Presence of recommendations for the management of malnourished children living with disabilities in national and international SAM guidelines: Interview transcripts and guideline content spreadsheet – User Guide

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The collection consists of:

  1. A set of interview transcripts covering the perceived barriers to formalising guidelines regarding the treatment of severe acute malnutrition in children living with disabilities. Interviews were conducted with eight experts involved in guideline development and provide a first scoping and identification of possible issues leading to an underrepresentation of this vulnerable patient group in malnutrition guidelines.
  2. An excel spreadsheet containing summarised content information of 71 national and international malnutrition guidelines for an overview of available guidance for children living with disabilities.

Data collection methods

Interviews were conducted via an online video call with eight experts involved in malnutrition guideline development. Interviewees received a participant information sheet and gave their informed consent. Interviews were transcribed, anonymised and offered to the interviewees for revision regarding accuracy.

71 malnutrition guidelines were sourced online (via a common search engine and through resource collections of malnutrition working groups, homepages of national health ministries or NGO homepages) and via professional contacts. They were read in their entirety, then relevant content (e.g. on clinical recommendations, availability of links to other disability specific guidance etc.) was extracted into an excel spreadsheet to provide a comprehensive overview.

Data analysis and preparation

Interviews: A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted using the 8 anonymised transcripts.

Excel spreadsheet: no specific data analysis was performed

Geographic regions


Key dates

Interviews were conducted between June and August 2020

Malnutrition guidelines were sourced, read and summarized between May and July 2020

Quality controls

Interview transcripts and the data file were reviewed by my project supervisor Marko Kerac


Interview participants were eight malnutrition experts involved in guideline development in various geographic regions.


Direct identifiers were removed from interview transcripts.


Forename Surname Faculty / Dept Institution Role
Magdalena Engl Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Data Creator
Marko Kerac Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health / Department of Population Health London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Supervisor


disability, malnutrition, malnutrition guidelines, undernutrition, severe acute malnutrition, children living with disabilities, wasting

Language of written material


Project information

Project name Funder/sponsor Grant number Other information
Infants <6 Months and Children Living with Disabilities in Guidelines for Severe Acute Malnutrition: An AGREE Appraisal of National and International Guidelines none - -


Organisation Ethics committee Ethics ID Other information
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine LSHTM ethics committee 21844 -

File description

Filename Description Access status Licence
Transcript_Interview1 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview2 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview3 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview4 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview5 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview6 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview7 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Transcript_Interview8 Discussion with a malnutrition expert on perceived barriers to formalising recommendations for the management of severe malnutrition in children living with disabilities Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access
Malnutrition_guidelines_summary Spreadsheet summarizing content of 71 national and international malnutrition guidelines Request access for all Data Sharing Agreement for request access