COVID-19 vaccination beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours among health and social care workers in the UK: Survey dataset – Data codebook

Permanent identifier


Data description

Data collected as part of an online cross-sectional survey to investigate COVID-19 vaccination beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours amongst health and social care workers (H&SCWs) in the UK by socio-demographic and employment variables. The survey included four main sections, comprised of questions relating to: (1) Demographics; (2) Employment; (3) COVID-19 vaccination beliefs and COVID-19 risk perceptions; and (4) Sources of COVID-19 vaccination information. In total, 1919 people were surveyed – 1658 healthcare workers (HCWs) and 261 social care workers (SCWs).

Data access conditions

The data codebook lists variables that were collected by the research study.

Anonymised data may be requested for the purpose of academic research and healthcare improvement, subject to evidence of ethics approval being provided. Processing has been performed to de-identify the dataset while maintaining the research context.

To manage the risk of indirect identification through analysis of several variables (due to the low number of responses received for some questions) and use of other data sources, further processing may be necessary when preparing data to fulfil the access request. In circumstances where full de-identification is not feasible without context loss, applicants will be asked to sign a Data Transfer Agreement as a condition of data access.

Data codebook

Variable Name Variable Label Answer code Answer Label Variable Type
ID Anonymised ID number     Numeric
Gender How would you describe your gender?     Numeric
    1 Male  
    2 Female  
    99 Prefer to self describe (please enter the term you use to describe your gender)  
Q4_3_TEXT How would you describe your gender? - Prefer to self describe (please enter the term you use to describe your gender)     String
Age What is your age?      
    1 Under 25 years  
    2 25 to 34 years  
    3 35 to 44 years  
    4 45 to 54 years  
    5 55 to 64 years  
    6 65 years and over  
Religion What religion, if any, do you most closely identify with?     Numeric
    1 No religion  
    2 Atheist  
    3 Buddhist  
    4 Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations)  
    5 Hindu  
    6 Jewish  
    7 Muslim  
    8 Sikh  
    9 Any other religion (please write here)  
    10 Prefer not to say  
Q6_9_TEXT What religion, if any, do you most closely identify with? - Any other religion (please write here)     String
Disability Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months (including any problems related to old age)?     Numeric
    1 Yes, limited a little  
    2 Yes, limited a lot  
    3 No  
Q8 What is your country of birth?     Numeric
    1 Afghanistan  
    2 Albania  
    3 Algeria  
    4 Andorra  
    5 Angola  
    6 Antigua and Barbuda  
    7 Argentina  
    8 Armenia  
    9 Australia  
    10 Austria  
    11 Azerbaijan  
    12 Bahamas  
    13 Bahrain  
    14 Bangladesh  
    15 Barbados  
    16 Belarus  
    17 Belgium  
    18 Belize  
    19 Benin  
    20 Bhutan  
    21 Bolivia  
    22 Bosnia and Herzegovina  
    23 Botswana  
    24 Brazil  
    25 Brunei Darussalam  
    26 Bulgaria  
    27 Burkina Faso  
    28 Burundi  
    29 Cambodia  
    30 Cameroon  
    31 Canada  
    32 Cape Verde  
    33 Central African Republic  
    34 Chad  
    35 Chile  
    36 China  
    37 Colombia  
    38 Comoros  
    39 Congo, Republic of the...  
    40 Costa Rica  
    41 Côte d'Ivoire  
    42 Croatia  
    43 Cuba  
    44 Cyprus  
    45 Czech Republic  
    46 Democratic People's Republic of Korea  
    47 Democratic Republic of the Congo  
    48 Denmark  
    49 Djibouti  
    50 Dominica  
    51 Dominican Republic  
    52 Ecuador  
    53 Egypt  
    54 El Salvador  
    55 Equatorial Guinea  
    56 Eritrea  
    57 Estonia  
    58 Ethiopia  
    59 Fiji  
    60 Finland  
    61 France  
    62 Gabon  
    63 Gambia  
    64 Georgia  
    65 Germany  
    66 Ghana  
    67 Greece  
    68 Grenada  
    69 Guatemala  
    70 Guinea  
    71 Guinea-Bissau  
    72 Guyana  
    73 Haiti  
    74 Honduras  
    75 Hong Kong (S.A.R.)  
    76 Hungary  
    77 Iceland  
    78 India  
    79 Indonesia  
    80 Iran, Islamic Republic of...  
    81 Iraq  
    82 Ireland  
    83 Israel  
    84 Italy  
    85 Jamaica  
    86 Japan  
    87 Jordan  
    88 Kazakhstan  
    89 Kenya  
    90 Kiribati  
    91 Kuwait  
    92 Kyrgyzstan  
    93 Lao People's Democratic Republic  
    94 Latvia  
    95 Lebanon  
    96 Lesotho  
    97 Liberia  
    98 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  
    99 Liechtenstein  
    100 Lithuania  
    101 Luxembourg  
    102 Madagascar  
    103 Malawi  
    104 Malaysia  
    105 Maldives  
    106 Mali  
    107 Malta  
    108 Marshall Islands  
    109 Mauritania  
    110 Mauritius  
    111 Mexico  
    112 Micronesia, Federated States of...  
    113 Monaco  
    114 Mongolia  
    115 Montenegro  
    116 Morocco  
    117 Mozambique  
    118 Myanmar  
    119 Namibia  
