medcodeid term incident prevalent bleeding_site 117241000006111 surgical arrest of post-extraction haemorrhage 1 1 Others 11780411000006117 epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 11780421000006113 nosebleed 1 1 Respiratory 11780431000006111 nasal haemorrhage 1 1 Respiratory 11784831000006115 subungual haematoma of foot 1 1 Others 11823171000006115 bleeding diverticulosis of large intestine 1 1 Lower GI 11823191000006119 haemorrhage of large intestine with diverticular disease of large intestine 1 1 Lower GI 11905371000006119 epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 12190091000006113 faecal occult blood positive 1 1 Unspecified GI 12222161000006112 flame-shaped haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 12222171000006117 retinal flame-shaped haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 12223101000006118 intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 12223121000006111 ich - intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 12294631000006111 heavy menstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 12702351000006114 choroidal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 12704641000006114 liver haematoma 1 1 Others 12704701000006117 internal haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 12704871000006119 history of gastrointestinal bleed 0 1 Unspecified GI 12762031000006118 dental extraction haemorrhage control 1 1 Others 13638251000006110 epicranial subaponeurotic haematoma 1 1 Others 13678241000006111 haemorrhage of right vitreous body 1 1 Intraocular 13680131000006117 haemorrhage of left vitreous body 1 1 Intraocular 13680781000006115 left orbital haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 13713251000006117 right haemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst 1 1 Others 13713261000006115 haemorrhage of left corpus luteum cyst 1 1 Others 13713271000006110 left haemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst 1 1 Others 13718111000006116 abnormal uterine bleeding due to submucous uterine fibroid 1 1 Others 13718161000006118 uterine fibroid with abnormal uterine bleeding 1 1 Others 13718171000006113 abnormal uterine bleeding due to adenomyosis 1 1 Others 13718201000006112 abnormal uterine bleeding due to endometrial disorder 1 1 Others 13810171000006113 vitreous haemorrhage due to diabetes mellitus 1 1 Intraocular 13871461000006113 dysfunctional uterine bleeding 1 1 Others 13909901000006119 cerebral ischaemic stroke co-occurrent with subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 13966951000006114 haemorrhagic contusion 1 1 Others 13987571000006112 haemorrhagic choroidal detachment of right eye 1 1 Intraocular 14013581000006112 right nontraumatic hyphaema 1 1 Intraocular 14068081000006112 history of haematemesis 0 1 Upper GI 14068091000006110 history of haematuria 0 1 Urinary 14071271000006116 henoch-schoenlein purpura 1 1 Others 14074991000006113 complaining of melaena 1 1 Upper GI 14179701000006114 bleeding first degree internal haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 14233231000006111 recurrent nosebleed 1 1 Respiratory 14233241000006118 recurrent bleeding from nose 1 1 Respiratory 14233251000006116 recurrent epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 189161000006113 recurrent haematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis 1 1 Urinary 189171000006118 recurrent haematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis 1 1 Urinary 189181000006115 recurrent haematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 1 1 Urinary 207961000006117 preretinal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 2540431000006115 haemarthrosis of shoulder 1 1 Others 2545261000006119 destruction of haemorrhoids by cryotherapy 1 1 Lower GI 2546991000006113 haemorrhage of thyroid 1 1 Others 255940018 on examination - nails - splinter haemorrhage 1 1 Others 2581881000006117 manual reduction of haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 2582701000006110 ulcerated haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 2584481000006117 subcutaneous haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 2591991000006114 excision of external thrombotic haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 2606811000006110 blood streaked sputum 1 1 Respiratory 2622631000006114 intrapontine haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 2626321000006115 periorbital haematoma 1 1 Intraocular 2634541000006112 destruction of haemorrhoids by sclerotherapy 1 1 Lower GI 2634581000006118 injection of sclerosing solution into haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 2634621000006118 sclerotherapy of haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 2635281000006115 haemorrhage of seminal vesicle 1 1 Others 2639831000006117 vomiting of blood 1 1 Upper GI 268348018 dental extraction haemorrhage control 1 1 Others 2692001000006117 pr - bleeding per rectum 1 1 Lower GI 2692031000006113 rb - rectal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 2697291000006118 purpura 1 1 Others 2708981000006115 chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 2709021000006110 autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 2714031000006114 purpura fulminans 1 1 Others 2729071000006117 haemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths 1 1 Intraocular 2729101000006110 optic nerve haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 2741601000006115 oesophageal bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 2741641000006118 oesophageal haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 2752321000006114 bleeding gastric ulcer 1 1 Upper GI 2753321000006117 drainage of haematoma of nasal septum 1 1 Respiratory 2765981000006112 haemorrhage of liver 1 1 Others 2781011000006119 bleeding oesophageal varices 1 1 Upper GI 2781021000006110 bleeding esophageal varices 1 1 Upper GI 2803901000006116 dub - dysfunctional uterine bleeding 1 1 Others 2832651000006111 subcortical haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 2841141000006111 sah - subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 2858321000006110 bleeding from mouth 1 1 Upper GI 2858351000006118 bleeding of mouth 1 1 Upper GI 2858361000006116 bleeding in mouth 1 1 Upper GI 2860621000006113 mediastinal haematoma 1 1 Respiratory 2871241000006118 ventricular haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 2871271000006114 intraventricular haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 2881551000006110 external haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 2886941000006110 haemorrhage into ovary 1 1 Others 2905341000006112 chronic upper gi bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 2921411000006111 bleeding from ear 1 1 Others 2922181000006116 thrombosed external haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 2922231000006111 thrombosed external haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 2923101000006115 bleeding external haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 2937141000006110 bleeding duodenal ulcer 1 1 Unspecified GI 2951871000006118 haemorrhoidal zone 1 1 Lower GI 2957881000006112 acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 2966431000006116 intraretinal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 3000741000006117 orbital haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 3005181000006117 intragel vitreous haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 3005201000006116 vh - vitreous haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 3010651000006111 residual haemorrhoidal skin tags 1 1 Lower GI 3019681000006111 immune thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 3019701000006114 itp - immune thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 3021991000006114 incision and drainage of haematoma of hip joint area 1 1 Others 3068361000006115 gastro-oesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome 1 1 Upper GI 3068961000006116 pericardial tamponade 1 1 Pericardial 3073001000006115 haematoma 1 1 Others 3073981000006111 nontraumatic haematoma of testis 1 1 Others 3074001000006117 non-traumatic testicular haematoma 1 1 Others 3076651000006115 control of epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 3102161000006111 upper gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 