Articulating a global research agenda on the effects of climate change hazards on hygiene-related health and wellbeing outcomes. Final search strategies for a rapid review Search methods A draft search strategy was compiled in the Ovid Medline ALL database by an experienced information specialist. The search strategy included strings of terms and synonyms to reflect the following concepts: Concept 1: climate change Concept 2: hygiene Concept 3: adaptations or perceptions Publication date was limited from 2000 to current. No other limits were added. The search strategy was refined with the project team until the retrieved results reflected the scope of the project. The following databases were searched on 28 March 2024: Ovid Medline ALL; Ovid Embase; Ovid Global Health; EBSCOhost GreenFILE. The draft search was adapted for each of the databases to incorporate database-specific syntax and controlled vocabularies. All results from the database searches were exported and uploaded to EndNote 21 software. Duplicates were identified and removed using the method described on the LAORS blog (Falconer, Jane, Removing duplicates from an EndNote library. Library & Archives Service Blog: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 2018. [online blog] Search strategies This appendix provides full details of all search strings used for bibliographic databases, with dates and number of references returned and notes explaining any unusual search techniques or syntax. Ovid Medline ALL Database name Medline ALL Database platform Ovid Dates of database coverage 1946 to March 27, 2024 Date searched 2024-03-28 Number of results 5296 EndNote deduplication order 1 Results after duplications removed 5289 Notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 exp Climate Change/ or Global Warming/ 32203 2 (exp Weather/ or exp Climate/) and exp Disasters/ 17214 3 ((climate or climactic) adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv* or sustainab* or anomal*)).ti,ab. 72258 4 or/1-3 94982 5 Water Resources/ or "Conservation of Water Resources"/ or exp Water Supply/ or water insecurity/ 37131 6 ((freshwater or water) adj4 (resource* or conserv* or security* or availab* or scarcity or poverty or stress or overconsumpt* or over-consumpt* or save or saving or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 38448 7 hygiene/ or exp hand hygiene/ or oral hygiene/ or skin care/ 44392 8 Laundering/ or detergents/ or soaps/ 22103 9 (hygien* or ((hand or face or hair or clothes or garment* or body or skin or teeth or dental or oral or surface? or floor? or house? or home? or domestic? or people or person? or population? or communit* or communal or place? or environment*) adj1 (wash* or clean*)) or handwash* or soap? or detergent? or shampoo? or hand-rub? or handrub? or hand-gel? or alcohol-based gel? or alcohol-based rub? or laundry or ablution* or bathing).ti,ab. 163941 10 feminine hygiene products/ or menstrual hygiene products/ 730 11 (((menstrual or feminine) adj1 (cup? or napkin or product? or pad?)) or tampon?).ti,ab. 1733 12 (wash* facilit* or (water adj1 (laundry or wash* or bath* or tub)) or sink? or faucet? or tap? or bucket? or bowl?).ti,ab. 87903 13 food handling/ or cooking/ or food storage/ or Refrigeration/ 47446 14 ((food? adj2 (dispos* or manag* or collect* or store* or segregat* or handl*)) or cook or cooking or reheat* or refrigerat*).ti,ab. 48911 15 or/5-14 424512 16 adaptation, physiological/ or acclimatization/ or exp Adaptation, Psychological/ 238118 17 perception/ or exp problem solving/ 74453 18 exp "cost of illness"/ 34114 19 attitude/ or optimism/ or pessimism/ or behavior/ or health behavior/ or risk reduction behavior/ or social behavior/ 209034 20 (adapt* or percept* or challeng* or "burden of disease" or ((coping or cope or coped) adj2 strateg*) or behavio* or impact* or outcome*).ti,ab. 6837353 21 or/16-20 7069938 22 4 and 15 and 21 5336 23 limit 22 to yr="2000 -Current" 5304 24 remove duplicates from 23 5296 Ovid Embase Classic+Embase Database name Embase Classic+Embase Database platform Ovid Dates of database coverage 1947 to 2024 March 27 Date searched 2024-03-28 Number of results 5197 EndNote deduplication order 2 Results after duplications removed 1936 Notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 climate change/ or climate warming/ 64951 2 (exp Weather/ or exp Climate/) and exp Disasters/ 4244 3 ((climate or