Dataset codebook for a for a 30-year population-based study examining the contribution of remote M.tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis

Permanent identifier

DOI: 10.17037/DATA.00002829


An anonymised dataset of 57,267 study participants who took part in district-wide surveys between 1980-84 and 1985-1989 as part of long-term studies of leprosy in Karonga, Malawi. The second survey was the recruitment phase of a trial of repeat BCG and killed M leprae. In each survey a subset of the population selected by area of residence received a tuberculin skin test. These were done before the trial vaccines were given. Since the early 1980s, all individuals diagnosed with TB in the district have been recorded as part of epidemiological studies of TB and the vaccine trial follow-up. Case ascertainment relied largely on enhanced passive ascertainment, with field staff based at the hospital and peripheral health centres to screen individuals with chronic cough or otherwise suspected to have TB. Dataset contains variables

After the second survey in the 1980s there have been no further total population surveys, but follow-up information is available from other studies conducted in the district, including small population-based surveys and demographic surveillance in different areas of the district. All studies use common identifiers for individuals, so the date individuals were seen, or the date they were reported to have left the district or died, as recorded in other studies, can be used to estimate the date individuals were last known to be alive and in the district.

In 2009-2013, individuals recorded as having TST induration sizes of greater than 20mm in the 1980’s surveys were identified. Those who were not already known from continuing studies in the area to have developed TB or to have died or left the district were sought. Interviewers asked those found living in Karonga district about prior treatment for TB and current cough. For those who had left the district or died, a suitable informant was asked about prior treatment for TB as well as dates of departure or death.

Data access

The dataset was collected prior to data sharing expectations being introduced (pre-2000. As a result, additional ethical clearance must be obtained prior to sharing. Please contact MEIRU directly ( for correspondence related to the data. A list of dataset variables can be found in the codebook, located at DOI: 10.17037/DATA.00002829.

Geographic regions

Karonga district, Malawi

Key dates

Data from studies which span from 1980 to 2016


Ethics permission for the different studies over the period was received from the Health Sciences Research Committee of the Malawi Ministry of Health and from the ethics committee of The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. All participants provided informed consent to be part of the study. Regarding consent procedures, this analysis used data from different studies from 1980 onwards. Earlier studies, such as the tuberculin testing and earlier years of TB ascertainment used verbal consent. Later studies used written consent. Verbal consent was used for the early large field surveys as it was the current standard. Refusal was documented by the field teams. Ethics committees approved all of the studies, including the Health Sciences Research Committee of the Malawi Ministry of Health, the ethics committee of The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and, for the second population survey/BCG trial, the Standing Committee on Research in Human Subjects of the World Health Organization (WHO).


Remote infection, tuberculosis, Karonga

Language of written material



Forename Surname Faculty / Dept Institution Role
Judith Glynn Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health / Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Data Creator

File description

Filename Description Access status Licence
survival_analysis_code.R Code for survival analysis Open Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
remoteinfection_KPS_codebook KPS dataset codebook Open Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)