3102181000006118 upper gi bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 3102191000006115 upper gi haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 3102201000006117 upper gi - gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 3112731000006115 prolapsed external haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3126671000006118 acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 3126691000006117 acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 3126711000006119 acute upper gi bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 3127661000006111 external haemorrhoids without complication 1 1 Lower GI 3163301000006115 ruptured haemorrhagic cyst 1 1 Others 3182171000006115 tooth eruption haematoma 1 1 Others 3236611000006111 nontraumatic haemoperitoneum 1 1 Retroperitoneal 3236681000006116 haemoperitoneum 1 1 Retroperitoneal 3249371000006116 occult bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 3276201000006113 mesenteric haematoma 1 1 Others 3288891000006112 retinal blot haemorrhages 1 1 Intraocular 3288911000006114 dot and blot haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 3290921000006119 bleeding after intercourse 1 1 Others 3290931000006116 pcb - postcoital bleeding 1 1 Others 3312491000006115 haemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium 1 1 Intraocular 3325451000006112 haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 3325491000006118 bleeding 1 1 Others 3335281000006117 bleeding hemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3335291000006119 bleeding haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 3348251000006119 haemorrhagic cyst 1 1 Others 3364291000006110 haematuria syndrome 1 1 Urinary 3384241000006115 intramural haematoma 1 1 Others 3393951000006114 bleeding ulcer 1 1 Unspecified GI 3395651000006117 ulcerated external haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3405061000006115 corpus haemorrhagicum 1 1 Others 3412631000006111 break-through bleeding 1 1 Others 3413641000006111 purpura annularis telangiectodes of majocchi 1 1 Others 3427151000006119 bleeding varices 1 1 Upper GI 3438321000006112 bleeding oesophageal ulcer 1 1 Upper GI 3469851000006111 evacuation of subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 3469891000006117 subdural haematoma evacuation 1 1 Intracranial 3497621000006112 gastric bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 3507370011 spontaneous haemorrhage of cerebral hemisphere 1 1 Intracranial 3507383012 spontaneous haemorrhage of cortical intracerebral hemisphere 1 1 Intracranial 3507388015 nontraumatic haematoma of spinal cord 1 1 Others 3510201000006112 haemorrhage of scrotum 1 1 Others 3515795019 acute nontraumatic subdural haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 3526020015 hyphaema of right eye 1 1 Intraocular 3533574016 spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 3533578018 nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 3542811000006116 peptic ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 3542831000006110 bleeding peptic ulcer 1 1 Upper GI 3553691000006117 bleeding diathesis 1 1 Others 3557201000006119 irregular intermenstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 3568141000006115 evacuation of haematoma of vulva 1 1 Others 3568161000006116 evacuation of vulval haematoma 1 1 Others 3628371000006112 vulval haematoma 1 1 Others 3628581000006119 flame-shaped haemorrhages 1 1 Intraocular 3687811000006118 cerebral hemisphere haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 3688971000006115 diffuse haemorrhage 1 1 Respiratory 3710501000006113 gi bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 3710521000006115 gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 3710531000006117 gi haemorrhage 1 1 Unspecified GI 3710541000006110 gi - gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Unspecified GI 3710611000006112 gi - gastrointestinal bleed 1 1 Unspecified GI 3733931000006110 bleeding internal haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3748151000006111 bleeding after menopause 1 1 Others 3764241000006119 haemorrhage of testis 1 1 Others 3770811000006115 ttp - thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 3781241000006119 subconjunctival bleed 1 1 Intraocular 3804321000006117 irregular menstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 3804361000006111 irregular uterine bleeding 1 1 Others 3808051000006119 prolapsed internal haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3814491000006111 strangulated external haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3830271000006111 bleeding into joint 1 1 Others 3871241000006114 ligation of haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 3890041000006116 acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 3890061000006117 acute lower gi bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 3899251000006116 purpura rheumatica 1 1 Others 3901571000006119 loin pain-haematuria syndrome 1 1 Urinary 3926381000006112 lower gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 3926401000006112 lower gi bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 3939691000006111 evacuation of subungual haematoma 1 1 Others 3962411000006116 haematoma of scrotum 1 1 Others 3970271000006115 internal haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 3988361000006112 splinter haemorrhage 1 1 Others 4021601000006110 intraocular bleeding 1 1 Intraocular 4021621000006117 haemorrhagic eye 1 1 Intraocular 4056871000006112 subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 4056891000006113 sdh - subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 4056911000006110 subdural intracranial haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 4056931000006116 brain stem haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 4056951000006111 brainstem haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 4058111000006114 haemorrhagic duodenitis 1 1 Upper GI 4058311000006112 haemorrhagic diarrhoea 1 1 Unspecified GI 4058841000006117 haemorrhage of kidney 1 1 Others 4059431000006117 haemorrhage of corpus luteum cyst 1 1 Others 4212561000006117 massive bleeding 1 1 Others 4317221000006116 haemorrhagic cyst of ovary 1 1 Others 4317261000006110 haemorrhage into ovarian cyst 1 1 Others 4317271000006115 haemorrhagic ovarian cyst 1 1 Others 4417891000006110 essential haemorrhagic thrombocythaemia 0 1 Others 4454741000006110 bleeding 1 1 Others 4454771000006119 haemorrhagic condition 1 1 Others 4540691000006112 history of subarachnoid haemorrhage 0 1 Intracranial 4540941000006112 history of melaena 0 1 Upper GI 4544091000006112 history of postcoital bleeding 0 1 Others 4544111000006115 history of inter-menstrual bleeding 0 1 Others 4644321000006119 aspiration of brain haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 4645641000006117 evacuation of intracranial extradural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 4650001000006115 drainage of haematoma of pinna 1 1 Others 4650061000006119 drainage of haematoma of pinna and insertion of bolster sutures 1 1 Others 4661381000006110 infrared coagulation of haemorrhoid(s) 1 1 Lower GI 4661461000006111 barron banding of haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 4716031000006114 packing for haemorrhage 1 1 Others 4762481000006118 hsp - henoch-schonlein purpura 1 1 Others 4777861000006119 intracerebral haemorrhage with intraventricular haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 4777881000006112 intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localised 1 1 Intracranial 4779581000006117 bleeding varicose vein of leg 1 1 Others 4779721000006113 oesophageal varices with bleeding, associated with another disorder 1 1 Upper GI 4789661000006116 perinephric haematoma 1 1 Others 4790361000006116 macroscopic haematuria 1 1 Urinary 4813391000006118 haemarthrosis of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 1 1 Others 4813431000006112 haemarthrosis of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 1 1 Others 4813541000006118 haemarthrosis of tibiofibular joint 1 1 Others 4868011000006117 compartment syndrome of upper arm 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 4868031000006111 compartment syndrome of hand 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 