Readcodes,clinical_code,termv2_desc,termv3_desc,cognition 1B1A.,Read v2,memory loss - amnesia,Amnesia,Prev cognition 1B1Y.,Read v2,poor visual sequential memory,Poor visual sequential memory,Prev cognition 1S23.,Read v2,memory impairment,Memory impairment,Prev cognition 2841.,Read v2,confusion,Confused,Prev cognition 28E..,Read v2,cognitive decline,Cognitive decline,Prev cognition 28E0.,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment,Mild cognitive impairment,Prev cognition 28E1.,Read v2,moderate cognitive impairment,Moderate cognitive impairment,Prev cognition 28E2.,Read v2,severe cognitive impairment,Severe cognitive impairment,Prev cognition 28E3.,Read v2,cognitive impairment,Cognitive impairment,Prev cognition 3A10.,Read v2,memory: own age not known,Memory: own age not known,Prev cognition 3A20.,Read v2,memory: present time not known,Memory: present time not known,Prev cognition 3A30.,Read v2,memory: present place not knwn,Memory: present place not knwn,Prev cognition 3A40.,Read v2,memory: present year not known,Memory: present year not known,Prev cognition 3A50.,Read v2,memory: own dob not known,Memory: own DOB not known,Prev cognition 3A60.,Read v2,memory: present month not knwn,Memory: present month not knwn,Prev cognition 3A70.,Read v2,memory: important event not kn,Memory: important event not kn,Prev cognition 3A80.,Read v2,memory: import.person not knwn,Memory: import.person not knwn,Prev cognition 3AE1.,Read v2,gds level 2 - very mild cognitive decline,GDS level 2 - very mild cognitive decline,Prev cognition 3AE2.,Read v2,gds level 3 - mild cognitive decline,GDS level 3 - mild cognitive decline,Prev cognition 3AE3.,Read v2,gds level 4 - moderate cognitive decline,GDS level 4 - moderate cognitive decline,Prev cognition 3AE4.,Read v2,gds level 5 - moderately severe cognitive decline,GDS level 5 - moderately severe cognitive decline,Prev cognition 3AE5.,Read v2,gds level 6 - severe cognitive decline,GDS level 6 - severe cognitive decline,Prev cognition 3AE6.,Read v2,gds level 7 - very severe cognitive decline,GDS level 7 - very severe cognitive decline,Prev cognition 6AQ..,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment review,Mild cognitive impairment review,Prev cognition 8HTY.,Read v2,referral to memory clinic,Referral to memory clinic,Prev cognition 8IEn.,Read v2,referral to memory clinic declined,Referral to memory clinic declined,Prev cognition 8IHL.,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment review declined,Mild cognitive impairment review declined,Prev cognition 9Nip.,Read v2,did not attend mild cognitive impairment review,Did not attend mild cognitive impairment review,Prev cognition 9Nk1.,Read v2,seen in memory clinic,Seen in memory clinic,Prev cognition 9OlB.,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment review invitation,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation,Prev cognition 9OlB0,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment review invitation first letter,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation first letter,Prev cognition 9OlB1,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment review invitation second letter,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation second letter,Prev cognition 9OlB2,Read v2,mild cognitive impairment review invitation third letter,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation third letter,Prev cognition C251.,Read v2,wernicke's encephalopathy,Other and unspecified thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency states,Prev cognition C253.,Read v2,wernicke's encephalopathy,Wernicke's encephalopathy,Prev cognition E0112,Read v2,wernicke-korsakov syndrome,Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome,Prev cognition E030.,Read v2,toxic confusional state,Acute brain syndrome,Prev cognition E042.,Read v2,chronic confusional state,Chronic confusional state,Prev cognition E132.,Read v2,reactive confusion,Reactive confusion,Prev cognition E2A10,Read v2,mild memory disturbance,Mild memory disturbance,Prev cognition E2A11,Read v2,organic memory impairment,Organic memory