climactic) adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv* or sustainab* or anomal*)).ti,ab. 69464 4 or/1-3 96876 5 water supply/ or water conservation/ or water insecurity/ 53086 6 ((freshwater or water) adj4 (resource* or conserv* or security* or availab* or scarcity or poverty or stress or overconsumpt* or over-consumpt* or save or saving or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 41248 7 hygiene/ or exp personal hygiene/ or social hygiene/ or exp hand washing/ or skin care/ 123175 8 cleaning/ or detergent/ or soap/ 48885 9 (hygien* or ((hand or face or hair or clothes or garment* or body or skin or teeth or dental or oral or surface? or floor? or house? or home? or domestic? or people or person? or population? or communit* or communal or place? or environment*) adj1 (wash* or clean*)) or handwash* or soap? or detergent? or shampoo? or hand-rub? or handrub? or hand-gel? or alcohol-based gel? or alcohol-based rub? or laundry or ablution* or bathing).ti,ab. 211069 10 exp feminine hygiene product/ 688 11 (((menstrual or feminine) adj1 (cup? or napkin or product? or pad?)) or tampon?).ti,ab. 2447 12 (wash* facilit* or (water adj1 (laundry or wash* or bath* or tub)) or sink? or faucet? or tap? or bucket? or bowl?).ti,ab. 114996 13 exp food storage/ or food handling/ or exp cooking/ or refrigeration/ 60533 14 ((food? adj2 (dispos* or manag* or collect* or store* or segregat* or handl*)) or cook or cooking or reheat* or refrigerat*).ti,ab. 62408 15 or/5-14 585771 16 acclimatization/ or adaptation/ or exp temperature acclimatization/ or biological adaptation/ or physiological adaptation/ or exp psychological adjustment/ or adaptive behavior/ or pro-environmental behavior/ 234059 17 perception/ or problem solving/ or exp coping behavior/ or exp disease burden/ or attitude/ or behavior/ or attitude to change/ or exp optimism/ or pessimism/ or pragmatism/ or exp risk attitude/ or behavior change/ or health behavior/ or mass behavior/ or powerlessness/ 749930 18 adverse outcome/ or outcome assessment/ 941480 19 (adapt* or percept* or challeng* or "burden of disease" or ((coping or cope or coped) adj2 strateg*) or behavio* or impact* or outcome*).ti,ab. 9064213 20 or/16-19 9605068 21 4 and 15 and 20 5303 22 limit 21 to yr="2000 -Current" 5246 23 remove duplicates from 22 5197 Ovid SP Global Health Database name Global Health Database platform Ovid Dates of database coverage 1910 to 2024 week 12 Date searched 2024-03-28 Number of results 2349 EndNote deduplication order 3 Results after duplications removed 1745 Notes Search lines ending in a ‘/’ are subject heading searches. Search lines beginning ‘exp’ are exploded subject heading searches. Two-letter codes at the end of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract adjn searches for words within n words of each other. or/x-y combines search sets in the range x-y with Boolean operator OR. * is used for truncation of words. ? finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). words in square brackets […] are comments and are ignored. 1 climate change/ or global warming/ 14826 2 (weather/ or exp climate/) and exp disasters/ 599 3 ((climate or climactic) adj3 (change? or changing or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or extreme or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv* or sustainab* or anomal*)).ti,ab. 18149 4 or/1-3 21312 5 water resources/ or water management/ or water security/ or water supply/ 28567 6 water conservation/ 728 7 ((freshwater or water) adj4 (resource* or conserv* or security* or availab* or scarcity or poverty or stress or overconsumpt* or over-consumpt* or save or saving or sustainab*)).ti,ab. 17987 8 hygiene/ or dental hygiene/ or hand washing/ 32850 9 cleaning/ or detergents/ or laundry/ or washing/ 8604 10 soaps/ 989 11 (hygien* or ((hand or face or hair or clothes or garment* or body or skin or teeth or dental or oral or surface? or floor? or house? or home? or domestic? or people or person? or population? or communit* or communal or place? or environment*) adj1 (wash* or clean*)) or handwash* or soap? or detergent? or shampoo? or hand-rub? or handrub? or hand-gel? or alcohol-based gel? or alcohol-based rub? or laundry or ablution* or bathing).ti,ab. 74971 12 (((menstrual or feminine) adj1 (cup? or napkin or product? or pad?)) or tampon?).ti,ab. 416 13 (wash* facilit* or (water adj1 (laundry or wash* or bath* or