4868051000006116 compartment syndrome of thigh 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 4868061000006119 compartment syndrome of lower limb 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 4868081000006112 compartment syndrome of foot 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 5011291000006119 haemorrhagic cerebral infarction 1 1 Intracranial 5011331000006114 anterior cerebral circulation haemorrhagic infarction 1 1 Intracranial 5011351000006119 posterior cerebral circulation haemorrhagic infarction 1 1 Intracranial 5011411000006113 thalamic haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 5011431000006119 lacunar haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 5011581000006119 subarachnoid haemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm 1 1 Intracranial 5035151000006114 anterior epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 5035161000006111 epistaxis from kiesselbach's plexus 1 1 Respiratory 5035171000006116 epistaxis from anterior nasal septum 1 1 Respiratory 5035181000006118 epistaxis from little's area 1 1 Respiratory 5035191000006115 posterior epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 5035491000006111 nasal septal haematoma 1 1 Respiratory 5036181000006114 tonsillar haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5036541000006114 vocal cord haematoma 1 1 Others 5058751000006119 arterial haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5058771000006112 arterial bleed 1 1 Others 5059701000006113 venous haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5061501000006110 arteriovenous fistula haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5065651000006112 subcapsular haematoma of spleen 1 1 Others 5079491000006112 open haemorrhoidectomy 1 1 Lower GI 5079531000006112 milligan and morgan haemorrhoidectomy 1 1 Lower GI 5079541000006119 ligation and excision of haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 5079551000006117 closed haemorrhoidectomy 1 1 Lower GI 5086431000006110 interno-external haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 5088411000006117 intraperitoneal haematoma 1 1 Others 5090211000006119 stomal bleeding 1 1 Others 5092821000006112 drainage of scrotal haematoma 1 1 Others 5097861000006116 upper urinary tract haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5097881000006114 chemical haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5097911000006114 dipstick haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5103381000006119 vaginal vault haematoma 1 1 Others 5103691000006112 bleeding between periods 1 1 Others 5103711000006110 imb - intermenstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 5103751000006111 contact bleeding 1 1 Others 5103761000006113 ovulatory dysfunctional bleeding 1 1 Others 5106761000006119 drainage of breast haematoma 1 1 Others 5111331000006119 pituitary haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5125561000006112 subungual haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5126311000006110 itching purpura 1 1 Others 5141811000006112 postinfective henoch-schönlein purpura 1 1 Others 5154521000006115 drainage of subungual haematoma with hot wire 1 1 Others 5154661000006110 percutaneous evacuation of wound haematoma 1 1 Others 5180141000006115 packing of nose for anterior epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 5239151000006118 subhyaloid haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 5239721000006111 retinal flame haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 5239801000006114 retinal dot haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 5239821000006116 retinal dot blot haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 5239831000006118 retinal blot haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 5241101000006119 optic disc haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 5245101000006116 nailfold haemorrhages 1 1 Others 5254981000006110 bleeds profusely 1 1 Others 5261941000006114 haemorrhagic cyst 1 1 Others 5264711000006114 vaginal introitus bleeding 1 1 Others 5270641000006115 observation of bleeding of nose 1 1 Respiratory 5270661000006116 bleeding from nasopharynx 1 1 Respiratory 5270681000006114 bleeding point in nose 1 1 Respiratory 5271471000006115 bleeding in mouth and/or pharynx 1 1 Others 5271491000006119 bleeding of oral mucosa 1 1 Others 5271501000006110 gums bleed to touch 1 1 Others 5271521000006117 bleeding on probing of gingivae 1 1 Others 5271551000006114 bleeding from tonsillar bed 1 1 Others 5359081000006117 haemorrhagic 1 1 Others 5455351000006116 haematoma of palate 1 1 Others 5455391000006110 haematoma of tongue 1 1 Others 5455411000006110 haematoma of floor of mouth 1 1 Others 5455431000006116 haematoma of buccal mucosa 1 1 Others 5457451000006115 splenic haematoma 1 1 Others 5458321000006117 rectal haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 5458501000006117 haematoma of kidney 1 1 Others 5459051000006115 secondary haemorrhage 1 1 Others 5462781000006113 compartment syndrome of upper limb 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 5462811000006110 posterior tibial compartment syndrome 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 5462831000006116 compartment syndrome of lower leg 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 5477481000006114 pelvic haematoma 1 1 Others 5482551000006111 compartment syndrome decompression 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 5492361000006119 bleeding varicose veins 1 1 Others 5502461000006115 haemarthrosis of the ankle and/or foot 1 1 Others 5518041000006112 spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 5518071000006116 sah - spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 5518251000006117 haematoma with intact skin 1 1 Others 5518261000006115 superficial haematoma 1 1 Others 5529151000006111 splinter haemorrhages under nail 1 1 Others 5561121000006110 subungual haematoma, hand 1 1 Others 5562951000006112 blood in sputum o/e 1 1 Respiratory 5570921000006110 incision and drainage of breast haematoma 1 1 Others 5574481000006112 h/o: git bleed 0 1 Unspecified GI 5574821000006110 complaining of per vaginum bleeding 1 1 Others 5583021000006113 subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery aneurysm 1 1 Intracranial 5583061000006119 subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery aneurysm 1 1 Intracranial 5583081000006112 subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery aneurysm 1 1 Intracranial 5583101000006116 subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery aneurysm 1 1 Intracranial 5583121000006114 subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm 1 1 Intracranial 5583531000006115 finding of menstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 5585681000006116 anal margin haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 5589641000006112 intracerebellar and posterior fossa haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 5596491000006110 evidence of recent epistaxis 0 1 Respiratory 5612371000006113 anticoagulant-induced bleeding 1 1 Others 5625851000006111 haematoma of skin 1 1 Others 5650051000006112 vaginal vault bleeding 1 1 Others 5651931000006113 subchondral haematoma 1 1 Others 5655291000006119 drainage of intramuscular haematoma 1 1 Others 5655741000006115 compartment syndrome decompression of upper limb 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 5656791000006118 persistent frank haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5656811000006119 recurrent frank haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5656831000006113 persistent microscopic haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5656851000006118 recurrent microscopic haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5656871000006111 persistent haematuria 1 1 Urinary 5656921000006118 non-traumatic intracranial subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 5659551000006112 haematoma of anus 1 1 Lower GI 5681911000006114 haematoma of testis 1 1 Others 5681941000006113 haematoma of penis 1 1 Others 5682051000006115 haematoma of fallopian tube 1 1 Others 5682101000006115 haematoma of uterus 1 1 Others 5682141000006118 haematoma of cervix 1 1 Others 5682181000006112 haematoma of female perineum 1 1 Others 