The Learning Initiative on Norms, Exploitation and Abuse (LINEA) is a cluster randomised controlled trial (CRCT) of an intervention (radio drama and curricula) which aims to prevent age-disparate transactional sex in Tanzania. There is a quasi-experimental, non-randomised, component which aims to estimate impact of the intervention on community-wide social norms.
This dataset contains the responses to a structured survey conducted at baseline before randomisation to and implementation of the LINEA intervention, among general populations of girls/women and boys/men aged 13 years and over. The surveys covered topics including socio-demographics, schooling, sexual behaviour, receipt and giving of gifts in the context of sex, attitudes to violence, and attitudes to age-disparate transactional sex.
Participants for the cross-sectional survey were sampled using multi-stage sampling; first sampling wards within selected study districts, then by randomly selecting streets, then households within those streets (random selection of the first house, systematic thereafter). Individual structured interviews were conducted in person by trained interviewers, with the aid of tablet devices (questionnaires programmed in ODK). 599 women and 600 men participated, whose data are included in the datasets.
Data cleaning steps included checks for duplicate IDs, missing data, verifying age of respondent, consistency checks across related variables, and checks for correct application of questionnaire filters. The dataset was anonymised with each record assigned a unique numerical ID.
Cross-sectional survey data were collected in Misungwi, Ilemela and Geita Districts, Mwanza Region, Tanzania. These districts and wards were selected purposively, primarily based on radio station coverage with the intervention radio drama (wards with no radio drama coverage in Geita intended to serve as a control in the quasi-experimental evaluation).
Periodic checks (as indicated above – data preparation section) were performed on partial datasets by the LINEA data manager and analysts, in real time as the data collection was in progress to highlight any issues with scripting or administration of the survey.
General populations of girls/women and boys/men aged 13 years and above in the selected wards and districts.
To protect the privacy of participants, names are not included, only unique study IDs. Date of birth is not contained in the dataset, only month and year of birth. Geographic area is only included at the level of district, ward and village (which have been numbered). GPS coordinates have been removed. Free text fields have been removed for the purposes of anonymisation. Names of interviewers have also been removed.
Organisation | Ethics ID |
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine research ethics committee | 28270 |
Tanzanian National Health Research Ethics Committee of the National Institute of Medical Research | NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol.IX/4299 |
Age-disparate transactional sex, Social norms, Adolescent girls, Young men, Cluster randomised trial, Quasi-experimental design, Gender transformative intervention
Project name | Funder/sponsor | Grant number | Ethics ID |
LINEA Trial | Wellspring Foundation | 100966PH | 28270 |
LINEA Trial | OAK | OCAY-22-098 | NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol.IX/4299 |
Forename | Surname | Faculty / Dept | Institution | Role |
Ana-Maria | Buller | Faculty of Public Health and Policy / Dept of Global Health and Development | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | Project Leader |
Joyce | Wamoyi | National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Mwanza | Project Leader | |
Annabelle | Gourlay | Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health / Dept of Population Health; Faculty of Public Health and Policy / Dept of Global Health and Development | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | Researcher |
Marjorie | Pichon | Faculty of Public Health and Policy / Dept of Global Health and Development | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | Researcher |
Nerissa | Tilouche | Faculty of Public Health and Policy / Dept of Global Health and Development | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | Researcher |
Tanya | Abramsky | Faculty of Public Health and Policy / Dept of Global Health and Development | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | Researcher |
Martin | Zuakulu | National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Mwanza | Researcher/Data Collector | |
Charles | Mangya | National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Mwanza | Data Manager |
Filename | Description | Access status | Licence |
LINEA_cross_sec_baseline_data | Baseline cross-sectional survey dataset | Request access | Data sharing agreement |
LINEA_cross-sec_baseline_codebook | Baseline cross-sectional survey data dictionary | Open | Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) |
LINEA_cross_sec_questionnaire | Baseline cross-sectional survey questionnaire v8.8 | Open | Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) |
Baseline_cross-sec_consent_adults | Informed consent form for cross-sectional survey – Adult participants | Open | Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) |
Baseline_cross-sec_assent_adolescent_girls | Informed consent form for cross-sectional survey participants – adolescent girl participants | Open | Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) |
LINEA_CRCT_Protocol | LINEA Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial Protocol v6 – 27 Sept 2024 | Request access | Data sharing agreement |