impairment,Prev cognition Eu057,Read v2,[x]mild cognitive disorder,Mild cognitive disorder,Prev cognition Eu44y,Read v2,[x]psychogenic confusion,[X]Psychogenic confusion,Prev cognition Eu802,Read v2,[x]developmental wernicke's aphasia,Receptive language delay,Prev cognition R009.,Read v2,[d]confusion,[D]Confusion,Prev cognition R0090,Read v2,[d]toxic confusional state,[D]Toxic confusional state,Prev cognition R00z0,Read v2,[d]memory deficit,[D]Memory deficit,Prev cognition R043.,Read v2,[d]aphasia,[D]Aphasia,Prev cognition R0451,Read v2,[d]dysphasia,[D]Dysphasia,Prev cognition Ua189,CTV3,cognitive impairment,Cognitive impairment,Prev cognition Ub1UO,CTV3,[x]developmental wernicke's aphasia,Receptive language delay,Prev cognition Ub1Ua,CTV3,[x]developmental wernicke's aphasia,Congenital auditory imperception,Prev cognition X0053,CTV3,wernicke's encephalopathy,Wernicke's encephalopathy,Prev cognition X00RI,CTV3,toxic confusional state,Toxic confusional state,Prev cognition X00RS,CTV3,[x]mild cognitive disorder,Mild cognitive disorder,Prev cognition X75xU,CTV3,memory loss - amnesia,Memory impairment,Prev cognition X75xY,CTV3,memory loss - amnesia,Amnesia,Prev cognition XE110,CTV3,wernicke's encephalopathy,Other and unspecified thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency states,Prev cognition XE1Xv,CTV3,toxic confusional state,Acute brain syndrome,Prev cognition XE1Z4,CTV3,[x]developmental wernicke's aphasia,Developmental aphasia,Prev cognition XE1Zm,CTV3,[x]psychogenic confusion,[X]Other dissociative [conversion] disorders,Prev cognition XE1a5,CTV3,[x]developmental wernicke's aphasia,[X]Receptive language disorder,Prev cognition Xa1a2,CTV3,[x]psychogenic confusion,Dissociative confusion,Prev cognition Xa1bP,CTV3,chronic confusional state,Chronic confusional state,Prev cognition XaJBS,CTV3,gds level 2 - very mild cognitive decline,GDS level 2 - very mild cognitive decline,Prev cognition XaJBT,CTV3,gds level 3 - mild cognitive decline,GDS level 3 - mild cognitive decline,Prev cognition XaJBU,CTV3,gds level 4 - moderate cognitive decline,GDS level 4 - moderate cognitive decline,Prev cognition XaJBV,CTV3,gds level 5 - moderately severe cognitive decline,GDS level 5 - moderately severe cognitive decline,Prev cognition XaJBW,CTV3,gds level 6 - severe cognitive decline,GDS level 6 - severe cognitive decline,Prev cognition XaJBX,CTV3,gds level 7 - very severe cognitive decline,GDS level 7 - very severe cognitive decline,Prev cognition XaJfi,CTV3,poor visual sequential memory,Poor visual sequential memory,Prev cognition XaJua,CTV3,referral to memory clinic,Referral to memory clinic,Prev cognition XaNbm,CTV3,seen in memory clinic,Seen in memory clinic,Prev cognition Xaa9t,CTV3,referral to memory clinic declined,Referral to memory clinic declined,Prev cognition Xaagi,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment,Mild cognitive impairment,Prev cognition Xaagj,CTV3,moderate cognitive impairment,Moderate cognitive impairment,Prev cognition Xaagk,CTV3,severe cognitive impairment,Severe cognitive impairment,Prev cognition XaeeO,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment review invitation,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation,Prev cognition XaeeP,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment review invitation first letter,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation first letter,Prev cognition XaeeQ,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment review invitation second letter,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation second letter,Prev cognition XaeeR,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment review invitation third letter,Mild cognitive impairment review invitation third letter,Prev cognition XaeeS,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment review declined,Mild cognitive impairment review declined,Prev cognition XaeeX,CTV3,did not attend mild cognitive impairment review,Did not attend mild cognitive impairment review,Prev cognition Xaeta,CTV3,mild cognitive impairment review,Mild cognitive impairment review,Prev cognition