5682251000006112 haematoma of male perineum 1 1 Others 5700021000006118 bleeding tooth socket 1 1 Others 5724171000006115 epistaxis control 1 1 Respiratory 5724251000006117 control of epistaxis by cautery 1 1 Respiratory 5724261000006115 epistaxis control - cautery 1 1 Respiratory 5727361000006116 thrombosed haemorrhoid incised 1 1 Lower GI 5727461000006110 haemorrhoids - ligate/excise 1 1 Lower GI 5747971000006114 purpura of vulva 1 1 Others 5748511000006111 fresh bleeding from vagina 1 1 Others 5748531000006117 scanty vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 5748541000006110 moderate vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 5748551000006112 profuse vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 5748581000006116 vaginal bleeding problem 1 1 Others 5751971000006119 bleeding cervix 1 1 Others 5755901000006111 nipple bleeding 1 1 Others 5846621000006115 bleeding skin 1 1 Others 5875341000006114 bleeding of ear canal 1 1 Others 5877241000006114 bleeding of pharynx 1 1 Others 5878591000006115 vomit contains blood 1 1 Upper GI 5878601000006111 vomit contains fresh blood 1 1 Upper GI 5878641000006113 vomit contains old blood 1 1 Upper GI 5879291000006114 stool flecked with blood 1 1 Unspecified GI 5891531000006117 frank blood in sputum 1 1 Respiratory 5898441000006118 haematoma of brain 1 1 Intracranial 5898461000006119 cerebellar haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 5898681000006110 abnormal perimenopausal bleeding 1 1 Others 5912831000006117 acute haematoma of pinna 1 1 Others 5913291000006111 breast haematoma 1 1 Others 5914111000006110 spontaneous hyphaema 1 1 Intraocular 5934331000006110 chronic intracranial subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 5965641000006116 haemorrhagic pleural effusion 1 1 Respiratory 5965691000006113 haematoma of temporal region 1 1 Intracranial 5966611000006110 recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 5966621000006119 massive gastrointestinal bleed 1 1 Unspecified GI 5967711000006117 haematoma of groin 1 1 Others 5967731000006111 haematoma of thigh 1 1 Others 5967751000006116 haematoma of axilla 1 1 Others 5969351000006114 oversewing of bleeding duodenal ulcer 1 1 Unspecified GI 5969361000006111 under-running of bleeding duodenal ulcer 1 1 Unspecified GI 5970201000006116 phenol injection of haemorrhoid 1 1 Lower GI 5982901000006117 bleeding stress ulcer of stomach 1 1 Upper GI 5983251000006115 haematemesis - cause unknown 1 1 Upper GI 6017201000006118 history of upper gastrointestinal tract haemorrhage 0 1 Upper GI 6022831000006119 diabetic vitreous haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 6044681000006112 haematuria of undiagnosed cause 1 1 Urinary 6044721000006117 haematuria - cause not known 1 1 Urinary 6195861000006119 intermenstrual heavy bleeding 1 1 Others 6357731000006110 haematoma of perineal wound 1 1 Others 6531321000006117 evacuation of haematoma of vagina 1 1 Others 6531341000006112 evacuation of vaginal haematoma 1 1 Others 6552151000006115 subperiosteal haematoma 1 1 Others 6571441000006119 haemorrhagic tumour 1 1 Others 6600921000006114 acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis 1 1 Intraocular 6617841000006111 non-menstrual vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 6711911000006117 excision of vascular haematoma 1 1 Others 6715161000006118 haemorrhage of blood vessel 1 1 Others 6717711000006111 bloody stool 1 1 Unspecified GI 6717741000006110 passage of bloody stools 1 1 Unspecified GI 6717781000006116 faeces: blood 1 1 Unspecified GI 6838791000006111 bleeding of unknown origin 1 1 Others 6861961000006116 melaena due to gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 6939791000006112 suprachoroidal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 7000881000006111 facial haematoma 1 1 Others 7074191000006116 exertional compartment syndrome 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 7085871000006117 extradural intracranial haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 7085881000006119 extradural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 7090271000006110 occipital subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 7097721000006119 haematoma of occipital scalp 1 1 Others 7108011000006118 occipital extradural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 7134241000006113 intraparenchymal haematoma of brain 1 1 Intracranial 7223281000006117 haematoma of scalp 1 1 Others 7268111000006115 excision of internal and external haemorrhoid and fissure of anus 1 1 Lower GI 7276661000006117 incision and drainage of haematoma 1 1 Others 7313171000006114 evacuation of haematoma of skin of limb 1 1 Others 7334721000006118 haematoma of abdominal wall 1 1 Others 7363341000006119 intraparenchymal haemorrhage of brain 1 1 Intracranial 7373841000006118 haematoma of lower limb 1 1 Others 7373861000006119 haematoma of lower leg 1 1 Others 7375271000006112 haematoma of perianal region 1 1 Others 7378491000006116 nontraumatic haemorrhage 1 1 Others 7497191000006114 chronic non-traumatic intracranial subdural haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 7510021000006118 infected haematoma 1 1 Others 7529881000006111 haemarthrosis of glenohumeral joint 1 1 Others 7529901000006113 haemarthrosis of shoulder joint 1 1 Others 7572361000006118 non-aneurysmal subarachnoid intracranial haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 7572381000006111 perimesencephalic subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 7583041000006117 epidural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 7612061000006119 epistaxis care 1 1 Respiratory 7837581000006118 obscure gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 7878701000006115 haematoma of eyelid 1 1 Others 7951271000006116 haemorrhage of medulla oblongata 1 1 Intracranial 7955111000006116 dementia due to chronic subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 7975001000006116 fp82 arrest of dental haemorrhage claim form sent to family practitioner committee 0 1 Others 7998151000006118 signing of arrest of dental haemorrhage claim 0 1 Others 8005181000006116 sending of arrest of dental haemorrhage claim 0 1 Others 8009681000006112 fp82 arrest of dental haemorrhage form signed 0 1 Others 8015331000006118 bleeding following tonsillectomy 1 1 Others 8015351000006113 posttonsillectomy bleeding 1 1 Others 8089851000006116 nontraumatic intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 8094471000006114 haemarthrosis of left knee 1 1 Others 8094531000006110 haemarthrosis of right knee 1 1 Others 8110661000006118 subconjunctival haemorrhage of both eyes 1 1 Intraocular 8210501000006118 preretinal haemorrhage of right eye 1 1 Intraocular 8235201000006116 prolapsing internal haemorrhoids with spontaneous retraction 1 1 Lower GI 8235221000006114 prolapsing internal haemorrhoids requiring manual reduction 1 1 Lower GI 8235241000006119 prolapsed non-reducible internal haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 8353391000006110 evacuation of haemothorax 1 1 Respiratory 8453031000006117 haemorrhagic stroke 1 1 Intracranial 8464101000006118 radiofrequency ablation of rectal haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 8464241000006113 gastric haemorrhage due to dieulafoy lesion of stomach 1 1 Upper GI 100361000006118 thrombocytopenic purpura with absent radius 0 1 Others 1005981000006112 dental extraction haemorrhage control 1 1 Others 1006061000006112 surgical arrest of post-extraction haemorrhage 1 1 Others 105913010 haemorrhage of eyelid 1 1 Intraocular 110341000006115 testicular haematoma due to nontraumatic cause 1 1 Others 1137551000000110 history of epistaxis 0 1 Respiratory 1137581000000116 history of nose bleed 0 1 Respiratory 114801000006118 tanner devascularisation for bleeding varices 1 1 Upper GI 117211000006112 surgical arrest of bleeding from internal nose os 1 1 Respiratory 117221000006116 surgical arrest of bleeding post dental extraction 1 1 Others 1216033015 optic nerve sheath haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 1216060010 oesophageal varices with bleeding 1 1 Upper GI 1216220017 haemarthrosis of shoulder 1 1 Others 1216226011 external bleeding haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 1216311012 thyroid haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1216632014 