Stronger-SAFE trial: Baseline and follow-up face washing data – User Guide

Persistent identifier



Quantitative data collected in the Stronger-SAFE trial for the purpose of determining the metrics to use to measure final behaviour change outcomes in the trial. The trial includes face washing promotion, with final outcomes assessed at 36 months. The data available here were collected from participants in North Shewa, Ethiopia, at baseline and 3-month follow-up using a combination of face-to-face interviews (survey, pictorial recall exercise and facial cleanliness assessment) and structured observation. Metrics cover number of times that the participant’s face was washed with soap during the observation period, who performed the face wash task, availability of water and soap in the household, participant demographics, and other information.

Data collection methods

Data collected through face-to-face interviews, questionnaire, and observations. Further information outlined in the 2024 PLoS NTDs paper by Greenland et al. entitled “Comparison of metrics for assessing face washing behaviour for trachoma control”.  Additional information available on the study website

Geographic regions

West Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia.

Key dates


Individuals living in rural households in West Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia.


Participant identifiable information has been removed.


Organisation Ethics ID Other information
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 17494  
National Research Ethics Review Committee of the Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education MOSHE//RD/141/8082/19  
Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority 02/25/33/44  


Trachoma, Face washing, Structured observation

Language of written material


Project information

Project name Funder/sponsor Grant number
Stronger-SAFE trial Wellcome Trust ITCRZL5110


Forename Surname Faculty / Dept Institution Role
Katie Greenland Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases / Department of Disease Control London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Data Creator

File description

The Baseline, Baseline reshaped, and Follow-up datasets are available.

Filename Description Access status Licence
Baseline_data Study data collected at Baseline Controlled - Request access for all Data sharing agreement
Baseline_data_reshaped The Baseline reshaped data is used to calculate the prevalence differences in Table 4 in the manuscript, Comparison of metrics for assessing face washing behaviour for trachoma control. Controlled - Request access for all Data sharing agreement
Followup_data Study data collected at 3 month Follow-up used in Table 7 in the manuscript, Comparison of metrics for assessing face washing behaviour for trachoma control. Controlled - Request access for all Data sharing agreement
Baseline-followup_data_codebook Codebook for baseline, baseline reshaped and follow-up datasets Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
Appendix4-PIS-and-Consent-Forms Information Sheet and Consent Forms for Main trial and WASH outcome assessment Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
4250-UserGuide User guide for Stronger-SAFE Baseline and Follow-up datasets (this document) Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)