Topic guide interview MAMI stakeholders
Introduction (2 min)
<< presentations, explain aim of the study, check if consent form received>>
<< start recording>>
General information (2 min):
- Interview number and date
- Age/ sex/ educational level/ country/ type of organisation and role of participant.
Topic guide
Small and at-risk infants under 6 months and their mothers (10 min)
<< explain definition of MAMI in general terms>>
- Explain how small and at-nutritionally risk infants u6m/ their mothers are currently identified and managed in your country?
- Identified (probe: screening at vaccination/ post-natal/ consultation/ community, screening elements: anthro/ feeding problems/ mental health/ LBW)
- Managed (probe: on what level of care/ health worker/ community, treatment elements: growth monitoring/ BF counselling/ home visit/ supplementary feeding)
MAMI Care Pathway (10 min)
<<if necessary, explain MAMI Care Pathway, showing assessment and admission forms/ counselling cards >>
- What do you think of the MAMI Care Pathway, how would different elements fit in your context? (Probe:
- Screening at community level
- Screening at each health service contact point
- Management at primary care level
- Counselling and follow up
- Community aspect of treatment)
MAMI CP implementation process (10 min)
<<if necessary, explain the place of the Care Pathway in the health system, using flow chart and health system situation image >>
- What would be next steps to take in (further) implementation of the MAMI Care Pathway in your country and who would be the main actors? Please explain. (probe:
- Government priority
- Leadership/ management
- Human resources/ health workers
- Monitoring/ information systems)