prostatic haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1216693019 retinal pigment epithelium haemorrhagic detachment 1 1 Intraocular 1216798017 scrotal haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1216873013 corpus cavernosum haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1216930015 internal bleeding haemorrhoids 1 1 Lower GI 1216948012 testicular haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1217315012 corpus luteum cyst haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1221083011 abdominal aortic aneurysm which has ruptured 1 1 Retroperitoneal 1222500018 [d]nosebleed 1 1 Respiratory 122371000006118 stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 1231704018 bleeding chronic gastric ulcer 1 1 Upper GI 123441000006112 subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif 1 1 Intracranial 123481000006118 subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery 1 1 Intracranial 123491000006115 subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery 1 1 Intracranial 123511000006114 subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery 1 1 Intracranial 123521000006118 subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery 1 1 Intracranial 1235462014 bleeding chronic duodenal ulcer 1 1 Upper GI 1235493010 bleeding acute gastric ulcer 1 1 Upper GI 124942016 hyphaema 1 1 Intraocular 129661016 thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 0 1 Others 135631000006119 spleen haematoma without mention of open wound into cavity 1 1 Others 143080016 bleeding gums 1 1 Others 1476223019 faecal occult blood: trace 1 1 Unspecified GI 1492272016 purpura 1 1 Others 149551000006111 sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage 0 1 Intracranial 15459010 vomiting of blood 1 1 Upper GI 156461000006116 scrotal haematoma due to nontraumatic cause 1 1 Others 1566381000006119 bloody diarrhoea 1 1 Unspecified GI 1573101000006112 cerebral infarction with haemorrhagic transformation 1 1 Intracranial 1573461000000112 heavy menstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 157451000006115 secondary and recurrent haemorrhage 1 1 Others 157461000006118 secondary and recurrent haemorrhage 1 1 Others 1576441000006114 subungual haematoma 1 1 Others 163261000006119 right sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified 1 1 Intracranial 1676481000006111 gpc claim - arrest dental haemorrhage paid 0 1 Others 1682771000006111 seen in haematuria clinic 0 1 Urinary 1682781000006114 referred to haematuria clinic 0 1 Urinary 1693081000006119 gpc claim - arrest dental haemorrhage signed 0 1 Others 1693091000006116 gpc claim - arrest dental haemorrhage sent to hb 0 1 Others 1697911000006119 paroxysmal haematoma of the finger 1 1 Others 1701081000006114 bcsp faecal occult blood test abnormal 1 1 Unspecified GI 1707441000006119 gds claim - arrest of bleeding 0 1 Others 1715851000006113 compartment syndrome 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 1757561000000116 perianal haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 1764361000006118 haemoptysis present 1 1 Respiratory 176901000006111 renal haematoma without mention of open wound into cavity 1 1 Others 1773201000006115 bleeding symptom 1 1 Others 1773214015 epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis 1 1 Intraocular 1779671000006113 referral to rectal bleeding clinic 0 1 Lower GI 1783697014 haemorrhage of vagina 1 1 Others 1786762014 vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 1790721000000110 bleeding symptom 1 1 Others 1805101000006118 bleeding of pigmented skin lesion 1 1 Others 1805151000006119 bleeding from nipple 1 1 Others 1805191000006113 bleeding from breast 1 1 Others 1819541000006114 history of haemoptysis 0 1 Respiratory 1819591000006117 history of lower git haemorrhage 0 1 Lower GI 183201000006117 recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality 1 1 Urinary 1834071000006118 massive haemoptysis 1 1 Respiratory 1856961000006117 counselled regarding vaginal bleeding 0 1 Others 1887791000006116 bleeding due to intrauterine contraceptive device 1 1 Others 189131000006116 recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis 1 1 Urinary 189141000006114 recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis 1 1 Urinary 189151000006111 recur+persist haematuria, focal+segmental glomerular lesions 1 1 Urinary 1938681000006112 urethral meatal bleeding during urinary catheterisation 1 1 Others 1938701000006110 post-catheterisation urethral meatal bleeding 1 1 Others 1938771000006116 haematuria associated with urinary catheter 1 1 Urinary 195948016 compartment syndrome 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 1984161000006112 manchester triage - gi bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 1984281000006110 manchester triage - pv bleeding 1 1 Others 1992421000006117 vte risk assessment - active bleeding 1 1 Others 1992431000006119 vte risk assessment - acquired bleeding disorder 0 1 Others 1992481000006118 vte risk assessment - untreated inherited bleeding disorder 0 1 Others 19951000000112 gms3 claim - arrest dental haemorrhage (rate a) signed 0 1 Others 19971000000115 gms3 claim - arrest dental haemorrhage (rate a) sent to ha 0 1 Others 19991000000116 gms3 claim - arrest dental haemorrhage (rate a) paid 0 1 Others 20011000000110 gms3 claim - arrest dental haemorrhage (rate b) signed 0 1 Others 20031000000119 gms3 claim - arrest dental haemorrhage (rate b) sent to ha 0 1 Others 20051000000114 gms3 claim - arrest dental haemorrhage (rate b) paid 0 1 Others 20792019 rectal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 2111911000000119 referral to rectal bleeding clinic 0 1 Lower GI 2153991014 haematochezia 1 1 Lower GI 215531000000119 bpv - vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 219591000000116 haemarthrosis of the knee 1 1 Others 221161000000111 altered blood in stools 1 1 Unspecified GI 221171000000116 blood in stools altered 1 1 Unspecified GI 2229721000000116 massive haemoptysis 1 1 Respiratory 223551000000117 post-transfusion purpura 1 1 Others 2237901000000119 haemorrhage of dialysis vascular access 1 1 Others 2240831000000118 haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous graft 1 1 Others 2240871000000116 haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous fistula 1 1 Others 2240911000000119 haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous shunt 1 1 Others 2287031000000117 referral to haematuria clinic 0 1 Urinary 233701000006116 perianal haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 2475119012 subdural haematoma - nontraumatic 1 1 Intracranial 251619014 h/o: bleeding disorder 0 1 Others 251621016 h/o: purpura 0 1 Others 251739019 h/o: haematemesis 0 1 Upper GI 251740017 h/o: melaena 0 1 Upper GI 251768018 h/o: haematuria 0 1 Urinary 252101018 h/o: inter-menstrual bleeding 0 1 Others 252104014 h/o:abnormal uterine bleed nos 0 1 Others 2533968014 premenopausal postcoital bleeding 1 1 Others 2534198011 subdural haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intracranial 2534219010 painful rectal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 2534250012 painless rectal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 2536010017 haematocolpos 1 1 Others 254280011 o/e - bleeding gums 1 1 Others 254589013 o/e-speculum=bleeding thro' os 1 1 Others 254649012 o/e-nipple discharge-blood-red 1 1 Others 254650012 o/e - nipple disch.