Data for: "Neonatal mortality risk for vulnerable newborn types in 15 countries using 125.5 million nationwide birth outcome records, 2000–2020" –User Guide

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Data collected as part of a multi-country, population-based study to compare neonatal mortality risks by birthweight categories, gestational age, and newborn types.

Data collection method

We analysed routinely collected data on 125.5 million live births from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2020 from 15 participating countries. Each country analysed their data and aggregated tables were shared online.

Data collection mode

Term Description
Aggregation Statistical information that has been processed (e.g. averaged, totalled) to the point where individuals cannot be identified. Country teams shared aggregated Excel tables
Compilation/Synthesis Each country included data from nationwide administrative data on livebirths and neonatal deaths
Content Coding Only aggregated output numbers included
Experiment We calculated the following variables:
  • Preterm (PT): A birth < 37 completed weeks of gestation as measured from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by early ultrasound.
  • Term (T): A birth from 37 completed weeks of gestation as measured from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by early ultrasound.
  • Small for gestational age (SGA): A birth with birthweight for gestational age and sex of <10th centile according to INTERGROWTH-21st international standards
  • Appropriate for gestational age (AGA): A birth with a birthweight for gestational age and sex from 10th to 90th centiles according to INTERGROWTH-21st international standards
  • Large for gestational age (LGA): A birth with a birthweight for gestational age and sex of >90th centile according to INTERGROWTH-21st international standards

We performed the following experiments:

  • Objective 1, by birthweight: A birth with birthweight <1000g, 1000g to 1500g, 1500g to 2000g, 2000g to 2500g, 4000g to 4500g, 4500g to 5000g and >5000g (vs 2500g to 3999g)
  • Objective 2, by gestational age: <28 weeks, 28-31 weeks, 32-33 weeks, 34-36 weeks and >42 weeks (vs 37-42 weeks)
  • Objective 3, by newborn types: PT + SGA, PT + AGA, PT + LGA, T + SGA, T + LGA (vs T + AGA)
Measurements and tests Each live birth was categorised based on gestational age (preterm birth, up to 36+6 weeks [PT] or term, 37+0 weeks and above [T]), size for gestational age SGA, AGA, LGA) using the INTERGROWTH-21st international newborn size for age and sex standards (extended to include newborns from 22+0 to 44+6). Preterm and SGA babies were excluded
Observation Individual-level data on livebirths. Livebirths was defined as the complete expulsion or extraction from a woman of a fetus, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which, after such separation, shows signs of life. Neonatal deaths where those occurring from 0-27 days after a live birth. Neonatal deaths were further classified into early (0-6 days) or late (7-27 days
Recording Livebirths and neonatal deaths identified in national administrative datasets with three core variables (sex, gestational age and birthweight)
Summary Summary tables in Excel

Geographic regions

Data were collated from 15 countries, representing three Sustainable Development Goals Regions (Latin America & the Caribbean; North America, Australia, New Zealand, Central Asia & Europe; and Western & North Asia) totalling 144 country-years from 2000 to 2020.

Key dates


neonatal mortality, preterm birth, size for gestational age, vulnerable newborn

Language of written material


Project information

Project name Funder/sponsor Grant number
Vulnerable Newborns: multi-country analyses to advance measurement related to preterm births and small-for-gestational age Children's Investment Fund Foundation Prime grant 1803-02535


Forename Surname ORCID Role
Lorena Suárez-Idueta 0000-0003-0909-7737 Data Creator
Hannah Blencowe 0000-0003-1556-3159 Data Creator
Yemisrach B. Okwaraji 0000-0002-4541-2856 Data Creator
Judith Yargawa 0000-0002-6299-2215 Data Creator
Ellen Bradley 0009-0009-4457-0762 Data Creator
Adrienne Gordon 0000-0002-2328-1066 Data Creator
Vicky Flenady 0000-0001-8114-7677 Data Creator
Enny S. Paixao 0000-0002-4797-908X Data Creator
Mauricio L. Barreto 0000-0002-0215-4930 Data Creator
Sarka Lisonkova 0000-0002-1220-310X Data Creator
Qi Wen Not available Data Creator
Petr Velebil 0009-0001-0643-1069 Data Creator
Jitka Jírová Not available Data Creator
Erzsebet Horváth-Puhó 0000-0002-3594-2212 Data Creator
Henrik Toft Sørensen 0000-0003-4299-7040 Data Creator
Luule Sakkeus 0000-0003-3785-183X Data Creator
Lili Abuladze 0000-0002-0109-9757 Data Creator
Khalid A. Yunis 0000-0002-6384-2745 Data Creator
Ayah Al Bizri 0000-0002-0677-7879 Data Creator
Arturo Barranco Not available Data Creator
Lisa Broeders Not available Data Creator
Aimée E. van Dijk Not available Data Creator
Fawziya Alyafei 0000-0001-6851-0654 Data Creator
Tawa O.  Olukade 0000-0002-2103-5355 Data Creator
Neda Razaz 0000-0002-1273-0110 Data Creator
Jonas Söderling 0000-0001-9006-2835 Data Creator
Lucy K. Smith 0000-0001-9470-0793 Data Creator
Elizabeth S. Draper 0000-0001-9340-8176 Data Creator
Estelle Lowry 0000-0002-4655-416X Data Creator
Neil Rowland 0000-0001-9755-1682 Data Creator
Rachael Wood 0000-0003-4453-623X Data Creator
Kirsten Monteath Not available Data Creator
Isabel Pereyra 0000-0002-4696-8063 Data Creator
Gabriella Pravia 0009-0006-5871-6257 Data Creator
Eric O. Ohuma 0000-0002-3116-2593 Data Creator
Joy E. Lawn 0000-0002-4573-1443 Data Creator

Associated roles

Forename Surname Institution Role
Eric O. Ohuma London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Primary contact
Hannah Blencowe London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Primary contact

Research Centre

Maternal, Adolescent, Reproductive & Child Health (MARCH) Centre, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

Research Group

Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Group

Participating institutions

Copyright holder

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

Related resources

File description

Filename Description Access status Licence
Mortality_Risks_Newborn_Types_Code R code script to generate relevant variables and calculate the relative risks of neonatal mortality by size at birth and birthweight Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
Mortality_National_Newborn_Types_Data Excel sheet with aggregated information from 15 countries. Each row represents one country-year and each column represent one variable. Three countries present overall data Controlled Data sharing agreement
Mortality_National_Newborn_codebook Codebook for Mortality National Newborn Types dataset Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
3690_UserGuide User guide for Mortality National Newborn Types dataset and code Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)