
2024-09-17: Notes on HIV hospitalisation systematic review data deposit on LSHTM data compass.

R Burke


Included in this repository:


Word document with systematic review protocol (NB. protocol written before review started, but small updates and typos corrected in September 2024).


This is the main extraction from all the included papers. It is an .xlsx workbook with four sheets:

  1. Index: Citation for 110 included papers
  2. Information: Demographic and other data for each paper
  3. Diagnoses: Causes of admission extracted for each paper
  4. Ddict: Data dictionary for “information” tab


This is a transformation of “demographics_of_studies” ‘re-shaped’ into very long data format. It is useful for filtering and looking by cause of admission. It is a .xlsx workbook with two sheets:

  1. causes_long: causes per paper
  2. ddict: data dictionary for “causes_long” tab.