-blood-dark 1 1 Others 2548554013 haemorrhagic stroke monitoring 0 1 Intracranial 25501000006115 other nonthrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 255337011 o/e - retinal haemorrhages 1 1 Intraocular 255341010 o/e - vitreous haemorrhages 1 1 Intraocular 255582011 o/e - epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 255708010 o/e - throat haemorrhage 1 1 Respiratory 255802017 o/e - haemorrhagic bullae 1 1 Others 259756013 urine: red - blood 1 1 Urinary 259829019 urine: trace haemolysed blood 1 1 Urinary 259831011 urine blood test = + 1 1 Urinary 259832016 urine blood test = ++ 1 1 Urinary 259833014 urine blood test = +++ 1 1 Urinary 260510011 faecal occult blood: positive 1 1 Unspecified GI 260511010 faecal occult blood nos 1 1 Unspecified GI 260777019 vomit occult blood 1 1 Upper GI 260778012 vomit occult blood positive 1 1 Upper GI 260780018 vomit occult blood nos 1 1 Upper GI 260964018 sputum: blood cells present 1 1 Respiratory 2647548014 blood in faeces 1 1 Unspecified GI 265211000006118 o/e - purpura in mouth 1 1 Others 265689012 evacuation of haematoma from temporal lobe of brain 1 1 Intracranial 265690015 evacuation of haematoma from cerebellum 1 1 Intracranial 265692011 evacuation of intracerebral haematoma nec 1 1 Intracranial 267223015 drainage of haematoma of external ear 1 1 Others 267331000006112 occult blood in vomit 1 1 Upper GI 2674499019 haematoma of leg 1 1 Others 267550012 surgical arrest of bleeding from internal nose 1 1 Respiratory 267560015 surgical arrest of bleeding from internal nose nos 1 1 Respiratory 267563018 insertion of brighton epistaxis balloon 1 1 Respiratory 269184010 gastrotomy and ligation of bleeding point of stomach 1 1 Upper GI 270631000006114 o/e-subconjunctival haemorrh'g 1 1 Intraocular 275087014 liposuction removal of haematoma 1 1 Others 279090012 aspiration of haematoma of organ noc 1 1 Others 279096018 evacuation of haematoma nec 1 1 Others 282273015 pack non-obst.uterine bleeding 1 1 Others 292443012 thyroid haemorrhage and infarction 1 1 Others 292445017 thyroid haemorrhage or infarction nos 1 1 Others 292686019 haemorrhage of parathyroid 1 1 Others 293358014 waldenstrom's hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura 0 1 Others 293361010 benign primary hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura 0 1 Others 293372017 cryoglobulinaemic purpura 1 1 Others 294293010 clotting and bleeding disorders 0 1 Others 294307015 haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants 0 1 Others 294308013 haemorrhagic disorder due to antithrombinaemia 0 1 Others 294312019 haemorrhagic disorder due to hyperheparinaemia 0 1 Others 294313012 haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-8a 0 1 Others 294316016 haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-9a 0 1 Others 294317013 haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-10a 0 1 Others 294320017 haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-11a 0 1 Others 294334017 purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions 0 1 Others 294337012 henoch-schonlein purpura 1 1 Others 294341011 acute vascular purpura 1 1 Others 294345019 anaphylactoid purpura 1 1 Others 294347010 allergic purpura nos 1 1 Others 294393013 other specified haemorrhagic conditions 0 1 Others 294397014 other specified haemorrhagic condition nos 0 1 Others 294398016 haemorrhagic condition nos 0 1 Others 294400017 other specified disorders of clotting or bleeding 0 1 Others 294402013 clotting or bleeding disorder nos 0 1 Others 294615012 [x]other specified haemorrhagic conditions 0 1 Others 294618014 [x]haemorrhagic condition, unspecified 0 1 Others 297142019 myelopathy due to haematomyelia 1 1 Others 297191000006112 nose bleed symptom 1 1 Respiratory 297201000006110 nose bleed symptom nos 1 1 Respiratory 297601000006113 nonthrombocytopenic purpura nos 1 1 Others 297864014 retinal haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intraocular 297942018 choroidal haemorrhage and rupture 1 1 Intraocular 297943011 unspecified choroidal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 297946015 choroidal haemorrhage or rupture nos 1 1 Intraocular 298518014 conjunctival haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intraocular 298692016 exophthalmos due to orbital haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 298916015 retrobulbar haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 299491012 [x]vitreous haemorrhage in diseases classified elsewhere 1 1 Intraocular 300244012 subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation 1 1 Intracranial 300253017 subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery 1 1 Intracranial 300257016 subarachnoid haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intracranial 300276019 external capsule haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 300277011 intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular 1 1 Intracranial 300287010 intracerebral haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intracranial 300290016 other and unspecified intracranial haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 300294013 subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic 1 1 Intracranial 300298011 intracranial haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intracranial 300406018 sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage 0 1 Intracranial 300407010 sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage 0 1 Intracranial 300437018 thoracic aortic aneurysm which has ruptured 1 1 Others 300446012 thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured 1 1 Retroperitoneal 300752014 bleeding haemorrhoids nos 1 1 Lower GI 300776018 oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases ec 1 1 Upper GI 300840014 haemorrhage nos 1 1 Others 300935019 [x]subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries 1 1 Intracranial 300936018 [x]other subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 300939013 [x]other intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 300956017 [x]intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified 1 1 Intracranial 300960019 [x]aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured 1 1 Others 301948013 teeth staining due to pulpal bleeding 1 1 Others 302487018 unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 302490012 unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 302534015 unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 302537010 unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 302568014 unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 302571018 unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 302606019 unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 303134017 bleeding diverticulosis 1 1 Lower GI 303317017 haemorrhage of rectum and anus nos 1 1 Lower GI 303521011 central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver 1 1 Others 303660017 gastric haemorrhage nos 1 1 Upper GI 303663015 intestinal haemorrhage nos 1 1 Unspecified GI 303667019 gastrointestinal tract haemorrhage nos 1 1 Unspecified GI 303878012 recurrent benign haematuria syndrome 0 1 Urinary 303986013 recurrent and persistent haematuria 1 1 Urinary 304001012 recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease 1 1 Urinary 304142012 renal artery haemorrhage 1 1 Others 304143019 intrarenal haematoma 1 1 Others 304164015 perirenal haematoma 1 1 Others 304253010 bladder haemorrhage 1 1 Urinary 304345017 painless haematuria 1 1 Urinary 304348015 painful haematuria 1 1 Urinary 304349011 microscopic haematuria 1 1 Urinary 304353013 frank haematuria 1 1 Urinary 304355018 clot haematuria 1 1 Urinary 304404012 prostatic congestion or haemorrhage 1 1 Others 304407017 prostatic congestion or haemorrhage nos 1 1 Others 304493010 corpus cavernosum haematoma 1 1 Others 304528011 male genital haematoma nos 1 1 Others 305050012 excessive or frequent menstruation nos 1 1 Others 305075011 functional uterine haemorrhage nos 1 1 Others 305260014 [x]other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 3076631000006110 control of haemorrhage of nose 1 1 Others 310655011 haemarthrosis of unspecified site 1 1 Others 310692011 haemarthrosis of other specified site 1 1 Others 310694012 haemarthrosis of sternoclavicular joint 1 1 Others 310695013 haemarthrosis of acromioclavicular joint 1 1 Others 310699019 haemarthrosis of elbow 1 1 Others 310705011 haemarthrosis of wrist 1 1 Others 310707015 haemarthrosis of mcp joint 1 1 Others 310710010 haemarthrosis of pip joint of finger 1 1 Others 310711014 haemarthrosis of dip joint of finger 1 1 Others 310715017 haemarthrosis of hip 1 1 Others 310720017 haemarthrosis of knee 1 1 Others 310724014 haemarthrosis of the ankle 1 1 Others 310725010 haemarthrosis of subtalar joint 1 1 Others 310728012 haemarthrosis of talonavicular joint 1 1 Others 310729016 haemarthrosis of other tarsal joint 1 1 Others 310737012 haemarthrosis nos 1 1 Others 317316016 [d]epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 317317013 [d]throat haemorrhage 1 1 Respiratory 317405010 [d]haemoptysis 1 1 Respiratory 317408012 [d]cough with haemorrhage 1 1 Respiratory 317409016 [d]pulmonary