Data supporting “The effect of current helminth infection on vaccine responses among adolescents living in helminth-endemic islands of Lake Victoria, Uganda” – Data Codebook

Persistent identifier



The data contain anonymized individual-level records of 478 schoolchildren (aged 9-17 years) who participated in a randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of Schistosomiasis treatment on responses to a portfolio of vaccines, known as the POPVAC A trial. Helminth infections were assessed prior to vaccination to enable comparisons of vaccine-specific immune responses between infected and uninfected children, aiming to answer the question of whether helminth infection before vaccination affects responses observed following vaccination.

Data access conditions

To access the data, requests must be made to the PI (Professor Alison Elliott). The request will be reviewed by the PI together with the POPVAC investigator team, in consultation with the POPVAC steering committee. The request will be reviewed based on scientific value and to ensure there is no overlap with existing work. If the request is approved, before data is shared, ethics approval will need to be obtained in your host institution and a Data Transfer Agreement with the MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit must be completed.

Data Codebook

The POPVAC A observational analysis dataset contains the following data variables.

Variable name Variable description Answer label Answer code Variable type
age age of participants at enrolment     Numeric
sex Participant's sex      
    Male 1 Numeric
    Female 2  
immp1 Received immunisations as a baby, or as a child before school      
    No 0 Numeric
    Yes 1  
    Don't know 98  
    Missing .  
imms1 Received any immunisations since starting school      
    No 0 Numeric
    Yes 1  
    Don't know 98  
    Missing .  
vilb Place of residence at birth     Numeric
    Village 1  
    Town 2  
    City 3  
    Don't know 99  
    Missing .  
vil5 Where lived for most of the time between birth and age five years     Numeric
    Village 1  
    Town 2  
    City 3  
    Don't know 99  
    Missing .  
wmx Times treated for worms in the last 12 months     Numeric
mrx Whether treated for malaria in the last year     Numeric
    No 0  
    Yes 1  
    Don't know 98  
    Missing .  
toi Whether the household has its own toilet     Numeric
    No 0  
    Yes 1  
    Missing .  
trialarm Trial arm     Numeric
    Standard 0  
    Intensive 1  
bcg_w0 bcg administration at  week0     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    Missing .  
yf_w4 Yellow fever administration at  week4     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
hpv_w4 HPV administration at  week4     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
ty1d1_w4 1st dose of oral typhoid at week4     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
ty1d2_w4 2nd  dose of oral typhoid at week4     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
ty1d3_w4 3rd  dose of oral typhoid at week4     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
hpv_w8 hpv administration at  week8     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
td_w28 Tetanus and diphtheria administration at  week28     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
hpv_w28 hpv administration at  week28     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
td_w52 Tetanus and diphtheria administration at  week52     Numeric
    Yes 1  
    No 0  
    Missing .  
caa_screening_caa S.mansoni CAA concentration at screening, pg/ml     String
result_screening_caa S.mansoni CAA result at screening     String
    Indecisive   String
necres_screen Necator americanus PCR resultat  screening     String
smres_screen S.mansoni PCR result at screening     String
ssres_screen Strongyloides stercoralis PCR result at screening     String
pfal_res Malaria PCR results at screening     String
qc_0 Did BCG response result pass QC (≤83.333 SFUs/10^6 PBMCs) at week 0     String
qc_8 Did BCG response result pass QC (≤83.333 SFUs/10^6 PBMCs ) at week 8     String
qc_52 Did BCG response result pass QC (≤83.333 SFUs/10^6 PBMCs ) at week 8     String
bmi Body mass index     Numeric
sm_screening_caa_pcr S.mansoni result at screening based on CAA and PCR     Numeric
    Negative 0  
    Positive 1  
drinking_w Source of household drinking water     Numeric
    Lake/spring 1  
    Well/Piped water 2  
diet_score_days Diet score based on days/week of food consumption     Numeric
tt_IgG_week28 Tetanus toxoid-specific IgG at week 28, IU/ml     Numeric
dt_IgG_week28 Diphtheria toxoid-specific IgG at week 28, IU/ml     Numeric
tt_IgG_week52 Tetanus toxoid-specific IgG at week 52, IU/ml     Numeric
dt_IgG_week52 Diphtheria toxoid-specific IgG at week 52, IU/ml     Numeric
bcg_week0 IFN-gamma response to BCG at week 0 (SFUs per million PBMCs)     Numeric
bcg_week8 IFN-gamma response to BCG at week 8 (SFUs per million PBMCs)     Numeric
bcg_week52 IFN-gamma response to BCG at week 52 (SFUs per million PBMCs)     Numeric
yfprnt_50_wk0 Yellow fever PRNT 50 titre at week 0     Numeric
yfprnt_90_wk0 Yellow fever PRNT 90 titre at week 0     Numeric
yfprnt_50_wk8 Yellow fever PRNT 50 titre at week 8     Numeric
yfprnt_90_wk8 Yellow fever PRNT 90 titre at week 8     Numeric
yfprnt_50_wk52 Yellow fever PRNT 50 titre at week 52     Numeric
yfprnt_90_wk52 Yellow fever PRNT 90 titre at week 52     Numeric
typhi_igg_wk0 S. typhi O:LPS-specific IgG at week 0, EU/ml     Numeric
typhi_igg_wk8 S. typhi O:LPS-specific IgG at week 8, EU/ml     Numeric
typhi_igg_wk52 S. typhi O:LPS-specific IgG at week 52, EU/ml     Numeric
hpv16_wk0 HPV-16-specific IgG concentration at week 0, EU/ml     Numeric
hpv18_wk0 HPV-18-specific IgG concentration at week 0, EU/ml     Numeric
hpv16_wk8 HPV-16-specific IgG concentration at week 8, EU/ml     Numeric
hpv18_wk8 HPV-18-specific IgG concentration at week 8, EU/ml     Numeric
hpv16_wk52 HPV-16-specific IgG concentration at week 52, EU/ml     Numeric
hpv18_wk52 HPV-18-specific IgG concentration at week 52, EU/ml     Numeric