tub)) or sink? or faucet? or tap? or bucket? or bowl?).ti,ab. 24545 14 food handling/ or food hygiene/ 24292 15 exp cooking/ 16939 16 food storage/ 11833 17 refrigeration/ 5591 18 ((food? adj2 (dispos* or manag* or collect* or store* or segregat* or handl*)) or cook or cooking or reheat* or refrigerat*).ti,ab. 54247 19 or/5-18 212659 20 adaptation/ or acclimatization/ or adaptability/ or adjustment/ 5143 21 attitudes/ 85555 22 coping strategies/ 3183 23 human behaviour/ or health behaviour/ 54495 24 behaviour/ or behaviour modification/ or behavioural changes/ 94953 25 problem solving/ 298 26 (adapt* or percept* or challeng* or "burden of disease" or ((coping or cope or coped) adj2 strateg*) or behavio* or impact* or outcome*).ti,ab. 1074598 27 or/20-26 1137220 28 4 and 19 and 27 2381 29 limit 28 to yr="2000 -Current" 2353 30 remove duplicates from 29 2349 EBSCOhost GreenFILE Database name GreenFILE Database platform EBSCOhost Dates of database coverage Complete database to search date Date searched 2024-03-28 Number of results 3632 EndNote deduplication order 4 Results after duplications removed 2300 Notes Two-letter codes at the start of search lines designate the fields to search. Fields codes used are: TI: title AB: abstract Nn searches for words within n words of each other. * is used for truncation of words. # finds 0 or 1 character in that placeholder (optional wildcard). S1 (AB ("climate" N2 (change$ or "changing" or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or "extreme" or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv* or sustainab* or anomal*)) or (TI ("climate" N2 (change$ or "changing" or variab* or disrupt* or hazard* or impact* or vulnerab* or function* or "extreme" or catastroph* or emergenc* or shift* or dynamic* or sensitiv* or sustainab* or anomal*)) 69,867 S2 (AB (("freshwater" or "water") N2 (resource* or conserv* or "security" or availab* or "scarcity" or "proverty" or "stress" or overconsumpt* or "over-consumpt*" or "save" or "saving" or sustainab*))) or (TI (("freshwater" or "water") N2 (resource* or conserv* or "security" or availab* or "scarcity" or "proverty" or "stress" or overconsumpt* or "over-consumpt*" or "save" or "saving" or sustainab*))) 21,813 S3 (AB (hygien* or (("hand" or "face" or "hair" or "clothes" or garment* or "body" or "skin" or "teeth" or "dental" or surface# or floor# or house# or home# or domestic# or "people" or person# or population# or communit* or "communal" or place# or environment*) N1 (wash* or clean*)) or handwash* or soap# or detergent# or shampoo# or hand-rub# or handrub# or hand-gel# or "alcohol-based gel#" or "alcohol-based rub#" or "laundry" or ablution* or "bathing") or (TI (hygien* or (("hand" or "face" or "hair" or "clothes" or garment* or "body" or "skin" or "teeth" or "dental" or surface# or floor# or house# or home# or domestic# or "people" or person# or population# or communit* or "communal" or place# or environment*) N1 (wash* or clean*)) or handwash* or soap# or detergent# or shampoo# or hand-rub# or handrub# or hand-gel# or "alcohol-based gel#" or "alcohol-based rub#" or "laundry" or ablution* or "bathing") 5,640 S4 (AB ((("menstrual" or "feminine") N1 (cup# or "napkin" or product# or pad#)) or tampon#)) or (TI ((("menstrual" or "feminine") N1 (cup# or "napkin" or product# or pad#)) or tampon#)) 99 S5 (AB ("wash* facilit*" or ("water" N1 ("laundry" or wash* or bath* or "tub")) or sink# or faucet# or tap# or bucket# or bowl#)) or (TI ("wash* facilit*" or ("water" N1 ("laundry" or wash* or bath* or "tub")) or sink# or faucet# or tap# or bucket# or bowl#)) 12,445 S6 (AB ((food# N2 (dispos* or manag* or collect* or store* or segregat* or handl*)) or "cook" or "cooking" or reheat* or refrigerat*)) or (TI ((food# N2 (dispos* or manag* or collect* or store* or segregat* or handl*)) or "cook" or "cooking" or reheat* or refrigerat*)) 8,311 S7 S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 46,969 S8 (AB (adapt* or percept* or challeng* or "burden of disease" or (("coping" or "cope" or "coped") N2 strateg*) or behavio* or impact* or outcome*)) or (TI (adapt* or percept* or challeng* or "burden of disease" or (("coping" or "cope" or "coped") N2 strateg*) or behavio* or impact* or outcome*)) 304,071 S9 S1 AND S7 AND S8 3,683 S10 S9 Limiters - Publication Date: 20000101-20241231 3,632 2 Jane Falconer Document updated: 30 May 2024 User Support Services Librarian