    120 Nauru  
    121 Nepal  
    122 Netherlands  
    123 New Zealand  
    124 Nicaragua  
    125 Niger  
    126 Nigeria  
    127 North Korea  
    128 Norway  
    129 Oman  
    130 Pakistan  
    131 Palau  
    132 Panama  
    133 Papua New Guinea  
    134 Paraguay  
    135 Peru  
    136 Philippines  
    137 Poland  
    138 Portugal  
    139 Qatar  
    140 Republic of Korea  
    141 Republic of Moldova  
    142 Romania  
    143 Russian Federation  
    144 Rwanda  
    145 Saint Kitts and Nevis  
    146 Saint Lucia  
    147 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  
    148 Samoa  
    149 San Marino  
    150 Sao Tome and Principe  
    151 Saudi Arabia  
    152 Senegal  
    153 Serbia  
    154 Seychelles  
    155 Sierra Leone  
    156 Singapore  
    157 Slovakia  
    158 Slovenia  
    159 Solomon Islands  
    160 Somalia  
    161 South Africa  
    162 South Korea  
    163 Spain  
    164 Sri Lanka  
    165 Sudan  
    166 Suriname  
    167 Swaziland  
    168 Sweden  
    169 Switzerland  
    170 Syrian Arab Republic  
    171 Tajikistan  
    172 Thailand  
    173 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia  
    174 Timor-Leste  
    175 Togo  
    176 Tonga  
    177 Trinidad and Tobago  
    178 Tunisia  
    179 Turkey  
    180 Turkmenistan  
    181 Tuvalu  
    182 Uganda  
    183 Ukraine  
    184 United Arab Emirates  
    185 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  
    186 United Republic of Tanzania  
    187 United States of America  
    188 Uruguay  
    189 Uzbekistan  
    190 Vanuatu  
    191 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of...  
    192 Viet Nam  
    193 Yemen  
    580 Zambia  
    1357 Zimbabwe  
A9 Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?     String
    1 White:- British  
    2 White:- Irish  
    3 Gypsy or Irish Traveller  
    4 White:- Other White background  
    5 Mixed:- White and Black Caribbean  
    6 Mixed:- White and Black African  
    7 Mixed:- White and Asian  
    8 Mixed:- Other mixed background  
    9 Black or Black British:- African  
    10 Black or Black British:- Caribbean  
    11 Black or Black British:- Any other Black background  
    12 Asian or Asian British:- Indian  
    13 Asian or Asian British:- Pakistani  
    14 Asian or Asian British:- Bangladeshi  
    15 Asian or Asian British:- Other Asian background  
    16 Chinese  
    17 Arab  
    18 Other ethnic group not represented by these options (please state)  
    19 Prefer not to say  
A9_18_TEXT Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (Free text response)     Numeric
A10_1 Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. I have spent time trying to find out more about my ethnic group, such as its history, traditions and customs     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 Neither agree nor disagree  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly Agree  
A10_2 Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. - I have a strong sense of belonging to my own ethnic group     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 Neither agree nor disagree  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly Agree  
A10_3 Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. I have often done things that will help me to understand my ethnic group better     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 Neither agree nor disagree  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly Agree  
A10_4 Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. - I have often talked to other people to learn more about my ethnic group     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 Neither agree nor disagree  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly Agree  
A10_5 Please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. - I feel a strong attachment towards my ethnic group     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 Neither agree nor disagree  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly Agree  
Sector Which best describes the sector that you most often work in?     Numeric
    1 Health care  
    2 Social care  
Q12 How long have your worked in this sector?     Numeric
    1 Less than 1 year  
    2 1-3 years  
    3 4-6 years  
    4 7-9 years  
    5 10-12 years  
    6 13-15 years  
    7 16 years or more  
Q64 In which country do you currently work?     Numeric
    1 England  
    2 Scotland  
    3 Wales  
    4 Northern Ireland  
Q13 In which region of England do you currently work?     Numeric
    1 South East  
    2 Greater London  
    3 North West  
    4 East of England  
    5 West Midlands  
    6 South West  
    7 Yorkshire and the Humber  
    8 East Midlands  
    9 North East  
    10 Prefer not to answer  
Q14 Which best describes the sector that you work in?      
    1 Primary - Community  
    2 Primary - General practice  
    3 Secondary (hospital or community care that is planned (elective), or urgent and emergency)  
    4 Tertiary (highly specialised services - for people needing complex treatments who are referred from primary or secondary care)  
Q15 Please select your employer type     Numeric
