Stronger-SAFE trial: Baseline and follow-up face washing data codebook

Persistent identifier



Quantitative data collected in the Stronger-SAFE trial for the purpose of determining the metrics to use to measure final behaviour change outcomes in the trial. The trial includes face washing promotion, with final outcomes assessed at 36 months. The data available here were collected from participants in North Shewa, Ethiopia, at baseline and 3-month follow-up using a combination of face-to-face interviews (survey, pictorial recall exercise and facial cleanliness assessment) and structured observation. Metrics cover number of times that the participant’s face was washed with soap during the observation period, who performed the face wash task, availability of water and soap in the household, participant demographics, and other information.

Data codebook

The collection consists of three datasets:

Baseline data codebook

The following variables are contained in the Baseline_data codebook.

Variable Name Variable Label Answer Label Answer Code Variable Type
studyarm Study arm     Numeric
    Control 0  
    Intervention 1  
cluster Cluster (68 clusters in the trial) 1 to 68   Numeric
hhrank variable created to identify household level variables (i.e. to see whether a household had soap, you need to tab soap if hhrank ==1) 1 to 12   Numeric
hhid Household ID Open ended   Numeric
personid unique number for each individual in a household Open ended   Numeric
agegroup age of individual with face washing data     Numeric
    infant under 1 years 0  
    1-3 years (pre-schooler) 1  
    4-6 years (pre-schooler) 2  
    7-12 years (school-age) 3  
    13-17 years (school-age) 4  
    18 and over 5  
gender gender     String
    male m  
    female f  
washed_by Who performed face wash     Numeric
    Always washed by self 0  
    Always washed by other (a caregiver) 1  
    Mixed 2  
num_fw_obs Number of face washes during observation period 0 to 3   Numeric
num_fwws_obs Number of face washes with soap during observation period 0 to 1   Numeric
fw_obs Did the individual wash their face during the observation period?     Numeric
    individual did not wash their face during the observation period (none) 0  
    individual washed their face during the observation period (1 or more) 1  
fwws_obs Did individual wash their face with soap during the observation period?     String
    individual did not wash their face with soap during the observation period (none) 0  
    individual washed their face with soap during the observation period (1 or more) 1  
caregiver Is individual the primary caregiver in a household?     Numeric
    Not stated .  
    Yes, individual is the primary caregiver in a household 1  
fwtype_obs Face washing type during observation     String
    Individual did not wash their face during the observation period (no wash) 0  
    Individual washed their face only with water during the observation period (FWWW) 0  
    Individual washed their face one or more times with water and soap during the observation period (FWWS) 2  
soap_available_last_week On how many of the last 7 days did you have no soap in your home that you could     String
    Every day every_day  
    Most days most_days  
    No days no_days  
    Some days some_days  
collect_water_currently Are you able to collect as much water as you need for household activities at the moment?     String
    No no   
    Yes yes  
    Not completed .  
soap Do you have any soap in your house?     String
    No 1  
    Yes 2  
HWISE_score HWISE score for each household (see paper for details) 0 to 35   Numeric
waterinsecureHHs Is household water insecure according to HWISE score?     Numeric
    Household is not water insecure according to HWISE score 0  
    Household is water insecure according to HWISE score 1  
oculardischarge Presence of ocular discharge     String
    no 0  
nasaldischarge Presence of nasal discarge     String
    no 0  
    yes 1  
flyface Fly on face during 3secs of observation     String
    no 0  
    yes 1  
facewipe_score qPHAT score for child aged 1 to 12 0 to 9   Numeric
clean_face2 Presence of ocular and or nasal discharge     Numeric
    presence of ocular and or nasal discharge 0  
    no ocular or nasal discharge 1  
fw_caregiver_unpAM unprompted recall of facewashing in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No face wash (NO FW) 0  
    Face washed (FW) 1  
fw_caregiver_pAM prompted recall of facewashing in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No Face wash (NO FW) 0  
    Face wash (FW) 1  
fwws_caregiver_unpAM unprompted recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No face wash with soap (NO FWWS) 0  
    Face washed with soap (FWWS) 1  
fwws_caregiver_pAM prompted recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    0 (no FWWS) or 1 ( 0  
    Face wash with soap (FWWS) 1  
fw_child_mr_pAM unprompted maternal recall of facewashing in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No fash washing (No FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
fwws_child_mr_pAM unprompted maternal recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
fw_child_sr_pAM unprompted child self-recall of facewashing in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No face washing (no FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
fwws_child_sr_pAM unprompted child self-recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No face washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
caregiver_fwws_morning_yest self-reported face washing with soap in morning yesterday (caregiver)     Numeric
    No face washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
caregiver_fw_morning_yest self-reported face washing in morning yesterday (caregiver)     Numeric
    No face washing (no FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
child_fwws_morning_yest_mr maternal-reported face washing with soap in morning yesterday (child)     Numeric
child_fw_morning_yest_mr maternal-reported face washing in morning yesterday (child)     Numeric
    No face washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
child_fwws_morning_yest_sr self-reported face washing with soap in morning yesterday (child)     Numeric
    No face washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
child_fw_morning_yest_sr self-reported face washing in morning yesterday (child)     Numeric
survey_start_time Time that survey began hh:mm:ss   String
fw_time time face was observed to be washed (latest time, if multiple washes were observed) mm:ss   String
time_obs_start time observation session commenced mm:ss   String
group Group     String
    group A - households participated in pictorial recall 1  
    group B - households provided reported data (survey only) 2  
    group C - households participated in pictorial recall and survey 3  
time_since_fw number of hours / mins between observed face washing and facial cleanliness assessment hours: mins   String

Baseline reshaped data codebook

The following variables are contained in the Baseline_data_reshaped dataset.