haemorrhage nos 1 1 Respiratory 317412018 [d]haemoptysis nos 1 1 Respiratory 317993018 [x]haemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages 1 1 Respiratory 317999019 [x]haemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecified 1 1 Respiratory 318044011 [x]haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified 1 1 Others 32278010 dysfunctional uterine bleeding 1 1 Others 322816019 contusion, fingernail (includes subungual haematoma) 1 1 Others 323899017 secondary and recurrent haemorrhage 1 1 Others 323918013 compartment syndrome, buttock 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 345675012 lobar cerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 352222018 angina bullosa haemorrhagica 1 1 Others 353768014 retroperitoneal haematoma 1 1 Retroperitoneal 353962019 bleeding stoma 1 1 Others 354662010 ureteric haemorrhage 1 1 Others 354838019 contraception iucd causing bleeding 1 1 Others 354839010 bleeding due to intrauterine contraceptive device 1 1 Others 355429018 pubertal bleeding and menorrhagia 1 1 Others 355436017 metropathia haemorrhagica 1 1 Others 355440014 intermenstrual bleeding 1 1 Others 355445016 intermenstrual bleeding - regular 1 1 Others 35547018 allergic purpura 1 1 Others 355700019 perineal haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 356328018 adrenocortical haemorrhage 1 1 Others 361430016 acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 363458015 accidental haemorrhage during medical care 1 1 Others 371161000006111 [x]coagul defects, purpura & other haemorrhagic conditions 0 1 Others 371562017 bleeding - vaginal nos 1 1 Others 371567011 mid-cycle bleeding 1 1 Others 371988014 bleeding from urethra 1 1 Others 371989018 urethral bleeding 1 1 Others 372431015 blood in faeces symptom 1 1 Unspecified GI 372437016 black faeces symptom 1 1 Upper GI 39303019 haemopericardium 1 1 Pericardial 396382012 haemorrhage of rectum and anus 1 1 Lower GI 396403016 gastrointestinal haemorrhage unspecified 1 1 Unspecified GI 396748016 male genital haemorrhage nos 1 1 Others 396786013 puberty bleeding 1 1 Others 396790010 dysfunctional uterine haemorrhage nos 1 1 Others 397836015 h/o: git haemorrhage nos 0 1 Unspecified GI 397855015 h/o: abnormal uterine bleeding 0 1 Others 397912015 vomiting blood - fresh 1 1 Upper GI 397916017 black faeces 1 1 Upper GI 399228011 acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia 0 1 Others 399234016 congenital thrombocytopenic purpura 0 1 Others 400243017 haemarthrosis of the ankle and foot 1 1 Others 403014019 subungual haematoma 1 1 Others 404540010 faeces: fresh blood present 1 1 Lower GI 404554019 vomit: frank blood present 1 1 Upper GI 404556017 blood in synovial fluid 1 1 Others 404869014 sputum: contains blood 1 1 Respiratory 405356012 urine dipstick for blood 1 1 Urinary 405394012 haematoma with intact skin 1 1 Others 407087019 c/o - melaena 1 1 Upper GI 411546012 h/o: gi bleed 0 1 Unspecified GI 411565016 c/o p.v. bleeding 1 1 Others 411734011 melaena - o/e of faeces 1 1 Upper GI 412281000006116 [x]other nonthrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 414503010 purpura simplex 1 1 Others 418965019 rbcs- red blood cells in urine 1 1 Urinary 420970014 expulsive choroidal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 426231000006114 [x]sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage 0 1 Intracranial 428181000006115 [x]subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif 1 1 Intracranial 433186012 evacuation of perianal haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 43411000033117 drugs used in auto-immune and thrombocytopenic purpura 0 1 Others 44084019 otorrhagia 1 1 Others 444860010 thrombocytopenic purpura 1 1 Others 445119014 normocytic anaemia following acute bleed 0 1 Others 451473014 haematoma of rectus sheath 1 1 Lower GI 456217019 h/o: upper git haemorrhage 0 1 Upper GI 456218012 h/o: upper git bleed 0 1 Upper GI 456805013 other abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 456806014 abnormal uterine bleeding unrelated to menstrual cycle 1 1 Others 456807017 abnormal uterine bleeding, unspecified 1 1 Others 456808010 abnormal vaginal bleeding, unspecified 1 1 Others 456809019 abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified 1 1 Others 458617017 essential haematuria 1 1 Urinary 458848011 primary post tonsillectomy haemorrhage 1 1 Others 458851016 secondary post tonsillectomy haemorrhage 1 1 Others 459713018 heavy episode of vaginal bleeding 1 1 Others 464499018 prb - rectal bleeding 1 1 Lower GI 464500010 rectal haemorrhage 1 1 Lower GI 470365013 acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 474430017 acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 475607010 subretinal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 477248016 haemorrhage of oesophagus 1 1 Upper GI 478383018 haemorrhage into bladder wall 1 1 Urinary 478553011 acute haemorrhagic gastritis 1 1 Upper GI 479008012 haemorrhagic choroidal detachment 1 1 Intraocular 481028017 subarachnoid haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 481141000006114 anal haemorrhage 1 1 Lower GI 483207010 perianal haematoma 1 1 Lower GI 483988011 bulbar haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 484848010 vitreous haemorrhage 1 1 Others 485412011 haemorrhagic cyst of jaw 1 1 Others 486121000006110 anterior compartment syndrome 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 486596015 chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 486704010 upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 489885017 haematometra 1 1 Others 492804019 vomiting blood - coffee ground 1 1 Upper GI 493656015 capillary haemorrhage 1 1 Others 493743018 acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis 1 1 Others 494304013 chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 495061000006113 aspiration of haematoma of brain tissue 1 1 Intracranial 495202016 deep retinal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 495273013 acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 495316011 adrenal haemorrhage 1 1 Others 495344012 chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 495394013 cortical haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 496232015 internal capsule haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 496575013 vaginal haematoma 1 1 Others 497833010 chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 498516011 evacuation of subdural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 498967015 bloodstained sputum 1 1 Respiratory 498977018 chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 499386010 chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 499542018 superficial retinal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 499719010 acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 499997018 intermenstrual bleeding - irregular 1 1 Others 500187011 evacuation of haematoma of vulva 1 1 Others 501268015 haematoma of vulva 1 1 Others 502715010 gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Unspecified GI 502878012 cerebellar haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 503469016 pontine haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 503762012 haematosalpinx 1 1 Others 503791000006114 basal nucleus haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 503913016 subconjunctival haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 504674011 acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 504705015 haemorrhage of cervix 1 1 Others 505381016 epidural haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 507303017 acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 507679012 haematemesis 1 1 Upper GI 507736019 lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage 1 1 Lower GI 507866018 haematoma of pinna 1 1 Others 508104019 drainage of subungual haematoma 1 1 Others 508524014 chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 508664015 acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 515411000006113 bleeding disorders 0 1 Others 515491000006115 bleeding pr 1 1 Others 517931000006117 blood in faeces 1 1 Unspecified GI 517961000006114 blood in sputum - haemoptysis 1 1 Respiratory 517971000006119 blood in sputum - symptom 1 1 Respiratory 517981000006116 blood in stool 1 1 Unspecified GI 518011000006114 