    1 Independent  
    2 Local authority  
    3 Jobs for direct payment recipients  
    4 NHS  
    5 Other (please write here)  
Q15_5_TEXT Please select your employer type - Other (please write here)     String
Social_care_role Please select your role by main type of service group      
    1 Residential  
    2 Domiciliary  
    3 Day  
    4 Community  
    5 Other (please write here)  
    6 Do not know  
    7 Regulated Professionals  
Q16_5_TEXT Please select your role by main type of service group - Other (please write here)      String
Q17 What is your job role? - Selected Choice     Numeric
    1 Care worker  
    2 Senior care worker  
    3 Manager  
    4 Social worker (LA)  
    5 Occupational therapist (LA)  
    6 Social care support staff  
    7 Registered nurse in social care  
    8 Other (please write here)  
Q17_8_TEXT What is your job role? - Other (please write here)      String
HCP_Occ_Group Which of the following best describes your occupational group?     Numeric
    1 Allied Health Professional/Healthcare Scientist/Scientific and Technical  
    2 Medical and Dental  
    3 Ambulance (operational)  
    4 Public Health  
    5 Commissioning  
    6 Registered Nurses and Midwives  
    7 Nursing or Healthcare Assistants  
    8 Wider Healthcare Team  
    9 General Management  
AlliedHCP Which role do you currently work in? - Selected Choice      
    1 Occupational Therapy  
    2 Physiotherapy  
    3 Radiography  
    4 Pharmacy  
    5 Clinical Psychology and Mental Health  
    6 Psychotherapy  
    7 Operating Department Practitioner  
    8 Other qualified Allied Health Professionals (e.g. dietetics, speech and language therapy)  
    9 Support to Allied Health Professionals (e.g. support worker, therapy helper, therapy assistant or student)  
    10 Other qualified Scientific and Technical or Healthcare Scientists (e.g. haematology, clinical biochemistry, microbiology)  
    11 Support to Healthcare Scientists (e.g. technicians, assistants or students)  
    12 Other (please write here)  
    13 Social worker  
Q19_12_TEXT Which role do you currently work in? - Other (please write here)      String
Medical Which role do you currently work in? - Selected Choice     Numeric
    1 Medical - Consultant  
    2 Dental - Consultant  
    3 Medical - In Training  
    4 Dental - In Training  
    5 Salaried Primary Care Dentists  
    6 Other (please write here)  
    7 Medical - General practitioner  
    8 Medical - Other (e.g. Staff and Associate Specialists / Non-consultant career grade)  
    9 Dental - Other (e.g. Staff and Associate Specialists / Non-consultant career grade)  
Q20_6_TEXT Which role do you currently work in? - Other (please write here)    String  
Q21 Which role do you currently work in? - Selected Choice      
    1 Emergency Care Practitioner  
    2 Paramedic  
    3 Emergency Care Assistant  
    4 Ambulance Technician  
    5 Ambulance Control Staff (e.g. call handler, dispatchers, PTS controllers)  
    6 Patient Transport Service (e.g. ambulance drivers, support staff)  
    7 Other (please write here)  
Q21_7_TEXT Which role do you currently work in? - Other (please write here)     String
Nurse_Midwife Which role do you currently work in? - Selected Choice      
    1 Nurse - Adult/General  
    2 Nurse - Mental health  
    3 Nurse - Learning disabilities  
    4 Nurse - Children  
    5 Nurse - District/Community  
    6 Nurse - Other (please write here)  
    7 Midwife  
    8 Health Visitor  
    9 Other (please write here)  
Q22_6_TEXT Which role do you currently work in? - Nurse - Other (please write here)     String
Q22_9_TEXT Which role do you currently work in? - Other (please write here)       
Wider_HC_Team Which role do you currently work in? - Selected Choice     Numeric
    1 Admin & Clerical (including Medical Secretary)  
    2 Central Functions/Corporate Services (e.g. HR, Finance, Information Systems, Information Technology)  
    3 Maintenance/Ancillary (e.g. housekeeping, domestic staff, maintenance, facilities, estates)  
    4 Other (please write here)  
Q23_4_TEXT Which role do you currently work in? - Other (please write here)     String
Q24 What pay band (Agenda for Change) are you currently working at?     Numeric
    1 Band 1  
    2 Band 2  
    3 Band 3  
    4 Band 4  
    5 Band 5  
    6 Band 6  
    7 Band 7  
    8 Band 8a  
    9 Band 8b  
    10 Band 8c  
    11 Band 8d  
    12 Band 9  
    13 Not applicable - not within the Agenda for Change pay system  
Q25 To what extent do you agree with the following: I would recommend my organisation as a place to work     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Somewhat disagree  
    3 Neither agree nor disagree  
    4 Somewhat agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Dis_Patients In the last 6 months have you personally experienced discrimination (being treated less favourably by someone else because of your ethnic background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age) at work from any of the following? - Patients, service users, or clients     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Dis_Colleagues In the last 6 months have you personally experienced discrimination (being treated less favourably by someone else because of your ethnic background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age) at work from any of the following? - Colleagues     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Q56_1 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Ethnic background     Numeric
