urban OR non urban OR neighborhood OR neighbourhood OR communit* or "the coast" or coastal))) AND ((ti:(tree* OR wood OR woody OR forest* OR canop* OR understory OR shrub* OR mangrove* OR parkland* OR agroforest* OR agro-forest* OR agro-pastor* OR agropastor* OR silvopastor* OR silvipastor* OR agrisilviculture* OR aqua-silvo* OR exclosure OR "boundary planting" OR hedgerow* OR "improved fallows" OR "shadow system" OR "living fence*" OR entomoforest* OR homegarden* OR home-garden* OR "shade-species" OR "shade species" OR "shade-grown" OR "shade grown" OR "farmer-managed-natural-restoration" OR "farmer managed natural restoration" OR fmnr OR redd OR "redd+" OR afforest* OR reforest* OR deforest*)) OR (ab:(tree* OR wood OR woody OR forest* OR canop* OR understory OR shrub* OR mangrove* OR parkland* OR agroforest* OR agro-forest* OR agro-pastor* OR agropastor* OR silvopastor* OR silvipastor* OR agrisilviculture* OR aqua-silvo* OR exclosure OR "boundary planting" OR hedgerow* OR "improved fallows" OR "shadow system" OR "living fence*" OR entomoforest* OR homegarden* OR home-garden* OR "shade-species" OR "shade species" OR "shade-grown" OR "shade grown" OR "farmer-managed-natural-restoration" OR "farmer managed natural restoration" OR fmnr OR redd OR "redd+" OR afforest* OR reforest* OR deforest*))) AND ((ti:(health* OR unhealth* OR welfare OR well-being OR "well being" OR wellbeing OR wellness OR "life satisf*" OR diet OR dietary OR nutrition OR hunger OR "socio-economic" OR "environmental-economic" OR "social-ecological" OR economic* OR income* OR livelihood* OR wage* OR poor OR poverty OR "low-income" OR wealth OR "standard of living" OR subsistence OR employment OR unemployment OR employed OR unemployed OR cash OR pay* OR monetary OR money OR allowance OR voucher* OR enterpris* OR micro-enterpris* OR (crop AND (sale OR sold OR produc*)) OR yield* OR harvest* OR "agricultural develop*" OR fuel* OR timber OR "disaster risk reduction" OR (disaster AND (mitigat* OR reduc* OR protect*)) OR adapt* OR resilie* OR alleviat* OR vulnerab* OR cope OR coping OR coped OR copes OR ((food OR water) AND (security OR insecurity)) OR equity OR inequal* OR ((gender* OR female) AND (empower* OR equality OR violence)) OR (domestic AND (chores OR task* OR work* OR labor OR labour OR violence)) OR conflict OR migrat* OR "internal displace*" OR school* OR educat* OR network* OR (capital AND (social OR human OR natural)) OR diversif*)) OR (ab:(health* OR unhealth* OR welfare OR well-being OR "well being" OR wellbeing OR wellness OR "life satisf*" OR diet OR dietary OR nutrition OR hunger OR "socio-economic" OR "environmental-economic" OR "social-ecological" OR economic* OR income* OR livelihood* OR wage* OR poor OR poverty OR "low-income" OR wealth OR "standard of living" OR subsistence OR employment OR unemployment OR employed OR unemployed OR cash OR pay* OR monetary OR money OR allowance OR voucher* OR enterpris* OR micro-enterpris* OR (crop AND (sale OR sold OR produc*)) OR yield* OR harvest* OR "agricultural develop*" OR fuel* OR timber OR "disaster risk reduction" OR (disaster AND (mitigat* OR reduc* OR protect*)) OR adapt* OR resilie* OR alleviat* OR vulnerab* OR cope OR coping OR coped OR copes OR ((food OR water) AND (security OR insecurity)) OR equity OR inequal* OR ((gender* OR female) AND (empower* OR equality OR violence)) OR (domestic AND (chores OR task* OR work* OR labor OR labour OR violence)) OR conflict OR migrat* OR "internal displace*" OR school* OR educat* OR network* OR (capital AND (social OR human OR natural)) OR diversif*))) AND ((ti:(impact OR outcome OR effect* OR intervention OR interventions OR evaluation OR evaluations OR assessment OR effective* OR ineffective* OR "cost-benefit*" OR efficacy OR "observational stud*" OR "propensity score match*" OR regression OR "difference in difference" OR matching OR "instrumental variable*" OR comparison OR counterfactual OR counter-factual OR quasi-experimental OR quasiexperimental OR ((quantitative OR experiment*) AND (design OR study OR studies OR analys*)) OR cross-sectional OR prevalence OR trial OR rct OR model OR "case study" OR "case studies")) OR (ab:(impact OR outcome OR effect* OR intervention OR interventions OR evaluation OR evaluations OR assessment OR effective* OR ineffective* OR "cost-benefit*" OR efficacy OR "observational stud*" OR "propensity score match*" OR regression OR "difference in difference" OR matching OR "instrumental variable*" OR comparison OR counterfactual OR counter-factual OR quasi-experimental OR quasiexperimental OR ((quantitative OR experiment*) AND (design OR study OR studies OR analys*)) OR cross-sectional OR prevalence OR trial OR rct OR model OR "case study" OR "case studies"))))) Added filter: year 2000-2023 References Falconer J. Removing duplicates from an EndNote Library. Library & Archives Service Blog [Internet]: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 2018. [cited 2020]. Available from: