CHAKA-SONA Normative Dataset – Codebook

Permanent Identifier


The dataset contains sociodemographic information, health and neurocognitive and psychiatric outcomes of 322 school children who participated in the neurocognitive sub-study that was nested within SONA project. It is supported by two questionnaires that were used to collect these data, and consent and assent forms that were used in the study.

Data sharing

The study was performed prior to the introduction of data sharing requirements and, as a result, it was not raised during the consent process. Limited access to anonymised data may be feasible under controlled access conditions, subject to approval from the Uganda Virus Research Institute Research (UVRI) Ethics Committee and the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. No participant identifiable information can be made available.

De-identified test scores may be provided to researchers for the purpose of research verification. Researchers must apply for access, providing a clear description of the proposed use of the dataset, variables requested, and other information necessary to support request (e.g. information on funded research, evidence of relevant experience). The application will be evaluated by the study team. If access is approved, the applicant / their host institution will be asked to sign a Data Transfer Agreement, which includes conditions for the secure storage of data.

Dataset use for further research will require additional ethics approval by the ethics committees that approved the original research.

Psychiatric disorders groups

The psychiatric disorders were placed into groups/categories and each labelled with an alphabetical letter. The questions within each group/category were labelled with a letter and number. The categories/groups were as follows:

For the Youth Inventory Self Report, the groups are:

Variable list

The CHAKA_SONA_Normative_dataset contains the following variables. Null values (blank fields in the dataset) indicate that the questions were not asked or not applicable to the patient.

Variable name Variable description Variable type Categories
idno Patient ID number (unlinked ID generated for each dataset) Integer  
agecat Age category continuous 0=child, 1=adolescent (12-17 years)
adolesyes1 Is this an adolescent (12-17 years)? Overlap with agecat variable categorical 1=Yes, 2=No
age Absolute age. This was calculated by measuring difference between date of birth and interview date. If patient did not know DOB, they were asked their age. This field is restricted.    
sex Sex of the patient categorical 1=Male, 2=Female
nrrawscore Number recall raw score continuous  
nrscaledscore number recall scaled score continuous  
rrawscore rover raw score    
rscaled score rover scaled score    
trawscore triangles raw score    
tscaled score triangles scaled score    
bcrawscore block counting raw score    
bcscaledscore block counting scaled score    
worawscore word order raw score    
woscaledscore word order scaled score    
sumseq sequential score    
sumsim simultaneous score    
details1 Does not pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
tasks1 Has difficulty paying attention to tasks or activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
listen1 Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly cetegorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
instructio1 Has difficulty following through on instructions and fails to finish things categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
organising1 Has difficulty organising work and activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
avoids1 Avoids doing tasks that require a lot of mental effort (school work, homework, etc.) categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
loses1 Loses things necessary for activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
distrcted1 Is easily distracted by other things going on categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
forgetful1 Is forgetful in daily activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
feethan1 Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
seated1 Has difficulty remaining seated when asked to do so categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
climbs1 Runs about or climbs on things when asked not to do so categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
jittery1 Seems restless or jittery categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
playing1 Has difficulty playing or doing things quietly categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
motor1 Is "on the go" or acts as if "driven by a motor" categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
talks1 Talks excessively categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
blurts1 Blurts out answers to questions before they have been completed categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
awaiting1 Has difficulty awaiting turn in group activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
interrupt1 Interrupts or intrudes on other people's activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
adhdfunc1 How often do behaviors in category A interfere with child/adolescents' ability to function at home, school, work and getting along with others categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
overconcernn1 Is over concerned about abilities in school, athletic, work, or social activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
worriess1 Has difficulty controlling worries categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
edgyy1 Acts restlessly or edgy categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
irritablee1 Is irritable for most of the day categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
tensee1 Is extremely tense or unable to relax categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
sleepingp1 Has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
gadfunct1 How often do behaviors in category D interfere with youth's ability to function at home, school, work and getting along with others? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
depressedm1 Is depressed for most of the day categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
pleasurabl1 Shows little interest (or enjoyment of) pleasurable activities categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
deathsuici1 Talks about death or suicide categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
worthless1 Feels worthless or guilty cetegorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
lowenergy1 Has low energy level or is tired for no apparent reason categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
confidence1 Has little confidence, feels inferior to others, or is very self-conscious categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
workright1 Feels that things never work out right categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often, 9=I do not know
mdefunction1 How often do behaviors in category K interfere with youth's ability to function at home, school, work and getting along with others? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
weightbig1 Has experienced a big change in his/her normal appetite or weight categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
sleepbig1 Has experienced a big change in his/her normal sleeping habits(trouble sleeping or sleeps too much) categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
activitybib1 Has experienced a big change in his/her normal activity level(overactive or inactive) categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
concentbig1 Has experienced a big change in his/her ability to concentrate or make decisions categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
gradebig1 Has experienced a big drop in school grades or schoolwork categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
tearfulmoer1 Has become more sensitive or more tearful than usual categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
stressful1 Has experienced a very stressful event such as parents' divorce, death of friend or relative, serious illness categorical 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=I do not know
careless1 I make careless mistakes categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
trobll1 I have trouble paying attention categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
directions1 I have trouble following directions categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
ffinish1 I start things but do not finish them categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
organizz1 I have trouble getting organized categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
avoidd1 I try to avoid doing things that require a lot of concentration like schoolwork and homework categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
lossee1 I lose things categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
distracct1 I am easily distracted by other things going on categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
forgett1 I am forgetful categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
fidgetty1 I am fidgety categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
sitting1 I have trouble sitting still categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
jitteryy1 I feel restless and jittery categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
quietll1 I have trouble doing things quietly categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
ongoo1 I am a person who is "on the go" categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
muccch1 People say that I talk too much categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
blurtt1 I blurt out the answers to the questions before I hear the entire question categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
freustrate1 I get frustrated when I have to wait my turn to do things categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
interrupt1 I interrupt others or butt into other people's business categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
axxxx1 How do behaviors in group A make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
skipp1 I skip school categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
stayoutt1 I stay out at night when am not supposed to categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
liee1 I lie to get my own way and to get out of doing things categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
treatt1 I threaten to hurt people categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
fightt1 I start physical fights categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
overnight1 I run away from home overnight categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
lookingg1 I take things when other people are not looking categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
property1 I destroy other people's property categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
setfires1 I set fires categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
moneyy1 I force people to give me their money or things categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
breakhouss1 I break into houses, buildings, or cars categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
weaponn1 I use a weapon when I fight (bat, bottle, knife, etc.) categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
hurtan1 I try to hurt animals categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
hurpeopll1 I try to physically hurt people categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
sexuall1 I force people into sexual activity categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
bxxx1 how often do behaviors in group B make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
tenmperr1 I lose my temper categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
arguu1 I argue with adults categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
telll1 I don’t do what adults tell me to do categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
annoyy1 I try to do things to annoy people categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
mistakk1 I blame others for my own mistakes categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
annoyy1 Other people annoy me categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
angry11 I get angry categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
getangry1 When I get angry, I take it out on others categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
cxxxx1 How often do behaviors in group C make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
worryy1 I worry a lot categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
trouble1 I have trouble getting myself to stop worrying categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
nervous1 I feel nervous categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
crankk1 I feel grouchy or cranky categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
relaxx1 I get real tense and can't relax categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
asleepp1 I have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
dxxxx1 How often do behaviors in group D make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
afraidd1 I am very afraid of certain things like animals, heights, storms, going places alone, or being "trapped" categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
dizzyy1 There are times when my heart pounds a lot and I feel dizzy and shaky and have difficulty breathing categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
upsettingg1 I have really upsetting thoughts and I cannot get them out of my mind categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
habitts1 I have habits that I just have to do over and over again like washing my hands, checking to see if locks are locked, or repeating things a set number of times categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
reallyupp1 Really upsetting things have happened to me and they still bother me categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
memriss1 I have really bad memories or dreams categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
eyeblinkk1 I have habits that I cannot control like eye blinking, nose twitching, shoulder shrugging, lip licking or head jerking categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
coughh1 I make sounds that I cannot control like coughing, throat clearing, sniffling, or grunting categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
achess1 I get aches and pains for no reason like headache or upset stomach categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
worryheal1 I worry about my health categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
socialsitt1 I get real nervous in social situations categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
kidsagg1 I am really shy when I am around other kids my age categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
leavhomm1 I get very upset when I have to leave home categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
parenackk1 I worry that my parents will be hurt or leave home and not come back categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
avoidstayy1 I try to avoid goig to school so that I stay home with my parent categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
lefthomm1 I worry about being left at home alone categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
nightmarr1 I have nightmares about being left alone categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
gxxxxx1 How often do behaviors in group G make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
unhappsadd1 I feel unhappy or sad categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
feelanyth1 I don’t feel like doing anything categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
deathsuicide I think about death or suicide categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
mselflike1 I don’t like myself categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
energythgg1 I feel tired, like I do not have any energy to do things categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
feelbadd1 I feel bad that I can’t do things as well as other people categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
feelright1 I feel that things never work out right categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
eatlott1 I eat a lot categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
sleeplott1 I sleep a lot categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
feelhurt1 My feelings get hurt very easily categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
kxxxxx1 How often do behaviors in group K make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job? categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
schoolgradd1 My school grades have really gone downhill categorical 1=No, 2=Yes
upsettingg1 In the past year, a very upsetting thing happened to me (parents divorced, a friend or relative died, serious accident, etc) categorical 1=No, 2=Yes
smoketabobb1 I smoke tobacco cigarettes categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
drnkalcolholl1 I drink alcohol beverages(Beer, wine, liqor) categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
troubalcohol1 I get in trouble because of alcohol use categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
smokmarijuaa1 I smoke marijuana categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
illegall1 I use other illegal drugs (cocaine, glue, speed, LSD, etc.) categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
troublillega1 I get in trouble because of illegal drug use categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often
oxxxx1 How often do behaviors in group O make it harder to do schoolwork, get along with others, or work on a job categorical 0=Never, 1=Sometimes, 2=Often, 3=Very often