    1 Ethnic background  
Q56_2 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Gender     Numeric
    1 Gender  
Q56_3 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Religion     Numeric
    1 Religion  
Q56_4 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Sexual orientation     Numeric
    1 Sexual orientation  
Q56_5 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Disability     Numeric
    1 Disability  
Q56_6 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Age     Numeric
    1 Age  
Q56_7 If you have experienced any discrimination at work, on what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Other     Numeric
    1 Other  
Q26 On an average day in your job, how much of your time is spent in direct (i.e. face-to-face) contact with patients, service users, or clients?     Numeric
    1 Almost all  
    2 Around half  
    3 Less than half  
    4 None  
Q27 In your job role, do you come into direct (i.e. face-to-face) contact with patients, service users, or clients at higher risk of severe COVID-19? (e.g. due to older age or clinical risk)     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
    3 Unsure  
Q52 In your job role, to your knowledge have you provided direct care (i.e. had face-to-face contact) with a patient, service user, or client diagnosed with COVID-19?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Self_High_Risk Do you belong to a group that is considered at higher risk of severe COVID-19?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Covid_positive Have you ever tested positive for COVID-19 during the pandemic?     Numeric
    0 No  
    1 Yes – I have tested positive for COVID-19  
Covid_suspected Although you have never tested positive for COVID-19, do you think you may have had COVID-19 at some stage during the pandemic?     Numeric
    0 No  
    1 Yes  
Q62 To your knowledge, has a close friend or family member of yours tested positive for COVID-19 at any point during the pandemic?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Self_isolate Have you had to self-isolate during the pandemic due to potential COVID-19 exposure/displaying potential COVID-19 symptoms?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Self_isolate_times How many times have you had to self-isolate during the pandemic?     Numeric
    1 Once  
    2 Twice  
    3 3 times  
    4 4 or more times  
Q32 How much has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on your day-to-day life?     Numeric
    1 No impact  
    2 Minor impact  
    3 Moderate impact  
    4 Major impact  
flu_vax_20_21 Have you had the seasonal flu vaccine for this season (2020/21)?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
flu_vax_19_20 Did you had the seasonal flu vaccine for the previous season (2019/20)?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Covid_Vax_offered Now that a COVID-19 vaccine has become available to health and social care workers, have you been offered a COVID-19 vaccine?     Numeric
    1 Yes  
    2 No  
Q37 Have you had or are you intending to have the COVID-19 vaccine?     Numeric
    1 Yes, I have had the vaccine  
    2 I have been offered the vaccine and have or will book a vaccination appointment  
    3 I have been offered the vaccine but have decided not to take it  
Q65 Which COVID-19 vaccine were you offered? - Selected Choice     Numeric
    1 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine  
    2 Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine  
    3 Moderna vaccine  
    4 Do not know  
    5 Other (please state)  
Q65_5_TEXT Which COVID-19 vaccine were you offered? - Other (please state)     String
Difficulty_to_vax1 How difficult was it to access the COVID-19 vaccine in your organisation? - Very easy:Very difficult      
    1 1 (Very easy)  
    2 2  
    3 3  
    4 4  
    5 5  
    6 6 (very difficult)  
Q39 If you were offered a COVID-19 vaccine would you accept it?     Numeric
    1 Yes, definitely  
    2 Unsure but leaning towards yes  
    3 Unsure but leaning towards no  
    4 No, definitely not  
Difficulty_to_vax2 How difficult do you think it is to access the COVID-19 vaccine in your organisation? - Very easy:Very difficult     Numeric
    1 1 (Very easy)  
    2 2  
    3 3  
    4 4  
    5 5  
    6 6 (very difficult)  
Q58 How much would you worry about contracting COVID-19 in the next 6 months if you were not to get a COVID-19 vaccine?     Numeric
    1 None at all  
    2 A little  
    3 A moderate amount  
    4 A lot  
    5 A great deal  
Q57 How much regret would you feel in the next 6 months if you did not get a COVID-19 vaccine and subsequently contracted COVID-19?     Numeric
    1 None at all  
    2 A little  
    3 A moderate amount  
    4 A lot  
    5 A great deal  