blood in urine - haematuria 1 1 Urinary 518021000006118 blood in urine - symptom 1 1 Urinary 5239131000006113 haemorrhage at vitreoretinal interface 1 1 Intraocular 5240201000006119 macular subretinal haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 524821000006110 break - through bleeding 1 1 Others 525281000006114 breast haematoma due to nontraumatic cause 1 1 Others 53278014 haemothorax 1 1 Respiratory 53913017 idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 0 1 Others 53918014 idiopathic purpura 1 1 Others 554311000006114 chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 56652016 haemorrhagic otitis externa 1 1 Others 57480016 haematuria 1 1 Urinary 575261000006117 compartment syndrome, foot 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 575271000006112 compartment syndrome, forearm 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 575281000006110 compartment syndrome, hand 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 575291000006113 compartment syndrome, leg 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 575301000006114 compartment syndrome, thigh 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 575311000006112 compartment syndrome, upper arm 1 1 Compartment Syndrome 586141000000118 serial faecal occult blood abnormal 1 1 Unspecified GI 590531000006114 contact bleeding of cervix 1 1 Others 5913016 melaena 1 1 Upper GI 605471000006112 cva - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 625012019 benign familial haematuria 0 1 Urinary 628481000006113 drainage haematoma ext ear control cavity c bolster suture 1 1 Others 647631000006114 epistaxis symptom 1 1 Respiratory 648841000006119 essential (haemorrhagic) thrombocythaemia 0 1 Others 649541000006113 evacuation of extradural haematoma 1 1 Intracranial 649591000006116 evacuation of haematoma from vagina 1 1 Others 650761000006113 excessive or frequent menstruation 1 1 Others 660111000006117 extradural haemorrhage - nontraumatic 1 1 Intracranial 739711000006114 liver haematoma and contusion without open wound into cavity 1 1 Others 744901000006114 intracerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 744921000006116 intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified 1 1 Intracranial 746571000006116 intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localized 1 1 Intracranial 748941000006115 left sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified 1 1 Intracranial 754831000006113 kidney haematoma without mention of open wound into cavity 1 1 Others 758831000006117 itp - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 0 1 Others 768621000006112 intramuscular haematoma nos 1 1 Others 769531000006117 intra-ocular haemorrhage 1 1 Intraocular 786601000006116 idiopathic purpura 1 1 Others 786681000006113 idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 0 1 Others 802131000006119 gib - gastrointestinal bleeding 1 1 Unspecified GI 808111000006110 h/o sub-arachnoid haemorrhage 0 1 Intracranial 811291000006116 h/o: post-coital bleeding 0 1 Others 812651000006117 haemarthrosis of ankle 1 1 Others 812671000006110 haemarthrosis of distal radio-ulnar joint 1 1 Others 812701000006111 haemarthrosis of ip joint of toe 1 1 Others 812721000006118 haemarthrosis of lesser mtp joint 1 1 Others 812741000006113 haemarthrosis of multiple joints 1 1 Others 812781000006119 haemarthrosis of sacro-iliac joint 1 1 Others 812851000006116 haemarthrosis of the forearm 1 1 Others 812861000006119 haemarthrosis of the hand 1 1 Others 812881000006112 haemarthrosis of the lower leg 1 1 Others 812891000006110 haemarthrosis of the pelvic region and thigh 1 1 Others 812901000006114 haemarthrosis of the shoulder region 1 1 Others 812911000006112 haemarthrosis of the upper arm 1 1 Others 812921000006116 haemarthrosis of tibio-fibular joint 1 1 Others 81301000006118 unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation 1 1 Upper GI 81311000006115 unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation 1 1 Upper GI 81321000006111 unspec gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation 1 1 Upper GI 813251000006111 haematoma - perineal wound 1 1 Others 813271000006118 haematoma nos 1 1 Others 81331000006114 unspec gastrojejunal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage/perforation 1 1 Upper GI 813321000006114 haematoma of the broad ligament 1 1 Others 813391000006111 haematuria - symptom 1 1 Urinary 813961000006116 haemopericardium/current comp folow acut myocard infarct 1 1 Pericardial 813971000006111 haemoperitoneum - nontraumatic 1 1 Retroperitoneal 814151000006117 haemoptysis - symptom 1 1 Respiratory 814181000006113 haemorrhage - retinal 1 1 Intraocular 814331000006114 haemorrhagic condition, unspecified 0 1 Others 81454015 postcoital bleeding 1 1 Others 81501000006111 unspec peptic ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation 1 1 Upper GI 816991000006115 has nose bleeds - epistaxis 1 1 Respiratory 818291000006111 heamorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants nos 0 1 Others 860691000006114 epistaxis control 1 1 Respiratory 860711000006112 epistaxis control - cautery 1 1 Respiratory 860721000006116 epistaxis control - suture 1 1 Respiratory 860731000006118 epistaxis control -cryosurgery 1 1 Respiratory 860741000006111 epistaxis control nos 1 1 Respiratory 865621000006117 pericardial haematoma evacuat. 1 1 Pericardial 869431000006119 vulval haematoma evacuated 1 1 Others 8741000000118 gms4 claim - arrest of dental haemorrhage signed 0 1 Others 8761000000117 gms4 claim - arrest of dental haemorrhage to ha 0 1 Others 8781000000114 gms4 claim - arrest of dental haemorrhage paid 0 1 Others 878511000006114 control of haemorrhage 1 1 Others 882081000006118 nonthrombocytop. purpura nos 1 1 Others 883651000006111 deformity/haematoma of pinna 1 1 Others 884421000006119 cerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 884431000006116 extradural haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 884441000006114 subdural haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 884451000006111 cerebral haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intracranial 885771000006112 gu - acute + haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 885791000006113 gu - acute + h'ge + perf. 1 1 Upper GI 885811000006112 gu - chronic + haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 885831000006118 gu - chronic + h'ge + perf. 1 1 Upper GI 885851000006113 du - acute + haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 885891000006119 du - chronic + haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 885941000006118 pu - acute + haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 885961000006119 pu - acute + h'ge + perf. 1 1 Upper GI 885981000006112 pu - chronic + haemorrhage 1 1 Upper GI 886001000006111 pu - chronic + h'ge + perf. 1 1 Upper GI 886471000006110 anal/rectal haemorrhage 1 1 Lower GI 886851000006119 haematuria nos 1 1 Urinary 887711000006114 delayed/excessive haemorrhage 1 1 Others 890561000006116 haemarthrosis - shoulder joint 1 1 Others 890571000006111 haemarthrosis - elbow joint 1 1 Others 890581000006114 haemarthrosis - wrist joint 1 1 Others 890591000006112 haemarthrosis - hand joint 1 1 Others 890601000006116 haemarthrosis - hip joint 1 1 Others 890611000006118 haemarthrosis - knee joint 1 1 Others 890621000006114 haemarthrosis - ankle/foot 1 1 Others 890631000006112 haemarthrosis - other joint 1 1 Others 890641000006119 haemarthrosis - multiple joint 1 1 Others 89346015 senile purpura 1 1 Others 899231000006115 secondary/recurrent haemorr'ge 1 1 Others 933081000006112 subperiosteal haematoma 1 1 Others 93510018 purpura annularis telangiectodes 0 1 Others 959701000006119 sore/swollen/bleeding gums 1 1 Others 961941000006111 blood in stools 1 1 Unspecified GI 962031000006113 haematuria/abnormal colour 1 1 Urinary 981591000006114 abnormal bleeding/vaginal discharge 1 1 Others 982381000006114 purpura 1 1 Others 982751000006117 haematoma 1 1 Others 989201000006117 cerebral haemorrhage 1 1 Intracranial 989211000006119 cerebral haemorrhage nos 1 1 Intracranial 989471000006110 haemarthrosis - shoulder joint 1 1 Others 989481000006113 haemarthrosis - elbow joint 1 1 Others 989491000006111 haemarthrosis - knee joint 1 1 Others 989951000006111 subperiosteal haematoma 1 1 Others