Children, Cities and Climate: A cross-sectional survey of global urban youth on their cities and urban air quality - Survey

Description or Typeform survey text Answer options
How old are you? Open text
Are you or your partner currently pregnant?

Single choice:

  • Pregnant
  • Not pregnant
Where do you live?

Single choice:

  • Bubaneswar (India)
  • Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
  • Dhaka (Bangladesh)
  • Freetown (Sierra Leone)
  • Glasgow (Scotland)
  • Jaipur (India)
  • Lahore (Pakistan)
  • London (England)
  • Los Angeles (USA)
  • Milan (Italy)
  • Quito (Ecuador)
  • Tamale (Ghana)
What are the BEST things about living in your city/town?

Multiple selection, up to three:;

  • The people
  • Places to play
    Being close to school or work
    There are many things to do
  • The shops and restaurants
    It's easy to get around
    Being close to my family
    The climate and environment
    Work opportunities for my family
    Access to green space, like parks
Now, what are the WORST things about living in your city/town?

Multiple selection, up to three:

  • It doesn't always feel safe
  • The people; it's not friendly
  • The traffic/congestion
  • The noise
  • Not enough places to play
  • Not enough places to meet friends
  • Shortage of work opportunities for my family
  • It's hard to get around
  • Not easy enough to get healthcare
  • The pollution
  • It's too crowded
  • Not enough green space like parks
  • Other
Do you have any comments to add (about your city in general)?

Open text

We are interested in what you think about the air quality where you live

Single choice: Numeric 0-10

What do you think are the main sources of AP where you live?

Multiple selection, unlimited:

  • Factories
  • Burning of rubbish
  • Motor transport (cars, buses, lorries)
  • Construction/building work
  • Pollution blown into the city (from outside)
  • Household cooking (cooking fires/stoves)
  • Household heating (boilers, wood fires etc)
  • Agriculture/farming
  • Other
Do you have any comments to add (about the air quality in your city)? Open text
In general, is your city becoming a nicer place to live, or a less nice place to live?

Single choice:

  • Becoming a nicer place to live
  • Staying the same
  • Becoming a worse place to live

Why do you say that?

Qualitative responses to the nicer_city question

Open text
If you were the mayor of your town/city, how would you…Improve the city generally, especially for children and young people? Open text
And, how would you improve air quality where you live? Open text
Do you have any more comments about any of these issues? Open text

Language, consent, and eligibility questions

Variable Name Description or Typeform survey text Answer options


Hello presented in each language

Single Choice:

  • Hello
  • Hola
  • Bonjour
  • Niaje
  • नमस्ते
  • ہیلو
  • Ciao
  • হ্যালো
  • أهلا
  • 你好
Eligibility 1

Before we start, we need to tell you about this research so you can decide if you want to take part.

Who are we? We are a group of researchers from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who are asking children, young people and parents from all over the world to tell us what they think of their cities. We think children’s voices and opinions are not included enough, and want to try to address this.

Why are you seeing this survey? We paid for posts to appear in Facebook/Instagram feeds of people like you who live in your city. (This is based on the information that Facebook/Instagram holds about you, not any information we have – we do not have, or have access to, any of your personal information at all).

How long is it? We have 10 questions for you, that will take you less than 5 minutes to answer.

How can I contact you if I have questions? You can email us (the study leads Prof Alan Dangour and Dr Rob Hughes) at if you have any questions about this survey.

To take part you must be:

  • Aged between 13-25 years old AND live in a town/city, OR
  • A parent of someone under 13 years old AND live in a town/city, OR
  • Aged over 18, you or your partner are expecting a baby AND live in a town/city

Select the option that best describes you:

Single choice:

  • Aged between 13-25 years old
  • A parent of someone under 13 years old
  • Aged over 18, you or your partner are expecting a baby
  • None of these describe me
Consent 1 Participation is completely voluntary; you don't have to take part and you can stop at any time

Single choice:

  • OK, I want to complete the survey
  • No, I don't want to complete the survey
Consent 2 Your answers are anonymous – that means nobody will know who you are and nobody will be able to connect your answers back to you (including the researchers)

Single choice:

  • OK, I want to complete the survey
  • No, I don't want to complete the survey
Consent 3 We will write research reports, blogs, and social media posts based on what we learn from all survey responses combined together

Single choice:

  • OK, I want to complete the survey
  • No, I don't want to complete the survey
Consent 4 Storing and sharing data: We will keep your answers securely on our computers, and we might also share them with other scientists in the future too (we will never have or share any information that could identify you individually)

Single choice:

  • OK, I want to complete the survey
  • No, I don't want to complete the survey
Consent 5

You will not get any reward or prize for taking part

(To show our thanks, you will receive a certificate of participation at the end that you can print out.)

Single choice:

  • OK, I want to complete the survey
  • No, I don't want to complete the survey
Question 1 Do you have any questions?

Single choice:

  • Yes - Take me to the FAQs
  • No - START survey


Why are you doing this work?

We are really keen to learn what children, young people and parents (and people who are soon to become parents) think of their city. We think children’s voices and opinions are not included enough, and want to try to address this.

2. How did you select me?

We want to hear from people who live in your city who are children/young people, parents of children or expecting a baby soon. We paid for posts to appear in Facebook/Instagram feeds of people like you who live in your city. (This is based on the information that Facebook/Instagram holds about you, not any information we have – we do not have, or have access to, any personal information at all).

3. Why do I not get anything in return for completing the survey?

Firstly, this is a very short survey – it will probably only take you up to 6-7 minutes to complete it. Also, sending you a thank you for your time would require collecting personal information about you, like your phone number or email address; we don’t want to collect and store that information, so thought it would be simpler to simply THANK YOU for your time if you do decide to complete the survey. (There is a certificate you can print at the end if you'd like to).

4. Who are you?

We are researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (lead researchers Prof Alan Dangour and Dr Rob Hughes), in the United Kingdom. This work is funded by the Botnar Foundation (which is based in Switzerland).

5. How will you keep my answers private?

Firstly, we are deliberately not collecting any personal information which could identify you from the many thousands of responses we’re hoping to collect. Secondly, all the responses are kept safely on a highly secure computer.

Single choice:

  • Yes - get in touch
  • No – START survey