Info_1 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - My work colleagues     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_2 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Social media     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_3 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Community leaders     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_4 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Religious leaders     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_5 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - NHS     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_6 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - News media (e.g. print or online newspapers, radio and television news broadcasts)     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_7 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Government     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_8 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Family     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_9 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Friends     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_10 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Scientists involved in COVID-19 vaccine development     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_11 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Public Health England      
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Info_12 I trust the advice on Covid-19 vaccination given by... - Health professionals      
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Disagree  
    3 No opinion  
    4 Agree  
    5 Strongly agree  
Ethnicity_7Cat Recoded ethnicity in to 7 ethnicity groups      
    1 White British, White Irish & Gypsy or Irish Traveller  
    2 White other  
    3 Black or Black British African or Mixed Black African  
    4 Black or Black British Caribbean or Mixed Black Caribbean  
    5 Asian or Asian British:- Indian  
    6 Other South East Asian or Mixed Asian  
    7 Other Minority  
    8 Missing/Prefer not to say  
Ethnic_ident Combined ethnic identity measures. Final score between 1 weak sense of identity - 5 strong sense of identity     Numeric
Vaccine_refusal Accepted or appointment booked / vaccine declined      
    0 Vaccinated or appointment booked  
    1 Vaccine declined  
Vax_att_1 I think COVID-19 is deadlier than seasonal flu     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_2 I think it's important for social/health care workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_3 I think it’s important for social/health care workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine to protect their families     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_4 I think it’s important for social care workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine to protect their patients, service users, or clients     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_5 I think that COVID-19 vaccines are safe     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_6 I think that COVID-19 vaccines are effective      
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_7 I think it is important for people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to get life back to 'normal'      
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_8 I think that COVID-19 vaccines are compatible with my religious beliefs     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_9 I feel well informed about COVID-19 vaccination     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_10 My family and friends expect me to accept a COVID-19 vaccine     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_11 My colleagues expect me to accept a COVID-19 vaccine     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_12 I felt under pressure from my employer to get a COVID-19 vaccine     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
Vax_att_13 I am worried about getting side-effects from a COVID-19 vaccine     Numeric
    1 Strongly disagree  
    2 Tend to disagree  
    3 Tend to agree  
    4 Strongly agree  
flu_vax_uptake Flu uptake rate across two years      
    0 no vaccine  
    1 at least one year  
    2 both years  
Job_role recoded Q18 and social care     Numeric
    1 Allied Health Professionals  
    2 Medical  
    3 Registered Nursing and Midwives  
    4 Nursing or Healthcare Assistant  
    5 Social Care  
    6 Other  
Religion_recoded recoded religion into less catagories     Numeric
    1 Atheist/No religion  
    2 Buddhist  
    3 Christian and all other Christian denominations  
    4 Hindu  
    5 Jewish  
    6 Muslim  
    7 Sikh  
    8 Other  
Covid_pos_or_likely Covid_pos_or_likely     Numeric
    0 No Covid  
    1 Positive test or likely covid  
Belief_Component1 (Vax_att_2 + Vax_att_3 + Vax_att_4 + Vax_att_5 + Vax_att_6 + Vax_att_7) / 6     Numeric
Belief_Component3 (Vax_att_10 + Vax_att_11 + Vax_att_12) / 3.     Numeric
Trust_Component1 (Scientists + PHE + NHS +Health Professionals) / 4     Numeric
Trust_Component2 (Social media, Community leader, religious leaders, news media) / 4     Numeric
Trust_Component3 (Friends + Family) / 2     Numeric