Variable Name Variable Label Answer Label Answer Code Variable Type
id Individual identifier Open ended   Numeric
methods Methods 1 to 27 detail the origin of the face washing data for a given individual in the dataset     Numeric
    structured observation data on face washing 1  
    structured observation data on face washing with soap 2  
    caregiver survey report of face washing 3  
    caregiver survey report of face washing with soap 4  
    maternal-reported face washing in morning yesterday (child) 5  
    self-reported face washing in morning yesterday (child) 6  
    maternal-reported face washing with soap in morning yesterday (child) 7  
    self-reported face washing with soap in morning yesterday (child) 8  
    method not reported in paper 9  
    method not reported in paper 10  
    method not reported in paper 11  
    method not reported in paper 12  
    unprompted recall of facewashing in the morning (caregiver) 13  
    prompted recall of facewashing in the morning (caregiver) 14  
    method not reported in paper 16  
    method not reported in paper 17  
    unprompted recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (caregiver) 18  
    prompted recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (caregiver) 19  
    method not reported in paper 20  
    prompted maternal recall of facewashing in the morning (child) 21  
    method not reported in paper 22  
    prompted maternal recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (child) 23  
    method not reported in paper 24  
    self-reported face washing in morning yesterday (child) 25  
    method not reported in paper 26  
    self-reported face washing with soap in morning yesterday (child) 27  
studyarm Study arm     Numeric
    control 0  
    intervention 1  
cluster 68 clusters in the trial 1 to 68   Numeric
hhrank variable created to identify household level variables (i.e. to see whether a household had soap, you need to tab soap if hhrank ==1) 1 to 12   Numeric
hhid Household ID Open ended   long
personid unique number for each individual in a household 1 to 12   long
age age of individual with face washing data 0 to 90   Integer
gender Gender     String
    male m  
    female f  
caregiver Is individual the primary caregiver in household?     Numeric
    individual is the primary caregiver in a household 1  
    Not provided .  
fw Was individual observed to wash their face?     Numeric
    individual was observed to wash their face one or more times 0  
    individual was not observed to wash their face one or more times 1  

Follow-up data codebook

The following variables are contained within the Followup_data dataset.

Variable Name Variable Label Answer Label Answer Code Variable Type
hhid unique identifier for household Open ended   Numeric
studyarm Study arm     Numeric
    Control 0  
    Intervention 1  
cluster Cluster number (68 clusters in the trial) 1 to 68   Numeric
personid unique number for each individual in a household Open ended   Numeric
agegroup age of individual with face washing data     Numeric
    infant under 1 0  
    1-3 years (pre-school child) 1  
    4-6 years (pre-school child) 2  
    7-12 years (school-age child) 3  
    13-17 years (school0age child) 4  
    18 and over 5  
gender gender     String
    male m  
    female f  
caregiver Is individual the primary caregiver in household?     Numeric
    individual is the primary caregiver in a household 1  
    Not indicated .  
num_fw Number of face washes observed for an individual during observation period 0 to 3   Numeric
num_fwws Number of face washes with soap during observation period 0 to 2   Numeric
washed_by Who performed face wash     Numeric
    Always washed by self 0  
    Always washed by other 1  
    Mixed 2  
washstation Wash station (not used in methods paper) 0, 1, 2   Numeric
fw Did individual wash their face during the observation period?     Numeric
    individual did not wash their face during the observation period (no fw) 0  
    individual washed their face during the observation period (1 or more fw) 1  
fwws Did individual wash their face with soap during the observation period?     Numeric
    individual did not wash their face with soap during the observation period (no fw or fwww) 0  
    individual washed their face with soap during the observation period (fwwws) 1  
fwtype How did individual wash their face during the observation period?     Numeric
    individual washed their face only with water during the observation period (fwww) 0  
    individual washed their face one or more times with water and soap during the observation period  (fwwws) 1  
fw_child_mr_pAM prompted maternal recall of facewashing in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No fash washing (No FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
fwws_child_mr_pAM prompted maternal recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
fw_caregiver_unpAM1 unprompted recall of facewashing in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No fash washing (No FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
fw_caregiver_pAM1 prompted recall of facewashing in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No fash washing (No FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
fwws_caregiver_unpAM1 unprompted recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
fwws_caregiver_pAM1 prompted recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (caregiver)     Numeric
    No washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1  
fw_child_sr_pAM prompted child self- recall of facewashing in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No fash washing (No FW) 0  
    Face Washing (FW) 1  
fwws_child_sr_pAM prompted child self- recall of facewashing with soap in the morning (child)     Numeric
    No washing with soap (no FWWS) 0  
    Face washing with soap (FWWS) 1