Data for: "Children, Cities and Climate: A cross-sectional survey of global urban youth on their cities and urban air quality" – User Guide

Permanent identifier



A survey questionnaire, data, and analysis code produced or collected as part of a global cross-sectional survey of urban youth on their cities and urban air quality. The dataset contains 3,222 survey responses, with respondents classified as a parent of someone under 13 years old, participant aged between 13-25 years, or aged over 25 years of age. The survey contains questions on respondent opinion of the air quality in the town/city in which they live, main sources of air pollution, the best and worst things about living in the area, and whether they consider it becoming a nicer/less nice place to live.

Data collection methods

Data collected through a web-based survey.

Geographic regions

The survey was completed by young people located in several geographic locations. This includes: Bubaneswar (India), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Freetown (Sierra Leone), Glasgow (Scotland), Jaipur (India), Lahore (Pakistan), London (England), Los Angeles (USA), Milan (Italy), Quito (Ecuador), and Tamale (Ghana).

Key dates


Human population. The following demographic information was collected on research participants:


Organisation Ethics ID Other information
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine    


urban youth, urban air quality, climate

Language of written material


Project information

Project name Funder/sponsor Grant number
Children, Cities and Climate; A cross-sectional survey of global urban youth on their cities and urban air quality Fondation Botnar OOG-21-006


Forename Surname Faculty / Dept Institution Role
Robert Hughes Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health / Department of Population Health London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Data Creator
Rachel Juel Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health / Department of Population Health London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Data Creator, data collector

File description

Filename Description Format Access status Licence
CCC_survey_questions Questionnaire for cross-sectional survey of urban youth on their cities and urban air quality HTML Open Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution (CCBY)
CCC_survey_quan_data Quantitative survey data with anonymized demographic indicators CSV Open Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution (CCBY)
CCC_survey_qual_data Qualitative responses to survey questions CSV Controlled Data sharing agreement
Dataset_Stata_do-file Stata DO file to compile all translated survey responses into one working dataset Plain text Open Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution (CCBY)
2654-data_codebook Codebook for survey data HTML Open Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution (CCBY)
2654-UserGuide User guide for survey dataset HTML Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)